Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Searches for a solution to the provided problem using the algorithm of the derived class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="problem">The <see cref="SearchProblem"/> to be searched.</param>
        /// <param name="heuristic">The <see cref="IHeuristic"/> to use when evaluating states.</param>
        /// <returns>An <see cref="Array"/> of <see cref="State"/>s that will lead to the solution or null if no solution is possible.</returns>
        public State[] Search(SearchProblem problem, IHeuristic heuristic = null)
            if (heuristic == null)
                heuristic = new NullHeuristic();


            State[] result = this.RunSearch(problem, heuristic);


Beispiel #2
    static public List <Action> AStar(SearchProblem <State, Action> problem)
        int iterationNum = 0;

        Priority_Queue.SimplePriorityQueue <(State, List <Action>)> fringe = new Priority_Queue.SimplePriorityQueue <(State, List <Action>)>();
        HashSet <State> closedSet = new HashSet <State>();

        fringe.Enqueue((problem.GetStartState(), new List <Action>()), 0);

        while (fringe.Count > 0)
            (State state, List <Action> actions)next = fringe.Dequeue();

            if (problem.IsGoalState(next.state))

            if (!closedSet.Contains(next.state))
                List <(State, Action)> successors = problem.GetSuccessors(next.state);

                if (++iterationNum > 100)
                    //Debug.Log("A* is iterating too much");

                foreach ((State state, Action action)successor in successors)
                    List <Action> newActions = new List <Action>(next.actions);
                    float priority = problem.GetCost(newActions) + problem.Heuristic(successor.state);
                    fringe.Enqueue((successor.state, newActions), priority);

        return(new List <Action>());
        /// <summary>
        /// Algorithm specific implementation for searching.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="problem">The <see cref="SearchProblem"/> to be searched.</param>
        /// <param name="heuristic">The <see cref="IHeuristic"/> to use when evaluating states.</param>
        /// <returns>An <see cref="Array"/> of <see cref="State"/>s that will lead to the solution or null if no solution is possible.</returns>
        protected override State[] RunSearch(SearchProblem problem, IHeuristic heuristic)
             *  Implement the Breadth First Search algorithm here.
             *  The SearchProblem class contains useful methods for implementing the algorithm:
             *      SearchProblem.GetStartingState()
             *      SearchProblem.IsGoalState(State state)
             *      SearchProblem.GetSuccessors(State state)
             *  The SearchAlgorithm class also contains a way to time the execution of your implementation:
             *      The SearchAlgorithm.Duration property will contain a TimeSpan of your code's execution time
             *  The IHeuristic interface contains a method for evaluating a state, given a problem:
             *      IHeuristic.EvaluateState(SearchProblem problem, State state)
             *  .NET contains built in data structures for implementing some of the search algorithms
             *      - Queue<T>
             *      - Stack<T>
             *  The PriorityQueue<T> class is an implementation of the priority queue structure. See the Uility.Classes.PriorityQueue.cs file.
             *  Examples:
             *      SearchProblem Examples:
             *          problem.GetStartingState(); // gets the starting state of the problem
             *      Heuristic Examples:
             *          heuristic.EvaluateState(problem, state);    // returns a double with the expected value of this state in terms of reaching the goal state
             *      PriorityQueue<T> Examples:
             *          PriorityQueue<State> pQueue = new PriorityQueue<State>();   // creates a new priority queue instance for State objects
             *          pQueue.push(state, 4.3);    // places the State object "state" in queue with a priority of 4.3
             *          State next = pQueue.Top;    // gets the State object in queue with the smallest priority value
             *          pQueue.Pop();               // removes the State object with the smallest priority value from the queue

 public double EvaluateState(SearchProblem problem, State state)
Beispiel #5
 /// <summary>
 /// Algorithm specific implementation for searching.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="problem">The <see cref="SearchProblem"/> to be searched.</param>
 /// <param name="heuristic">The <see cref="IHeuristic"/> to use when evaluating states.</param>
 /// <returns>An <see cref="Array"/> of <see cref="State"/>s that will lead to the solution or null if no solution is possible.</returns>
 protected abstract State[] RunSearch(SearchProblem problem, IHeuristic heuristic);
 public double EvaluateState(SearchProblem problem, State state)
     return((this.p_Function.ContainsKey(state.GetHashCode())) ? this.p_Function[state.GetHashCode()] : 0d);