public static void ScrollVerticallyTo(ScrollRect parentScrollRect, UiEventNavigation childControl, Dictionary <UiEventNavigation, SingleAxisBounds> cacheDict = null, bool centerTo = false)
            if ((parentScrollRect != null) && (childControl != null) && (childControl.Selectable != null))
                // Check the cache, and see if the bounds for this child control already exists
                SingleAxisBounds childBounds;
                if ((cacheDict == null) || (cacheDict.TryGetValue(childControl, out childBounds) == false))
                    // Calculate the top and bottom position of the the control
                    float topPos, centerPos, bottomPos;
                    centerPos   = GetVerticalAnchoredPositionInContent(parentScrollRect.content, childControl, out topPos, out bottomPos);
                    childBounds = new SingleAxisBounds(topPos, centerPos, bottomPos);

                    // Cache these values
                    if (cacheDict != null)
                        cacheDict.Add(childControl, childBounds);

                // Check whether we need to scroll or not, and if so, in which snapping direction
                ScrollVerticalSnap snapTo = ScrollVerticalSnap.CenterToChild;
                if (centerTo == false)
                    snapTo = GetVerticalSnapping(parentScrollRect.content, parentScrollRect.viewport, ref childBounds);

                // Check whether we want to scroll or not
                if (snapTo != ScrollVerticalSnap.None)
                    // Grab the position to scroll to
                    float selectionPosition = GetScrollToPosition(parentScrollRect.viewport, snapTo, ref childBounds);

                    // Clamp the selection position value
                    float maxPosition = (parentScrollRect.content.rect.height - parentScrollRect.viewport.rect.height);
                    selectionPosition = Mathf.Clamp(selectionPosition, 0, maxPosition);

                    // Directly set the position of the ScrollRect's content
                    Vector3 scrollPosition = parentScrollRect.content.anchoredPosition;
                    scrollPosition.y = selectionPosition;
                    parentScrollRect.content.anchoredPosition = scrollPosition;
        private static float GetScrollToPosition(RectTransform viewportTransform, ScrollVerticalSnap snapTo, ref SingleAxisBounds childBounds)
            // By default, snap to the top of the child control
            float childControlPosition = childBounds.max;

            // Check the snap-to algorithm
            if (snapTo == ScrollVerticalSnap.BottomOfChild)
                // Shift the scroll position to the bottom of the scrollrect
                childControlPosition  = childBounds.min;
                childControlPosition += viewportTransform.rect.height;
            else if (snapTo == ScrollVerticalSnap.CenterToChild)
                // Shift the scroll position to the center of the scrollrect
                childControlPosition  = childBounds.middle;
                childControlPosition += (viewportTransform.rect.height / 2f);
            childControlPosition *= -1f;
        private static ScrollVerticalSnap GetVerticalSnapping(RectTransform contentTransform, RectTransform viewportTransform, ref SingleAxisBounds childBounds)
            ScrollVerticalSnap returnOffset = ScrollVerticalSnap.None;
            float topOfChildControl         = childBounds.max;
            float bottomOfChildControl      = childBounds.min;

            // Check if viewport is smaller than content
            float viewportHeight = viewportTransform.rect.height;

            if (contentTransform.rect.height > viewportHeight)
                // Based on these values, determine whether to snap to the top or bottom of out-of-view child control
                if (Mathf.Abs(topOfChildControl) < contentTransform.anchoredPosition.y)
                    returnOffset = ScrollVerticalSnap.TopOfChild;
                else if (Mathf.Abs(bottomOfChildControl) > (contentTransform.anchoredPosition.y + viewportHeight))
                    returnOffset = ScrollVerticalSnap.BottomOfChild;