Beispiel #1
        private void CreateInputModel(string returnUrl, Client client, Resources resources)
            bool showDefault = false; // if page is loading for the first time, this is used to set default scope checkboxes to checked

            if (Input == null)
                showDefault = true;
                Input       = new InputModel
                    RememberConsent = true
            ScopesConsented = ScopesConsented ??= Enumerable.Empty <string>();

            Input.ReturnUrl = returnUrl;

            ClientName           = client.ClientName ?? client.ClientId;
            ClientUrl            = client.ClientUri;
            ClientLogoUrl        = client.LogoUri;
            AllowRememberConsent = client.AllowRememberConsent;

            IdentityScopes = resources.IdentityResources.Select(x => CreateScopeViewModel(x, ScopesConsented.Contains(x.Name) || showDefault)).ToList();
            ResourceScopes = resources.ApiResources.SelectMany(x => x.Scopes).Select(x => CreateScopeViewModel(x, ScopesConsented.Contains(x.Name) || showDefault)).ToList();
            if (ConsentOptions.EnableOfflineAccess && resources.OfflineAccess)
                ResourceScopes = ResourceScopes.Union(new ScopeViewModel[] {
                    GetOfflineAccessScope(ScopesConsented.Contains(IdentityServer4.IdentityServerConstants.StandardScopes.OfflineAccess) || showDefault)
Beispiel #2
        public ConsentViewModel(ConsentInputModel model, string returnUrl, AuthorizationRequest request, Client client, Resources scopes)
            RememberConsent = model?.RememberConsent ?? true;
            ScopesConsented = model?.ScopesConsented ?? Enumerable.Empty <string>();

            ReturnUrl = returnUrl;

            ClientName           = client.ClientName;
            ClientUrl            = client.ClientUri;
            ClientLogoUrl        = client.LogoUri;
            AllowRememberConsent = client.AllowRememberConsent;

            IdentityScopes = scopes.IdentityResources.Select(x => new ScopeViewModel()
                Name        = x.Name,
                Description = x.Description,
                DisplayName = x.DisplayName,
                Emphasize   = x.Emphasize,
                Required    = x.Required,
                Checked     = (ScopesConsented.Contains(x.Name) || model == null) || x.Required
            ResourceScopes = scopes.ApiResources.Select(x => new ScopeViewModel/*(ScopesConsented.Contains(x.Name) || model == null)*/
                Name        = x.Name,
                Description = x.Description,
                DisplayName = x.DisplayName,
                Checked     = (ScopesConsented.Contains(x.Name) || model == null)
        public ConsentViewModel(ConsentInputModel model, string returnUrl, AuthorizationRequest request, Client client, Resources resources)
            RememberConsent = model?.RememberConsent ?? true;
            ScopesConsented = model?.ScopesConsented ?? Enumerable.Empty <string>();

            ReturnUrl = returnUrl;

            ClientName           = client.ClientName;
            ClientUrl            = client.ClientUri;
            ClientLogoUrl        = client.LogoUri;
            AllowRememberConsent = client.AllowRememberConsent;

            IdentityScopes = resources.IdentityResources.Select(x => new ScopeViewModel(x, ScopesConsented.Contains(x.Name) || model == null)).ToArray();
            ResourceScopes = resources.ApiScopes.Select(x => new ScopeViewModel(x, ScopesConsented.Contains(x.Name) || model == null)).ToArray();
Beispiel #4
        public ConsentViewModel(ConsentInputModel model, string returnUrl, AuthorizationRequest request, Client client, Resources resources)
            RememberConsent = model?.RememberConsent ?? true;
            ScopesConsented = model?.ScopesConsented ?? Enumerable.Empty <string>();

            ReturnUrl = returnUrl;

            ClientName           = client.ClientName;
            ClientUrl            = client.ClientUri;
            ClientLogoUrl        = client.LogoUri;
            AllowRememberConsent = client.AllowRememberConsent;

            IdentityScopes = resources.IdentityResources.Select(x => new ScopeViewModel(x, ScopesConsented.Contains(x.Name) || model == null)).ToArray();
            ResourceScopes = resources.ApiResources.SelectMany(x => x.Scopes).Select(x => new ScopeViewModel(x, ScopesConsented.Contains(x.Name) || model == null)).ToArray();
            if (resources.OfflineAccess)
                ResourceScopes = ResourceScopes.Union(new ScopeViewModel[] {
                    ScopeViewModel.GetOfflineAccess(ScopesConsented.Contains(IdentityServerConstants.StandardScopes.OfflineAccess) || model == null)
Beispiel #5
        /* helper APIs for the ConsentController */
        private async Task <ProcessConsentResult> ProcessConsent(bool confirmed)
            var result = new ProcessConsentResult();

            // validate return url is still valid
            var request = await _interaction.GetAuthorizationContextAsync(Input.ReturnUrl);

            if (request == null)

            ConsentResponse grantedConsent = null;

            // user clicked 'no' - send back the standard 'access_denied' response
            if (!confirmed)
                grantedConsent = ConsentResponse.Denied;

                // emit event
                await _events.RaiseAsync(new ConsentDeniedEvent(User.GetSubjectId(), request.ClientId, request.ScopesRequested));
            //user clicked 'yes' - validate the data
                // if the user consented to some scope, build the response model
                if (ScopesConsented != null && ScopesConsented.Any())
                    var scopes = ScopesConsented;
                    if (ConsentOptions.EnableOfflineAccess == false)
                        scopes = scopes.Where(x => x != IdentityServer4.IdentityServerConstants.StandardScopes.OfflineAccess);

                    grantedConsent = new ConsentResponse
                        RememberConsent = Input.RememberConsent,
                        ScopesConsented = scopes.ToArray()

                    // emit event
                    await _events.RaiseAsync(new ConsentGrantedEvent(User.GetSubjectId(), request.ClientId, request.ScopesRequested, grantedConsent.ScopesConsented, grantedConsent.RememberConsent));
                    result.ValidationError = ConsentOptions.MustChooseOneErrorMessage;

            if (grantedConsent != null)
                // communicate outcome of consent back to identityserver
                await _interaction.GrantConsentAsync(request, grantedConsent);

                // indicate that's it ok to redirect back to authorization endpoint
                result.RedirectUri = Input.ReturnUrl;
                result.ClientId    = request.ClientId;
                // we need to redisplay the consent UI
                await BuildInputModelAsync(Input.ReturnUrl);

                _showView = true;

        public ConsentViewModel(ConsentInputModel model, string consentId, ConsentRequest request, Client client, IEnumerable <Scope> scopes, ILocalizationService localization)
            RememberConsent = model?.RememberConsent ?? true;
            ScopesConsented = model?.ScopesConsented ?? Enumerable.Empty <string>();

            ConsentId = consentId;

            ClientName           = client.ClientName;
            ClientUrl            = client.ClientUri;
            ClientLogoUrl        = client.LogoUri;
            AllowRememberConsent = client.AllowRememberConsent;

            IdentityScopes = scopes.Where(x => x.Type == ScopeType.Identity).Select(x => new ScopeViewModel(localization, x, ScopesConsented.Contains(x.Name) || model == null)).ToArray();
            ResourceScopes = scopes.Where(x => x.Type == ScopeType.Resource).Select(x => new ScopeViewModel(localization, x, ScopesConsented.Contains(x.Name) || model == null)).ToArray();