public ExpressionContext(ScriptRunner scriptRunner, bool explicitExpression = true) : base(scriptRunner)
            // An expression can have many forms
            // 1 + 1
            // 1 + (1 + 1)
            // 1 + b + (method() + 1) + 1
            // We need to account for all of them using the "split and merge" technique.  Ish.
            // We take the first context, then we test to see if there is an operator.  If there is
            // an operator there must be a second context, so we merge them using the OperationContext.
            // Then we see if there is another operator, if so we merge the OperationContext and next
            // context into yet another OperationContext.
            // so 1+2 becomes OperationContext of Numeric 1, Numeric 2, op +
            // 1 + 2 + 3 becomes OperationContext of (OperationContext of Numeric 1, Numeric 2, op +), Numeric 3, op +
            // This is why there is no order of operations in platform script.  However expressions within the expression
            // are operated on using the expression context.
            // 1 + (2 + 3) becomes OperationContext of Numeric 1, ExpressionContext of (1 + 3), op +

            // So collect the first context
            ExecutionContext mergedContext = scriptRunner.CollectContext();

            if (mergedContext == null)
                throw new Exception("No context");

            while (true)
                // Collect op
                string op = scriptRunner.CollectOperator();

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(op))
                    ExecutionContext second = scriptRunner.CollectContext(new [] { explicitExpression?Constants.BracketsClose: Constants.NullOperator });
                    mergedContext = new OperationContext(scriptRunner, mergedContext, second, op);
                    // No more operations, lets get out of here!

            // Our merged context becomes the ContextToExecute
            ContextToExecute = mergedContext;

            // Phew...
Beispiel #2
        public IfContext(ScriptRunner scriptRunner) : base(scriptRunner)
            // If, elseif, ..., elseif, else

            // We are here from if, the only valid entry point.
            ExecutionContext condition            = new ExpressionContext(scriptRunner);
            ExecutionContext conditionalExecution = scriptRunner.CollectContext();

            ContextEndCharacter = conditionalExecution.ContextEndCharacter;

            IfElseList.Add(condition, conditionalExecution);

            // Now we check for elseif(s) and else...
            // The context after the expression is either a single statement or block
            while (true)
                string symbol = scriptRunner.TryCollectSymbol(new[] { Constants.ElseIf, Constants.Else });

                switch (symbol)
                case Constants.ElseIf:
                    condition            = new ExpressionContext(scriptRunner);
                    conditionalExecution = scriptRunner.CollectContext();
                    IfElseList.Add(condition, conditionalExecution);
                    ContextEndCharacter = conditionalExecution.ContextEndCharacter;

                case Constants.Else:
                    condition            = new AlwaysTrueContext(scriptRunner);
                    conditionalExecution = scriptRunner.CollectContext();
                    IfElseList.Add(condition, conditionalExecution);
                    ContextEndCharacter = conditionalExecution.ContextEndCharacter;

Beispiel #3
 public WhileContext(ScriptRunner scriptRunner) : base(scriptRunner)
     Condition           = new ExpressionContext(scriptRunner);
     LoopExecution       = scriptRunner.CollectContext();
     ContextEndCharacter = LoopExecution.ContextEndCharacter;