Beispiel #1
        public ActionResult LoadData(Pager page, SearchStoreInventory condition)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(condition.StoreId) || condition.StoreId == "0")
                condition.StoreId = _context.CurrentAccount.CanViewStores;
            var rows = _storeInventoryQuery.GetPageList(page, condition);

            if (page.toExcel)
                var data     = _excelService.WriteToExcelStream(rows.ToList(), ExcelVersion.Above2007, false, true).ToArray();
                var fileName = string.Format("库存_{0}.xlsx", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd"));
                return(File(data, "application/ms-excel", fileName));
            return(Json(new { success = true, data = rows, total = page.Total, sum = page.SumColumns }));
Beispiel #2
        public IEnumerable <ProductQueryDto> QueryProduct(SearchStoreInventory condition)
            dynamic param = new ExpandoObject();

            string where = "";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(condition.ProductCodeOrBarCode))
                where += "and (p.BarCode=@ProductCodeOrBarCode or p.`Code`=@ProductCodeOrBarCode )";
                param.ProductCodeOrBarCode = condition.ProductCodeOrBarCode;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(condition.ProductName))
                where            += "and p.Name like @ProductName ";
                param.ProductName = string.Format("%{0}%", condition.ProductName);
            //if (condition.StoreId > 0)
            //    where += "and t.Id=@StoreId ";
            //    param.StoreId = condition.StoreId;
            string sql = @"select b.ProductId, p.`Name` as ProductName,p.`Code` as ProductCode,p.BarCode,p.Specification,p.Unit,p.SalePrice,
b.Quantity as BatchQuantity,s.Name as supplierName,t.`Name` as StoreName,b.Price,sp.StoreSalePrice,v.SalePrice as VipSalePrice
from ( select i.storeid,i.supplierId,i.productId,i.Price,sum(i.quantity) as Quantity from storeinventorybatch i group by  i.storeid,i.supplierId,i.productId,i.Price ) b 
left join product p on b.ProductId = p.Id
left join supplier s on s.Id = b.SupplierId
left join store t on t.Id = b.StoreId
left join storeinventory sp on sp.ProductId = p.Id and sp.StoreId = b.storeid
left join vipproduct v on v.ProductId = p.Id
where 1=1 and b.Quantity>0 {0} order by b.StoreId";  //b.Quantity>0

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(where))
                return(new List <ProductQueryDto>());
            sql = string.Format(sql, where);
            var rows = _query.FindAll <ProductQueryDto>(sql, param);

Beispiel #3
        public JsonResult QueryProduct(SearchStoreInventory condition)
            var rows = _storeInventoryQuery.QueryProduct(condition).ToList();

            return(Json(new { success = true, data = rows, total = rows.Count }));