Beispiel #1
 public static List<DirectoryEntry> Search(string rootDistinguishedName, string filter, SearchScope scope, LDAPSupportSettings settings)
     DirectoryEntry de;
     var type = AuthenticationTypes.ReadonlyServer | AuthenticationTypes.Secure;
     if (settings.PortNumber == Constants.SSL_LDAP_PORT)
         type |= AuthenticationTypes.SecureSocketsLayer;
     string password;
         password = new UnicodeEncoding().GetString(InstanceCrypto.Decrypt(settings.PasswordBytes));
     catch (Exception)
         password = string.Empty;
     de = settings.Authentication ? CreateDirectoryEntry(rootDistinguishedName, settings.Login, password, type) :
     if (de != null)
         return Search(de, filter, scope);
         return null;
		public IEnumerable<IDirectory> Directories(string filter, SearchScope scope)
			Contract.Requires(filter != null);
			Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<IEnumerable<IDirectory>>() != null);

			throw new NotImplementedException();
Beispiel #3
        public void Replace(string textToFind, string textToReplace, Document doc, SearchFlags flags, SearchScope scope, int startPosition, int endPosition)
            var ed = App.Editor(doc.GetType()) as ITextEditor;

            if (lastSettings != null &&
                (lastSettings.LastDocument != doc || ed.SelectionStart != lastSettings.LastStartPosition || ed.SelectionEnd != lastSettings.LastEndPosition))
                lastSettings = null;

            if (lastSettings != null)
                ed.ReplaceText(lastSettings.LastStartPosition, lastSettings.LastEndPosition, lastSettings.TextToReplace);
                lastSettings.LastEndPosition = lastSettings.LastStartPosition + lastSettings.TextToReplace.Length;

            var res = Search(textToFind, doc, flags, scope, (d,r) => {
                var editor = (ITextEditor)App.GetService<IEditorService>().GetEditor(d.GetType()).Instance;

                var docServ = App.GetService<IDocumentService>();

                if (docServ.GetActiveDocument() != d)

                editor.SelectText(r.StartPosition, r.EndPosition - r.StartPosition);
                lastSettings.LastStartPosition = r.StartPosition;
                lastSettings.TextToReplace = textToReplace;
                var sci = editor.Control as ScintillaControl;

                if (sci != null)
                return true;
            }, false, lastSettings != null ? lastSettings.LastEndPosition : startPosition, endPosition, null);
    // メインウィンドウ左側描画領域.
    // 検索条件などを指定する領域.
    private void drawMainLeftElem()
        EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical(, GUILayout.Width( MAIN_LEFT_ELEM_WIDTH ) );

        this.searchType = ( SearchType )EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup( "検索タイプ", this.searchType );
        this.searchScope = ( SearchScope )EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup( "検索範囲", this.searchScope );
        this.wholeWord = EditorGUILayout.Toggle( "完全一致か否か.", this.wholeWord );
        if ( !this.wholeWord )
            this.caseSencitive = EditorGUILayout.Toggle( "大小文字一致比較.", this.caseSencitive );

        switch ( this.searchType ){
            case SearchType.Name: EditorGUILayout.LabelField( "Input ObjectName" );	break;
            case SearchType.Component: EditorGUILayout.LabelField( "Input ComponentName" ); break;
            default: break;
        this.searchText = EditorGUILayout.TextField( this.searchText, );

        if ( GUILayout.Button( "Search" ) ){
            Debug.Log( "捜索します." );
        } 3 );
        MyEditorLayout.separatorLine( MAIN_LEFT_ELEM_WIDTH );
        this.dumpFoldout = EditorGUILayout.Foldout( this.dumpFoldout, "Show Dump Palameter" );
        if ( this.dumpFoldout )

 public SearchRequest()
     this.directoryAttributes = new StringCollection();
     this.directoryScope = SearchScope.Subtree;
     this.directoryTimeLimit = new TimeSpan(0L);
     this.directoryAttributes = new StringCollection();
 public ADSearcher(DirectoryEntry searchRoot, string filter, string[] propertiesToLoad, SearchScope scope)
     this.searcher = new DirectorySearcher(searchRoot, filter, propertiesToLoad, scope);
     this.searcher.CacheResults = false;
     this.searcher.ClientTimeout = defaultTimeSpan;
     this.searcher.ServerPageTimeLimit = defaultTimeSpan;
     this.searcher.PageSize = 0x200;
Beispiel #7
		public virtual IDirectorySearcher CreateSearcher(IEntry entry, SearchScope searchScope, IEntryConfig entryConfig) {
			var searcher = CreateSearcher(entry, searchScope, entryConfig.RdnAttribute);
			foreach(var attribute in entryConfig.Attributes) {
			return searcher;
		public static void Run(SearchScope scope) {
			// Allow the menu to close
			using(AsynchronousWaitDialog monitor = AsynchronousWaitDialog.ShowWaitDialog("${res:Hornung.ResourceToolkit.FindMissingResourceKeys}")) {
				                                                  ResourceRefactoringService.FindReferencesToMissingKeys(monitor, scope));
Beispiel #9
		private IDirectorySearcher CreateSearcher(IEntry entry, SearchScope searchScope, string rdnAttribute) {
			var searcher = CreateSearcher(entry, searchScope);
			if(serverConfig.PropertySortingSupport || serverConfig.VirtualListViewSupport) {
				searcher.Sort.PropertyName = rdnAttribute;
				searcher.Sort.Direction = SortDirection.Ascending;
			return searcher;
        /// <summary>
        /// Specifies the scope to use when searching for files.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="settings">The sync settings.</param>
        /// <param name="scope">The scope.</param>
        /// <returns>The same <see cref="SyncSettings"/> instance so that multiple calls can be chained.</returns>
        public static SyncSettings SetSearchScope(this SyncSettings settings, SearchScope scope = SearchScope.Current)
            if (settings == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("settings");

            settings.SearchScope = scope;
            return settings;
Beispiel #11
		public virtual IDirectorySearcher CreateSearcher(IEntry entry, SearchScope searchScope) {
			var searcher = new DirectorySearcherAdapter(entry, filterBuilder);
			searcher.SearchRoot = entry.GetDirectoryEntry();
			searcher.SearchScope = searchScope;
			searcher.ServerTimeLimit = serverConfig.TimeLimit;
			return searcher;
Beispiel #12
        /// <summary>
        /// See <see cref="DirectoryInfoUtility.GetDirectories(string, SearchScope)"/>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dirSpec"></param>
        /// <param name="scope"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static IList<ParsedPath> GetDirectories(ParsedPath dirSpec, SearchScope scope)
            IList<DirectoryInfo> dirInfos = DirectoryInfoUtility.GetDirectories(dirSpec, scope);

            ParsedPath[] dirs = new ParsedPath[dirInfos.Count];

            for (int i = 0; i < dirInfos.Count; i++)
                dirs[i] = new ParsedPath(dirInfos[i].FullName, PathType.Directory);

            return dirs;
Beispiel #13
        /// <summary>
        /// See <see cref="DirectoryInfoUtility.GetFiles(string, SearchScope)"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fileSpec"></param>
        /// <param name="scope"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static IList<ParsedPath> GetFiles(ParsedPath fileSpec, SearchScope scope)
            IList<FileInfo> fileInfos = DirectoryInfoUtility.GetFiles(fileSpec, scope);

            ParsedPath[] files = new ParsedPath[fileInfos.Count];

            for (int i = 0; i < fileInfos.Count; i++)
                files[i] = new ParsedPath(fileInfos[i].FullName, PathType.File);

            return files;
Beispiel #14
 public void Replace(string textToFind, string textToReplace, Document doc, SearchFlags flags, SearchScope scope)
     if (lastSettings != null)
         Replace(textToFind, textToReplace, doc, flags, scope, lastSettings.LastEndPosition, lastSettings.MaxPosition);
         var rootEditor = (ITextEditor)App.GetService<IEditorService>().GetEditor(doc.GetType()).Instance;
         var sp = scope == SearchScope.Selection ? rootEditor.SelectionStart :
             scope == SearchScope.Current ? rootEditor.CaretPosition : 0;
         var ep = scope == SearchScope.Selection ? rootEditor.SelectionEnd : 0;
         Replace(textToFind, textToReplace, doc, flags, scope, sp, ep);
 public SearchRequest(string distinguishedName, XmlDocument filter, SearchScope searchScope, params string[] attributeList) : this()
     this.dn = distinguishedName;
     if (attributeList != null)
         for (int i = 0; i < attributeList.Length; i++)
     this.Scope = searchScope;
     this.Filter = filter;
Beispiel #16
 public IEnumerable<IFile> GetFiles(string filter, SearchScope scope)
     var result = new List<IFile>();
     var children = _fileSystem.Files.Where(x => x.Key.FullPath.StartsWith(_path.FullPath + "/", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
     foreach (var child in children.Where(c => c.Value.Exists))
         var relative = child.Key.FullPath.Substring(_path.FullPath.Length + 1);
         if (!relative.Contains("/"))
     return result;
Beispiel #17
        public ADSearcher(DirectoryEntry searchRoot, string filter, string[] propertiesToLoad, SearchScope scope)
            _searcher = new DirectorySearcher(searchRoot, filter, propertiesToLoad, scope);

            // set all search preferences
            // don't cache the results on the client
            _searcher.CacheResults = false;
            // set the timeout to 2 minutes
            _searcher.ClientTimeout = s_defaultTimeSpan;
            _searcher.ServerPageTimeLimit = s_defaultTimeSpan;
            // Page Size needs to be set so that we 
            // can get all the results even when the number of results 
            // is greater than the server set limit (1000 in Win2000 and 1500 in Win2003)
            _searcher.PageSize = 512;
 public ADSearcher(DirectoryEntry searchRoot, string filter, string[] propertiesToLoad, SearchScope scope, bool pagedSearch, bool cacheResults)
     this.searcher = new DirectorySearcher(searchRoot, filter, propertiesToLoad, scope);
     this.searcher.ClientTimeout = defaultTimeSpan;
     if (pagedSearch)
         this.searcher.PageSize = 0x200;
         this.searcher.ServerPageTimeLimit = defaultTimeSpan;
     if (cacheResults)
         this.searcher.CacheResults = true;
         this.searcher.CacheResults = false;
Beispiel #19
        public ProxyResponse<SearchResponse> Search(string keywords, SearchScope scope, int pageNumber, int pageSize, string entityType = "", string includeSearchTermHighlights = "false")
            OperationMethod = HttpMethod.Get;
            var queryArgs = new StringBuilder();

            AppendQueryArg(queryArgs, ApiConstants.FilterKeywords, keywords);
            AppendQueryArg(queryArgs, ApiConstants.FilterSearchScope, scope.ToString("G"));
            AppendQueryArg(queryArgs, ApiConstants.FilterSearchTransactionType, entityType);
            AppendQueryArg(queryArgs, ApiConstants.FilterExampleIncludeSearchTermHighlights, includeSearchTermHighlights);

            bool inclPageNumber;
            bool inclPageSize;

            base.GetPaging(queryArgs, pageNumber, pageSize, out inclPageNumber, out inclPageSize);

            var uri = base.GetRequestUri(queryArgs.ToString(), inclDefaultPageNumber: inclPageNumber, inclDefaultPageSize: inclPageSize);
            return base.GetResponse<SearchResponse>(uri);
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a list of files given a file search pattern.  Will also search sub-directories.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="searchPattern">Search pattern.  Can include a full or partial path and standard wildcards for the file name.</param>
        /// <param name="scope">The scope of the search.</param>
        /// <param name="baseDir">Base directory to use for partially qualified paths</param>
        /// <returns>An array of <c>FileInfo</c> objects for files matching the search pattern. </returns>
        public static IList<FileInfo> GetFiles(ParsedPath fileSpec, SearchScope scope)
            ParsedPath rootPath = fileSpec.MakeFullPath();

            if (scope != SearchScope.DirectoryOnly)
                List<FileInfo> files = new List<FileInfo>();

                if (scope == SearchScope.RecurseParentDirectories)
                    RecursiveGetParentFiles(rootPath, ref files);
                    RecursiveGetSubFiles(rootPath, (scope == SearchScope.RecurseSubDirectoriesBreadthFirst), ref files);

                return files.ToArray();
                return NonRecursiveGetFiles(rootPath);
Beispiel #21
        public List<string> FNSearch(string sql)
            List<string> result = new List<string>();

            SearchSQL searchSql = new SearchSQL(sql);
            SearchScope searchScope = new SearchScope(this._ceConn.objectStore);
            IRepositoryRowSet rowSet = searchScope.FetchRows(searchSql, null, null, null);

            if (rowSet.IsEmpty())
                return null;

            System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator = rowSet.GetEnumerator();
            while (enumerator.MoveNext())
                IRepositoryRow row = (IRepositoryRow)enumerator.Current;
                Id id = row.Properties.GetProperty("Id").GetIdValue();

            return result;
Beispiel #22
 public static void Configure(NameValueCollection sections)
     LdapFilter = sections["LdapFilter"];
     FolderCreatePath= sections["FolderCreatePath"];
     SearchBase = sections["SearchBase"];
     switch (sections["SearchScope"])
         case "Base":
             SearchScope = SearchScope.Base;
         case "OneLevel":
             SearchScope = SearchScope.OneLevel;
         case "Subtree":
             SearchScope = SearchScope.Subtree;
             throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
     DirectoryEntry= new DirectoryEntry(SearchBase);
     DomainSid= WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().User.AccountDomainSid;
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a list of directories given a file search pattern.  Will also search sub-directories and 
        /// parent directories.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dirSpec">Search specification with with optional directory and wildcards</param>
        /// <param name="scope">The scope of the search. <see cref="SearchScope"/></param>
        /// <returns>An array of <c>DirectoryInfo</c> objects for files matching the search pattern. </returns>
        public static IList<DirectoryInfo> GetDirectories(ParsedPath dirSpec, SearchScope scope)
            if (!dirSpec.HasFilename)
                throw new ArgumentException("Path does not have a filename");

            ParsedPath rootPath = dirSpec.MakeFullPath();

            if (scope != SearchScope.DirectoryOnly)
                List<DirectoryInfo> dirs = new List<DirectoryInfo>();

                if (scope == SearchScope.RecurseParentDirectories)
                    RecursiveGetParentDirectories(rootPath, ref dirs);
                    RecursiveGetSubDirectories(rootPath, (scope == SearchScope.RecurseSubDirectoriesBreadthFirst), ref dirs);

                return dirs.ToArray();
                return NonRecursiveGetDirectories(rootPath);
Beispiel #24
 public void Click(string value)
Beispiel #25
 public override bool IsAllowedScope(SearchScope scope)
     return(scope == SearchScope.Forest || scope == SearchScope.Organization || scope == SearchScope.World);
        public async Task <IResultList <IContentEntity> > DoAsync(IAppEntity app, ISchemaEntity schema, ClrQuery query, SearchScope scope)
            Guard.NotNull(app, nameof(app));
            Guard.NotNull(schema, nameof(schema));
            Guard.NotNull(query, nameof(query));

                query = query.AdjustToModel(schema.SchemaDef);

                List <DomainId>?fullTextIds = null;

                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(query.FullText))
                    var searchFilter = SearchFilter.ShouldHaveSchemas(schema.Id);

                    fullTextIds = await indexer.SearchAsync(query.FullText, app, searchFilter, scope);

                    if (fullTextIds?.Count == 0)
                        return(ResultList.CreateFrom <IContentEntity>(0));

                var filter = CreateFilter(schema.AppId.Id, schema.Id, fullTextIds, query);

                var contentCount = Collection.Find(filter).CountDocumentsAsync();
                var contentItems = FindContentsAsync(query, filter);

                var(items, total) = await AsyncHelper.WhenAll(contentItems, contentCount);

                foreach (var entity in items)
                    entity.ParseData(schema.SchemaDef, converter);

                return(ResultList.Create <IContentEntity>(total, items));
            catch (MongoCommandException ex) when(ex.Code == 96)
                throw new DomainException(T.Get("common.resultTooLarge"));
            catch (MongoQueryException ex) when(ex.Message.Contains("17406"))
                throw new DomainException(T.Get("common.resultTooLarge"));
        public async Task <List <DomainId>?> SearchAsync(string?queryText, IAppEntity app, SearchFilter?filter, SearchScope scope)
            var serveField = GetServeField(scope);

            var query = new
                query = new
                    @bool = new
                        must = new List <object>
                                term = new Dictionary <string, object>
                                    ["appId.keyword"] = app.Id
                                term = new Dictionary <string, string>
                                    [serveField] = "true"
                                multi_match = new
                                    fields = new[]
                                    query = queryText
                        should = new List <object>()
                _source = new[]
                size = 2000

            if (filter?.SchemaIds.Count > 0)
                var bySchema = new
                    terms = new Dictionary <string, object>
                        ["schemaId.keyword"] = filter.SchemaIds

                if (filter.Must)
                    [email protected](bySchema);
                    [email protected](bySchema);

            var result = await client.SearchAsync <DynamicResponse>(indexName, CreatePost(query));

            if (!result.Success)
                throw result.OriginalException;

            var ids = new List <DomainId>();

            foreach (var item in result.Body.hits.hits)
                if (item != null)

Beispiel #28
 public ADSearcher(DirectoryEntry searchRoot, string filter, string[] propertiesToLoad, SearchScope scope, bool pagedSearch, bool cacheResults)
     this.searcher = new DirectorySearcher(searchRoot, filter, propertiesToLoad, scope);
     this.searcher.ClientTimeout = ADSearcher.defaultTimeSpan;
     if (pagedSearch)
         this.searcher.PageSize            = 0x200;
         this.searcher.ServerPageTimeLimit = ADSearcher.defaultTimeSpan;
     if (!cacheResults)
         this.searcher.CacheResults = false;
         this.searcher.CacheResults = true;
 public IEnumerable<Directory> Directories(string filter, SearchScope scope)
     return UnderlyingDirectory.Directories(filter, scope);
Beispiel #30
 public GroupGatewayRule(string path, Condition c, string addTo, string filter, SearchScope scope) : base(path, c, filter, scope)
     m_localGroup = addTo;
Beispiel #31
 SearchScope FindTypeDefinitionReferences(ITypeDefinition typeDefinition, bool findTypeReferencesEvenIfAliased, out SearchScope additionalScope)
     string searchTerm = null;
     additionalScope = null;
     if (!findTypeReferencesEvenIfAliased && KnownTypeReference.GetCSharpNameByTypeCode(typeDefinition.KnownTypeCode) == null) {
         // We can optimize the search by looking only for the type references with the right identifier,
         // but only if it's not a primitive type and we're not looking for indirect references (through an alias)
         searchTerm = typeDefinition.Name;
         if (searchTerm.Length > 9 && searchTerm.EndsWith("Attribute", StringComparison.Ordinal)) {
             // The type might be an attribute, so we also need to look for the short form:
             string shortForm = searchTerm.Substring(0, searchTerm.Length - 9);
             additionalScope = FindTypeDefinitionReferences(typeDefinition, shortForm);
     return FindTypeDefinitionReferences(typeDefinition, searchTerm);
        public async Task Should_return_content_by_id(int isFrontend, int unpublished, SearchScope scope)
            var requestContext = CreateContext(isFrontend, isUnpublished: unpublished);

            var content = CreateContent(DomainId.NewGuid());

            A.CallTo(() => contentRepository.FindContentAsync(requestContext.App, schema, content.Id, scope, A <CancellationToken> ._))

            var result = await sut.FindAsync(requestContext, schemaId.Name, content.Id);

            AssertContent(content, result);
 public Task <IContentEntity?> FindContentAsync(IAppEntity app, ISchemaEntity schema, DomainId id, SearchScope scope,
                                                CancellationToken ct = default)
     if (scope == SearchScope.All)
         return(collectionAll.FindContentAsync(schema, id, ct));
         return(collectionPublished.FindContentAsync(schema, id, ct));
 private static string GetServeField(SearchScope scope)
     return(scope == SearchScope.Published ?
            "servePublished" :
Beispiel #35
 public Task <IResultList <IContentEntity> > QueryAsync(IAppEntity app, ISchemaEntity schema, Q q, SearchScope scope,
                                                        CancellationToken ct = default)
     if (scope == SearchScope.All)
         return(collectionAll.QueryAsync(app, schema, q, ct));
         return(collectionPublished.QueryAsync(app, schema, q, ct));
Beispiel #36
            /// <summary>
            ///     Find a shortcut in the shortcut lists by modifiers and key.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="shortcutModifiers">The modifier of the shortcut</param>
            /// <param name="shortcutKey">The key of the shortcut</param>
            /// <param name="where">A flag to tell where the shortcut should be searched</param>
            /// <returns>The matching shortcut data or <c>null</c> if it is not found</returns>
            /// <seealso cref="findAllShortcuts"/>
            public ShortcutData findShortcut(ShortcutData.Modifiers shortcutModifiers, ShortcutData.Keys shortcutKey, SearchScope where = SearchScope.All)
                if (mCurrentShortcutsList == mDefaultShortcutsList)
                    return findShortcut(shortcutModifiers, shortcutKey, mCurrentShortcutsList);

                switch (where) {
                case SearchScope.AllCurrentFirst:
                    return findShortcut(shortcutModifiers, shortcutKey, mCurrentShortcutsList.Concat(mDefaultShortcutsList).ToList());
                case SearchScope.AllDefaultFirst:
                    return findShortcut(shortcutModifiers, shortcutKey, mDefaultShortcutsList.Concat(mCurrentShortcutsList).ToList());
                case SearchScope.Current:
                    return findShortcut(shortcutModifiers, shortcutKey, mCurrentShortcutsList);
                case SearchScope.Default:
                    return findShortcut(shortcutModifiers, shortcutKey, mDefaultShortcutsList);
                    throw new ArgumentException("Bad value for search scope: " + where);
Beispiel #37
 public GroupAuthzRule(string path, Condition c, bool allow, string filter, SearchScope scope) : base(path, c, filter, scope)
     m_allowOnMatch = allow;
Beispiel #38
 public ADSearcher(DirectoryEntry searchRoot, string filter, string[] propertiesToLoad, SearchScope scope)
     this.searcher = new DirectorySearcher(searchRoot, filter, propertiesToLoad, scope);
     this.searcher.CacheResults        = false;
     this.searcher.ClientTimeout       = ADSearcher.defaultTimeSpan;
     this.searcher.ServerPageTimeLimit = ADSearcher.defaultTimeSpan;
     this.searcher.PageSize            = 0x200;
Beispiel #39
 public QueryFilter Execute(string searchString, bool isContentIndexingEnabled, Folder folder, SearchScope searchScope)
     this.searchScope = searchScope;
     this.folderClass = folder.ClassName;
     if (searchString != null)
         this.queryFilter = AqsParser.ParseAndBuildQuery(searchString, SearchFilterGenerator.GetAqsParseOption(folder, isContentIndexingEnabled), this.userCultureInfo, RescopedAll.Default, null, this.policyTagProvider);
     if (this.advancedQueryFilter != null)
         if (this.queryFilter == null)
             this.queryFilter = this.advancedQueryFilter;
             this.queryFilter = new AndFilter(new QueryFilter[]
     if (this.queryFilter == null)
 public SearchRequest(string distinguishedName, string ldapFilter, SearchScope searchScope, params string[] attributelist)
 public Task <IContentEntity?> FindContentAsync(IAppEntity app, ISchemaEntity schema, DomainId id, SearchScope scope)
     if (scope == SearchScope.All)
         return(collectionAll.FindContentAsync(schema, id));
         return(collectionPublished.FindContentAsync(schema, id));
Beispiel #42
        public static QueryFilter Execute(string searchString, bool isContentIndexingEnabled, CultureInfo userCultureInfo, IPolicyTagProvider policyTagProvider, Folder folder, SearchScope searchScope, QueryFilter advancedQueryFilter)
            SearchFilterGenerator searchFilterGenerator = new SearchFilterGenerator(advancedQueryFilter, userCultureInfo, policyTagProvider);

            return(searchFilterGenerator.Execute(searchString, isContentIndexingEnabled, folder, searchScope));
        private List <DirectoryEntry> Search(string rootDistinguishedName, string filter, SearchScope scope, LDAPSupportSettings settings)
            DirectoryEntry de;
            var            type = AuthenticationTypes.ReadonlyServer | AuthenticationTypes.Secure;

            if (settings.PortNumber == Constants.SSL_LDAP_PORT)
                type |= AuthenticationTypes.SecureSocketsLayer;
            string password;

                password = new UnicodeEncoding().GetString(InstanceCrypto.Decrypt(settings.PasswordBytes));
            catch (Exception)
                password = string.Empty;
            de = settings.Authentication ? CreateDirectoryEntry(rootDistinguishedName, settings.Login, password, type) :
            if (de != null)
                return(Search(de, filter, scope));
            /// <summary>
            /// Searches for extension methods exactly called 'GetAwaiter'.  Returns
            /// <see cref="SymbolReference"/>s to the <see cref="INamespaceSymbol"/>s that contain
            /// the static classes that those extension methods are contained in.
            /// </summary>
            private async Task <ImmutableArray <SymbolReference> > GetReferencesForGetAwaiterAsync(SearchScope searchScope)

                if (_owner.CanAddImportForGetAwaiter(_diagnosticId, _syntaxFacts, _node))
                    var type = _owner.GetAwaitInfo(_semanticModel, _syntaxFacts, _node, searchScope.CancellationToken);
                    if (type != null)
                        return(await GetReferencesForExtensionMethodAsync(searchScope, WellKnownMemberNames.GetAwaiter, type,
                                                                          m => m.IsValidGetAwaiter()).ConfigureAwait(false));

                return(ImmutableArray <SymbolReference> .Empty);
            /// <summary>
            /// Searches for extension methods exactly called 'Deconstruct'.  Returns
            /// <see cref="SymbolReference"/>s to the <see cref="INamespaceSymbol"/>s that contain
            /// the static classes that those extension methods are contained in.
            /// </summary>
            private async Task <ImmutableArray <SymbolReference> > GetReferencesForDeconstructAsync(SearchScope searchScope)

                if (_owner.CanAddImportForDeconstruct(_diagnosticId, _node))
                    var type = _owner.GetDeconstructInfo(_semanticModel, _node, searchScope.CancellationToken);
                    if (type != null)
                        // Note: we could check that the extension methods have the right number of out-params.
                        // But that would involve figuring out what we're trying to deconstruct into.  For now
                        // we'll just be permissive, with the assumption that there won't be that many matching
                        // 'Deconstruct' extension methods for the type of node that we're on.
                        return(await GetReferencesForExtensionMethodAsync(
                                   searchScope, "Deconstruct", type,
                                   m => m.ReturnsVoid).ConfigureAwait(false));

                return(ImmutableArray <SymbolReference> .Empty);
        protected internal virtual SearchRequest CreateSearchRequest(string identity, string filter, SearchScope searchScope, IEnumerable <string> attributes)
            var searchRequest = new SearchRequest(identity, filter, searchScope, attributes != null ? attributes.ToArray() : null);

            if (this.DirectorySettings.SizeLimit != null)
                searchRequest.SizeLimit = this.DirectorySettings.SizeLimit.Value;

 public SearchRequest(string distinguishedName, System.Xml.XmlDocument filter, SearchScope searchScope, params string[] attributeList)
        protected internal virtual IEnumerable <SearchResultEntry> GetSearchResult(string identity, ISearchOptions searchOptions, SearchScope searchScope, int?pageSize)
            if (searchOptions == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("searchOptions");

            using (var ldapConnection = this.LdapConnectionFactory.Create(this.LdapConnectionSettings))
                var searchRequest = this.CreateSearchRequest(identity, this.ConcatenateFilters(this.DirectorySettings.Filter, searchOptions.Filter), searchScope, this.GetAttributes(searchOptions));

                if (pageSize != null)
                    var pageResultRequestControl = new PageResultRequestControl(pageSize.Value);


                    var searchOptionsControl = new SearchOptionsControl(SearchOption.DomainScope);


                    var searchResult = new List <SearchResultEntry>();

                    while (true)
                        var searchResponse = this.GetSearchResponse(ldapConnection, searchRequest);

                        if (searchResponse.Controls.Length != 1 || !(searchResponse.Controls[0] is PageResultResponseControl))
                            throw new InvalidOperationException("The server cannot page the result.");

                        var pageResultResponseControl = (PageResultResponseControl)searchResponse.Controls[0];

                        searchResult.AddRange(searchResponse.Entries.Cast <SearchResultEntry>());

                        if (pageResultResponseControl.Cookie.Length == 0)

                        pageResultRequestControl.Cookie = pageResultResponseControl.Cookie;

                return(this.GetSearchResponse(ldapConnection, searchRequest).Entries.Cast <SearchResultEntry>());
 public static DirectorySource <T> AsQueryable <T>(this DirectoryEntry entry, SearchScope scope)
     return(new DirectorySource <T>(entry, scope));
Beispiel #50
 public Task <IReadOnlyList <(DomainId SchemaId, DomainId Id, Status Status)> > QueryIdsAsync(DomainId appId, HashSet <DomainId> ids, SearchScope scope,
                                                                                              CancellationToken ct = default)
     if (scope == SearchScope.All)
         return(collectionAll.QueryIdsAsync(appId, ids, ct));
         return(collectionPublished.QueryIdsAsync(appId, ids, ct));
        public async Task Should_query_contents_by_ids(int isFrontend, int unpublished, SearchScope scope)
            var requestContext = CreateContext(isFrontend, isUnpublished: unpublished);

            var ids = Enumerable.Range(0, 5).Select(x => DomainId.NewGuid()).ToList();

            var contents = ids.Select(CreateContent).ToList();

            var q = Q.Empty.WithIds(ids);

            A.CallTo(() => contentRepository.QueryAsync(requestContext.App,
                                                        A <List <ISchemaEntity> > .That.Matches(x => x.Count == 1), q, scope, A <CancellationToken> ._))
            .Returns(ResultList.Create(5, contents));

            var result = await sut.QueryAsync(requestContext, q, default);

            Assert.Equal(5, result.Total);

            for (var i = 0; i < contents.Count; i++)
                AssertContent(contents[i], result[i]);
        protected async Task SearchGeo(List <DomainId>?expected, string field, double latitude, double longitude, SearchScope target = SearchScope.All)
            var query = new GeoQuery(schemaId.Id, field, latitude, longitude, 1000, 1000);

            var result = await Sut.TextIndex.SearchAsync(app, query, target);

            if (expected != null)
Beispiel #53
 SearchScope FindChainedConstructorReferences(IMethod ctor)
     SearchScope searchScope = new SearchScope(
         delegate (ICompilation compilation) {
             IMethod imported = compilation.Import(ctor);
             if (imported != null)
                 return new FindChainedConstructorReferencesNavigator(imported);
                 return null;
     if (ctor.DeclaringTypeDefinition.IsSealed)
         searchScope.accessibility = Accessibility.Private;
         searchScope.accessibility = Accessibility.Protected;
     searchScope.accessibility = MergeAccessibility(GetEffectiveAccessibility(ctor), searchScope.accessibility);
     return searchScope;
            /// <summary>
            /// Searches for types that match the name the user has written.  Returns <see cref="SymbolReference"/>s
            /// to the <see cref="INamespaceSymbol"/>s or <see cref="INamedTypeSymbol"/>s those types are
            /// contained in.
            /// </summary>
            private async Task <ImmutableArray <SymbolReference> > GetReferencesForMatchingTypesAsync(SearchScope searchScope)
                if (!_owner.CanAddImportForType(_diagnosticId, _node, out var nameNode))
                    return(ImmutableArray <SymbolReference> .Empty);

                    nameNode, _syntaxFacts,
                    out var name, out var arity, out var inAttributeContext,
                    out var hasIncompleteParentMember, out var looksGeneric);

                if (ExpressionBinds(nameNode, checkForExtensionMethods: false, cancellationToken: searchScope.CancellationToken))
                    // If the expression bound, there's nothing to do.
                    return(ImmutableArray <SymbolReference> .Empty);

                var symbols = await searchScope.FindDeclarationsAsync(name, nameNode, SymbolFilter.Type).ConfigureAwait(false);

                // also lookup type symbols with the "Attribute" suffix if necessary.
                if (inAttributeContext)
                    var attributeSymbols = await searchScope.FindDeclarationsAsync(name + AttributeSuffix, nameNode, SymbolFilter.Type).ConfigureAwait(false);

                    symbols = symbols.AddRange(
                        attributeSymbols.Select(r => r.WithDesiredName(r.DesiredName.GetWithoutAttributeSuffix(isCaseSensitive: false))));

                var typeSymbols = OfType <ITypeSymbol>(symbols);

                // Only keep symbols which are accessible from the current location.
                var accessibleTypeSymbols = typeSymbols.WhereAsArray(
                    s => ArityAccessibilityAndAttributeContextAreCorrect(
                        s.Symbol, arity, inAttributeContext,
                        hasIncompleteParentMember, looksGeneric));

                // These types may be contained within namespaces, or they may be nested
                // inside generic types.  Record these namespaces/types if it would be
                // legal to add imports for them.

                var typesContainedDirectlyInNamespaces = accessibleTypeSymbols.WhereAsArray(s => s.Symbol.ContainingSymbol is INamespaceSymbol);
                var typesContainedDirectlyInTypes      = accessibleTypeSymbols.WhereAsArray(s => s.Symbol.ContainingType != null);

                var namespaceReferences = GetNamespaceSymbolReferences(searchScope,
                                                                       typesContainedDirectlyInNamespaces.SelectAsArray(r => r.WithSymbol(r.Symbol.ContainingNamespace)));

                var typeReferences = typesContainedDirectlyInTypes.SelectAsArray(
                    r => searchScope.CreateReference(r.WithSymbol(r.Symbol.ContainingType)));

Beispiel #55
 SearchScope GetSearchScopeForDestructor(IMethod dtor)
     var scope = new SearchScope (
         delegate (ICompilation compilation) {
             IMethod imported = compilation.Import(dtor);
             if (imported != null) {
                 return new FindDestructorReferencesNavigator (imported);
             } else {
                 return null;
     scope.accessibility = Accessibility.Private;
     return scope;
            /// <summary>
            /// Searches for extension methods that match the name the user has written.  Returns
            /// <see cref="SymbolReference"/>s to the <see cref="INamespaceSymbol"/>s that contain
            /// the static classes that those extension methods are contained in.
            /// </summary>
            private async Task <ImmutableArray <SymbolReference> > GetReferencesForMatchingExtensionMethodsAsync(SearchScope searchScope)
                if (_owner.CanAddImportForMethod(_diagnosticId, _syntaxFacts, _node, out var nameNode) &&
                    nameNode != null)

                    // See if the name binds.  If it does, there's nothing further we need to do.
                    if (!ExpressionBinds(nameNode, checkForExtensionMethods: true, cancellationToken: searchScope.CancellationToken))
                        _syntaxFacts.GetNameAndArityOfSimpleName(nameNode, out var name, out var arity);
                        if (name != null)
                            var symbols = await searchScope.FindDeclarationsAsync(name, nameNode, SymbolFilter.Member).ConfigureAwait(false);

                            var methodSymbols = OfType <IMethodSymbol>(symbols);

                            var extensionMethodSymbols = GetViableExtensionMethods(
                                methodSymbols, nameNode.Parent, searchScope.CancellationToken);

                            var namespaceSymbols = extensionMethodSymbols.SelectAsArray(s => s.WithSymbol(s.Symbol.ContainingNamespace));
                            return(GetNamespaceSymbolReferences(searchScope, namespaceSymbols));

                return(ImmutableArray <SymbolReference> .Empty);
 public IEnumerable<File> Files(string filter, SearchScope scope)
     return UnderlyingDirectory.Files(filter, scope);
            /// <summary>
            /// Searches for extension methods exactly called 'Add'.  Returns
            /// <see cref="SymbolReference"/>s to the <see cref="INamespaceSymbol"/>s that contain
            /// the static classes that those extension methods are contained in.
            /// </summary>
            private async Task <ImmutableArray <SymbolReference> > GetReferencesForCollectionInitializerMethodsAsync(SearchScope searchScope)
                if (!_owner.CanAddImportForMethod(_diagnosticId, _syntaxFacts, _node, out var nameNode))
                    return(ImmutableArray <SymbolReference> .Empty);

                _syntaxFacts.GetNameAndArityOfSimpleName(_node, out var name, out var arity);
                if (name != null || !_owner.IsAddMethodContext(_node, _semanticModel))
                    return(ImmutableArray <SymbolReference> .Empty);

                var symbols = await searchScope.FindDeclarationsAsync(
                    nameof(IList.Add), nameNode : null, filter : SymbolFilter.Member).ConfigureAwait(false);

                // Note: there is no desiredName for these search results.  We're searching for
                // extension methods called "Add", but we have no intention of renaming any
                // of the existing user code to that name.
                var methodSymbols = OfType <IMethodSymbol>(symbols).SelectAsArray(s => s.WithDesiredName(null));

                var viableMethods = GetViableExtensionMethods(
                    methodSymbols, _node.Parent, searchScope.CancellationToken);

                                                    viableMethods.SelectAsArray(m => m.WithSymbol(m.Symbol.ContainingNamespace))));
Beispiel #59
            /// <summary>
            ///     Find all shortcuts in the shortcut lists matching the given class and method.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="shortcutClass">The class of the shortcut</param>
            /// <param name="shortcutMethod">The method of the shortcut</param>
            /// <param name="where">A flag to tell where the shortcut should be searched</param>
            /// <returns>A list of matching shortcut data</returns>
            /// <seealso cref="findShortcut"/>
            public List<ShortcutData> findAllShortcuts(string shortcutClass, string shortcutMethod, SearchScope where = SearchScope.All)
                if (mCurrentShortcutsList == mDefaultShortcutsList)
                    return findAllShortcuts(shortcutClass, shortcutMethod, mCurrentShortcutsList);

                switch (where) {
                case SearchScope.AllCurrentFirst:
                    return findAllShortcuts(shortcutClass, shortcutMethod, mCurrentShortcutsList.Concat(mDefaultShortcutsList).ToList());
                case SearchScope.AllDefaultFirst:
                    return findAllShortcuts(shortcutClass, shortcutMethod, mDefaultShortcutsList.Concat(mCurrentShortcutsList).ToList());
                case SearchScope.Current:
                    return findAllShortcuts(shortcutClass, shortcutMethod, mCurrentShortcutsList);
                case SearchScope.Default:
                    return findAllShortcuts(shortcutClass, shortcutMethod, mDefaultShortcutsList);
                    throw new ArgumentException("Bad value for search scope: " + where);
            /// <summary>
            /// Searches for extension methods exactly called 'Select'.  Returns
            /// <see cref="SymbolReference"/>s to the <see cref="INamespaceSymbol"/>s that contain
            /// the static classes that those extension methods are contained in.
            /// </summary>
            private async Task <ImmutableArray <SymbolReference> > GetReferencesForQueryPatternsAsync(SearchScope searchScope)

                if (_owner.CanAddImportForQuery(_diagnosticId, _node))
                    var type = _owner.GetQueryClauseInfo(_semanticModel, _node, searchScope.CancellationToken);
                    if (type != null)
                        // find extension methods named "Select"
                        return(await GetReferencesForExtensionMethodAsync(
                                   searchScope, nameof(Enumerable.Select), type).ConfigureAwait(false));

                return(ImmutableArray <SymbolReference> .Empty);