public override Scientrace.VectorTransform getGridTransform(UnitVector nz)
     //construction on request
     if (this.gridtrf == null)
         Scientrace.Vector refvec;
         //vector has to differ at least 1% from the orthogonal orientation.
         if (Math.Abs(directionlength.toUnitVector().dotProduct(nz)) < 0.99)
             refvec = nz;
             refvec = (nz.rotateAboutX(Math.PI / 2).rotateAboutY(Math.PI / 2)).tryToUnitVector();
             if (Math.Abs(directionlength.toUnitVector().dotProduct(nz)) < 0.99)
                 throw new Exception("WARNING: CrossProducts cannot produce orthogonal lines over two parallel " +
                                     "vectors, two vectors that are almost parallel will give a large significance error. FIX DIDN'T WORK, please contact the Scientrace developer.");
         Scientrace.NonzeroVector u, v;
         u            = refvec.crossProduct(directionlength).tryToUnitVector() * this.radius;
         v            = u.crossProduct(directionlength).tryToUnitVector() * this.radius;
         this.gridtrf = new Scientrace.VectorTransform(u, v, this.directionlength);
Beispiel #2
 public void PGramDiagonalSurfacePerformanceTest()
     DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now;
     double x1, x2, y1, y2, z1, z2, foo = 1;
     for (x1 = 0; x1 < 10000; x1++) {
     x2 = -3;
     y1 = 56;
     y2 = 12;
     z1 = -2;
     z2 = 23;
     Scientrace.NonzeroVector nzv1 = new Scientrace.NonzeroVector(x1, y1, z1);
     Scientrace.NonzeroVector nzv2 = new Scientrace.NonzeroVector(x2, y2, z2);
     Scientrace.Parallelogram a = new Scientrace.Parallelogram(new Scientrace.Location(1, 2, 3), nzv1, nzv2);
     //comparing surface calculated by sine of the angle between vectors and multiplication with their lengths with the lenght of the outproduct
     if (Math.Sin(Math.Acos(nzv1.toUnitVector().dotProduct(nzv2.toUnitVector())))*nzv1.length*nzv2.length != a.getSurfaceSize()) {
         //Assert.AreEqual(Math.Sin(Math.Acos(nzv1.toUnitVector().dotProduct(nzv2.toUnitVector())))*nzv1.length*nzv2.length, a.getSurface(), 1e-10);
     DateTime stopTime = DateTime.Now;
     TimeSpan duration = stopTime-startTime;
     Console.WriteLine(foo.ToString()+" siginificance failures");
     //making sure these 10 000 dotproducts and crossproducts comparisons can be executed within 60 milliseconds
     Assert.Less(duration.Milliseconds, 60);
        public void PGramDiagonalSurfacePerformanceTest()
            DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now;
            double   x1, x2, y1, y2, z1, z2, foo = 1;

            for (x1 = 0; x1 < 10000; x1++)
                x2 = -3;
                y1 = 56;
                y2 = 12;
                z1 = -2;
                z2 = 23;
                Scientrace.NonzeroVector nzv1 = new Scientrace.NonzeroVector(x1, y1, z1);
                Scientrace.NonzeroVector nzv2 = new Scientrace.NonzeroVector(x2, y2, z2);
                Scientrace.Parallelogram a    = new Scientrace.Parallelogram(new Scientrace.Location(1, 2, 3), nzv1, nzv2);
                //comparing surface calculated by sine of the angle between vectors and multiplication with their lengths with the lenght of the outproduct
                if (Math.Sin(Math.Acos(nzv1.toUnitVector().dotProduct(nzv2.toUnitVector()))) * nzv1.length * nzv2.length != a.getSurfaceSize())
                    //Assert.AreEqual(Math.Sin(Math.Acos(nzv1.toUnitVector().dotProduct(nzv2.toUnitVector())))*nzv1.length*nzv2.length, a.getSurface(), 1e-10);
            DateTime stopTime = DateTime.Now;
            TimeSpan duration = stopTime - startTime;

            Console.WriteLine(foo.ToString() + " siginificance failures");
            //making sure these 10 000 dotproducts and crossproducts comparisons can be executed within 60 milliseconds
            Assert.Less(duration.Milliseconds, 60);
Beispiel #4
 public void setRefAxis(Scientrace.NonzeroVector refVec)
     if (refVec == null)
     this.refVecZ = refVec.toUnitVector();
     Scientrace.Plane tPlane = Plane.newPlaneOrthogonalTo(new Scientrace.Location(0, 0, 0), refVec);
     this.refVecX = tPlane.u.toUnitVector();
     this.refVecY = tPlane.v.toUnitVector();
        public void PGramDiagonalSurfaceTest2()
            double x1, x2, y1, y2, z1, z2;

            x1 = 4;
            x2 = -3;
            y1 = 56;
            y2 = 12;
            z1 = -2;
            z2 = 23;
            Scientrace.NonzeroVector nzv1 = new Scientrace.NonzeroVector(x1, y1, z1);
            Scientrace.NonzeroVector nzv2 = new Scientrace.NonzeroVector(x2, y2, z2);
            Scientrace.Parallelogram a    = new Scientrace.Parallelogram(new Scientrace.Location(1, 2, 3), nzv1, nzv2);
            //comparing surface calculated by sine of the angle between vectors and multiplication with their lengths with the lenght of the outproduct
                Math.Sin(Math.Acos(nzv1.toUnitVector().dotProduct(nzv2.toUnitVector()))) * nzv1.length * nzv2.length,
Beispiel #6
 public static Scientrace.Plane newPlaneOrthogonalTo(Scientrace.Location loc, Scientrace.NonzeroVector normalVec,
                                                     Scientrace.NonzeroVector helpVec1, Scientrace.NonzeroVector helpVec2)
     Scientrace.UnitVector unitvec = normalVec.toUnitVector();
     Scientrace.UnitVector h1      = helpVec1.toUnitVector();
     Scientrace.UnitVector h2      = helpVec2.toUnitVector();
     if (h1.dotProduct(h2) >= 1)
         throw new Scientrace.ParallelVectorException(h1, h2, " in newPlaneOrthogonalTo(3) factory method.");
     Scientrace.UnitVector refvec =
             (Math.Abs(unitvec.dotProduct(h1)) < 0.8) ?
             h1 :
     Scientrace.NonzeroVector u = unitvec.crossProduct(refvec).tryToUnitVector();
     Scientrace.NonzeroVector v = unitvec.crossProduct(u).tryToUnitVector();
     return(new Scientrace.Plane(loc, u, v));
Beispiel #7
        public Scientrace.SpiralLightSource setSpiralLightFromXData(XElement xlight, List <Scientrace.UniformTraceModifier> utms,
                                                                    Scientrace.Object3dEnvironment env)
            /* "Spiral"
             * d class.radius, d class.loops, d distance, i beamcount, i maxinteractions, d minintensity
             * i modulomultiplier, str spectrum, vec location, vec direction */
            double radius = this.X.getXDouble(xlight.Attribute("Radius"));

            if (radius < 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Radius " + radius + " out of range");
            double distance  = this.X.getXDouble(xlight.Attribute("Distance"), 0);
            int    beamcount = this.X.getXInt(xlight.Attribute("RayCount"), this.X.getXInt(xlight.Attribute("BeamCount")));
            //int maxinteractions = this.X.getXInt(xlight, "MaxInteractions", 8); //default value max_interactions -> 8
            double minintensity = this.X.getXDouble(xlight, "MinIntensity", 0.2);             //default minimum intensity for tracing set to 1%

            double loops = this.X.getXDouble(xlight, "Loops", -1);

            if (loops == -1)
                loops = 1.0154 * Math.Pow(Math.PI * 2 * (1 - Math.Sqrt(((double)beamcount - 1) / (double)beamcount)), -0.5);
                Console.WriteLine("Number of loops for " + beamcount + " beams set to: {" + loops.ToString("#,0.000") + "}.");

            Scientrace.NonzeroVector light_direction = this.X.getXNzVector(xlight.Element("Direction"));
            Scientrace.NonzeroVector spiral_axis     = this.X.getXNzVector(xlight.Element("SpiralAxis"));
            Scientrace.Location      centerloc       = this.X.getXVector(xlight.Element("Location")).toLocation();

            /*Scientrace.Location locoffset = (light_direction.toVector().negative()*distance).toLocation(); //distance cm above surface
             * Scientrace.Location loc = locoffset + centerloc; */
            XMLSpectrumParser xsp = new XMLSpectrumParser();

            Scientrace.LightSpectrum spectrum = xsp.parseLightSpectrum(xlight.Element("Spectrum"));
            if (spectrum == null)
                throw new Exception("LightSpectrum " + xlight.Element("Spectrum").ToString() + " unknown");

            double divangle    = 0;
            double divdistance = 0;

            Scientrace.NonzeroVector divpinvec = null;             //=  new Scientrace.NonzeroVector(0,1,0);
            int  divsteps       = 1;
            bool divincludebase = true;

            this.getDivergence(xlight, ref divangle, ref divpinvec, ref divdistance, ref divincludebase, ref divsteps);
            if (divangle > 0)
                if (divpinvec.crossProduct(light_direction).length == 0)
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("divpinvec", "Divergence Pinvector (" + divpinvec.trico() + ") is parallel to light directon (" +
                                                          light_direction.trico() + ")");

            Scientrace.Plane spiralplane = Scientrace.Plane.newPlaneOrthogonalTo(centerloc, spiral_axis);
            //Scientrace.NonzeroVector direction = light_direction.tryToUnitVector();

            Scientrace.SpiralLightSource retlight = new Scientrace.SpiralLightSource(env, centerloc, light_direction.toUnitVector(),
                                                                                     spiralplane, beamcount, radius, loops, distance, spectrum);

/* BEFORE REMOVAL OF DISPERSION_STEPS			Scientrace.LightSource retlight = new Scientrace.SpiralLightSource(env, loc, light_direction.toUnitVector(),
 *                              spiralplane, beamcount, radius, loops, spectrum,
 *                              divangle, divpinvec, divdistance, divincludebase, divsteps);  */
            //retlight.max_interactions = maxinteractions;
            retlight.minimum_intensity_fraction = minintensity;
Beispiel #8
        public Scientrace.SingleRaySource setSingleRayFromXData(XElement xlight, List <Scientrace.UniformTraceModifier> utms,
                                                                Scientrace.Object3dEnvironment env)
            double distance     = this.X.getXDouble(xlight.Attribute("Distance"), 0);
            int    beamcount    = this.X.getXInt(xlight.Attribute("RayCount"), this.X.getXInt(xlight.Attribute("BeamCount"), 1));
            double minintensity = this.X.getXDouble(xlight, "MinIntensity", 0.01);             //default minimum intensity for tracing set to 1%

            Scientrace.NonzeroVector light_direction = this.X.getXNzVector(xlight.Element("Direction"));
            Scientrace.Location      centerloc       = this.X.getXVector(xlight.Element("Location")).toLocation();
            Scientrace.Location      locoffset       = (light_direction.toVector().negative() * distance).toLocation(); //distance cm above surface
            Scientrace.Location      loc             = locoffset + centerloc;
            XMLSpectrumParser        xsp             = new XMLSpectrumParser();

            Scientrace.LightSpectrum spectrum = xsp.parseLightSpectrum(xlight.Element("Spectrum"));
            if (spectrum == null)
                throw new Exception("LightSpectrum " + xlight.Element("Spectrum").ToString() + " unknown");

            Scientrace.SingleRaySource retlight = new Scientrace.SingleRaySource(new Scientrace.Line(loc, light_direction.toUnitVector()),
                                                                                 beamcount, spectrum, env);

            retlight.minimum_intensity_fraction = minintensity;
Beispiel #9
 public void PGramDiagonalSurfaceTest2()
     double x1, x2, y1, y2, z1, z2;
     x1 = 4;
     x2 = -3;
     y1 = 56;
     y2 = 12;
     z1 = -2;
     z2 = 23;
     Scientrace.NonzeroVector nzv1 = new Scientrace.NonzeroVector(x1, y1, z1);
     Scientrace.NonzeroVector nzv2 = new Scientrace.NonzeroVector(x2, y2, z2);
     Scientrace.Parallelogram a = new Scientrace.Parallelogram(new Scientrace.Location(1, 2, 3), nzv1, nzv2);
     //comparing surface calculated by sine of the angle between vectors and multiplication with their lengths with the lenght of the outproduct
Beispiel #10
        public override string exportX3D(Scientrace.Object3dEnvironment env)
            double r1 = this.sphere1Radius;
            double r2 = this.sphere2Radius;     //used to say sphere1Radius too?
            //The lensRadians is the angle made from the center of a sphere along the center of the lens to the side of the lens.
            double lens1Radians = this.getRadiansSphere1();
            double lens2Radians = this.getRadiansSphere2();

            Scientrace.NonzeroVector lens1to2Dir = (dummySphere2.loc - dummySphere1.loc).tryToUnitVector() * Math.Sign(r1) * Math.Sign(r2);

            Scientrace.NonzeroVector lens1Dir = lens1to2Dir * Math.Sign(r2);
            Scientrace.NonzeroVector lens2Dir = lens1to2Dir * -1 * Math.Sign(r1);

            NonzeroVector baseVec1 = null;
            NonzeroVector baseVec2 = null;

            lens1to2Dir.fillOrtogonalVectors(ref baseVec1, ref baseVec2);

            double lat_circles = 3;
            double meridians   = 12;

            System.Text.StringBuilder retx3d = new System.Text.StringBuilder(2000);
            retx3d.AppendLine("<!-- DOUBLECONVEXLENS GRID start -->");
            X3DShapeDrawer xsd = new X3DShapeDrawer();

            xsd.primaryRGB = "0.4 0 0.2";
            retx3d.Append(xsd.drawSphereSlice(this, lat_circles, meridians, this.dummySphere1, 0, lens1Radians, lens1Dir.toUnitVector()));
            retx3d.Append(xsd.drawSphereSlice(this, lat_circles, meridians, this.dummySphere2, 0, lens2Radians, lens2Dir.toUnitVector()));
            retx3d.AppendLine("<!-- DOUBLECONVEXLENS GRID end -->");


             * Scientrace.Location tNodeLoc;
             * Scientrace.Location tMerConnectLoc;
             * Scientrace.Location tLatConnectLoc;
             * Scientrace.X3DGridPoint tGridPoint;
             * double pi2 = Math.PI*2;
             * retx3d.Append("\t<!-- Convex part -->" );
             * for (double iSphereCircle = 2*lat_circles; iSphereCircle > 0; iSphereCircle--) {
             *      for (double iSphereMerid = 0.5; iSphereMerid < 2*meridians; iSphereMerid++) {
             *              //double lat_angle = lensRadians * (iSphereCircle / lat_circles); // theta
             *              //double mer_angle = pi2 * (iSphereMerid/meridians); // mer_angle = phi
             *              tNodeLoc = this.dummySphere1.getSphericalLoc(
             *                                      baseVec1, baseVec2,
             *                                      lens1to2Dir,
             *                                      lens1Radians * (iSphereCircle / (2*lat_circles)), // lat_angle = theta
             *                                      pi2 * (iSphereMerid/(2*meridians)) // mer_angle = phi
             *                                      );
             *              if (!tNodeLoc.isValid())
             *                      throw new NullReferenceException("Cannot calculate base gridpoint at @ "+this.tag);
             *              tMerConnectLoc = this.dummySphere1.getSphericalLoc(
             *                                      baseVec1, baseVec2,
             *                                      lens1to2Dir,
             *                                      lens1Radians * (iSphereCircle / (2*lat_circles)), // lat_angle = theta
             *                                      pi2 * ((iSphereMerid+1)/(2*meridians)) // mer_angle = phi
             *                                      );
             *              if (!tMerConnectLoc.isValid())
             *                      throw new NullReferenceException("Cannot calculate meridian gridpoint at @ "+this.tag);
             *              tLatConnectLoc = this.dummySphere1.getSphericalLoc(
             *                                      baseVec1, baseVec2,
             *                                      lens1to2Dir,
             *                                      lens1Radians * ((iSphereCircle-1) / (2*lat_circles)), // lat_angle = theta
             *                                      pi2 * ((iSphereMerid)/(2*meridians)) // mer_angle = phi
             *                                      );
             *              if (!tLatConnectLoc.isValid())
             *                      throw new NullReferenceException("Cannot calculate lateral gridpoint at @ "+this.tag);
             *              tGridPoint = new Scientrace.X3DGridPoint(env, tNodeLoc, tMerConnectLoc, tLatConnectLoc);
             *              retx3d.AppendLine(tGridPoint.exportX3Dnosphere("0.2 0 0.4 1"));
             *              }} // end for iSphereCircle / iSphereMerid
             * retx3d.Append("\t<!-- End of Convex part -->" );
             * retx3d.Append("<!-- End of DOUBLECONVEXLENS GRID -->"); */
        }         //end string exportX3D(env)