public void loadprofile(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
            ListViewItem   itm      = sender as ListViewItem;
            ScheduleHolder schedule = itm.Content as ScheduleHolder;

            subparent.loadPatientInfo(schedule.PatientID, "appointment");
        /// <summary>
        /// Fetch all apointments for selected dates on the calendar
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void calendar_SelectedDatesChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
            SelectedDatesCollection collection = calendar.SelectedDates;

            string patch = "";

            if (collection.Count > 0)
                patch = " where ";
            foreach (DateTime dt in collection)
                patch += "patientid=" + subparent.PatientId + " and convert(date,date)=str_to_date('" + dt.ToShortDateString() + "','%m/%d/%Y')";

                if (collection.IndexOf(dt) < (collection.Count - 1))
                    patch += " or ";

            if (patch.Equals(""))
                patch = " where patientid=" + subparent.PatientId;

            DataTable qry = parent.query("select scheduleid, (select concat(lastname,' ',firstname) from doctor where doctor.doctorid=schedule.doctorid) as name,(select specialization from doctor where doctor.doctorid=schedule.doctorid) as specialization, status as attended, as schedule, date_added as created from schedule " + patch + " ");

            foreach (DataRow rw in qry.Rows)
                ScheduleHolder schedule = new ScheduleHolder();
                schedule.ID = int.Parse(rw["scheduleid"].ToString());

                schedule.doctor_name    = (rw["name"].ToString());
                schedule.specialization = (rw["specialization"].ToString());
                schedule.attended       = (rw["attended"].ToString());
                schedule.schedule       = (rw["schedule"].ToString());
                schedule.created        = (rw["created"].ToString());

        /// <summary>
        /// Add all schedules for current date to a listview. Trigger calendar date change event
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="root"></param>
        /// <param name="_sub"></param>
        public appointment(MainWindow root, patient_frame _sub)
            parent    = root;
            subparent = _sub;

            DataTable qry = parent.query("select scheduleid, (select concat(lastname,' ',firstname) from doctor where doctor.doctorid=schedule.doctorid) as name, status as attended, as schedule, date_added as created from schedule where convert(date,date)=str_to_date('" + DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString() + "','%m/%d/%Y') and patientid = " + subparent.PatientId);

            foreach (DataRow rw in qry.Rows)
                ScheduleHolder schedule = new ScheduleHolder();
                schedule.ID          = int.Parse(rw["scheduleid"].ToString());
                schedule.doctor_name = (rw["name"].ToString());
                schedule.attended    = (rw["attended"].ToString());
                schedule.schedule    = (rw["schedule"].ToString());
                schedule.created     = (rw["created"].ToString());


            calendar_SelectedDatesChanged(null, null);