/// <summary>
        /// Evaluates the specified expression
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="targetExpression">The expression to evaluate</param>
        /// <param name="valueToSet">A value to set in case of a setter</param>
        /// <param name="setter">true if this a setter</param>
        /// <returns>The value of the targetExpression</returns>
        private object GetOrSetValue(ScriptExpression targetExpression, object valueToSet, bool setter)
            object value = null;

                if (targetExpression is IScriptVariablePath nextPath)
                    if (setter)
                        nextPath.SetValue(this, valueToSet);
                        value = nextPath.GetValue(this);
                else if (!setter)
                    value = Evaluate(targetExpression);
                    throw new ScriptRuntimeException(targetExpression.Span, $"Unsupported target expression for assignment."); // unit test: 105-assign-error1.txt
            catch (Exception readonlyException) when(_getOrSetValueLevel == 1 && !(readonlyException is ScriptRuntimeException))
                throw new ScriptRuntimeException(targetExpression.Span, $"Unexpected exception while accessing target expression: {readonlyException.Message}", readonlyException);

            // If the variable being returned is a function, we need to evaluate it
            // If function call is disabled, it will be only when returning the final object (level 0 of recursion)
            var allowFunctionCall = (_isFunctionCallDisabled && _getOrSetValueLevel > 1) || !_isFunctionCallDisabled;

            if (allowFunctionCall && ScriptFunctionCall.IsFunction(value))
                // Allow to pipe arguments only for top level returned function
                value = ScriptFunctionCall.Call(this, targetExpression, value, _getOrSetValueLevel == 1, null);

Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Evaluates the specified expression
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="targetExpression">The expression to evaluate</param>
        /// <param name="valueToSet">A value to set in case of a setter</param>
        /// <param name="setter">true if this a setter</param>
        /// <param name="level">The indirection level (0 before entering the expression)</param>
        /// <returns>The value of the targetExpression</returns>
        private object GetOrSetValue(ScriptExpression targetExpression, object valueToSet, bool setter, int level)
            object value = null;

                var nextVariable = targetExpression as ScriptVariable;
                if (nextVariable != null)
                    if (setter)
                        SetValue(nextVariable, valueToSet, false);
                        value = GetValueFromVariable(nextVariable);
                    if (targetExpression is ScriptMemberExpression nextDot)
                        var targetObject = GetOrSetValue(nextDot.Target, valueToSet, false, level + 1);

                        if (targetObject == null)
                            throw new ScriptRuntimeException(nextDot.Span,
                                                             $"Object [{nextDot.Target}] is null. Cannot access member: {nextDot}"); // unit test: 131-member-accessor-error1.txt

                        if (targetObject is string || targetObject.GetType().GetTypeInfo().IsPrimitive)
                            throw new ScriptRuntimeException(nextDot.Span,
                                                             $"Cannot get or set a member on the primitive [{targetObject}/{targetObject.GetType()}] when accessing member: {nextDot}"); // unit test: 132-member-accessor-error2.txt

                        var accessor = GetMemberAccessor(targetObject);

                        var memberName = nextDot.Member.Name;

                        if (setter)
                            if (!accessor.TrySetValue(this, targetExpression.Span, targetObject, memberName, valueToSet))
                                throw new ScriptRuntimeException(nextDot.Member.Span,
                                                                 $"Cannot set a value for the readonly member: {nextDot}"); // unit test: 132-member-accessor-error3.txt
                            if (!accessor.TryGetValue(this, targetExpression.Span, targetObject, memberName, out value))
                                TryGetMember?.Invoke(this, targetExpression.Span, targetObject, memberName, out value);
                        if (targetExpression is ScriptIndexerExpression nextIndexer)
                            var targetObject = GetOrSetValue(nextIndexer.Target, valueToSet, false, level + 1);
                            if (targetObject == null)
                                throw new ScriptRuntimeException(nextIndexer.Target.Span,
                                                                 $"Object [{nextIndexer.Target}] is null. Cannot access indexer: {nextIndexer}"); // unit test: 130-indexer-accessor-error1.txt
                                var index = Evaluate(nextIndexer.Index);
                                if (index == null)
                                    throw new ScriptRuntimeException(nextIndexer.Index.Span,
                                                                     $"Cannot access target [{nextIndexer.Target}] with a null indexer: {nextIndexer}"); // unit test: 130-indexer-accessor-error2.txt
                                    if (targetObject is IDictionary || targetObject is ScriptObject)
                                        var accessor      = GetMemberAccessor(targetObject);
                                        var indexAsString =
                                            ToString(nextIndexer.Index.Span, index);

                                        if (setter)
                                            if (!accessor.TrySetValue(this, targetExpression.Span, targetObject, indexAsString, valueToSet))
                                                throw new ScriptRuntimeException(nextIndexer.Index.Span,
                                                                                 $"Cannot set a value for the readonly member [{indexAsString}] in the indexer: {nextIndexer.Target}['{indexAsString}']"); // unit test: 130-indexer-accessor-error3.txt
                                            if (!accessor.TryGetValue(this, targetExpression.Span, targetObject, indexAsString, out value))
                                                TryGetMember?.Invoke(this, targetExpression.Span, targetObject, indexAsString, out value);
                                        var accessor = GetListAccessor(targetObject);
                                        if (accessor == null)
                                            throw new ScriptRuntimeException(nextIndexer.Target.Span, $"Expecting a list. Invalid value [{targetObject}/{targetObject.GetType().Name}] for the target [{nextIndexer.Target}] for the indexer: {nextIndexer}"); // unit test: 130-indexer-accessor-error4.txt
                                            int i = ToInt(nextIndexer.Index.Span, index);

                                            // Allow negative index from the end of the array
                                            if (i < 0)
                                                i = accessor.GetLength(this, targetExpression.Span, targetObject) + i;

                                            if (i >= 0)
                                                if (setter)
                                                    accessor.SetValue(this, targetExpression.Span, targetObject, i, valueToSet);
                                                    value = accessor.GetValue(this, targetExpression.Span, targetObject, i);
                        else if (!setter)
                            value = Evaluate(targetExpression);
                            throw new ScriptRuntimeException(targetExpression.Span,
                                                             $"Unsupported expression for target for assignment: {targetExpression} = ..."); // unit test: 105-assign-error1.txt
            catch (Exception readonlyException) when(level == 0 && !(readonlyException is ScriptRuntimeException))
                throw new ScriptRuntimeException(targetExpression.Span, $"Unexpected exception while accessing `{targetExpression}`", readonlyException);

            // If the variable being returned is a function, we need to evaluate it
            // If function call is disabled, it will be only when returning the final object (level 0 of recursion)
            if ((!_isFunctionCallDisabled || level > 0) && ScriptFunctionCall.IsFunction(value))
                value = ScriptFunctionCall.Call(this, targetExpression, value);
