Beispiel #1
        public ActionResult Index()
            if (User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
                List <ScheduleViewmodel> CustomerVMlist = new List <ScheduleViewmodel>(); // to hold list of Customer and order details

                var schedulelist = (from bb in _context.MemberEnrol join aa in _context.Schedules on bb.ScheduleId equals aa.Id join cc in _context.Users on aa.Coach equals cc.Email select new { Date = aa.Date, CoachName = cc.Fname, Coach = cc.Id, Time = aa.Time, Location = aa.Location, Day = aa.Day, Member = bb.Member, Id = aa.Id }).ToList();

                //query getting data from database from joining two tables and storing data in customerlist

                foreach (var item in schedulelist)

                    ScheduleViewmodel objcvm = new ScheduleViewmodel(); // ViewModel

                    objcvm.Id = item.Id;

                    objcvm.Date = item.Date;

                    objcvm.Time = item.Time;

                    objcvm.Coach = item.Coach;

                    objcvm.CoachName = item.CoachName;

                    objcvm.Day = item.Day;

                    objcvm.Member = item.Member;

                    objcvm.Location = item.Location;


                //Using foreach loop fill data from custmerlist to List<CustomerVM>.

                return(View(CustomerVMlist)); //List of CustomerVM (ViewModel)
Beispiel #2
        // GET: Schedules/Create
        public IActionResult Create()
            List <ScheduleViewmodel> CustomerVMlist = new List <ScheduleViewmodel>(); // to hold list of Customer and order details

            var schedulelist = (from bb in _context.Users join aa in _context.UserRoles on bb.Id equals aa.UserId join cc in _context.Roles on aa.RoleId equals cc.Id where cc.Name == "Coach" select new { CoachName = bb.Fname, Coach = bb.Id }).ToList();

            //query getting data from database from joining two tables and storing data in customerlist

            foreach (var item in schedulelist)

                ScheduleViewmodel objcvm = new ScheduleViewmodel(); // ViewModel
                objcvm.Coach = item.Coach;

                objcvm.CoachName = item.CoachName;


            ViewData["coaches"] = CustomerVMlist;