Beispiel #1
        static void Main()
            DriverType?driverType = AskForDriver();

            if (!driverType.HasValue)

            IrrlichtDevice device = IrrlichtDevice.CreateDevice(driverType.Value, new Dimension2Di(640, 480));

            if (device == null)

            VideoDriver    driver = device.VideoDriver;
            SceneManager   smgr   = device.SceneManager;
            GUIEnvironment env    = device.GUIEnvironment;

            driver.SetTextureCreationFlag(TextureCreationFlag.Always32Bit, true);

            // add irrlicht logo
            env.AddImage(driver.GetTexture("../../media/irrlichtlogoalpha2.tga"), new Vector2Di(10));

            // add camera
            CameraSceneNode camera = smgr.AddCameraSceneNodeFPS();

            camera.Position = new Vector3Df(-200, 200, -200);

            // disable mouse cursor
            device.CursorControl.Visible = false;

            driver.Fog = new Fog(new Color(138, 125, 81, 0), FogType.Linear, 250, 1000, 0.003f, true, false);

            AnimatedMesh roomMesh = smgr.GetMesh("../../media/room.3ds");
            SceneNode    room     = null;
            SceneNode    earth    = null;

            if (roomMesh != null)
                // the room mesh doesn't have proper texture mapping on the floor,
                // so we can recreate them on runtime
                smgr.MeshManipulator.MakePlanarTextureMapping(roomMesh.GetMesh(0), 0.003f);

                Texture normalMap = driver.GetTexture("../../media/rockwall_height.bmp");
                if (normalMap != null)
                    driver.MakeNormalMapTexture(normalMap, 9.0f);

                Mesh tangentMesh = smgr.MeshManipulator.CreateMeshWithTangents(roomMesh.GetMesh(0));
                room = smgr.AddMeshSceneNode(tangentMesh);
                room.SetMaterialTexture(0, driver.GetTexture("../../media/rockwall.jpg"));
                room.SetMaterialTexture(1, normalMap);
                room.GetMaterial(0).SpecularColor = new Color(0);
                room.GetMaterial(0).Shininess     = 0.0f;
                room.SetMaterialFlag(MaterialFlag.Fog, true);
                room.GetMaterial(0).MaterialTypeParam = 1.0f / 64.0f; // adjust height for parallax effect

                tangentMesh.Drop();                                   // drop mesh because we created it with a "create" call

            // add earth sphere
            AnimatedMesh earthMesh = smgr.GetMesh("../../media/earth.x");

            if (earthMesh != null)
                // perform various task with the mesh manipulator
                MeshManipulator manipulator = smgr.MeshManipulator;

                // create mesh copy with tangent informations from original earth.x mesh
                Mesh tangentSphereMesh = manipulator.CreateMeshWithTangents(earthMesh.GetMesh(0));

                // set the alpha value of all vertices to 200
                manipulator.SetVertexColorAlpha(tangentSphereMesh, 200);

                // scale the mesh by factor 50
                Matrix m = new Matrix();
                m.Scale = new Vector3Df(50);
                manipulator.Transform(tangentSphereMesh, m);

                earth          = smgr.AddMeshSceneNode(tangentSphereMesh);
                earth.Position = new Vector3Df(-70, 130, 45);

                // load heightmap, create normal map from it and set it
                Texture earthNormalMap = driver.GetTexture("../../media/earthbump.jpg");
                if (earthNormalMap != null)
                    driver.MakeNormalMapTexture(earthNormalMap, 20);
                    earth.SetMaterialTexture(1, earthNormalMap);

                // adjust material settings
                earth.SetMaterialFlag(MaterialFlag.Fog, true);

                // add rotation animator
                SceneNodeAnimator anim = smgr.CreateRotationAnimator(new Vector3Df(0, 0.1f, 0));

                // drop mesh because we created it with a "create" call.

            // add light 1 (more green)
            LightSceneNode light1 = smgr.AddLightSceneNode(null, new Vector3Df(), new Colorf(0.5f, 1.0f, 0.5f, 0.0f), 800);

            if (light1 != null)
                light1.DebugDataVisible = DebugSceneType.BBox;

                // add fly circle animator to light
                SceneNodeAnimator anim = smgr.CreateFlyCircleAnimator(new Vector3Df(50, 300, 0), 190.0f, -0.003f);

                // attach billboard to the light
                BillboardSceneNode bill = smgr.AddBillboardSceneNode(light1, new Dimension2Df(60, 60));
                bill.SetMaterialFlag(MaterialFlag.Lighting, false);
                bill.SetMaterialFlag(MaterialFlag.ZWrite, false);
                bill.SetMaterialTexture(0, driver.GetTexture("../../media/particlegreen.jpg"));

            // add light 2 (red)
            SceneNode light2 = smgr.AddLightSceneNode(null, new Vector3Df(), new Colorf(1.0f, 0.2f, 0.2f, 0.0f), 800.0f);

            if (light2 != null)
                // add fly circle animator to light
                SceneNodeAnimator anim = smgr.CreateFlyCircleAnimator(new Vector3Df(0, 150, 0), 200.0f, 0.001f, new Vector3Df(0.2f, 0.9f, 0.0f));

                // attach billboard to light
                SceneNode bill = smgr.AddBillboardSceneNode(light2, new Dimension2Df(120, 120));
                bill.SetMaterialFlag(MaterialFlag.Lighting, false);
                bill.SetMaterialFlag(MaterialFlag.ZWrite, false);
                bill.SetMaterialTexture(0, driver.GetTexture("../../media/particlered.bmp"));

                // add particle system
                ParticleSystemSceneNode ps = smgr.AddParticleSystemSceneNode(false, light2);

                // create and set emitter
                ParticleEmitter em = ps.CreateBoxEmitter(
                    new AABBox(-3, 0, -3, 3, 1, 3),
                    new Vector3Df(0.0f, 0.03f, 0.0f),
                    80, 100,
                    new Color(255, 255, 255, 10), new Color(255, 255, 255, 10),
                    400, 1100);

                em.MinStartSize = new Dimension2Df(30.0f, 40.0f);
                em.MaxStartSize = new Dimension2Df(30.0f, 40.0f);

                ps.Emitter = em;

                // create and set affector
                ParticleAffector paf = ps.CreateFadeOutParticleAffector();

                // adjust some material settings
                ps.SetMaterialFlag(MaterialFlag.Lighting, false);
                ps.SetMaterialFlag(MaterialFlag.ZWrite, false);
                ps.SetMaterialTexture(0, driver.GetTexture("../../media/fireball.bmp"));

            MyEventReceiver receiver = new MyEventReceiver(device, room, earth);

            int lastFPS = -1;

            while (device.Run())
                if (device.WindowActive)
                    driver.BeginScene(ClearBufferFlag.All, new Color(0));



                    int fps = driver.FPS;
                    if (lastFPS != fps)
                                                    "Per pixel lighting example - Irrlicht Engine [{0}] fps: {1}",
                                                    driver.Name, fps));

                        lastFPS = fps;

Beispiel #2
        static void Main()
            bool shadows = AskForRealtimeShadows();

            DriverType?driverType = AskForDriver();

            if (!driverType.HasValue)

            IrrlichtDevice device = IrrlichtDevice.CreateDevice(driverType.Value, new Dimension2Di(640, 480), 16, false, shadows);

            if (device == null)

            VideoDriver  driver = device.VideoDriver;
            SceneManager smgr   = device.SceneManager;

            AnimatedMesh mesh = smgr.GetMesh("../../media/room.3ds");

            smgr.MeshManipulator.MakePlanarTextureMapping(mesh.GetMesh(0), 0.004f);

            SceneNode node = smgr.AddAnimatedMeshSceneNode(mesh);

            node.SetMaterialTexture(0, driver.GetTexture("../../media/wall.jpg"));
            node.GetMaterial(0).SpecularColor = new Color(0);

            mesh = smgr.AddHillPlaneMesh("myHill",
                                         new Dimension2Df(20, 20),
                                         new Dimension2Di(40, 40), null, 0,
                                         new Dimension2Df(0),
                                         new Dimension2Df(10, 10));

            node          = smgr.AddWaterSurfaceSceneNode(mesh.GetMesh(0), 3.0f, 300.0f, 30.0f);
            node.Position = new Vector3Df(0, 7, 0);

            node.SetMaterialTexture(0, driver.GetTexture("../../media/stones.jpg"));
            node.SetMaterialTexture(1, driver.GetTexture("../../media/water.jpg"));


            // create light

            node = smgr.AddLightSceneNode(null, new Vector3Df(0), new Colorf(1.0f, 0.6f, 0.7f, 1.0f), 800);
            SceneNodeAnimator anim = smgr.CreateFlyCircleAnimator(new Vector3Df(0, 150, 0), 250);


            // attach billboard to light

            node = smgr.AddBillboardSceneNode(node, new Dimension2Df(50, 50));
            node.SetMaterialFlag(MaterialFlag.Lighting, false);
            node.SetMaterialTexture(0, driver.GetTexture("../../media/particlewhite.bmp"));

            // create a particle system

            ParticleSystemSceneNode ps = smgr.AddParticleSystemSceneNode(false);

            if (ps != null)
                ParticleEmitter em = ps.CreateBoxEmitter(
                    new AABBox(-7, 0, -7, 7, 1, 7),   // emitter size
                    new Vector3Df(0.0f, 0.06f, 0.0f), // initial direction
                    80, 100,                          // emit rate
                    new Color(255, 255, 255, 0),      // darkest color
                    new Color(255, 255, 255, 0),      // brightest color
                    800, 2000, 0,                     // min and max age, angle
                    new Dimension2Df(10.0f),          // min size
                    new Dimension2Df(20.0f));         // max size

                ps.Emitter = em;                      // this grabs the emitter
                em.Drop();                            // so we can drop it here without deleting it

                ParticleAffector paf = ps.CreateFadeOutParticleAffector();

                ps.AddAffector(paf);                 // same goes for the affector

                ps.Position = new Vector3Df(-70, 60, 40);
                ps.Scale    = new Vector3Df(2);
                ps.SetMaterialFlag(MaterialFlag.Lighting, false);
                ps.SetMaterialFlag(MaterialFlag.ZWrite, false);
                ps.SetMaterialTexture(0, driver.GetTexture("../../media/fire.bmp"));

            VolumeLightSceneNode n = smgr.AddVolumeLightSceneNode(null, -1,
                                                                  32,                          // Subdivisions on U axis
                                                                  32,                          // Subdivisions on V axis
                                                                  new Color(255, 255, 255, 0), // foot color
                                                                  new Color(0, 0, 0, 0));      // tail color

            if (n != null)
                n.Scale    = new Vector3Df(56);
                n.Position = new Vector3Df(-120, 50, 40);

                // load textures for animation
                List <Texture> textures = new List <Texture>();
                for (int i = 7; i > 0; i--)
                    string s = string.Format("../../media/portal{0}.bmp", i);

                // create texture animator
                SceneNodeAnimator glow = smgr.CreateTextureAnimator(textures, 0.150f);

                // add the animator

                // drop the animator because it was created with a create() function

            // add animated character

            mesh = smgr.GetMesh("../../media/dwarf.x");
            AnimatedMeshSceneNode anode = smgr.AddAnimatedMeshSceneNode(mesh);

            anode.Position       = new Vector3Df(-50, 20, -60);
            anode.AnimationSpeed = 15;

            // add shadow
            smgr.ShadowColor = new Color(0, 0, 0, 150);

            // make the model a little bit bigger and normalize its normals
            // because of the scaling, for correct lighting
            anode.Scale = new Vector3Df(2);
            anode.SetMaterialFlag(MaterialFlag.NormalizeNormals, true);

            CameraSceneNode camera = smgr.AddCameraSceneNodeFPS();

            camera.Position = new Vector3Df(-50, 50, -150);

            // disable mouse cursor
            device.CursorControl.Visible = false;

            int lastFPS = -1;

            while (device.Run())
                if (device.WindowActive)
                    driver.BeginScene(ClearBufferFlag.All, new Color(0));

                    int fps = driver.FPS;
                    if (lastFPS != fps)
                                                    "SpecialFX example - Irrlicht Engine [{0}] fps: {1}",
                                                    driver.Name, fps));

                        lastFPS = fps;
