public async Task <byte[]> GetAsync(ScheduledPaymentListSearch option, CancellationToken token = default(CancellationToken))
            var companyTask = companyQueryProcessor.GetAsync(new CompanySearch {
                Id = option.CompanyId
            }, token);
            var settingTask = reportSettingQueryProcessor.GetAsync(option.CompanyId, ReportId, token);
            var nameTask    = columnNameSettingQueryProcessor.GetAsync(new ColumnNameSetting {
                CompanyId = option.CompanyId, TableName = nameof(Billing),
            }, token);
            var loadTask = scheduledPaymentListQueryProcessor.GetAsync(option, token);

            var requireSettingLoad = !(option.ReportSettings?.Any() ?? false);

            var tasks = new List <Task>();

            if (requireSettingLoad)

            await Task.WhenAll(tasks);

            if (requireSettingLoad)
                option.ReportSettings = settingTask.Result.ToList();
            var company = companyTask.Result.First();
            var naming  = nameTask.Result.ToList();
            var items   = loadTask.Result.ToList();

            if (!items.Any())

            GrapeCity.ActiveReports.SectionReport report;

            if (option.CustomerSummaryFlag)
                var reportTemp = new ScheduledPaymentCustomerListSectionReport();

                reportTemp.SetBasicPageSetting(company.Code, company.Name);
                reportTemp.SetData(items, option.Precision, option.ReportSettings);

                report = reportTemp;
                var reportTemp = new ScheduledPaymentListSectionReport();

                reportTemp.SetBasicPageSetting(company.Code, company.Name);
                reportTemp.SetData(items, option.Precision, option.ReportSettings, naming);

                report = reportTemp;

            report.Name = "入金予定明細表" + DateTime.Today.ToString("yyyyMMdd");

Beispiel #2
 public async Task <ActionResult <IEnumerable <ScheduledPaymentList> > > ScheduledPaymentList(ScheduledPaymentListSearch option, CancellationToken token)
     option.ReportSettings = (await reportSettingProcessor.GetAsync(option.CompanyId, nameof(PF0301), token)).ToList();
     return((await scheduledPaymentListProcessor.GetAsync(option, token)).ToArray());
Beispiel #3
        public Task <IEnumerable <ScheduledPaymentList> > GetAsync(ScheduledPaymentListSearch option, CancellationToken token = default(CancellationToken))
            var CalcBaseDate               = option.ReportSettings[8].ItemKey;
            var CalcIncludeToday           = option.ReportSettings[7].ItemKey;
            var sqlWhere                   = "";
            var query                      = "";
            var orderBy                    = " ccy.DisplayOrder";
            var orderByCustomerSummaryFlag = " ccy.DisplayOrder";

            if (option.BilledAtFrom.HasValue)
                sqlWhere += " AND b.BilledAt >= @BilledAtFrom ";
            if (option.BilledAtTo.HasValue)
                sqlWhere += " AND b.BilledAt <= @BilledAtTo ";
            if (option.DueAtFrom.HasValue)
                sqlWhere += " AND b.DueAt >= @DueAtFrom ";
            if (option.DueAtTo.HasValue)
                sqlWhere += " AND b.DueAt <= @DueAtTo ";
            if (option.ClosingAtFrom.HasValue)
                sqlWhere += " AND b.ClosingAt >= @ClosingAtFrom ";
            if (option.ClosingAtTo.HasValue)
                sqlWhere += " AND b.ClosingAt <= @ClosingAtTo ";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(option.InvoiceCodeFrom))
                sqlWhere += " AND b.InvoiceCode >= @InvoiceCodeFrom ";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(option.InvoiceCodeTo))
                sqlWhere += " AND b.InvoiceCode <= @InvoiceCodeTo ";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(option.InvoiceCode))
                option.InvoiceCode = Sql.GetWrappedValue(option.InvoiceCode);
                sqlWhere          += " AND b.InvoiceCode LIKE @InvoiceCode";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(option.CategoryCode))
                sqlWhere += " AND ct.Code  = @CategoryCode ";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(option.CurrencyCode))
                sqlWhere += " AND ccy.Code = @CurrencyCode ";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(option.DepartmentCodeFrom))
                sqlWhere += " AND d.Code >= @DepartmentCodeFrom ";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(option.DepartmentCodeTo))
                sqlWhere += " AND d.Code <= @DepartmentCodeTo ";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(option.StaffCodeFrom))
                sqlWhere += " AND st.Code >= @StaffCodeFrom ";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(option.StaffCodeTo))
                sqlWhere += " AND st.Code <= @StaffCodeTo ";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(option.CustomerCodeFrom))
                sqlWhere += " AND cs.Code >= @CustomerCodeFrom ";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(option.CustomerCodeTo))
                sqlWhere += " AND cs.Code <= @CustomerCodeTo ";
            //for order
            if (option.ReportSettings[0].ItemKey == "1")
                orderBy += " ,d.Code";
                orderByCustomerSummaryFlag += " ,d.Code";
            if (option.ReportSettings[1].ItemKey == "1")
                orderBy += " ,st.Code";
                orderByCustomerSummaryFlag += " ,st.Code";
            if (option.ReportSettings[2].ItemKey == "1")
                orderBy += ",cs.Code ";
                orderByCustomerSummaryFlag += " ,cs.Code";
            if (option.ReportSettings[3].ItemKey == "1")
                orderBy += " ,b.DueAt ";
            if (option.ReportSettings[5].ItemKey == "0" && option.ReportSettings[2].ItemKey == "0")
                orderBy += " ,cs.Code";
                orderByCustomerSummaryFlag += " ,cs.Code";
            if (option.ReportSettings[5].ItemKey == "2")
                orderBy += " ,b.Id";
            if (option.ReportSettings[6].ItemKey == "0")
                orderBy += " ,b.BilledAt";
            if (option.ReportSettings[6].ItemKey == "1")
                orderBy += " ,b.SalesAt";
            if (option.ReportSettings[6].ItemKey == "2")
                orderBy += " ,b.ClosingAt";
            if (option.ReportSettings[3].ItemKey == "0" && option.ReportSettings[6].ItemKey == "3")
                orderBy += " ,b.DueAt";
            if (option.ReportSettings[6].ItemKey == "4")
                orderBy += ",COALESCE(b.OriginalDueAt, b.DueAt)";

            if (option.CustomerSummaryFlag)
                query = @"SELECT
                          cs.Code  [CustomerCode]
                        , cs.Name  [CustomerName]
                        , ccy.Code [CurrencyCode]
                        , SUM(b.RemainAmount - b.OffsetAmount) [RemainAmount]
                        , d.Code [DepartmentCode]
                        , d.Name [DepartmentName]
                        , st.Code [StaffCode]
                        , st.Name [StaffName]
                        FROM Billing b
                        INNER JOIN Department d
                        ON b.DepartmentId = d.Id
                        INNER JOIN Staff st
                        ON b.StaffId = st.Id
                        INNER JOIN Customer cs
                        ON b.CustomerId = cs.Id
                        INNER JOIN Category ct
                        ON b.CollectCategoryId = ct.Id
                        INNER JOIN Currency ccy
                        ON b.CurrencyId = ccy.Id
                        WHERE b.CompanyId = @CompanyId
                          AND (b.RemainAmount - b.OffsetAmount) <> 0
                          AND b.DeleteAt IS NULL
                             " + sqlWhere +
                        @" GROUP BY cs.Code, cs.Name, ccy.Code, d.Code, d.Name, st.Code, st.Name, ccy.DisplayOrder
                        ORDER BY"
                        + orderByCustomerSummaryFlag;
                query = @"SELECT
                        , cs.Code [CustomerCode]
                        , cs.Name [CustomerName]
                        , ccy.Code [CurrencyCode]
                        , b.BilledAt
                        , b.SalesAt
                        , b.ClosingAt
                        , b.DueAt
                        , COALESCE(b.OriginalDueAt, b.DueAt) [OriginalDueAt]
                        , (b.RemainAmount - b.OffsetAmount) [RemainAmount]
                        , CASE WHEN
                            CASE @CalcBaseDate
                              WHEN 0 THEN COALESCE(b.OriginalDueAt, b.DueAt)
                              WHEN 1 THEN b.DueAt
                              ELSE b.BilledAt END < DATEADD(day, CASE @CalcIncludeToday WHEN 1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END, @BaseDate)
                            THEN '*' ELSE '' END [DelayDivision]
                        , ct.Code [CollectCategoryCode]
                        , ct.Name [CollectCategoryName]
                        , b.InvoiceCode
                        , b.Note1
                        , b.Note2
                        , b.Note3
                        , b.Note4
                        , d.Code [DepartmentCode]
                        , d.Name [DepartmentName]
                        , st.Code [StaffCode]
                        , st.Name [StaffName]
                        FROM Billing b
                        INNER JOIN Department d
                        ON b.DepartmentId = d.Id
                        INNER JOIN Staff st
                        ON b.StaffId = st.Id
                        INNER JOIN Customer cs
                        ON b.CustomerId = cs.Id
                        INNER JOIN Category ct
                        ON b.CollectCategoryId = ct.Id
                        INNER JOIN Currency ccy
                        ON b.CurrencyId = ccy.Id
                        WHERE b.CompanyId = @CompanyId
                          AND (b.RemainAmount - b.OffsetAmount) <> 0
                          AND b.DeleteAt IS NULL
                               " + sqlWhere +
                        @" ORDER BY"
                        + orderBy;

            return(dbHelper.GetItemsAsync <ScheduledPaymentList>(query, new
                CompanyId = option.CompanyId,
                BaseDate = option.BaseDate,
                BilledAtFrom = option.BilledAtFrom,
                BilledAtTo = option.BilledAtTo,
                DueAtFrom = option.DueAtFrom,
                DueAtTo = option.DueAtTo,
                ClosingAtFrom = option.ClosingAtFrom,
                ClosingAtTo = option.ClosingAtTo,
                InvoiceCodeFrom = option.InvoiceCodeFrom,
                InvoiceCodeTo = option.InvoiceCodeTo,
                InvoiceCode = option.InvoiceCode,
                CategoryCode = option.CategoryCode,
                CurrencyCode = option.CurrencyCode,
                DepartmentCodeFrom = option.DepartmentCodeFrom,
                DepartmentCodeTo = option.DepartmentCodeTo,
                StaffCodeFrom = option.StaffCodeFrom,
                StaffCodeTo = option.StaffCodeTo,
                CustomerCodeFrom = option.CustomerCodeFrom,
                CustomerCodeTo = option.CustomerCodeTo
            }, token));
Beispiel #4
        public async Task <ScheduledPaymentListsResult> ScheduledPaymentListAsync(string SessionKey, int CompanyId, ScheduledPaymentListSearch ScheduledPaymentListSearch)
            return(await authorizationProcessor.DoAuthorizeAsync(SessionKey, async token =>
                var reportSettingList = (await reportSettingProcessor.GetAsync(CompanyId, "PF0301", token)).ToList();
                ScheduledPaymentListSearch.CompanyId = CompanyId;
                ScheduledPaymentListSearch.ReportSettings = reportSettingList;
                var searchResult = (await scheduledPaymentListProcessor.GetAsync(ScheduledPaymentListSearch, token)).ToList();

                return new ScheduledPaymentListsResult
                    ProcessResult = new ProcessResult {
                        Result = true
                    ScheduledPaymentLists = searchResult,
            }, logger));
 public async Task <IEnumerable <ScheduledPaymentList> > GetAsync(ScheduledPaymentListSearch option, CancellationToken token = default(CancellationToken))
 => await scheduledPaymentListQueryProcessor.GetAsync(option, token);