Beispiel #1
		public Scripting.ScriptNode New()
			Scripting.ScriptNode node = new ScriptNode();
			node.Index = (short)(Definition.NodeSalt - (short)Nodes.Count);
			//node.NextExpression = Definition.DatumFromIndex(SyntaxData.Nodes.Count);

			return node;
Beispiel #2
		public DecompilerException(string exp_name, int exp_index, ScriptNode node, Exception inner)
			base("{0} {1} {2} {3} {4} {5}", exp_name, node.NodeIndex, exp_index, Program.NewLine, node.HexDump(), inner) { }
Beispiel #3
 public MandelbrotTopographyFractal(ScriptNode z, ScriptNode f, ScriptNode dr, ScriptNode Palette,
                                    ScriptNode DimX, ScriptNode DimY, int Start, int Length, Expression Expression)
     : base(new ScriptNode[] { z, f, dr, Palette, DimX, DimY },
            new ArgumentType[] { ArgumentType.Scalar, ArgumentType.Scalar, ArgumentType.Scalar,
                                 ArgumentType.Vector, ArgumentType.Scalar, ArgumentType.Scalar }, Start, Length, Expression)
Beispiel #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Is operator.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="Left">Left operand.</param>
 /// <param name="Right">Right operand.</param>
 /// <param name="Start">Start position in script expression.</param>
 /// <param name="Length">Length of expression covered by node.</param>
 /// <param name="Expression">Expression containing script.</param>
 public Is(ScriptNode Left, ScriptNode Right, int Start, int Length, Expression Expression)
     : base(Left, Right, Start, Length, Expression)
Beispiel #5
        public override IElement Evaluate(IElement[] Arguments, Variables Variables)
            string ColorExpression = null;

            SKColor[]         Palette;
            double[]          Coefficients = null;
            Complex[]         CoefficientsZ = null;
            ILambdaExpression f = null;
            ScriptNode        fDef = null;
            double            rc, ic;
            double            dr;
            Complex           R;
            int     dimx, dimy;
            int     c = Arguments.Length;
            int     i = 0;
            object  Obj;
            Complex z;

            Obj = Arguments[i++].AssociatedObjectValue;
            if (Obj is Complex)
                z  = (Complex)Obj;
                rc = z.Real;
                ic = z.Imaginary;
                rc = Expression.ToDouble(Obj);
                ic = Expression.ToDouble(Arguments[i++].AssociatedObjectValue);

            if (i >= c)
                throw new ScriptRuntimeException("Insufficient parameters in call to HalleyFractal().", this);

            dr = Expression.ToDouble(Arguments[i++].AssociatedObjectValue);

            if (i < c && (Arguments[i] is DoubleNumber || Arguments[i] is ComplexNumber))
                R = Expression.ToComplex(Arguments[i++].AssociatedObjectValue);
                R = Complex.One;

                if (i < c && this.Arguments[i] == null)

            if (i < c)
                if (Arguments[i] is DoubleVector)
                    Coefficients = (double[])Arguments[i++].AssociatedObjectValue;
                else if (Arguments[i] is ComplexVector)
                    CoefficientsZ = (Complex[])Arguments[i++].AssociatedObjectValue;

                /*else if (Parameters[i] is RealPolynomial)
                 *      Coefficients = ((RealPolynomial)Arguments[i++].AssociatedObjectValue).Coefficients;
                 * else if (Parameters[i] is ComplexPolynomial)
                 *      CoefficientsZ = ((ComplexPolynomial)Arguments[i++].AssociatedObjectValue).Coefficients;*/
                else if (Arguments[i] is IVector)
                    IVector Vector = (IVector)Arguments[i++];
                    int     j, d = Vector.Dimension;

                    CoefficientsZ = new Complex[d];
                    for (j = 0; j < d; j++)
                        CoefficientsZ[j] = Expression.ToComplex(Vector.GetElement(j).AssociatedObjectValue);
                else if (Arguments[i].AssociatedObjectValue is ILambdaExpression)
                    f = (ILambdaExpression)Arguments[i];
                    if (f.NrArguments != 1)
                        throw new ScriptRuntimeException("Lambda expression in calls to HalleyFractal() must be of one variable.", this);

                    fDef = this.Arguments[i++];
                    throw new ScriptRuntimeException("Parameter " + (i + 1).ToString() +
                                                     " in call to HalleyFractal has to be a vector of numbers, containing coefficients " +
                                                     "of the polynomial to use. Now it was of type " + Arguments[i].GetType().FullName,
                throw new ScriptRuntimeException("Missing coefficients or lambda expression.", this);

            if (i < c && this.Arguments[i] != null && Arguments[i] is ObjectVector)
                ColorExpression = this.Arguments[i].SubExpression;
                Palette         = FractalGraph.ToPalette((ObjectVector)Arguments[i++]);
                Palette         = ColorModels.RandomLinearAnalogousHSL.CreatePalette(128, 4, out int Seed, this, Variables);
                ColorExpression = "RandomLinearAnalogousHSL(128,4," + Seed.ToString() + ")";

                if (i < c && this.Arguments[i] == null)

            if (i < c)
                dimx = (int)Expression.ToDouble(Arguments[i++].AssociatedObjectValue);
                dimx = 320;

            if (i < c)
                dimy = (int)Expression.ToDouble(Arguments[i++].AssociatedObjectValue);
                dimy = 200;

            if (i < c)
                throw new ScriptRuntimeException("Parameter mismatch in call to HalleyFractal(z,dr[,R][,Coefficients][,Palette][,dimx[,dimy]]).",

            if (dimx <= 0 || dimx > 5000 || dimy <= 0 || dimy > 5000)
                throw new ScriptRuntimeException("Image size must be within 1x1 to 5000x5000", this);

            if (f != null)
                return(CalcHalley(rc, ic, dr, R, f, fDef, Variables, Palette, dimx, dimy,
                                  this, this.FractalZoomScript,
                                  new object[] { Palette, dimx, dimy, R, fDef, ColorExpression }));
            else if (CoefficientsZ != null)
                return(CalcHalley(rc, ic, dr, R, CoefficientsZ, Palette, dimx, dimy,
                                  this, this.FractalZoomScript,
                                  new object[] { Palette, dimx, dimy, R, CoefficientsZ, ColorExpression }));
                return(CalcHalley(rc, ic, dr, R, Coefficients, Palette, dimx, dimy,
                                  this, this.FractalZoomScript,
                                  new object[] { Palette, dimx, dimy, R, Coefficients, ColorExpression }));
Beispiel #6
        public static FractalGraph CalcHalley(double rCenter, double iCenter, double rDelta, Complex R,
                                              ILambdaExpression f, ScriptNode fDef, Variables Variables, SKColor[] Palette, int Width, int Height,
                                              ScriptNode Node, FractalZoomScript FractalZoomScript, object State)
            byte[]  reds;
            byte[]  greens;
            byte[]  blues;
            double  RRe = R.Real;
            double  RIm = R.Imaginary;
            double  r0, i0, r1, i1;
            double  dr, di;
            double  r, i;
            double  aspect;
            int     x, y;
            int     n, N;
            SKColor cl;

            N      = Palette.Length;
            reds   = new byte[N];
            greens = new byte[N];
            blues  = new byte[N];

            for (x = 0; x < N; x++)
                cl        = Palette[x];
                reds[x]   = cl.Red;
                greens[x] = cl.Green;
                blues[x]  = cl.Blue;

            Variables v = new Variables();


            string ParameterName;

            if (!(f is IDifferentiable Differentiable) ||
                !(Differentiable.Differentiate(ParameterName = Differentiable.DefaultVariableName, v) is ILambdaExpression fPrim))
                throw new ScriptRuntimeException("Lambda expression not differentiable.", Node);

            if (!(fPrim is IDifferentiable Differentiable2) ||
                !(Differentiable2.Differentiate(ParameterName, v) is ILambdaExpression fBis))
                throw new ScriptRuntimeException("Lambda expression not twice differentiable.", Node);

            int    size = Width * Height * 4;
            double Conv = 1e-10;
            double Div  = 1e10;

            byte[] rgb = new byte[size];

            Complex[]  Row;
            Complex[]  Row2;
            Complex[]  Row3;
            Complex[]  Row4;
            int[]      Offset;
            IElement[] P = new IElement[1];
            int        j, c, x2;
            IElement   Obj, Obj2, Obj3;
            double     Mod;
            Complex    z, z2, z3;
            Complex    R2 = R * 2;

            rDelta *= 0.5;
            r0      = rCenter - rDelta;
            r1      = rCenter + rDelta;

            aspect = ((double)Width) / Height;

            i0 = iCenter - rDelta / aspect;
            i1 = iCenter + rDelta / aspect;

            dr = (r1 - r0) / Width;
            di = (i1 - i0) / Height;

            for (y = 0, i = i0; y < Height; y++, i += di)
                Row    = new Complex[Width];
                Offset = new int[Width];

                c = Width;
                for (x = 0, x2 = y * Width * 4, r = r0; x < Width; x++, r += dr, x2 += 4)
                    Row[x]    = new Complex(r, i);
                    Offset[x] = x2;

                n = 0;
                while (n < N && c > 0)
                    P[0] = Expression.Encapsulate(Row);
                    Obj  = f.Evaluate(P, v);
                    Obj2 = fPrim.Evaluate(P, v);
                    Obj3 = fBis.Evaluate(P, v);
                    Row2 = Obj.AssociatedObjectValue as Complex[];
                    Row3 = Obj2.AssociatedObjectValue as Complex[];
                    Row4 = Obj3.AssociatedObjectValue as Complex[];

                    if (Row2 == null || Row3 == null || Row4 == null)
                        throw new ScriptRuntimeException("Lambda expression (and its first and second derivative) must be able to accept complex vectors, " +
                                                         "and return complex vectors of equal length. Type returned: " +
                                                         Obj.GetType().FullName + ", " + Obj2.GetType().FullName + " and " + Obj3.GetType().FullName,
                    else if (Row2.Length != c || Row3.Length != c)
                        throw new ScriptRuntimeException("Lambda expression (and its first and second derivative) must be able to accept complex vectors, " +
                                                         "and return complex vectors of equal length. Length returned: " +
                                                         Row2.Length.ToString() + ", " + Row3.Length.ToString() + " and " + Row4.Length.ToString() +
                                                         ". Expected: " + c.ToString(), Node);

                    for (x = x2 = 0; x < c; x++)
                        j  = Offset[x];
                        z  = Row2[x];
                        z2 = Row3[x];
                        z3 = Row4[x];

                        z       = R2 * z * z2 / (2 * z2 * z2 - z * z3);
                        Row[x] -= z;

                        Mod = z.Magnitude;

                        if (Mod > Conv && Mod < Div)
                            if (x != x2)
                                Offset[x2] = j;

                            if (n >= N)
                                rgb[j++] = 0;
                                rgb[j++] = 0;
                                rgb[j++] = 0;
                                rgb[j++] = blues[n];
                                rgb[j++] = greens[n];
                                rgb[j++] = reds[n];

                            rgb[j++] = 255;

                    if (x2 < x)
                        Array.Resize <Complex>(ref Row, x2);
                        Array.Resize <int>(ref Offset, x2);
                        c = x2;

            using (SKData Data = SKData.Create(new MemoryStream(rgb)))
                SKImage Bitmap = SKImage.FromPixelData(new SKImageInfo(Width, Height, SKColorType.Bgra8888), Data, Width * 4);
                return(new FractalGraph(Bitmap, r0, i0, r1, i1, rDelta * 2, true, Node, FractalZoomScript, State));
Beispiel #7
 /// <summary>
 /// DO-WHILE operator.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="Statement">Statement.</param>
 /// <param name="Condition">Condition.</param>
 /// <param name="Start">Start position in script expression.</param>
 /// <param name="Length">Length of expression covered by node.</param>
 /// <param name="Expression">Expression containing script.</param>
 public DoWhile(ScriptNode Statement, ScriptNode Condition, int Start, int Length, Expression Expression)
     : base(Statement, Condition, Start, Length, Expression)
 private JuliaRoot2Variation(Complex z, ScriptNode Parameter, int Start, int Length, Expression Expression)
     : base(z, Parameter, Start, Length, Expression)
Beispiel #9
 /// <summary>
 /// Encode(Object,AcceptedTypes)
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="Object">Object to encode</param>
 /// <param name="AcceptedTypes">Accepted content types.</param>
 /// <param name="Start">Start position in script expression.</param>
 /// <param name="Length">Length of expression covered by node.</param>
 /// <param name="Expression">Expression containing script.</param>
 public Encode(ScriptNode Object, ScriptNode AcceptedTypes, int Start, int Length, Expression Expression)
     : base(new ScriptNode[] { Object, AcceptedTypes }, new ArgumentType[] { ArgumentType.Normal, ArgumentType.Vector },
            Start, Length, Expression)
Beispiel #10
 /// <summary>
 /// Encode(Object)
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="Object">Object to encode</param>
 /// <param name="Start">Start position in script expression.</param>
 /// <param name="Length">Length of expression covered by node.</param>
 /// <param name="Expression">Expression containing script.</param>
 public Encode(ScriptNode Object, int Start, int Length, Expression Expression)
     : base(new ScriptNode[] { Object }, new ArgumentType[] { ArgumentType.Normal }, Start, Length, Expression)
 public abstract void ProcessNode(ScriptNode node);
Beispiel #12
        public object Invoke(TemplateContext context, ScriptNode callerContext, ScriptArray arguments, ScriptBlockStatement blockStatement)
            if (arguments.Count == 0)
                throw new ScriptRuntimeException(callerContext.Span, "Expecting at least the name of the template to include for the <include> function");

            var templateName = context.ToString(callerContext.Span, arguments[0]);

            // If template name is empty, throw an exception
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(templateName))
                // In a liquid template context, we let an include to continue without failing
                if (context is LiquidTemplateContext)
                throw new ScriptRuntimeException(callerContext.Span, $"Include template name cannot be null or empty");

            var templateLoader = context.TemplateLoader;

            if (templateLoader == null)
                throw new ScriptRuntimeException(callerContext.Span, $"Unable to include <{templateName}>. No TemplateLoader registered in TemplateContext.TemplateLoader");

            var templatePath = templateLoader.GetPath(context, callerContext.Span, templateName);

            // If template name is empty, throw an exception
            if (templatePath == null)
                throw new ScriptRuntimeException(callerContext.Span, $"Include template path cannot be null");

            // Compute a new parameters for the include
            var newParameters = new ScriptArray(arguments.Count - 1);

            for (int i = 1; i < arguments.Count; i++)
                newParameters[i] = arguments[i];

            context.SetValue(ScriptVariable.Arguments, newParameters, true);

            Template template;

            if (!context.CachedTemplates.TryGetValue(templatePath, out template))
                var templateText = templateLoader.Load(context, callerContext.Span, templatePath);

                if (templateText == null)
                    throw new ScriptRuntimeException(callerContext.Span, $"The result of including `{templateName}->{templatePath}` cannot be null");

                // Clone parser options
                var parserOptions = context.TemplateLoaderParserOptions;
                var lexerOptions  = context.TemplateLoaderLexerOptions;
                template = Template.Parse(templateText, templatePath, parserOptions, lexerOptions);

                // If the template has any errors, throw an exception
                if (template.HasErrors)
                    throw new ScriptParserRuntimeException(callerContext.Span, $"Error while parsing template `{templateName}` from `{templatePath}`", template.Messages);

                context.CachedTemplates.Add(templatePath, template);

            // Make sure that we cannot recursively include a template

            object result = null;

                result = template.Render(context);

Beispiel #13
 /// <summary>
 /// Named member Assignment operator.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="NamedMember">Named member</param>
 /// <param name="Operand">Operand.</param>
 /// <param name="Start">Start position in script expression.</param>
 /// <param name="Length">Length of expression covered by node.</param>
 /// <param name="Expression">Expression containing script.</param>
 public NamedMemberAssignment(NamedMember NamedMember, ScriptNode Operand, int Start, int Length, Expression Expression)
     : base(NamedMember.Operand, Operand, Start, Length, Expression)
 { = NamedMember.Name;
Beispiel #14
 /// <summary>
 /// Interval operator
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="From">From</param>
 /// <param name="To">To</param>
 /// <param name="StepSize">Step size.</param>
 /// <param name="Start">Start position in script expression.</param>
 /// <param name="Length">Length of expression covered by node.</param>
 /// <param name="Expression">Expression containing script.</param>
 public Interval(ScriptNode From, ScriptNode To, ScriptNode StepSize, int Start, int Length, Expression Expression)
     : base(From, To, StepSize, Start, Length, Expression)
 private JuliaRoot2Variation(double Re, double Im, ScriptNode Parameter1, ScriptNode Parameter2,
                             int Start, int Length, Expression Expression)
     : base(Re, Im, Parameter1, Parameter2, Start, Length, Expression)
Beispiel #16
        public string Generate(ScriptNode syntaxTree, string className)
            DataContext data = new DataContext();

            WriteLine(data, "using System;");
            WriteLine(data, "using System.Collections.Generic;");

            WriteLine(data, "namespace {0}", GeneratedCodeNamespace);
            WriteLine(data, "{{");

            WriteLine(data, "public class {0} : Script", className);
            WriteLine(data, "{{");

            WriteLine(data, "public override dynamic Execute(ScriptExecutionContext context)");
            WriteLine(data, "{{");

            WriteLine(data, "try");
            WriteLine(data, "{{");

            foreach (var statement in syntaxTree.Statements)
                GenerateStatement(statement, data);

            if (!(syntaxTree.Statements.Last() is ReturnNode))
                WriteLine(data, "return null;");

            WriteLine(data, "}}");
            WriteLine(data, "catch (Exception ex)");
            WriteLine(data, "{{");

            WriteLine(data, "throw new ScriptExecutionException(ex.Message, context.GetStackFrames(), ex);");

            WriteLine(data, "}}");

            WriteLine(data, "}}");

            for (int i = 1; i <= data.FunctionCount; i++)
                data.CodeBlock.Code.Append(data.CodeBlocksMap["Function" + i].ToString());

            WriteLine(data, "}}");

            WriteLine(data, "}}");

            return data.CodeBlock.ToString();
Beispiel #17
        private void traverseNode( ScriptNode node, ref StreamWriter writer, bool isLast )
            writer.WriteLine( "{" );
            writer.Write( "\"type\":" );
            switch( node.Type ) {
                case 0:
                    writer.WriteLine( "\"root\"," );
                case Token.T_FUNCTION:
                    writer.WriteLine( "\"function\"," );
                case Token.T_PROPERTY:
                    writer.WriteLine( "\"property\"," );
                case Token.T_CLASS:
                    writer.WriteLine( "\"class\"," );
                case Token.T_VAR:
                    writer.WriteLine( "\"var\"," );
                case Token.T_CONST:
                    writer.WriteLine( "\"const\"," );
                    writer.WriteLine( "\"unknown\"," );
            if( node.Type == Token.T_FUNCTION && node .Args != null && node.Args.Count > 0 ) {
                writer.WriteLine( "\"arguments\":[" );
                for( int i = 0; i < node.Args.Count; i++ ) {
                    string arg = node.Args[i];
                    if( ( i + 1 ) != node.Args.Count ) {
                        writer.WriteLine( "\"" + arg + "\"," );
                    } else {
                        writer.WriteLine( "\"" + arg + "\"" );
                if( node.Comment != null || node.Child != null ) {
                    writer.WriteLine( "]," );
                } else {
                    writer.WriteLine( "]" );
            if( node.Comment != null || node.Child != null ) {
                writer.WriteLine( "\"name\":\"" + node.Name + "\"," );
            } else {
                writer.WriteLine( "\"name\":\"" + node.Name + "\"" );
            if( node.Comment != null ) {
                writer.WriteLine( "\"comment\":{" );
                string comment = escapeJsonString( node.Comment );
                List<CommentNode> cnl = parseComment( node.Comment );
                if( cnl.Count > 0 ) {
                    writer.WriteLine( "\"raw\":\"" + comment + "\"," );
                } else {
                    writer.WriteLine( "\"raw\":\"" + comment + "\"" );
                List<Param> parameters = new List<Param>();
                for( int i = 0; i < cnl.Count; i++ ) {
                    CommentNode cn = cnl[i];
                    string body = Regex.Replace( cn.Body, "[ \t]*\\\\n$", "" );	// 末尾の空白と改行は削除する
                    body = escapeJsonString( body );
                    switch( cn.Type ) {
                        case CommentType.SUMMARY:
                            writer.Write( "\"summary\":" );
                        case CommentType.PARAM:
                            //writer.Write( "\"param\":{\"name\":\"" + cn.Name + "\",\"desc\":\"" + body + "\"}" );
                            parameters.Add( new Param( cn.Name, body ) );
                        case CommentType.RETURN:
                            writer.Write( "\"return\":" );
                        case CommentType.THROW:
                            writer.Write( "\"throw\":" );
                        case CommentType.AUTHOR:
                            writer.Write( "\"author\":" );
                        case CommentType.VERSION:
                            writer.Write( "\"version\":" );
                        case CommentType.SEE:
                            writer.Write( "\"see\":" );
                        case CommentType.DESCRIPTION:
                            writer.Write( "\"description\":" );
                            writer.Write( "\"unknown\":" );
                    if( cn.Type != CommentType.PARAM ) {
                        writer.Write( "\"" + body + "\"" );
                    if( ( i + 1 ) != cnl.Count || parameters.Count > 0 ) {
                        writer.Write( "," );
                    writer.WriteLine( "" );
                if( parameters.Count > 0 ) {
                    writer.WriteLine( "\"param\":[" );
                    for( int i = 0; i < parameters.Count; i++ ) {
                        Param p = parameters[i];
                        writer.Write( "{\"name\":\"" + p.Name + "\",\"desc\":\"" + p.Desc + "\"}" );
                        if( ( i + 1 ) != parameters.Count ) {
                            writer.WriteLine( "," );
                        } else {
                            writer.WriteLine( "" );
                    writer.WriteLine( "]" );

                if( node.Child != null ) {
                    writer.WriteLine( "}," );
                } else {
                    writer.WriteLine( "}" );
            if( node.Child != null ) {
                writer.Write( "\"members\":[" );
                int count = node.Child.Count;
                int index = 0;
                foreach( ScriptNode n in node.Child ) {
                    traverseNode( n, ref writer, ( index + 1 ) == count );
                writer.Write( "]" );
            if( isLast ) {
                writer.WriteLine( "}" );
            } else {
                writer.WriteLine( "}," );
Beispiel #18
 public InlineableNodeViewModel(ScriptViewModel script, ScriptNode node) : base(script, node)
     MenuItems.Add(new MenuItemViewModel {
         Header = "Inline", Command = InlineThis
Beispiel #19
 /// <summary>
 /// Generates a <see cref="Graphs3D.PhongIntensity"/> object.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="Diffuse">Diffuse light.</param>
 /// <param name="Specular">Specular light.</param>
 /// <param name="Position">Light source position.</param>
 /// <param name="Start">Start position in script expression.</param>
 /// <param name="Length">Length of expression covered by node.</param>
 /// <param name="Expression">Expression.</param>
 public PhongShader(ScriptNode Diffuse, ScriptNode Specular, ScriptNode Position,
                    int Start, int Length, Expression Expression)
     : base(new ScriptNode[] { Diffuse, Specular, Position },
            new ArgumentType[] { ArgumentType.Scalar, ArgumentType.Scalar, ArgumentType.Normal }, Start, Length, Expression)
Beispiel #20
 public IfDefViewModel(ScriptViewModel script, ScriptNode node) : base(script, node)
Beispiel #21
        public static FractalGraph CalcHalley(double rCenter, double iCenter, double rDelta, Complex R,
                                              Complex[] Coefficients, SKColor[] Palette, int Width, int Height, ScriptNode Node,
                                              FractalZoomScript FractalZoomScript, object State)
            byte[]  reds;
            byte[]  greens;
            byte[]  blues;
            double  RRe = R.Real;
            double  RIm = R.Imaginary;
            double  r0, i0, r1, i1;
            double  dr, di;
            double  r, i;
            double  zr, zi, zr2, zi2, zr3, zi3, zr4, zi4, zr5, zi5, zr6, zi6;
            double  aspect;
            double  Temp;
            int     x, y;
            int     n, N;
            int     index;
            int     Degree = Coefficients.Length - 1;
            SKColor cl;

            N      = Palette.Length;
            reds   = new byte[N];
            greens = new byte[N];
            blues  = new byte[N];

            for (x = 0; x < N; x++)
                cl        = Palette[x];
                reds[x]   = cl.Red;
                greens[x] = cl.Green;
                blues[x]  = cl.Blue;

            if (Degree < 3)
                Array.Resize <Complex>(ref Coefficients, 4);
                while (Degree < 3)
                    Coefficients[++Degree] = Complex.Zero;

            Complex[] Prim = new Complex[Degree];
            for (x = 1; x <= Degree; x++)
                Prim[x - 1] = x * Coefficients[x];

            Complex[] Bis = new Complex[Degree - 1];
            for (x = 1; x < Degree; x++)
                Bis[x - 1] = x * Prim[x];

            Coefficients = (Complex[])Coefficients.Clone();

            int j, c = Prim.Length;
            int c2 = c - 1;

            double[] ReC    = new double[c + 1];
            double[] ImC    = new double[c + 1];
            double[] RePrim = new double[c];
            double[] ImPrim = new double[c];
            double[] ReBis  = new double[c2];
            double[] ImBis  = new double[c2];
            Complex  z;

            for (j = 0; j < c; j++)
                z      = Coefficients[j];
                ReC[j] = z.Real;
                ImC[j] = z.Imaginary;

                z         = Prim[j];
                RePrim[j] = z.Real;
                ImPrim[j] = z.Imaginary;

                if (j < c2)
                    z        = Bis[j];
                    ReBis[j] = z.Real;
                    ImBis[j] = z.Imaginary;

            z      = Coefficients[j];
            ReC[j] = z.Real;
            ImC[j] = z.Imaginary;

            int    size = Width * Height * 4;
            double Conv = 1e-10;
            double Div  = 1e10;

            byte[] rgb = new byte[size];

            rDelta *= 0.5;
            r0      = rCenter - rDelta;
            r1      = rCenter + rDelta;

            aspect = ((double)Width) / Height;

            i0 = iCenter - rDelta / aspect;
            i1 = iCenter + rDelta / aspect;

            dr = (r1 - r0) / Width;
            di = (i1 - i0) / Height;

            for (y = 0, i = i0, index = 0; y < Height; y++, i += di)
                for (x = 0, r = r0; x < Width; x++, r += dr)
                    zr = r;
                    zi = i;

                    n = 0;
                        // f:
                        zr2 = zi2 = 0;
                        for (j = 0; j <= c; j++)
                            Temp = zr2 * zr - zi2 * zi + ReC[j];
                            zi2  = zr2 * zi + zi2 * zr + ImC[j];
                            zr2  = Temp;

                        // f':
                        zr3 = zi3 = 0;
                        for (j = 0; j < c; j++)
                            Temp = zr3 * zr - zi3 * zi + RePrim[j];
                            zi3  = zr3 * zi + zi3 * zr + ImPrim[j];
                            zr3  = Temp;

                        // f":
                        zr4 = zi4 = 0;
                        for (j = 0; j < c2; j++)
                            Temp = zr4 * zr - zi4 * zi + ReBis[j];
                            zi4  = zr4 * zi + zi4 * zr + ImBis[j];
                            zr4  = Temp;

                        // 2*f*f'

                        zr5 = 2 * (zr2 * zr3 - zi2 * zi3);
                        zi5 = 2 * (zr2 * zi3 + zi2 * zr3);

                        // 2f'^2-f*f"

                        zr6 = 2 * (zr3 * zr3 - zi3 * zi3) - (zr2 * zr4 - zi2 * zi4);
                        zi6 = 4 * zr3 * zi3 - (zr2 * zi4 + zr4 * zi2);

                        // R*2*f*f'/2f'^2-f*f"

                        Temp = 1.0 / (zr6 * zr6 + zi6 * zi6);
                        zr4  = (zr5 * zr6 + zi5 * zi6) * Temp;
                        zi4  = (zi5 * zr6 - zr5 * zi6) * Temp;

                        // R*2*f*f'/(2f'^2-f*f")
                        Temp = zr4 * RRe - zi4 * RIm;
                        zi4  = zr4 * RIm + zi4 * RRe;
                        zr4  = Temp;

                        zr -= zr4;
                        zi -= zi4;

                        Temp = Math.Sqrt(zr4 * zr4 + zi4 * zi4);
                    }while ((Temp > Conv) && (Temp < Div) && (n++ < N));

                    if (Temp < Conv && n < N)
                        rgb[index++] = blues[n];
                        rgb[index++] = greens[n];
                        rgb[index++] = reds[n];
                        rgb[index++] = 0;
                        rgb[index++] = 0;
                        rgb[index++] = 0;

                    rgb[index++] = 255;

            using (SKData Data = SKData.Create(new MemoryStream(rgb)))
                SKImage Bitmap = SKImage.FromPixelData(new SKImageInfo(Width, Height, SKColorType.Bgra8888), Data, Width * 4);
                return(new FractalGraph(Bitmap, r0, i0, r1, i1, rDelta * 2, true, Node, FractalZoomScript, State));
Beispiel #22
 public void Advance([CanBeNull] ScriptNode node)
Beispiel #23
 public HalleyFractal(ScriptNode z, ScriptNode dr, int Start, int Length, Expression Expression)
     : base(new ScriptNode[] { z, dr },
            new ArgumentType[] { ArgumentType.Scalar, ArgumentType.Scalar }, Start, Length, Expression)
Beispiel #24
 /// <summary>
 /// Transpose operator.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="Operand">Operand.</param>
 /// <param name="Start">Start position in script expression.</param>
 /// <param name="Length">Length of expression covered by node.</param>
 /// <param name="Expression">Expression containing script.</param>
 public Transpose(ScriptNode Operand, int Start, int Length, Expression Expression)
     : base(Operand, Start, Length, Expression)
Beispiel #25
 /// <summary>
 /// MarkdownEncode(x)
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="Argument">Argument.</param>
 /// <param name="Start">Start position in script expression.</param>
 /// <param name="Length">Length of expression covered by node.</param>
 /// <param name="Expression">Expression containing script.</param>
 public MarkdownEncode(ScriptNode Argument, int Start, int Length, Expression Expression)
     : base(Argument, Start, Length, Expression)
Beispiel #26
 /// <summary>
 /// Residue from self operator.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="VariableName">Variable name..</param>
 /// <param name="Operand">Operand.</param>
 /// <param name="Start">Start position in script expression.</param>
 /// <param name="Length">Length of expression covered by node.</param>
 /// <param name="Expression">Expression containing script.</param>
 public ResidueFromSelf(string VariableName, ScriptNode Operand, int Start, int Length, Expression Expression)
     : base(VariableName, Operand, Start, Length, Expression)
Beispiel #27
        public static FractalGraph CalcMandelbrot(double rCenter, double iCenter, double rDelta,
                                                  SKColor[] Palette, int Width, int Height, ScriptNode Node,
                                                  FractalZoomScript FractalZoomScript, object State)
            double r0, i0, r1, i1;
            double dr, di;
            double r, i;
            double zr, zi, zrt, zr2, zi2;
            double aspect;
            int    x, y;
            int    n, N;

            N = Palette.Length;

            int Size = Width * Height;

            int[] ColorIndex = new int[Size];
            int   Index      = 0;

            rDelta *= 0.5;
            r0      = rCenter - rDelta;
            r1      = rCenter + rDelta;

            aspect = ((double)Width) / Height;

            i0 = iCenter - rDelta / aspect;
            i1 = iCenter + rDelta / aspect;

            dr = (r1 - r0) / Width;
            di = (i1 - i0) / Height;

            for (y = 0, i = i0; y < Height; y++, i += di)
                for (x = 0, r = r0; x < Width; x++, r += dr)
                    zr = r;
                    zi = i;

                    n   = 0;
                    zr2 = zr * zr;
                    zi2 = zi * zi;

                    while (zr2 + zi2 < 9 && n < N)
                        zrt = zr2 - zi2 + r;
                        zi  = 2 * zr * zi + i;
                        zr  = zrt;

                        zr2 = zr * zr;
                        zi2 = zi * zi;

                    if (n >= N)
                        ColorIndex[Index++] = N;
                        ColorIndex[Index++] = n;

            ColorIndex = FractalGraph.FindBoundaries(ColorIndex, Width, Height);

            return(new FractalGraph(FractalGraph.ToBitmap(ColorIndex, Width, Height, Palette),
                                    r0, i0, r1, i1, rDelta * 2, true, Node, FractalZoomScript, State));
Beispiel #28
 public NewtonTopographyFractal(ScriptNode z, ScriptNode dr, ScriptNode R, ScriptNode c, ScriptNode Palette,
                                int Start, int Length, Expression Expression)
     : base(new ScriptNode[] { z, dr, R, c, Palette },
            new ArgumentType[] { ArgumentType.Scalar, ArgumentType.Scalar, ArgumentType.Scalar,
                                 ArgumentType.Normal, ArgumentType.Vector },
            Start, Length, Expression)
Beispiel #29
        public static FractalGraph CalcMandelbrot(double rCenter, double iCenter, double rDelta,
                                                  ILambdaExpression f, Variables Variables, SKColor[] Palette, int Width, int Height,
                                                  ScriptNode Node, FractalZoomScript FractalZoomScript, object State)
            double r0, i0, r1, i1;
            double dr, di;
            double r, i, Mod;
            double aspect;
            int    x, x2, y;
            int    n, N;

            N = Palette.Length;

            int Size = Width * Height;

            int[] ColorIndex = new int[Size];

            Complex z;

            IElement[] P = new IElement[2];
            int        j, c;
            IElement   Obj;

            rDelta *= 0.5;
            r0      = rCenter - rDelta;
            r1      = rCenter + rDelta;

            aspect = ((double)Width) / Height;

            i0 = iCenter - rDelta / aspect;
            i1 = iCenter + rDelta / aspect;

            dr = (r1 - r0) / Width;
            di = (i1 - i0) / Height;

            for (y = 0, i = i0; y < Height; y++, i += di)
                Complex[] Row    = new Complex[Width];
                Complex[] Row0   = new Complex[Width];
                int[]     Offset = new int[Width];

                c = Width;
                for (x = 0, x2 = y * Width, r = r0; x < Width; x++, r += dr, x2++)
                    Row[x]    = Row0[x] = new Complex(r, i);
                    Offset[x] = x2;

                Variables v = new Variables();

                n = 0;
                while (n < N && c > 0)
                    P[0] = Expression.Encapsulate(Row);
                    P[1] = Expression.Encapsulate(Row0);
                    Obj  = f.Evaluate(P, v);
                    Row  = Obj.AssociatedObjectValue as Complex[];

                    if (Row is null)
                        throw new ScriptRuntimeException("Lambda expression must be able to accept complex vectors, " +
                                                         "and return complex vectors of equal length. Type returned: " +
                                                         Obj.GetType().FullName, Node);
                    else if (Row.Length != c)
                        throw new ScriptRuntimeException("Lambda expression must be able to accept complex vectors, " +
                                                         "and return complex vectors of equal length. Length returned: " +
                                                         Row.Length.ToString() + ". Expected: " + c.ToString(), Node);

                    for (x = x2 = 0; x < c; x++)
                        z = Row[x];
                        j = Offset[x];

                        Mod = z.Magnitude;

                        if (Mod < 3)
                            if (x != x2)
                                Row[x2]    = z;
                                Row0[x2]   = Row0[x];
                                Offset[x2] = j;

                            if (n >= N)
                                ColorIndex[j++] = N;
                                ColorIndex[j++] = n;

                    if (x2 < x)
                        Array.Resize <Complex>(ref Row, x2);
                        Array.Resize <Complex>(ref Row0, x2);
                        Array.Resize <int>(ref Offset, x2);
                        c = x2;

                if (c > 0)
                    for (x = 0; x < c; x++)
                        j             = Offset[x];
                        ColorIndex[j] = N;

            ColorIndex = FractalGraph.FindBoundaries(ColorIndex, Width, Height);

            return(new FractalGraph(FractalGraph.ToBitmap(ColorIndex, Width, Height, Palette),
                                    r0, i0, r1, i1, rDelta * 2, true, Node, FractalZoomScript, State));
Beispiel #30
 /// <summary>
 /// Exp(x)
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="Argument">Argument.</param>
 /// <param name="Start">Start position in script expression.</param>
 /// <param name="Length">Length of expression covered by node.</param>
 /// <param name="Expression">Expression containing script.</param>
 public Exp(ScriptNode Argument, int Start, int Length, Expression Expression)
     : base(Argument, Start, Length, Expression)
Beispiel #31
        /// <summary>
        /// Calls the callback method for all child nodes.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Callback">Callback method to call.</param>
        /// <param name="State">State object to pass on to the callback method.</param>
        /// <param name="DepthFirst">If calls are made depth first (true) or on each node and then its leaves (false).</param>
        /// <returns>If the process was completed.</returns>
        public override bool ForAllChildNodes(ScriptNodeEventHandler Callback, object State, bool DepthFirst)
            if (DepthFirst)
                if (!(this.source?.ForAllChildNodes(Callback, State, DepthFirst) ?? true))

                foreach (Assignment SetOperation in this.setOperations)
                    if (!(SetOperation?.ForAllChildNodes(Callback, State, DepthFirst) ?? true))

                if (!(this.where?.ForAllChildNodes(Callback, State, DepthFirst) ?? true))

            if (!(this.source is null) && !Callback(ref this.source, State))

            int i, c = this.setOperations.Length;

            for (i = 0; i < c; i++)
                ScriptNode SetOperation = this.setOperations[i];

                if (!(SetOperation is null))
                    if (!Callback(ref SetOperation, State))

                    if (SetOperation is Assignment Assignment)
                        this.setOperations[i] = Assignment;

            if (!(this.where is null) && !Callback(ref this.where, State))

            if (!DepthFirst)
                if (!(this.source?.ForAllChildNodes(Callback, State, DepthFirst) ?? true))

                foreach (Assignment SetOperation in this.setOperations)
                    if (!(SetOperation?.ForAllChildNodes(Callback, State, DepthFirst) ?? true))

                if (!(this.where?.ForAllChildNodes(Callback, State, DepthFirst) ?? true))

Beispiel #32
        /// <summary>
        /// Calls the callback method for all child nodes.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Callback">Callback method to call.</param>
        /// <param name="State">State object to pass on to the callback method.</param>
        /// <param name="DepthFirst">If calls are made depth first (true) or on each node and then its leaves (false).</param>
        /// <returns>If the process was completed.</returns>
        public override bool ForAllChildNodes(ScriptNodeEventHandler Callback, object State, bool DepthFirst)
            if (DepthFirst)
                if (!(this.source?.ForAllChildNodes(Callback, State, DepthFirst) ?? true))

                if (!(, State, DepthFirst) ?? true))

            ScriptNode Node = this.source;

            if (!(Node is null) && !Callback(ref Node, State))

            if (Node is SourceDefinition Source2)
                this.source = Source2;

            Node =;
            if (!(Node is null) && !Callback(ref Node, State))

            if (Node is Select Select1)
       = Select1;

            if (!DepthFirst)
                if (!(this.source?.ForAllChildNodes(Callback, State, DepthFirst) ?? true))

                if (!(, State, DepthFirst) ?? true))

Beispiel #33
        private ScriptNode createNodes( string script )
            if( parse( script ) == false) {
                System.Console.WriteLine( "Parse Error. Line: " + error_line_ );
                return null;
            string comment = null;
            string name = null;
            int type = 0;
            bool prevComment = false;
            int nest = 0;
            ScriptNode topNode = new ScriptNode( 0, null, null );
            ScriptNode currentNode = topNode;
            Stack<ScriptNode> node = new Stack<ScriptNode>();
            node.Push( topNode );
            Stack<int> classNest = new Stack<int>();
            classNest.Push( -2 );
            int i = 0;
            string headerComment = null;
            if( tokens_.Count > 0 && tokens_[0].Token == Token.T_COMMENT ) {
                // header comment
                headerComment = (string)tokens_[0].Value;
                if( tokens_.Count > 1 ) {
                    int token = tokens_[1].Token;
                    if( token == Token.T_FUNCTION ||
                        token == Token.T_PROPERTY ||
                        token == Token.T_CLASS ||
                        token == Token.T_VAR ||
                        token == Token.T_CONST ) {
                        // ヘッダーコメントではなく、次のメンバのコメントとなる
                        headerComment = null;
            if( headerComment != null ) {
                topNode.Comment = headerComment;
            for( ; i < tokens_.Count; i++ ) {
                TokenInfo token = tokens_[i];
                switch( token.Token ) {
                    case Token.T_COMMENT:
                        comment = (string)token.Value;
                        prevComment = true;
                    case Token.T_SYMBOL:
                        name = (string)token.Value;
                        if( type != 0 ) {
                            if( prevComment != true ) {
                                comment = null;
                            ScriptNode n = new ScriptNode( type, name, comment );
                            currentNode.Child.Add( n );
                            if( type == Token.T_CLASS ) {
                                node.Push( n );
                                currentNode = n;
                            if( type == Token.T_FUNCTION ) {
                                // 関数なので引数をチェックする
                                if( i < tokens_.Count ) {
                                    token = tokens_[i];
                                    if( token.Token != Token.T_LPARENTHESIS ) {
                                // Token.T_LPARENTHESIS (
                                // Token.T_RPARENTHESIS )
                                // Token.T_COMMA ,
                                // Token.T_COLON :
                                // Token.T_SYMBOL
                                // Token.T_LBRACE {
                                // Token.T_INT int
                                // Token.T_REAL real
                                // Token.T_STRING string
                                // Token.T_OCTET octet
                                // Token.T_OMIT ...
                                // * や初期値などは調べてない
                                bool nextSymbol = true;
                                for( ; i < tokens_.Count; i++ ) {
                                    token = tokens_[i];
                                    if( token.Token == Token.T_RPARENTHESIS ) {	// )
                                    if( nextSymbol && token.Token == Token.T_SYMBOL ) {
                                        n.Args.Add( (string)token.Value );
                                        nextSymbol = false;
                                    } else if( token.Token == Token.T_OMIT ) {
                                        n.Args.Add( "..." );
                                        nextSymbol = false;
                                    } else if( token.Token == Token.T_COMMA ) {
                                        nextSymbol = true;

                    case Token.T_FUNCTION:
                        type = Token.T_FUNCTION;
                    case Token.T_PROPERTY:
                        type = Token.T_PROPERTY;
                    case Token.T_CLASS:
                        type = Token.T_CLASS;
                        classNest.Push( nest );
                    case Token.T_VAR:
                        type = Token.T_VAR;
                    case Token.T_CONST:
                        type = Token.T_CONST;
                    case Token.T_LBRACE:
                        prevComment = false; type = 0;
                    case Token.T_RBRACE:
                        if( nest == classNest.Peek() ) {
                            // 現在のクラスノードが終了した
                            if( node.Count > 0 ) {
                                currentNode = node.Peek();
                        prevComment = false; type = 0;
                        prevComment = false; type = 0;
            return topNode;
Beispiel #34
 /// <summary>
 /// Vector Index Assignment operator.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="VectorIndex">Vector Index</param>
 /// <param name="Operand">Operand.</param>
 /// <param name="Start">Start position in script expression.</param>
 /// <param name="Length">Length of expression covered by node.</param>
 /// <param name="Expression">Expression containing script.</param>
 public VectorIndexAssignment(VectorIndex VectorIndex, ScriptNode Operand, int Start, int Length, Expression Expression)
     : base(VectorIndex.LeftOperand, VectorIndex.RightOperand, Operand, Start, Length, Expression)
        public ScriptNode CompileScriptNode(string nodeName, string text, StringTable stringTable, Type self)
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(text))
                throw new GossipScriptException("Script cannot be null or empty");

            var scriptletInfo = ScriptNodeParser.ParseScriptNode(text);

            var rv = new ScriptNode(nodeName);

            if (scriptletInfo.OnUpdateScript != null)
                var tokens = Lexer.Tokenize(scriptletInfo.OnUpdateScript.EventScript).ToList();
                PopulateStringTable(tokens, stringTable);
                rv.OnUpdateEvent = new ScriptEvent(CompileEvent(tokens, self, stringTable), 0);

            if (scriptletInfo.OnExitScript != null)
                List<Token> tokens = Lexer.Tokenize(scriptletInfo.OnExitScript.EventScript).ToList();
                PopulateStringTable(tokens, stringTable);
                rv.OnEndEvent = new ScriptEvent(CompileEvent(tokens, self, stringTable), 0);

            if (scriptletInfo.OnEnterScript != null)
                List<Token> tokens = Lexer.Tokenize(scriptletInfo.OnEnterScript.EventScript).ToList();
                PopulateStringTable(tokens, stringTable);
                rv.OnStartEvent = new ScriptEvent(CompileEvent(tokens, self, stringTable), 0);

            if (scriptletInfo.OnInterruptScript != null)
                List<Token> tokens = Lexer.Tokenize(scriptletInfo.OnInterruptScript.EventScript).ToList();
                PopulateStringTable(tokens, stringTable);
                rv.OnInterruptEvent = new ScriptEvent(CompileEvent(tokens, self, stringTable), 0);

            // Custom events
            foreach (ScriptNodeEventInfo customEvent in scriptletInfo.CustomEventScripts)
                List<Token> tokens = Lexer.Tokenize(customEvent.EventScript).ToList();
                PopulateStringTable(tokens, stringTable);

                EventBinding binding = m_Engine.HostBridge.EventBindingTable.GetBindingByName(customEvent.Token.Value);
                var scriptletEvent =
                    new ScriptEvent(CompileEvent(tokens, self, stringTable, binding.EventParameterType), binding.Id);


            return rv;
 public JuliaRoot2Variation(ScriptNode Parameter1, int Start, int Length, Expression Expression)
     : base(Parameter1, null, Start, Length, Expression)