Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// 计算验算点的压弯组合构件强度 GB 50017-2003 式(5.2.1)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="NL">截面内力</param>
        /// <param name="Sec">截面</param>
        /// <param name="iPt">截面中的验算点号</param>
        /// <param name="DPs">截面验算参数</param>
        /// <returns>强度应力(拉为正,压为负)</returns>
        public static double CalPointStrength_YW(SecForce NL, BSections Sec, int iPt, DesignParameters DPs)
            double y, z, Res;

            if (Sec is SectionDBuser)
                Sec.getCheckPoint(iPt, out y, out z); //取得截面验算点坐标
            else if (Sec is SectionGeneral)           //如果为自定截面则验算所有外轮廓点
                SectionGeneral GenSec = Sec as SectionGeneral;
                y = GenSec.OPOLY[iPt].X;
                z = GenSec.OPOLY[iPt].Y;
                y = 0; z = 0;

            if (y == 0 && z == 0)
            double Wy  = Sec.Iyy / z;         //抗弯截面模量
            double Wz  = Sec.Izz / y;         //抗弯截面模量
            double Wny = Wy * DPs.Ratio_Anet; //净截面模量
            double Wnz = Wz * DPs.Ratio_Anet; //净截面模量
            double My  = -(NL.My);            //弯矩,取内力的反号:参Midsa手册02 P16页梁单元内力输出方向
            double Mz  = -(NL.Mz);

            Res = NL.N / (Sec.Area * DPs.Ratio_Anet) +
                  My / (DPs.Gamma_y * Wny) + Mz / (DPs.Gamma_z * Wnz);
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// 计算截面所有验算点的控制稳定应力
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="NL">截面内力</param>
        /// <param name="Sec">截面对像</param>
        /// <param name="DPs">单元设计参数</param>
        /// <param name="E">材料弹性模量</param>
        /// <returns>截面稳定应力值</returns>
        public static double CalSecMaxStability_YW(SecForce NL, BSections Sec, DesignParameters DPs, double E)
            double            Res   = 0;
            List <double>     slist = new List <double>();
            Point2dCollection pts;

            if (Sec is SectionGeneral)
                SectionGeneral secg = Sec as SectionGeneral;
                pts = secg.OPOLY;
                pts = Sec.CheckPointCollection;
            foreach (Point2d pt in pts)
                slist.Add(CodeCheck.CalPointStability(NL, Sec, pt, DPs, E));

            foreach (double ss in slist)
                Res = Math.Max(Res, ss);
Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// 计算截面验算点上的强度最大值(绝对值)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="NL">截面内力</param>
        /// <param name="Sec">截面对像</param>
        /// <param name="DPs">单元设计参数</param>
        /// <returns>截面强度应力值(绝对值)</returns>
        public static double CalSecMaxStrength_YW(SecForce NL, BSections Sec, DesignParameters DPs)
            double        Res   = 0;
            List <double> slist = new List <double>();
            int           count = 4;

            if (Sec is SectionGeneral)
                SectionGeneral secg = Sec as SectionGeneral;
                count = secg.OPOLY.Length;
                count = 4;
            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                slist.Add(CodeCheck.CalPointStrength_YW(NL, Sec, i, DPs));

            foreach (double ss in slist)
                Res = Math.Max(Res, Math.Abs(ss));
        /// <summary>
        /// 读取单元信息表1
        /// </summary>
        public void ReadElem1(Worksheet Esheet0, ref Bmodel MyModel)
            int iFrow = Esheet0.Cells.FirstRowIndex;
            int iLrow = Esheet0.Cells.LastRowIndex;

            for (int i = iFrow + 1; i <= iLrow; i++)
                Row    CurRow = Esheet0.Cells.GetRow(i);
                int    imat   = int.Parse(CurRow.GetCell(4).StringValue); //材料性质id
                string Cursec = CurRow.GetCell(7).StringValue;            //截面名称

                int       iele    = int.Parse(CurRow.GetCell(0).StringValue);
                int       ieleI   = int.Parse(CurRow.GetCell(1).StringValue);
                int       ieleJ   = int.Parse(CurRow.GetCell(2).StringValue);
                int       MaxProp = MyModel.sections.Count > 0 ? MyModel.sections.Keys.Max() : 0; //记录最大截面号
                int       iProp   = 1;                                                            //当前截面号
                bool      hasSec  = false;                                                        //指示是否有当前截面
                BMaterial mat     = new BMaterial(imat, MatType.USER, "Mat_" + imat.ToString());
                foreach (KeyValuePair <int, BSections> ss in MyModel.sections)
                    if (ss.Value.Name == Cursec)
                        iProp  = ss.Key;
                        hasSec = true;//有当前截面
                if (hasSec == false)
                    iProp = MaxProp + 1;     //新的截面号
                    SectionGeneral sec = new SectionGeneral(iProp, Cursec);
                    MyModel.AddSection(sec); //添加入库

                FrameElement ee = new FrameElement(iele, ElemType.BEAM, imat, iProp, ieleI, ieleJ);
Beispiel #5
        public static int[] WriteGeneral(BBData data, GeneralInfo ge, RoomInfo[] rooms, StringsChunkBuilder strings)
            var ret = new SectionGeneral
                Debug             = ge.IsDebug,
                FilenameOffset    = strings.GetOffset(ge.FileName),
                ConfigOffset      = strings.GetOffset(ge.Configuration),
                NameOffset        = strings.GetOffset(ge.Name),
                DisplayNameOffset = strings.GetOffset(ge.DisplayName),
                GameID            = ge.GameID,
                WindowSize        = ge.WindowSize,
                BytecodeVersion   = (Int24)ge.BytecodeVersion,
                Major             = ge.Version.Major,
                Minor             = ge.Version.Minor,
                Release           = ge.Version.Build,
                Build             = ge.Version.Revision,

                Info          = ge.InfoFlags,
                ActiveTargets = ge.ActiveTargets,
                AppID         = ge.SteamAppID,

                LastObj  = 0,
                LastTile = 0
            var stringOffsetOffsets = new int[]
                (int)Marshal.OffsetOf(typeof(SectionGeneral), "FilenameOffset") - 3,
                (int)Marshal.OffsetOf(typeof(SectionGeneral), "ConfigOffset") - 3,
                (int)Marshal.OffsetOf(typeof(SectionGeneral), "NameOffset") - 3,
                (int)Marshal.OffsetOf(typeof(SectionGeneral), "DisplayNameOffset") - 3

            foreach (var room in rooms)
                foreach (var obj in room.Objects)
                    if (obj.InstanceID > ret.LastObj)
                        ret.LastObj = obj.InstanceID;
                foreach (var tile in room.Tiles)
                    if (tile.InstanceID > ret.LastTile)
                        ret.LastTile = tile.InstanceID;

            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                    ret._unknown[i] = ge.unknown[i];

                Marshal.Copy(ge.LicenseMD5Hash, 0, (IntPtr)ret.MD5, 0x10);

            ret.CRC32 = ge.LicenceCRC32;

            ret.Timestamp = (ulong)(ge.Timestamp.Subtract(new DateTime(1970, 1, 1))).TotalSeconds;

            if (ge.WeirdNumbers == null)
                ret.NumberCount = 0;
                ret.NumberCount = (uint)ge.WeirdNumbers.Length;

            var tmp = new BinBuffer();

            data.Buffer.Write(tmp, 0, tmp.Size - 12, 8);

            for (int i = 0; i < ret.NumberCount; i++)

            // TODO for 2.0: some lengthy checksum/hash at the end?
            // exits after launch if GEN8 is modified at all,
            // doesn't launch if the extra stuff is missing
            //for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
            //    data.Buffer.Write(0x3F3F3F3F);
