public AsynchronousSocketListener(Schemas.CRCL.Status.CRCLStatusType status, HandleNewCommandDelegate handleNewCommand, int port) { this.status = status; this.handleNewCommand = handleNewCommand; this.port = port; }
public Serializer(Action<Events.Base> emit, Schemas.Base schema = null) { this.emit = emit; if (schema == null) schema = new Schemas.Full(); this.Schema = schema; }
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// <summary>Funtion to build a full MultipartMessageType, from simple fields.</summary> /// <param name="destinations">An array of phoneNumber destinations.</param> /// <param name="subject">The subject of the MMS.</param> /// <param name="originAddress">The sender address.</param> /// <param name="senderName">Optional: A sender name.</param> /// <param name="message">Optional: A text message that will be sent as a text attachment.</param> /// <param name="attachments">Optional: List of attachments to be sent.</param> /// <param name="endpoint">Optional: String which contains the endpoint where status notifications will be sent.</param> /// <param name="correlator">Optional, Mandatory if Notifications: The correlator for the status notifications.</param> /// <returns>A MultipartMessageType, ready to be serialized and sent.</returns> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static Schemas.MultipartMessageType CreateMultipartMessageType(string[] destinations, string subject , MMS.Schemas.UserIdType originAddress , string senderName = null, string message = null, Schemas.Attachment[] attachments = null , string endpoint = null, string correlator = null) { Schemas.MultipartMessageType multipartMessage = new Schemas.MultipartMessageType(); Schemas.MessageType messageType = new Schemas.MessageType(); messageType.address = new Schemas.UserIdType[destinations.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < destinations.Length; i++) { Core.Tools.Extension.checkIsNumber(destinations[i], "destination"); messageType.address[i] = new Schemas.UserIdType() { Item = destinations[i] , ItemElementName = Schemas.ItemChoiceType1.phoneNumber }; } messageType.originAddress = originAddress; messageType.subject = subject; messageType.senderName = senderName; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(endpoint) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(correlator))//Both endpoint and correlator arent null nor empty { messageType.receiptRequest = new Schemas.SimpleReferenceType() { endpoint = endpoint, correlator = correlator }; } multipartMessage.message = message; //Translating attachments to attachmentInfos Schemas.AttachmentInfo[] attachmentInfos = null; if (attachments == null) { attachmentInfos = new Schemas.AttachmentInfo[0]; } else { attachmentInfos = new Schemas.AttachmentInfo[attachments.Length]; for (var i = 0; i < attachments.Length; i++) { if (attachments[i] != null) { attachmentInfos[i] = new Schemas.AttachmentInfo( attachments[i].fileName, Tools.MMSTools.extractMIMEText(attachments[i].mimeType) ); } } } multipartMessage.attachments = attachmentInfos; multipartMessage.messageType = messageType; return multipartMessage; }
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// <summary>Allows to send and MMS to the Bluevia endpoint. And offers to check the delivery status, /// following a notification strategy.</summary> /// <param name="destination">Array of address of the recipients of the message.</param> /// <param name="subject">The subject of the mms to send.</param> /// <param name="message">Optional: A text message that will be sent as a text attachment.</param> /// <param name="attachments">Optional: List of attachments to be sent.</param> /// <param name="endpoint"> Optional: String which contains the endpoint where status notifications will be sent.</param> /// <param name="correlator">Optional, Mandatory if Notifications: The correlator for the status notifications.</param> /// <returns>It returns a String containing the mmsId of the MMS sent. To poll for delivery status.</returns> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public string Send(string[] destination, string subject , string message = null, Schemas.Attachment[] attachments = null , string endpoint = null, string correlator = null) { return base.SendProcess(destination, subject , new MMS.Schemas.UserIdType() { Item = connector.GetToken(), ItemElementName = MMS.Schemas.ItemChoiceType1.alias } , null, null , message, attachments , endpoint, correlator); }
protected Schemas GetSchemas() { Schemas ListSchema = new Schemas(); using (Connection) { Connection.Open(); #region reader using (SqlDataReader _reader = Command.ExecuteReader()) { while (_reader.Read()) { Schema schema = new Schema(); #region reflection 寫法 不要用. PropertyInfo[] props = schema.GetType().GetProperties(); foreach (PropertyInfo prop in props) { try { int idx = _reader.GetOrdinal(prop.Name); if (idx != -1) { if (prop.PropertyType.Name.ToLower() == "string") { string value = _reader.GetString(idx); prop.SetValue(schema, value, null); } else if (prop.PropertyType.Name.ToLower() == "int32") { int value = (_reader.IsDBNull(idx))? 0:_reader.GetInt32(idx); prop.SetValue(schema, value, null); } } } catch { } } #endregion ListSchema.Add(schema); } } #endregion Connection.Close(); } return ListSchema; }
private static void updateStatus(Schemas.CRCL.Status.CRCLStatusType newStatus) { status = newStatus; showStatus (); }
public VsixWithVsixManifest(string file, Schemas.Vsix manifest) : base(file) { mManifest = manifest; }
private static void handleNewCommand(Schemas.CRCL.CommandInstance.CRCLCommandInstanceType newCmdInstance) { cmdInstance.CRCLCommand = newCmdInstance.CRCLCommand; }
public override SQLScriptList ToSqlDiff(List <ISchemaBase> schemas) { var isAzure10 = this.Info.Version == DatabaseInfo.VersionTypeEnum.SQLServerAzure10; var listDiff = new SQLScriptList(); listDiff.Add(new SQLScript(String.Format(@"/* Open DBDiff {0} Script created by {1}\{2} on {3} at {4}. Created on: {5} Source: {6} on {7} Destination: {8} on {9} */ ", System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version.ToString(), Environment.UserDomainName, Environment.UserName, DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(), DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString(), Environment.MachineName, SourceInfo != null ? SourceInfo.Database : "Uknown", SourceInfo != null ? SourceInfo.Server : "Uknown", Info != null ? Info.Database : "Uknown", Info != null ? Info.Server : "Uknown", 0), 0, Enums.ScripActionType.None)); if (!isAzure10) { listDiff.Add("USE [" + Name + "]\r\nGO\r\n\r\n", 0, Enums.ScripActionType.UseDatabase); listDiff.AddRange(Assemblies.ToSqlDiff(schemas)); listDiff.AddRange(UserTypes.ToSqlDiff(schemas)); } listDiff.AddRange(TablesTypes.ToSqlDiff(schemas)); listDiff.AddRange(Tables.ToSqlDiff(schemas)); listDiff.AddRange(Rules.ToSqlDiff(schemas)); listDiff.AddRange(Schemas.ToSqlDiff(schemas)); listDiff.AddRange(XmlSchemas.ToSqlDiff(schemas)); listDiff.AddRange(Procedures.ToSqlDiff(schemas)); if (!isAzure10) { listDiff.AddRange(CLRProcedures.ToSqlDiff(schemas)); listDiff.AddRange(CLRFunctions.ToSqlDiff(schemas)); listDiff.AddRange(FileGroups.ToSqlDiff(schemas)); } listDiff.AddRange(DDLTriggers.ToSqlDiff(schemas)); listDiff.AddRange(Synonyms.ToSqlDiff(schemas)); listDiff.AddRange(Views.ToSqlDiff(schemas)); listDiff.AddRange(Users.ToSqlDiff(schemas)); listDiff.AddRange(Functions.ToSqlDiff(schemas)); listDiff.AddRange(Roles.ToSqlDiff(schemas)); listDiff.AddRange(PartitionFunctions.ToSqlDiff(schemas)); listDiff.AddRange(PartitionSchemes.ToSqlDiff(schemas)); if (!isAzure10) { listDiff.AddRange(FullText.ToSqlDiff(schemas)); } return(listDiff); }