public static void BasicAuthentication_RoundTrips_Echo()
        BasicHttpBinding basicHttpBinding = null;
        EndpointAddress  endpointAddress  = null;
        ChannelFactory <IWcfCustomUserNameService> factory = null;
        string username = null;
        string password = null;
        IWcfCustomUserNameService serviceProxy = null;
        string testString = null;
        string result     = null;

            // *** SETUP *** \\
            basicHttpBinding = new BasicHttpBinding(BasicHttpSecurityMode.Transport);
            basicHttpBinding.Security.Transport.ClientCredentialType = HttpClientCredentialType.Basic;
            endpointAddress = new EndpointAddress(Endpoints.Https_BasicAuth_Address);
            factory         = new ChannelFactory <IWcfCustomUserNameService>(basicHttpBinding, endpointAddress);
            username        = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("n").Substring(0, 8);
            password        = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("n").Substring(0, 16);
            factory.Credentials.UserName.UserName = username;
            factory.Credentials.UserName.Password = password;
            serviceProxy = factory.CreateChannel();
            testString   = "I am a test";

            // *** EXECUTE *** \\
            using (var scope = new OperationContextScope((IContextChannel)serviceProxy))
                HttpRequestMessageProperty requestMessageProperty;
                if (!OperationContext.Current.OutgoingMessageProperties.ContainsKey(HttpRequestMessageProperty.Name))
                    requestMessageProperty = new HttpRequestMessageProperty();
                    OperationContext.Current.OutgoingMessageProperties[HttpRequestMessageProperty.Name] = requestMessageProperty;
                    requestMessageProperty = (HttpRequestMessageProperty)OperationContext.Current.OutgoingMessageProperties[HttpRequestMessageProperty.Name];

                requestMessageProperty.Headers[BasicUsernameHeaderName] = username;
                requestMessageProperty.Headers[BasicPasswordHeaderName] = password;

                result = serviceProxy.Echo(testString);

            // *** VALIDATE *** \\
            Assert.True(String.Equals(result, testString),
                        String.Format("Basic echo test.\nTest variation:...\n{0}\nUsing address: '{1}'\nError: expected response from service: '{2}' Actual was: '{3}'",

            // *** CLEANUP *** \\
            // *** ENSURE CLEANUP *** \\
            ScenarioTestHelpers.CloseCommunicationObjects((ICommunicationObject)serviceProxy, factory);
    public static void NegotiateStream_Http_With_ExplicitUserNameAndPassword_With_Upn()
        bool windows_Authentication_Available = Windows_Authentication_Available();
        bool root_Certificate_Installed       = Root_Certificate_Installed();
        bool explicit_Credentials_Available   = Explicit_Credentials_Available();
        bool domain_Available = Domain_Available();
        bool upn_Available    = UPN_Available();

        if (!windows_Authentication_Available ||
            !root_Certificate_Installed ||
            !explicit_Credentials_Available ||
            !domain_Available ||
            Console.WriteLine("---- Test SKIPPED --------------");
            Console.WriteLine("Attempting to run the test in ToF, a ConditionalFact evaluated as FALSE.");
            Console.WriteLine("Windows_Authentication_Available evaluated as {0}", windows_Authentication_Available);
            Console.WriteLine("Root_Certificate_Installed evaluated as {0}", root_Certificate_Installed);
            Console.WriteLine("Explicit_Credentials_Available evaluated as {0}", explicit_Credentials_Available);
            Console.WriteLine("Domain_Available evaluated as {0}", domain_Available);
            Console.WriteLine("UPN_Available evaluated as {0}", upn_Available);
        string testString = "Hello";
        ChannelFactory <IWcfService> factory = null;
        IWcfService serviceProxy             = null;

            // *** SETUP *** \\
            BasicHttpBinding binding = new BasicHttpBinding(BasicHttpSecurityMode.Transport);
            binding.Security.Transport.ClientCredentialType = HttpClientCredentialType.Windows;
            factory = new ChannelFactory <IWcfService>(
                new EndpointAddress(
                    new Uri(Endpoints.Https_WindowsAuth_Address),
                    new UpnEndpointIdentity(GetUPN())

            factory.Credentials.Windows.ClientCredential.Domain   = GetDomain();
            factory.Credentials.Windows.ClientCredential.UserName = GetExplicitUserName();
            factory.Credentials.Windows.ClientCredential.Password = GetExplicitPassword();

            serviceProxy = factory.CreateChannel();

            // *** EXECUTE *** \\
            string result = serviceProxy.Echo(testString);

            // *** VALIDATE *** \\
            Assert.Equal(testString, result);

            // *** CLEANUP *** \\
            // *** ENSURE CLEANUP *** \\
            ScenarioTestHelpers.CloseCommunicationObjects((ICommunicationObject)serviceProxy, factory);
Beispiel #3
    private static void RunVariation(string serviceAddress, bool isMultiNs = false)
        BasicHttpBinding             binding         = null;
        EndpointAddress              endpointAddress = null;
        ChannelFactory <ICalculator> factory1        = null;
        ChannelFactory <IHelloWorld> factory2        = null;
        ICalculator serviceProxy1 = null;
        IHelloWorld serviceProxy2 = null;

        // *** SETUP *** \\
        binding         = new BasicHttpBinding();
        endpointAddress = new EndpointAddress(serviceAddress);
        factory1        = new ChannelFactory <ICalculator>(binding, endpointAddress);
        serviceProxy1   = factory1.CreateChannel();
        if (isMultiNs)
            factory2      = new ChannelFactory <IHelloWorld>(binding, endpointAddress);
            serviceProxy2 = factory2.CreateChannel();

        // *** EXECUTE Variation *** \\
            var    dateTime  = DateTime.Now;
            string testStr   = "test string";
            var    intParams = new IntParams()
                P1 = 5, P2 = 10
            var floatParams = new FloatParams()
                P1 = 5.0f, P2 = 10.0f
            var byteParams = new ByteParams()
                P1 = 5, P2 = 10

            Assert.Equal(3, serviceProxy1.Sum2(1, 2));
            Assert.Equal(intParams.P1 + intParams.P2, serviceProxy1.Sum(intParams));
            Assert.Equal(string.Format("{0}{1}", intParams.P1, intParams.P2), serviceProxy1.Concatenate(intParams));
            Assert.Equal((float)(floatParams.P1 / floatParams.P2), serviceProxy1.Divide(floatParams));
            Assert.Equal((new byte[] { byteParams.P1, byteParams.P2 }), serviceProxy1.CreateSet(byteParams));
            Assert.Equal(dateTime, serviceProxy1.ReturnInputDateTime(dateTime));

            Guid guid = Guid.NewGuid();
            serviceProxy1.AddIntParams(guid, intParams);
            IntParams outputIntParams = serviceProxy1.GetAndRemoveIntParams(guid);
            Assert.Equal(intParams.P1, outputIntParams.P1);
            Assert.Equal(intParams.P2, outputIntParams.P2);

            if (isMultiNs)
                Guid guid2 = Guid.NewGuid();
                serviceProxy2.AddString(guid2, testStr);
                Assert.Equal(testStr, serviceProxy2.GetAndRemoveString(guid2));
        catch (Exception ex)
            Assert.True(false, ex.Message);
            // *** ENSURE CLEANUP *** \\
            if (isMultiNs)
Beispiel #4
    public static void WebSocket_Https_Duplex_TextBuffered_KeepAlive()
        TextMessageEncodingBindingElement textMessageEncodingBindingElement = null;
        HttpsTransportBindingElement      httpsTransportBindingElement      = null;
        CustomBinding   binding        = null;
        ClientReceiver  clientReceiver = null;
        InstanceContext context        = null;
        DuplexChannelFactory <IWSDuplexService> channelFactory = null;
        IWSDuplexService client = null;

            // *** SETUP *** \\
            textMessageEncodingBindingElement = new TextMessageEncodingBindingElement();
            httpsTransportBindingElement      = new HttpsTransportBindingElement()
                MaxReceivedMessageSize = ScenarioTestHelpers.SixtyFourMB,
                MaxBufferSize          = ScenarioTestHelpers.SixtyFourMB
            httpsTransportBindingElement.WebSocketSettings.TransportUsage    = WebSocketTransportUsage.Always;
            httpsTransportBindingElement.WebSocketSettings.KeepAliveInterval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2);
            binding = new CustomBinding(textMessageEncodingBindingElement, httpsTransportBindingElement);

            clientReceiver = new ClientReceiver();
            context        = new InstanceContext(clientReceiver);
            channelFactory = new DuplexChannelFactory <IWSDuplexService>(context, binding, new EndpointAddress(Endpoints.WebSocketHttpsDuplexTextBuffered_Address));
            client         = channelFactory.CreateChannel();

            // *** EXECUTE *** \\
            // Invoking UploadData

            // Invoking StartPushingData
                        String.Format("Test case timeout was reached while waiting for the buffered response from the Service. Timeout was: {0}", ScenarioTestHelpers.TestTimeout));
            // Invoking StopPushingData
                        String.Format("Test case timeout was reached while waiting for the buffered response from the Service to be completed. Timeout was: {0}", ScenarioTestHelpers.TestTimeout));

            // Getting results from server via callback.
                        String.Format("Test case timeout was reached while waiting for the Logging from the Service to be received. Timeout was: {0}", ScenarioTestHelpers.TestTimeout));

            // *** VALIDATE *** \\
            Assert.True(clientReceiver.ServerLog.Count > 0,
                        "The logging done by the Server was not returned via the Callback.");

            // *** CLEANUP *** \\
            // *** ENSURE CLEANUP *** \\ 
            ScenarioTestHelpers.CloseCommunicationObjects((ICommunicationObject)client, channelFactory);
Beispiel #5
    public static void WebSocket_Https_Duplex_Streamed(NetHttpMessageEncoding messageEncoding)
        string          endpointAddress;
        NetHttpsBinding binding        = null;
        ClientReceiver  clientReceiver = null;
        InstanceContext context        = null;
        DuplexChannelFactory <IWSDuplexService> channelFactory = null;
        IWSDuplexService     client       = null;
        FlowControlledStream uploadStream = null;

            // *** SETUP *** \\
            binding = new NetHttpsBinding()
                MaxReceivedMessageSize = ScenarioTestHelpers.SixtyFourMB,
                MaxBufferSize          = ScenarioTestHelpers.SixtyFourMB,
            binding.WebSocketSettings.TransportUsage = WebSocketTransportUsage.Always;
            binding.TransferMode    = TransferMode.Streamed;
            binding.MessageEncoding = messageEncoding;

            clientReceiver  = new ClientReceiver();
            context         = new InstanceContext(clientReceiver);
            endpointAddress = Endpoints.WebSocketHttpsDuplexStreamed_Address + Enum.GetName(typeof(NetHttpMessageEncoding), messageEncoding);
            channelFactory  = new DuplexChannelFactory <IWSDuplexService>(context, binding, endpointAddress);
            client          = channelFactory.CreateChannel();

            // *** EXECUTE *** \\
            using (Stream stream = client.DownloadStream())
                int readResult;
                // Read from the stream, 1000 bytes at a time.
                byte[] buffer = new byte[1000];
                    readResult = stream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
                }while (readResult != 0);

            uploadStream = new FlowControlledStream();
            uploadStream.ReadThrottle   = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(500);
            uploadStream.StreamDuration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1);

            // Wait for the callback to get invoked before telling the service to stop streaming.
            // This ensures we can read from the stream on the callback while the NCL layer at the service
            // is still writing the bytes from the stream to the wire.
            // This will deadlock if the transfer mode is buffered because the callback will wait for the
            // stream, and the NCL layer will continue to buffer the stream until it reaches the end.

                        String.Format("Test case timeout was reached while waiting for the stream response from the Service. Timeout was: {0}", ScenarioTestHelpers.TestTimeout));

            // Upload the stream while we are downloading a different stream
            uploadStream = new FlowControlledStream();
            uploadStream.ReadThrottle   = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(500);
            uploadStream.StreamDuration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1);

            // Waiting on ReceiveStreamCompleted from the ClientReceiver.
                        String.Format("Test case timeout was reached while waiting for the stream response from the Service to be completed. Timeout was: {0}", ScenarioTestHelpers.TestTimeout));

            // Getting results from server via callback.
                        String.Format("Test case timeout was reached while waiting for the Logging from the Service to be received. Timeout was: {0}", ScenarioTestHelpers.TestTimeout));

            // *** VALIDATE *** \\
            Assert.True(clientReceiver.ServerLog.Count > 0,
                        "The logging done by the Server was not returned via the Callback.");

            // *** CLEANUP *** \\
            // *** ENSURE CLEANUP *** \\
            ScenarioTestHelpers.CloseCommunicationObjects((ICommunicationObject)client, channelFactory);
Beispiel #6
    public static void NetTcp_TransportSecurity_Streamed_MultipleReads()
        bool root_Certificate_Installed       = Root_Certificate_Installed();
        bool client_Certificate_Installed     = Client_Certificate_Installed();
        bool windows_Authentication_Available = Windows_Authentication_Available();
        bool ambient_Credentials_Available    = Ambient_Credentials_Available();

        if (!root_Certificate_Installed ||
            !client_Certificate_Installed ||
            !windows_Authentication_Available ||
            Console.WriteLine("---- Test SKIPPED --------------");
            Console.WriteLine("Attempting to run the test in ToF, a ConditionalFact evaluated as FALSE.");
            Console.WriteLine("Root_Certificate_Installed evaluated as {0}", root_Certificate_Installed);
            Console.WriteLine("Client_Certificate_Installed evaluated as {0}", client_Certificate_Installed);
            Console.WriteLine("Windows_Authentication_Available evaluated as {0}", windows_Authentication_Available);
            Console.WriteLine("Ambient_Credentials_Available evaluated as {0}", ambient_Credentials_Available);
        string        testString             = ScenarioTestHelpers.CreateInterestingString(20001);
        NetTcpBinding binding                = null;
        ChannelFactory <IWcfService> factory = null;
        IWcfService serviceProxy             = null;
        Stream      stream = null;

            // *** SETUP *** \\
            binding = new NetTcpBinding(SecurityMode.Transport);
            binding.TransferMode = TransferMode.Streamed;
            factory      = new ChannelFactory <IWcfService>(binding, new EndpointAddress(Endpoints.Tcp_Transport_Security_Streamed_Address));
            serviceProxy = factory.CreateChannel();
            stream       = StringToStream(testString);

            // *** EXECUTE *** \\
            var returnStream = serviceProxy.EchoStream(stream);
            var ms           = new MemoryStream((int)stream.Length);
            var buffer       = new byte[10];
            int bytesRead    = 0;
            while ((bytesRead = returnStream.ReadAsync(buffer, 0, buffer.Length).Result) != 0)
                ms.Write(buffer, 0, bytesRead);

            ms.Position = 0;
            var result = StreamToString(ms);

            // *** VALIDATE *** \\
            Assert.Equal(testString, result);

            // *** CLEANUP *** \\
            // *** ENSURE CLEANUP *** \\
            ScenarioTestHelpers.CloseCommunicationObjects((ICommunicationObject)serviceProxy, factory);
Beispiel #7
    public static void ClientBaseOfT_Async_Open_Close_TimeSpan_Factory_And_Proxy_CommunicationState()
        MyClientBase         client                   = null;
        IWcfServiceGenerated serviceProxy             = null;
        ChannelFactory <IWcfServiceGenerated> factory = null;
        TimeSpan timeout = ScenarioTestHelpers.TestTimeout;

            // *** SETUP *** \\
            CustomBinding customBinding = new CustomBinding();
            customBinding.Elements.Add(new TextMessageEncodingBindingElement());
            customBinding.Elements.Add(new HttpTransportBindingElement());

            string endpoint = Endpoints.HttpSoap12_Address;
            client  = new MyClientBase(customBinding, new EndpointAddress(endpoint));
            factory = client.ChannelFactory;

            // *** VALIDATE *** \\
            Assert.True(CommunicationState.Created == client.State,
                        String.Format("Expected client state to be Created but actual was '{0}'", client.State));

            Assert.True(CommunicationState.Created == factory.State,
                        String.Format("Expected channel factory state to be Created but actual was '{0}'", factory.State));

            // Note: both the full framework and this NET Core version open the channel factory
            // when asking for the internal channel.  Attempting to Open the ClientBase
            // after obtaining the internal channel with throw InvalidOperationException attempting
            // to reopen the channel factory.  Customers don't encounter this situation in normal use
            // because access to the internal channel is protected and cannot be acquired.  So we
            // defer asking for the internal channel in this test to allow the Open() to follow the
            // same code path as customer code.

            // *** EXECUTE *** \\
            // Explicitly async open the ClientBase to follow general WCF guidelines
            IAsyncResult ar = ((ICommunicationObject)client).BeginOpen(timeout, null, null);

            // Use the internal proxy generated by ClientBase to most resemble how svcutil-generated code works.
            // This test defers asking for it until the ClientBase is open to avoid the issue described above.
            serviceProxy = client.Proxy;

            Assert.True(CommunicationState.Opened == client.State,
                        String.Format("Expected client state to be Opened but actual was '{0}'", client.State));

            Assert.True(CommunicationState.Opened == factory.State,
                        String.Format("Expected channel factory state to be Opened but actual was '{0}'", factory.State));

            Assert.True(CommunicationState.Opened == ((ICommunicationObject)serviceProxy).State,
                        String.Format("Expected proxy state to be Opened but actual was '{0}'", ((ICommunicationObject)serviceProxy).State));

            // *** EXECUTE *** \\
            // Explicitly close the ClientBase to follow general WCF guidelines
            ar = ((ICommunicationObject)client).BeginClose(timeout, null, null);

            // *** VALIDATE *** \\
            // Closing the ClientBase closes the internal channel and factory
            Assert.True(CommunicationState.Closed == client.State,
                        String.Format("Expected client state to be Closed but actual was '{0}'", client.State));

            // Closing the ClientBase also closes the internal channel
            Assert.True(CommunicationState.Closed == ((ICommunicationObject)serviceProxy).State,
                        String.Format("Expected proxy state to be Closed but actual was '{0}'", ((ICommunicationObject)serviceProxy).State));

            // Closing the ClientBase also closes the channel factory
            Assert.True(CommunicationState.Closed == factory.State,
                        String.Format("Expected channel factory state to be Closed but actual was '{0}'", factory.State));
            // *** ENSURE CLEANUP *** \\
            ScenarioTestHelpers.CloseCommunicationObjects((ICommunicationObject)serviceProxy, client, factory);
Beispiel #8
    // Asking for PeerTrust alone should throw SecurityNegotiationException
    // if the certificate is not in the TrustedPeople store.  For this test
    // we use a valid chain-trusted certificate that we know is not in the
    // TrustedPeople store.
    public static void NetTcp_SecModeTrans_CertValMode_PeerTrust_Fails_Not_In_TrustedPeople()
        bool root_Certificate_Installed   = Root_Certificate_Installed();
        bool client_Certificate_Installed = Client_Certificate_Installed();
        bool peer_Certificate_Installed   = Peer_Certificate_Installed();
        bool ssl_Available = SSL_Available();

        if (!root_Certificate_Installed ||
            !client_Certificate_Installed ||
            !peer_Certificate_Installed ||
            Console.WriteLine("---- Test SKIPPED --------------");
            Console.WriteLine("Attempting to run the test in ToF, a ConditionalFact evaluated as FALSE.");
            Console.WriteLine("Root_Certificate_Installed evaluated as {0}", root_Certificate_Installed);
            Console.WriteLine("Client_Certificate_Installed evaluated as {0}", client_Certificate_Installed);
            Console.WriteLine("Peer_Certificate_Installed evaluated as {0}", peer_Certificate_Installed);
            Console.WriteLine("SSL_Available evaluated as {0}", ssl_Available);
        EndpointAddress endpointAddress               = null;
        string          testString                    = "Hello";
        ChannelFactory <IWcfService> factory          = null;
        IWcfService            serviceProxy           = null;
        CommunicationException communicationException = null;

            // *** SETUP *** \\
            NetTcpBinding binding = new NetTcpBinding(SecurityMode.Transport);
            binding.Security.Transport.ClientCredentialType = TcpClientCredentialType.None;

            endpointAddress = new EndpointAddress(new Uri(

            factory = new ChannelFactory <IWcfService>(binding, endpointAddress);
            factory.Credentials.ServiceCertificate.Authentication.CertificateValidationMode = X509CertificateValidationMode.PeerTrust;

            serviceProxy = factory.CreateChannel();

            // *** EXECUTE *** \\
            catch (CommunicationException ce)
                communicationException = ce;

            // *** VALIDATE *** \\
            Assert.True(communicationException != null, "Expected CommunicationException but no exception was thrown.");
            Assert.True(communicationException.GetType().Name == "SecurityNegotiationException",
                        String.Format("Expected SecurityNegotiationException but received {0}",

            // *** CLEANUP *** \\
            // objects are in faulted state and will throw, so only use finally style cleanup
            // *** ENSURE CLEANUP *** \\
            ScenarioTestHelpers.CloseCommunicationObjects((ICommunicationObject)serviceProxy, factory);
Beispiel #9
    public static void WebSocketHttpDuplexBinaryStreamed()
        NetHttpBinding  binding        = null;
        ClientReceiver  clientReceiver = null;
        InstanceContext context        = null;
        DuplexChannelFactory <IWSDuplexService> channelFactory = null;
        IWSDuplexService     client       = null;
        FlowControlledStream uploadStream = null;

            // *** SETUP *** \\
            binding = new NetHttpBinding();
            binding.WebSocketSettings.TransportUsage = WebSocketTransportUsage.Always;
            binding.MaxReceivedMessageSize           = ScenarioTestHelpers.DefaultMaxReceivedMessageSize;
            binding.MaxBufferSize   = ScenarioTestHelpers.DefaultMaxReceivedMessageSize;
            binding.TransferMode    = TransferMode.Streamed;
            binding.MessageEncoding = NetHttpMessageEncoding.Binary;

            clientReceiver = new ClientReceiver();
            context        = new InstanceContext(clientReceiver);

            channelFactory = new DuplexChannelFactory <IWSDuplexService>(context, binding, Endpoints.WebSocketHttpDuplexBinaryStreamed_Address);
            client         = channelFactory.CreateChannel();

            // *** EXECUTE *** \\
            using (Stream stream = client.DownloadStream())
                int readResult;
                // Read from the stream, 1000 bytes at a time.
                byte[] buffer = new byte[1000];
                    readResult = stream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
                }while (readResult != 0);

            uploadStream = new FlowControlledStream();
            uploadStream.ReadThrottle   = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(500);
            uploadStream.StreamDuration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1);

            // Wait for the callback to get invoked before telling the service to stop streaming.
            // This ensures we can read from the stream on the callback while the NCL layer at the service
            // is still writing the bytes from the stream to the wire.
            // This will deadlock if the transfer mode is buffered because the callback will wait for the
            // stream, and the NCL layer will continue to buffer the stream until it reaches the end.


            // Upload the stream while we are downloading a different stream
            uploadStream = new FlowControlledStream();
            uploadStream.ReadThrottle   = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(500);
            uploadStream.StreamDuration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1);

            // Waiting on ReceiveStreamCompleted from the ClientReceiver.

            // *** VALIDATE *** \\
            // Validation is based on no exceptions being thrown.

            // *** CLEANUP *** \\
            // *** ENSURE CLEANUP *** \\
            ScenarioTestHelpers.CloseCommunicationObjects((ICommunicationObject)client, channelFactory);
Beispiel #10
    public static void ClientCertificate_EchoString()
        bool root_Certificate_Installed   = Root_Certificate_Installed();
        bool client_Certificate_Installed = Client_Certificate_Installed();
        bool server_Accepts_Certificates  = Server_Accepts_Certificates();
        bool ssl_Available = SSL_Available();

        if (!root_Certificate_Installed ||
            !client_Certificate_Installed ||
            !server_Accepts_Certificates ||
            Console.WriteLine("---- Test SKIPPED --------------");
            Console.WriteLine("Attempting to run the test in ToF, a ConditionalFact evaluated as FALSE.");
            Console.WriteLine("Root_Certificate_Installed evaluated as {0}", root_Certificate_Installed);
            Console.WriteLine("Client_Certificate_Installed evaluated as {0}", client_Certificate_Installed);
            Console.WriteLine("Server_Accepts_Certificates evaluated as {0}", server_Accepts_Certificates);
            Console.WriteLine("SSL_Available evaluated as {0}", ssl_Available);
        string          clientCertThumb      = null;
        EndpointAddress endpointAddress      = null;
        string          testString           = "Hello";
        ChannelFactory <IWcfService> factory = null;
        IWcfService serviceProxy             = null;

            // *** SETUP *** \\
            BasicHttpsBinding basicHttpsBinding = new BasicHttpsBinding(BasicHttpsSecurityMode.Transport);
            basicHttpsBinding.Security.Transport.ClientCredentialType = HttpClientCredentialType.Certificate;

            endpointAddress = new EndpointAddress(new Uri(Endpoints.Https_ClientCertificateAuth_Address));
            clientCertThumb = ServiceUtilHelper.ClientCertificate.Thumbprint;

            factory = new ChannelFactory <IWcfService>(basicHttpsBinding, endpointAddress);

            serviceProxy = factory.CreateChannel();

            // *** EXECUTE *** \\
            string result = serviceProxy.Echo(testString);

            // *** VALIDATE *** \\
            Assert.Equal(testString, result);

            // *** CLEANUP *** \\
            // *** ENSURE CLEANUP *** \\
            ScenarioTestHelpers.CloseCommunicationObjects((ICommunicationObject)serviceProxy, factory);
    // Asking for ChainTrust only should succeed if the certificate is
    // chain-trusted.
    public static void NetTcp_SecModeTrans_Duplex_Callback_Succeeds()
        bool root_Certificate_Installed   = Root_Certificate_Installed();
        bool client_Certificate_Installed = Client_Certificate_Installed();
        bool ssl_Available = SSL_Available();

        if (!root_Certificate_Installed ||
            !client_Certificate_Installed ||
            Console.WriteLine("---- Test SKIPPED --------------");
            Console.WriteLine("Attempting to run the test in ToF, a ConditionalFact evaluated as FALSE.");
            Console.WriteLine("Root_Certificate_Installed evaluated as {0}", root_Certificate_Installed);
            Console.WriteLine("Client_Certificate_Installed evaluated as {0}", client_Certificate_Installed);
            Console.WriteLine("SSL_Available evaluated as {0}", ssl_Available);
        string          clientCertThumb = null;
        EndpointAddress endpointAddress = null;
        DuplexChannelFactory <IWcfDuplexService> factory = null;
        IWcfDuplexService serviceProxy = null;
        Guid guid = Guid.NewGuid();

            // *** SETUP *** \\
            NetTcpBinding binding = new NetTcpBinding(SecurityMode.Transport);
            binding.Security.Transport.ClientCredentialType = TcpClientCredentialType.Certificate;

            endpointAddress = new EndpointAddress(new Uri(
            clientCertThumb = ServiceUtilHelper.ClientCertificate.Thumbprint;

            WcfDuplexServiceCallback callbackService = new WcfDuplexServiceCallback();
            InstanceContext          context         = new InstanceContext(callbackService);

            factory = new DuplexChannelFactory <IWcfDuplexService>(context, binding, endpointAddress);
            factory.Credentials.ServiceCertificate.Authentication.CertificateValidationMode = X509CertificateValidationMode.ChainTrust;

            serviceProxy = factory.CreateChannel();

            // *** EXECUTE *** \\
            // Ping on another thread.
            Task.Run(() => serviceProxy.Ping(guid));
            Guid returnedGuid = callbackService.CallbackGuid;

            // *** VALIDATE *** \\
            Assert.True(guid == returnedGuid,
                        string.Format("The sent GUID does not match the returned GUID. Sent '{0}', Received: '{1}'", guid, returnedGuid));

            // *** CLEANUP *** \\
            // *** ENSURE CLEANUP *** \\
            ScenarioTestHelpers.CloseCommunicationObjects((ICommunicationObject)serviceProxy, factory);
Beispiel #12
    public static void BasicHttp_Streamed_Async_Delayed_And_Aborted_Request_Throws_TimeoutException()
        // This test is a regression test that verifies an issue discovered where exceeding the timeout
        // and aborting the channel before the client's Task completed led to incorrect error handling.
        BasicHttpBinding             binding = null;
        ChannelFactory <IWcfService> factory = null;
        IWcfService serviceProxy             = null;
        Stream      stream        = null;
        int         sendTimeoutMs = 3000;

            // *** SETUP *** \\
            binding = new BasicHttpBinding(BasicHttpSecurityMode.None);
            binding.TransferMode = TransferMode.Streamed;
            binding.SendTimeout  = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(sendTimeoutMs);
            factory      = new ChannelFactory <IWcfService>(binding, new EndpointAddress(Endpoints.HttpBaseAddress_Basic));
            serviceProxy = factory.CreateChannel();

            // Create a read stream that will both timeout and then abort the proxy channel when the
            // async read is called. We also intercept the synchronous read because that path can also
            // be executed during an async read.
            stream = new TestMockStream()
                CopyToAsyncFunc = (Stream destination, int bufferSize, CancellationToken ct) =>
                    // Abort to force the internal HttpClientChannelAsyncRequest.Cleanup()
                    // to clear its data structures before the client's Task completes.
                    Task.Delay(sendTimeoutMs * 2).Wait();

                ReadFunc = (byte[] buffer, int offset, int count) =>
                    // Abort to force the internal HttpClientChannelAsyncRequest.Cleanup()
                    // to clear its data structures before the client's Task completes.
                    Task.Delay(sendTimeoutMs * 2).Wait();

            // *** EXECUTE *** \\
            Assert.Throws <TimeoutException>(() =>
                var unused = serviceProxy.EchoStreamAsync(stream).GetAwaiter().GetResult();

            // *** VALIDATE *** \\

            // *** CLEANUP *** \\
            // *** ENSURE CLEANUP *** \\
            ScenarioTestHelpers.CloseCommunicationObjects((ICommunicationObject)serviceProxy, factory);
    public static void ChannelShape_TypedProxy_InvokeIRequestChannelAsync()
        CustomBinding customBinding = null;
        ChannelFactory <IRequestChannel> factory = null;
        EndpointAddress endpointAddress          = null;
        IRequestChannel channel            = null;
        Message         requestMessage     = null;
        Message         replyMessage       = null;
        string          replyMessageAction = null;
        string          actualResponse     = null;

            // *** SETUP *** \\
            customBinding = new CustomBinding(new BindingElement[] {
                new TextMessageEncodingBindingElement(MessageVersion.Default, Encoding.UTF8),
                new HttpTransportBindingElement()
            endpointAddress = new EndpointAddress(Endpoints.DefaultCustomHttp_Address);
            // Create the channel factory for the request-reply message exchange pattern.
            factory = new ChannelFactory <IRequestChannel>(customBinding, endpointAddress);
            // Create the channel.
            channel = factory.CreateChannel();
            // Create the Message object to send to the service.
            requestMessage = Message.CreateMessage(
                new CustomBodyWriter(clientMessage));
            string expectedResponse = "[client] This is my request.[service] Request received, this is my Reply.";

            // *** EXECUTE *** \\
            // Send the Message and receive the Response.
            IAsyncResult ar = channel.BeginRequest(requestMessage, null, null);
            replyMessage       = channel.EndRequest(ar);
            replyMessageAction = replyMessage.Headers.Action;

            // *** VALIDATE *** \\
            Assert.True(String.Equals(replyMessageAction, action + "Response"),
                        String.Format("A response was received from the Service but it was not the expected Action, expected: {0} actual: {1}",
                                      action + "Response", replyMessageAction));

            // *** EXECUTE *** \\
            var replyReader = replyMessage.GetReaderAtBodyContents();
            actualResponse = replyReader.ReadElementContentAsString();

            // *** VALIDATE *** \\
            Assert.True(String.Equals(actualResponse, expectedResponse),
                        String.Format("Actual MessageBodyContent from service did not match the expected MessageBodyContent, expected: {0} actual: {1}",
                                      expectedResponse, actualResponse));

            // *** CLEANUP *** \\
            // *** ENSURE CLEANUP *** \\
            ScenarioTestHelpers.CloseCommunicationObjects(channel, factory);
Beispiel #14
    public static void MustUnderstand_False_TrueNegative_TruePositive()
        // When a Message arrives it travels through the WCF stack at the end of which it is passed to the ServiceModel layer.
        // The MustUnderstand property for every header in the Message is either true or false.
        // At the end of the stack a check is done, every header with MustUnderstand set to "true" must be found in the...
        // UnderstoodHeaders collection.

        // This test makes three calls to a service opration.
        // The service operation creates a MessageHeader using data passed to it in the call.
        // Each call validates a scenario variation.

        UnderstoodHeadersInspector          inspector = null;
        ChannelFactory <IUnderstoodHeaders> factory   = null;
        BasicHttpBinding   binding = null;
        IUnderstoodHeaders proxy   = null;

        // *** SETUP *** \\
        binding   = new BasicHttpBinding();
        factory   = new ChannelFactory <IUnderstoodHeaders>(binding, new EndpointAddress(Endpoints.UnderstoodHeaders));
        inspector = new UnderstoodHeadersInspector();
        proxy = factory.CreateChannel();

        // ***  EXECUTE 1st Variation *** \\
        // Custom header with MustUnderstand set to "false", this should just work.
            proxy.CreateMessageHeader(customHeaderMustUnderstand_False.Name, customHeaderMustUnderstand_False.Namespace, customHeaderMustUnderstand_False.MustUnderstand);
            // *** ENSURE CLEANUP *** \\

        // ***  EXECUTE 2nd Variation *** \\
        // Custom header with MustUnderstand set to "true" this should result in an exception since nothing...
        // on the client side stack is adding this header to UnderstoodHeaders.
        Assert.Throws <ProtocolException>(() =>
                proxy = factory.CreateChannel();
                proxy.CreateMessageHeader(customHeaderMustUnderstand_True.Name, customHeaderMustUnderstand_True.Namespace, customHeaderMustUnderstand_True.MustUnderstand);
                // *** ENSURE CLEANUP *** \\

        // ***  EXECUTE 3d Variation *** \\
        // Custom header with MustUnderstand set to "True", this should pass because...
        // we are using a Message Inspector to add the header to UnderstoodHeaders.
        // This mimics the scenario where the client was expecting this header, did what it needed to do...
        // and then added it to the UnderstoodHeaders collection as confirmation that it was handled.
            proxy = factory.CreateChannel();
            inspector.DoNothing = false;
            proxy.CreateMessageHeader(customHeaderMustUnderstand_True.Name, customHeaderMustUnderstand_True.Namespace, customHeaderMustUnderstand_True.MustUnderstand);
            // *** ENSURE CLEANUP *** \\
            ScenarioTestHelpers.CloseCommunicationObjects((ICommunicationObject)proxy, factory);
    public static void BasicAuthenticationInvalidPwd_throw_MessageSecurityException()
        BasicHttpBinding basicHttpBinding = null;
        ChannelFactory <IWcfCustomUserNameService> factory = null;
        EndpointAddress           endpointAddress          = null;
        string                    username     = null;
        string                    password     = null;
        IWcfCustomUserNameService serviceProxy = null;
        string                    testString   = null;
        // Will need to use localized string once it is available
        // On Native retail, the message is stripped to 'HttpAuthorizationForbidden, Basic'
        // On Debug or .Net Core, the entire message is "The HTTP request was forbidden with client authentication scheme 'Basic'."
        // Thus we will only check message contains "forbidden"
        string message = "forbidden";

        // *** VALIDATE *** \\
        MessageSecurityException exception = Assert.Throws <MessageSecurityException>(() =>
            // *** SETUP *** \\
            basicHttpBinding = new BasicHttpBinding(BasicHttpSecurityMode.Transport);
            basicHttpBinding.Security.Transport.ClientCredentialType = HttpClientCredentialType.Basic;
            endpointAddress = new EndpointAddress(Endpoints.Https_BasicAuth_Address);
            factory         = new ChannelFactory <IWcfCustomUserNameService>(basicHttpBinding, endpointAddress);
            username        = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("n").Substring(0, 8);
            password        = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("n").Substring(0, 16);
            factory.Credentials.UserName.UserName = username;
            factory.Credentials.UserName.Password = password + "Invalid";
            serviceProxy = factory.CreateChannel();
            testString   = "I am a test";

            // *** EXECUTE *** \\
            using (var scope = new OperationContextScope((IContextChannel)serviceProxy))
                HttpRequestMessageProperty requestMessageProperty;
                if (!OperationContext.Current.OutgoingMessageProperties.ContainsKey(HttpRequestMessageProperty.Name))
                    requestMessageProperty = new HttpRequestMessageProperty();
                    OperationContext.Current.OutgoingMessageProperties[HttpRequestMessageProperty.Name] = requestMessageProperty;
                    requestMessageProperty = (HttpRequestMessageProperty)OperationContext.Current.OutgoingMessageProperties[HttpRequestMessageProperty.Name];

                requestMessageProperty.Headers[BasicUsernameHeaderName] = username;
                requestMessageProperty.Headers[BasicPasswordHeaderName] = password;

                    string result = serviceProxy.Echo(testString);
                    // *** ENSURE CLEANUP *** \\
                    ScenarioTestHelpers.CloseCommunicationObjects((ICommunicationObject)serviceProxy, factory);

        // *** ADDITIONAL VALIDATION *** \\
        Assert.True(exception.Message.ToLower().Contains(message), string.Format("Expected exception message to contain: '{0}', actual message is: '{1}'", message, exception.Message));
    public static void Certificate_With_CanonicalName_Fqdn_Address_EchoString()
        bool shouldCallSucceed     = false;
        var  domainNameEndpointUri = new Uri(Endpoints.Tcp_ClientCredentialType_Certificate_With_CanonicalName_DomainName_Address);
        // Get just the hostname part of the domainName Uri
        var domainNameHost = domainNameEndpointUri.Host.Split('.')[0];

        var fqdnEndpointUri = new Uri(Endpoints.Tcp_ClientCredentialType_Certificate_With_CanonicalName_Fqdn_Address);
        var endpointAddress = new EndpointAddress(fqdnEndpointUri);

        // If the WCF service's reported FQDN is the same as the services's reported hostname,
        // it means that there the WCF service is set up on a network where FQDNs aren't used, only hostnames.
        // Since our pass/fail detection logic on whether or not this is an FQDN depends on whether the host name has a '.', we don't test this case
        if (string.Compare(domainNameHost, fqdnEndpointUri.Host, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) != 0)
            shouldCallSucceed = fqdnEndpointUri.Host.IndexOf('.') > -1;

        string testString = "Hello";
        ChannelFactory <IWcfService> factory = null;
        IWcfService serviceProxy             = null;

            // *** SETUP *** \\
            NetTcpBinding binding = new NetTcpBinding(SecurityMode.Transport);
            binding.Security.Transport.ClientCredentialType = TcpClientCredentialType.None;

            factory = new ChannelFactory <IWcfService>(binding, endpointAddress);
            factory.Credentials.ServiceCertificate.Authentication.RevocationMode            = X509RevocationMode.NoCheck;
            factory.Credentials.ServiceCertificate.Authentication.CertificateValidationMode = X509CertificateValidationMode.ChainTrust;

            serviceProxy = factory.CreateChannel();

            // *** EXECUTE *** \\
            string result = serviceProxy.Echo(testString);

            // *** VALIDATE *** \\
            Assert.Equal(testString, result);

            // *** CLEANUP *** \\

            var errorBuilder = new StringBuilder();
            errorBuilder.AppendFormat("The call to '{0}' should have failed but succeeded. ", fqdnEndpointUri.Host);
            errorBuilder.AppendFormat("This means that the certificate validation passed when it should have failed. ");
            errorBuilder.AppendFormat("Check the certificate returned by the endpoint at '{0}' ", fqdnEndpointUri);
            errorBuilder.AppendFormat("to see that it is correct; if it is, there is likely an issue with the identity checking logic.");

            Assert.True(shouldCallSucceed, errorBuilder.ToString());
        catch (MessageSecurityException exception)
            // If there's a MessageSecurityException, we assume that the cert validation failed. Unfortunately checking for the
            // message is really brittle and we can't account for loc and how .NET Native will display the exceptions
            // The exception message should look like:
            // System.ServiceModel.Security.MessageSecurityException : Identity check failed for outgoing message. The expected
            // DNS identity of the remote endpoint was 'localhost' but the remote endpoint provided DNS claim ''.If this
            // is a legitimate remote endpoint, you can fix the problem by explicitly specifying DNS identity '' as
            // the Identity property of EndpointAddress when creating channel proxy.

            var errorBuilder = new StringBuilder();
            errorBuilder.AppendFormat("The call to '{0}' should have been successful but failed with a MessageSecurityException. ", fqdnEndpointUri.Host);
            errorBuilder.AppendFormat("This usually means that the certificate validation failed when it should have passed. ");
            errorBuilder.AppendFormat("When connecting to host '{0}', the expectation is that the DNSClaim will be for the same hostname. ", fqdnEndpointUri.Host);
            errorBuilder.AppendFormat("Exception message: {0}{1}", Environment.NewLine, exception.Message);

            Assert.True(!shouldCallSucceed, errorBuilder.ToString());
            // *** ENSURE CLEANUP *** \\
            ScenarioTestHelpers.CloseCommunicationObjects((ICommunicationObject)serviceProxy, factory);
Beispiel #17
    public static void ServiceRestart_Throws_CommunicationException()
        // This test validates that if the Service were to shut-down, re-start or otherwise die in the
        // middle of an operation the client will not just hang. It should instead receive a CommunicationException.
        string restartServiceAddress = "";
        ChannelFactory <IWcfService> setupHostFactory = null;
        IWcfService setupHostServiceProxy             = null;
        ChannelFactory <IWcfRestartService> factory   = null;
        IWcfRestartService serviceProxy = null;
        BasicHttpBinding   binding      = new BasicHttpBinding();

        // *** Step 1 *** \\
        // We need the Service to create and open a ServiceHost and then give us the endpoint address for it.
            setupHostFactory      = new ChannelFactory <IWcfService>(binding, new EndpointAddress(Endpoints.HttpBaseAddress_Basic));
            setupHostServiceProxy = setupHostFactory.CreateChannel();
            restartServiceAddress = setupHostServiceProxy.GetRestartServiceEndpoint();

            // *** CLEANUP *** \\
            // *** ENSURE CLEANUP *** \\
            ScenarioTestHelpers.CloseCommunicationObjects((ICommunicationObject)setupHostServiceProxy, setupHostFactory);

        // *** Additional Setup *** \\
        // The restartServiceAddress we got from the Service used localhost as the host name.
        // We need the actual host name for the client call to work.
        // To make it easier to parse, localhost was replaced with '[HOST]'.

        // Use Endpoints.HttpBaseAddress_Basic only for the purpose of extracting the Service host name.
        // Then update 'restartServiceAddress' with it.
        string hostName = new Uri(Endpoints.HttpBaseAddress_Basic).Host;

        restartServiceAddress = restartServiceAddress.Replace("[HOST]", hostName);

        // Get the last portion of the restart service url which is a Guid and convert it back to a Guid
        // This is needed by the RestartService operation as a Dictionary key to get the ServiceHost
        string uniqueIdentifier = restartServiceAddress.Substring(restartServiceAddress.LastIndexOf("/") + 1);
        Guid   guid             = new Guid(uniqueIdentifier);

        // *** Step 2 *** \\
        // Simple echo call to make sure the newly created endpoint is working.
            factory      = new ChannelFactory <IWcfRestartService>(binding, new EndpointAddress(restartServiceAddress));
            serviceProxy = factory.CreateChannel();

            // *** EXECUTE *** \\
            string result = serviceProxy.NonRestartService(guid);

            Assert.True(result == "Success!", string.Format("Test Case failed, expected the returned string to be: {0}, instead it was: {1}", "Success!", result));
        catch (Exception ex)
            string exceptionMessage      = ex.Message;
            string innerExceptionMessage = ex.InnerException?.Message;
            string testExceptionMessage  = $"The ping to validate the newly created endpoint failed.\nThe endpoint pinged was: {restartServiceAddress}\nThe GUID used to extract the ServiceHost from the server side dictionary was: {guid}";
            string fullExceptionMessage  = $"testExceptionMessage: {testExceptionMessage}\nexceptionMessage: {exceptionMessage}\ninnerExceptionMessage: {innerExceptionMessage}";

            Assert.True(false, fullExceptionMessage);
            // *** ENSURE CLEANUP *** \\
            ScenarioTestHelpers.CloseCommunicationObjects((ICommunicationObject)serviceProxy, factory);

        // *** Step 3 *** \\
        // The actual part of the test where the host is killed in the middle of the operation.
        // We expect the test should not hang and should receive a CommunicationException.
        CommunicationException exception = Assert.Throws <CommunicationException>(() =>
            factory      = new ChannelFactory <IWcfRestartService>(binding, new EndpointAddress(restartServiceAddress));
            serviceProxy = factory.CreateChannel();

                // *** EXECUTE *** \\
                // *** ENSURE CLEANUP *** \\
                ScenarioTestHelpers.CloseCommunicationObjects((ICommunicationObject)serviceProxy, factory);
    public static void Certificate_With_CanonicalName_Localhost_Address_EchoString()
        var  localhostEndpointUri = new Uri(Endpoints.Tcp_ClientCredentialType_Certificate_With_CanonicalName_Localhost_Address);
        var  endpointAddress      = new EndpointAddress(localhostEndpointUri);
        bool shouldCallSucceed    = string.Compare(localhostEndpointUri.Host, "localhost", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0;

        string testString = "Hello";
        ChannelFactory <IWcfService> factory = null;
        IWcfService serviceProxy             = null;

            // *** SETUP *** \\
            NetTcpBinding binding = new NetTcpBinding(SecurityMode.Transport);
            binding.Security.Transport.ClientCredentialType = TcpClientCredentialType.None;

            factory = new ChannelFactory <IWcfService>(binding, endpointAddress);
            factory.Credentials.ServiceCertificate.Authentication.CertificateValidationMode = X509CertificateValidationMode.ChainTrust;

            serviceProxy = factory.CreateChannel();

            // *** EXECUTE *** \\
            string result = serviceProxy.Echo(testString);

            // *** VALIDATE *** \\
            Assert.Equal(testString, result);

            // *** CLEANUP *** \\

            var errorBuilder = new StringBuilder();
            errorBuilder.AppendFormat("The call to '{0}' should have failed but succeeded. ", localhostEndpointUri.Host);
            errorBuilder.AppendFormat("This means that the certificate validation passed when it should have failed. ");
            errorBuilder.AppendFormat("Check the certificate returned by the endpoint at '{0}' ", localhostEndpointUri);
            errorBuilder.AppendFormat("to see that it is correct; if it is, there is likely an issue with the identity checking logic.");

            Assert.True(shouldCallSucceed, errorBuilder.ToString());
        catch (Exception exception) when(exception is CommunicationException || exception is MessageSecurityException)
            if ((exception is MessageSecurityException) || (exception is CommunicationException) && !string.Equals(exception.InnerException.GetType().ToString(), "System.ServiceModel.Security.MessageSecurityException"))
                // If there's a MessageSecurityException, we assume that the cert validation failed. Unfortunately checking for the
                // message is really brittle and we can't account for loc and how .NET Native will display the exceptions
                // The exception message should look like:
                // System.ServiceModel.Security.MessageSecurityException : Identity check failed for outgoing message. The expected
                // DNS identity of the remote endpoint was 'localhost' but the remote endpoint provided DNS claim ''.If this
                // is a legitimate remote endpoint, you can fix the problem by explicitly specifying DNS identity '' as
                // the Identity property of EndpointAddress when creating channel proxy.

                var errorBuilder = new StringBuilder();
                errorBuilder.AppendFormat("The call to '{0}' should have been successful but failed with a MessageSecurityException. ", localhostEndpointUri.Host);
                errorBuilder.AppendFormat("This usually means that the certificate validation failed when it should have passed. ");
                errorBuilder.AppendFormat("When connecting to host '{0}', the expectation is that the DNSClaim will be for the same hostname. ", localhostEndpointUri.Host);
                errorBuilder.AppendFormat("Exception message: {0}{1}", Environment.NewLine, exception.Message);

                Assert.True(!shouldCallSucceed, errorBuilder.ToString());
            // *** ENSURE CLEANUP *** \\
            ScenarioTestHelpers.CloseCommunicationObjects((ICommunicationObject)serviceProxy, factory);
Beispiel #19
    public static void NetTcp_TransportSecurity_Streamed_TimeOut_Long_Running_Operation()
        bool root_Certificate_Installed       = Root_Certificate_Installed();
        bool client_Certificate_Installed     = Client_Certificate_Installed();
        bool windows_Authentication_Available = Windows_Authentication_Available();
        bool ambient_Credentials_Available    = Ambient_Credentials_Available();

        if (!root_Certificate_Installed ||
            !client_Certificate_Installed ||
            !windows_Authentication_Available ||
            Console.WriteLine("---- Test SKIPPED --------------");
            Console.WriteLine("Attempting to run the test in ToF, a ConditionalFact evaluated as FALSE.");
            Console.WriteLine("Root_Certificate_Installed evaluated as {0}", root_Certificate_Installed);
            Console.WriteLine("Client_Certificate_Installed evaluated as {0}", client_Certificate_Installed);
            Console.WriteLine("Windows_Authentication_Available evaluated as {0}", windows_Authentication_Available);
            Console.WriteLine("Ambient_Credentials_Available evaluated as {0}", ambient_Credentials_Available);
        string        testString = "Hello";
        NetTcpBinding binding    = null;
        TimeSpan      serviceOperationTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(10000);
        ChannelFactory <IWcfService> factory  = null;
        IWcfService serviceProxy = null;

            // *** SETUP *** \\
            binding = new NetTcpBinding(SecurityMode.Transport);
            binding.TransferMode = TransferMode.Streamed;
            binding.SendTimeout  = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(5000);
            factory      = new ChannelFactory <IWcfService>(binding, new EndpointAddress(Endpoints.Tcp_Transport_Security_Streamed_Address));
            serviceProxy = factory.CreateChannel();
            Stopwatch watch = new Stopwatch();

            // *** EXECUTE *** \\
                Assert.Throws <TimeoutException>(() =>
                    string returnString = serviceProxy.EchoWithTimeout(testString, serviceOperationTimeout);

                // *** CLEANUP *** \\

            // *** VALIDATE *** \\
            // want to assert that this completed in > 5 s as an upper bound since the SendTimeout is 5 sec
            // (usual case is around 5001-5005 ms)
            Assert.True(watch.ElapsedMilliseconds >= 4985 && watch.ElapsedMilliseconds < 6000,
                        String.Format("Expected timeout was {0}ms but actual was {1}ms",
            // *** ENSURE CLEANUP *** \\
            ScenarioTestHelpers.CloseCommunicationObjects((ICommunicationObject)serviceProxy, factory);
    public static async Task RetryCountApplied(ReliableMessagingVersion rmVersion, bool ordered, string endpointSuffix)
        ChannelFactory <IWcfReliableService> factory = null;
        IWcfReliableService serviceProxy             = null;
        NetHttpBinding      binding = null;

            // *** SETUP *** \\
            binding = new NetHttpBinding(BasicHttpSecurityMode.None, true);
            binding.ReliableSession.Ordered = ordered;
            var customBinding = new CustomBinding(binding);
            var reliableSessionBindingElement = customBinding.Elements.Find <ReliableSessionBindingElement>();
            reliableSessionBindingElement.MaxRetryCount            = 2;
            reliableSessionBindingElement.ReliableMessagingVersion = rmVersion;
            factory = new ChannelFactory <IWcfReliableService>(customBinding, new EndpointAddress(Endpoints.ReliableSession_NetHttp + endpointSuffix));
            var       handlerFactoryBehavior = new HttpMessageHandlerBehavior();
            bool      delayNextCall          = false;
            int       httpRequestCount       = 0;
            Stopwatch sw = null;
            TaskCompletionSource <object> tcs1 = null, tcs2 = new TaskCompletionSource <object>();
            handlerFactoryBehavior.OnSendingAsync = async(request, token) =>
                Interlocked.Increment(ref httpRequestCount);
                // Once the delayNextCall latch is set, all subsequent calls will be on hold until tcs1 is completed.
                if (delayNextCall)
                    if (tcs1 == null) // First delayed call
                        sw   = Stopwatch.StartNew();
                        tcs1 = new TaskCompletionSource <object>();
                    else if (sw.IsRunning)
                        sw.Stop();               // Get time between initial call and 1st retry
                        tcs2.TrySetResult(null); // Signal main test code that stopwatch measurement taken
                    // All calls will wait on the same TCS as trying to trigger retry;
                    await tcs1.Task;
            serviceProxy = factory.CreateChannel();
            // *** EXECUTE *** \\
            ((IClientChannel)serviceProxy).Open(); // This will establish a reliable session
            delayNextCall = true;
            // Reset request count as it would have incremented in the session open handshake
            httpRequestCount = 0;
            var resultTask = serviceProxy.GetNextNumberAsync();
            await tcs2.Task; // Wait for Stopwatch to be stopped

            // *** VALIDATE *** \\
            // There should only be a single retry at this point
            Assert.Equal(2, httpRequestCount);
            // ReliableSessions doubles the wait time between each retry. We know the first retry time. The second retry
            // will be 2X this, then the request will fail after another wait of 4X this delay. We need to wait at LEAST 6X
            // this initial delay for the channel to fault. 10X should be sufficient
            await Task.Delay((int)sw.ElapsedMilliseconds * 10);

            // There should now be the second retry (3 attempts to send the request) as well as the SequenceTerminated fault
            // making a total of 4 requests
            Assert.Equal(4, httpRequestCount);
            // Release the paused Http requests
            await Assert.ThrowsAsync <CommunicationException>(() => resultTask);

            Assert.Equal(CommunicationState.Faulted, ((ICommunicationObject)serviceProxy).State);
            ((ICommunicationObject)serviceProxy).Abort(); // Remove from factory so factory doesn't throw when closed.

            // *** CLEANUP *** \\
            // *** ENSURE CLEANUP *** \\
            ScenarioTestHelpers.CloseCommunicationObjects((ICommunicationObject)serviceProxy, factory);
Beispiel #21
    public static void CustomTextMessageEncoder_Http_RequestReply_Streamed()
        // 84K, larger than any buffers, but won't allocate in LOH
        int streamKBytes    = 84;
        int streamLength    = 1024 * streamKBytes;
        int lowestPrintable = ' ';
        int printableRange  = '~' - lowestPrintable;
        ChannelFactory <IWcfService> factory = null;
        IWcfService serviceProxy             = null;
        Stream      stream = null;

            // *** SETUP *** \\
            CustomBinding binding = new CustomBinding(new CustomTextMessageBindingElement(Encoding.UTF8.WebName),
                                                      new HttpTransportBindingElement
                MaxReceivedMessageSize = ScenarioTestHelpers.SixtyFourMB,
                MaxBufferSize          = ScenarioTestHelpers.SixtyFourMB,
                TransferMode           = TransferMode.Streamed

            factory      = new ChannelFactory <IWcfService>(binding, new EndpointAddress(Endpoints.CustomTextEncoderStreamed_Address));
            serviceProxy = factory.CreateChannel();
            byte[] requestBytes       = new byte[streamLength];
            RandomNumberGenerator rnd = RandomNumberGenerator.Create();
            int pos = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < streamKBytes; i++)
                byte[] tempBuffer = new byte[1024];
                for (int j = 0; j < 1024; j++)
                    byte val = tempBuffer[j];
                    if (val < ' ' || val > '~')
                        // Force the value to be between ' ' and '~'
                        int temp1 = val % printableRange;
                        val = (byte)(temp1 + lowestPrintable);

                    requestBytes[pos++] = val;
            stream = new MemoryStream(requestBytes);

            // *** EXECUTE *** \\
            var returnStream = serviceProxy.EchoStream(stream);

            // *** VALIDATE *** \\
            MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(streamLength);

            Assert.True(streamLength == ms.Length,
                        String.Format("Expected returned stream length = {0}, actual = {1}",
                                      streamLength, ms.Length));

            ArraySegment <byte> returnedByteArraySegment;
            ms.TryGetBuffer(out returnedByteArraySegment);
            Assert.True(requestBytes.SequenceEqual(returnedByteArraySegment.Array), "Returned bytes are different than sent bytes");

            // *** CLEANUP *** \\
            // *** ENSURE CLEANUP *** \\
            ScenarioTestHelpers.CloseCommunicationObjects((ICommunicationObject)serviceProxy, factory);
    public static async Task MaxTransferWindowSizeApplied(ReliableMessagingVersion rmVersion, bool ordered, string endpointSuffix)
        ChannelFactory <IWcfReliableService> factory = null;
        IWcfReliableService serviceProxy             = null;
        NetHttpBinding      binding    = null;
        string secondRequestHeaderName = "SecondRequest";

            // *** SETUP *** \\
            binding = new NetHttpBinding(BasicHttpSecurityMode.None, true);
            binding.ReliableSession.Ordered = ordered;
            var customBinding = new CustomBinding(binding);
            var reliableSessionBindingElement = customBinding.Elements.Find <ReliableSessionBindingElement>();
            reliableSessionBindingElement.MaxTransferWindowSize    = 1;
            reliableSessionBindingElement.ReliableMessagingVersion = rmVersion;
            factory = new ChannelFactory <IWcfReliableService>(customBinding, new EndpointAddress(Endpoints.ReliableSession_NetHttp + endpointSuffix));
            var  handlerFactoryBehavior = new HttpMessageHandlerBehavior();
            bool delayNextCall = false;
            bool secondRequestSent = false;
            TaskCompletionSource <object> tcs1 = null, tcs2 = new TaskCompletionSource <object>();
            handlerFactoryBehavior.OnSendingAsync = async(request, token) =>
                if (request.Headers.Contains(secondRequestHeaderName))
                    secondRequestSent = true;

                // Once the delayNextCall latch is set, all subsequent calls will be on hold until tcs1 is completed.
                if (delayNextCall)
                    if (tcs1 == null) // First delayed call
                        tcs1 = new TaskCompletionSource <object>();
                        tcs2.TrySetResult(null); // Signal main test code that first request has been attempted
                    // All calls will wait on the same TCS as trying to prevent requests progressing;
                    await tcs1.Task;
            serviceProxy = factory.CreateChannel();
            // *** EXECUTE *** \\
            ((IClientChannel)serviceProxy).Open(); // This will establish a reliable session
            delayNextCall = true;
            Stopwatch sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();
            var       resultTask1 = serviceProxy.GetNextNumberAsync();
            await tcs2.Task; // Wait for first http request to be attempted
            Task <int> resultTask2;
            using (var scope = new OperationContextScope((IContextChannel)serviceProxy))
                // Add marker to second request so we can check if it's been seen by handler
                var httpRequestMessageProperty = new HttpRequestMessageProperty();
                httpRequestMessageProperty.Headers.Add(secondRequestHeaderName, secondRequestHeaderName);
                OperationContext.Current.OutgoingMessageProperties.Add(HttpRequestMessageProperty.Name, httpRequestMessageProperty);
                resultTask2 = serviceProxy.GetNextNumberAsync();

            // Wait 6 times the amount of time it took for the first http request to be made to ensure we've allowed
            // enough time that the second request should have happened by now.
            await Task.Delay((int)sw.ElapsedMilliseconds * 6);

            var secondRequestBlocked = !secondRequestSent;
            tcs1.TrySetResult(null); // Release first request
            int result1 = await resultTask1;
            int result2 = await resultTask2;

            // *** VALIDATE *** \\
            Assert.Equal(1, result1);
            Assert.Equal(2, result2);
            Assert.True(secondRequestBlocked); // Captured before releasing the first request
            Assert.True(secondRequestSent);    // Validate that header was seen

            // *** CLEANUP *** \\
            // *** ENSURE CLEANUP *** \\
            ScenarioTestHelpers.CloseCommunicationObjects((ICommunicationObject)serviceProxy, factory);
Beispiel #23
    public static void Abort_During_Implicit_Open_Closes_Async_Waiters()
        // This test is a regression test of an issue with CallOnceManager.
        // When a single proxy is used to make several service calls without
        // explicitly opening it, the CallOnceManager queues up all the requests
        // that happen while it is opening the channel (or handling previously
        // queued service calls.  If the channel was closed or faulted during
        // the handling of any queued requests, it caused a pathological worst
        // case where every queued request waited for its complete SendTimeout
        // before failing.
        // This test operates by making multiple concurrent asynchronous service
        // calls, but stalls the Opening event to allow them to be queued before
        // any of them are allowed to proceed.  It then closes the channel when
        // the first service operation is allowed to proceed.  This causes the
        // CallOnce manager to deal with all its queued operations and cause
        // them to complete other than by timing out.

        BasicHttpBinding             binding = null;
        ChannelFactory <IWcfService> factory = null;
        IWcfService serviceProxy             = null;
        int         timeoutMs        = 20000;
        long        operationsQueued = 0;
        int         operationCount   = 5;

        Task <string>[] tasks               = new Task <string> [operationCount];
        Exception[]     exceptions          = new Exception[operationCount];
        string[]        results             = new string[operationCount];
        bool            isClosed            = false;
        DateTime        endOfOpeningStall   = DateTime.Now;
        int             serverDelayMs       = 100;
        TimeSpan        serverDelayTimeSpan = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(serverDelayMs);
        string          testMessage         = "testMessage";

            // *** SETUP *** \\
            binding = new BasicHttpBinding(BasicHttpSecurityMode.None);
            binding.TransferMode = TransferMode.Streamed;
            // SendTimeout is the timeout used for implicit opens
            binding.SendTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(timeoutMs);
            factory             = new ChannelFactory <IWcfService>(binding, new EndpointAddress(Endpoints.HttpBaseAddress_Basic));
            serviceProxy        = factory.CreateChannel();

            // Force the implicit open to stall until we have multiple concurrent calls pending.
            // This forces the CallOnceManager to have a queue of waiters it will need to notify.
            ((ICommunicationObject)serviceProxy).Opening += (s, e) =>
                // Wait until we see sync calls have been queued
                DateTime startOfOpeningStall = DateTime.Now;
                while (true)
                    endOfOpeningStall = DateTime.Now;

                    // Don't wait forever -- if we stall longer than the SendTimeout, it means something
                    // is wrong other than what we are testing, so just fail early.
                    if ((endOfOpeningStall - startOfOpeningStall).TotalMilliseconds > timeoutMs)
                        Assert.True(false, "The Opening event timed out waiting for operations to queue, which was not expected for this test.");

                    // As soon as we have all our Tasks at least running, wait a little
                    // longer to allow them finish queuing up their waiters, then stop stalling the Opening
                    if (Interlocked.Read(ref operationsQueued) >= operationCount)
                        endOfOpeningStall = DateTime.Now;


            // Each task will make a synchronous service call, which will cause all but the
            // first to be queued for the implicit open.  The first call to complete then closes
            // the channel so that it is forced to deal with queued waiters.
            Func <string> callFunc = () =>
                // We increment the # ops queued before making the actual sync call, which is
                // technically a short race condition in the test.  But reversing the order would
                // timeout the implicit open and fault the channel.
                Interlocked.Increment(ref operationsQueued);

                // The call of the operation is what creates the entry in the CallOnceManager queue.
                // So as each Task below starts, it increments the count and adds a waiter to the
                // queue.  We ask for a small delay on the server side just to introduce a small
                // stall after the sync request has been made before it can complete.  Otherwise
                // fast machines can finish all the requests before the first one finishes the Close().
                Task <string> t = serviceProxy.EchoWithTimeoutAsync(testMessage, serverDelayTimeSpan);
                lock (tasks)
                    if (!isClosed)
                            isClosed = true;
                        catch { }

            // *** EXECUTE *** \\

            DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now;
            for (int i = 0; i < operationCount; ++i)
                tasks[i] = Task.Run(callFunc);

            for (int i = 0; i < operationCount; ++i)
                    results[i] = tasks[i].GetAwaiter().GetResult();
                catch (Exception ex)
                    exceptions[i] = ex;

            // *** VALIDATE *** \\
            double elapsedMs = (DateTime.Now - endOfOpeningStall).TotalMilliseconds;

            // Before validating that the issue was fixed, first validate that we received the exceptions or the
            // results we expected. This is to verify the fix did not introduce a behavioral change other than the
            // elimination of the long unnecessary timeouts after the channel was closed.
            int nFailures = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < operationCount; ++i)
                if (exceptions[i] == null)
                    Assert.True((String.Equals("test", results[i])),
                                String.Format("Expected operation #{0} to return '{1}' but actual was '{2}'",
                                              i, testMessage, results[i]));

                    TimeoutException toe = exceptions[i] as TimeoutException;
                    Assert.True(toe == null, String.Format("Task [{0}] should not have failed with TimeoutException", i));

            Assert.True(nFailures > 0,
                        String.Format("Expected at least one operation to throw an exception, but none did. Elapsed time = {0} ms.",

            // --- Here is the test of the actual bug fix ---
            // The original issue was that sync waiters in the CallOnceManager were not notified when
            // the channel became unusable and therefore continued to time out for the full amount.
            // Additionally, because they were executed sequentially, it was also possible for each one
            // to time out for the full amount.  Given that we closed the channel, we expect all the queued
            // waiters to have been immediately waked up and detected failure.
            int expectedElapsedMs = (operationCount * serverDelayMs) + timeoutMs / 2;
            Assert.True(elapsedMs < expectedElapsedMs,
                        String.Format("The {0} operations took {1} ms to complete which exceeds the expected {2} ms",
                                      operationCount, elapsedMs, expectedElapsedMs));

            // *** CLEANUP *** \\
            // *** ENSURE CLEANUP *** \\
            ScenarioTestHelpers.CloseCommunicationObjects((ICommunicationObject)serviceProxy, factory);
    public static async Task ResendFailedRequest(ReliableMessagingVersion rmVersion, bool ordered, string endpointSuffix)
        ChannelFactory <IWcfReliableService> factory = null;
        IWcfReliableService serviceProxy             = null;
        NetHttpBinding      binding = null;

            // *** SETUP *** \\
            binding = new NetHttpBinding(BasicHttpSecurityMode.None, true);
            binding.ReliableSession.Ordered = ordered;
            var customBinding = new CustomBinding(binding);
            var reliableSessionBindingElement = customBinding.Elements.Find <ReliableSessionBindingElement>();
            reliableSessionBindingElement.ReliableMessagingVersion = rmVersion;
            factory = new ChannelFactory <IWcfReliableService>(customBinding, new EndpointAddress(Endpoints.ReliableSession_NetHttp + endpointSuffix));
            var  handlerFactoryBehavior = new HttpMessageHandlerBehavior();
            bool delayNextCall          = false;
            int  callCount = 0;
            TaskCompletionSource <object> tcs1 = null, tcs2 = null;
            handlerFactoryBehavior.OnSendingAsync = async(request, token) =>
                Interlocked.Increment(ref callCount);
                // Once the delayNextCall latch is set, the next call will be held back until after
                // it has been retried.
                if (delayNextCall)
                    delayNextCall = false;
                    tcs1          = new TaskCompletionSource <object>();
                    await tcs1.Task;
            handlerFactoryBehavior.OnSentAsync = (response, token) =>
                if (tcs2 != null)
                    // Let the main test code know that the original held back call has returned from the service
                if (tcs1 != null)
                    // This is the retry of the first service call. Release the held back initial call
                    tcs1 = null;
                    tcs2 = new TaskCompletionSource <object>();
            serviceProxy = factory.CreateChannel();
            // *** EXECUTE *** \\
            ((IClientChannel)serviceProxy).Open(); // This will establish a reliable session
            delayNextCall = true;
            // Reset call count as it would have incremented in the session open handshake
            callCount = 0;
            var result1 = await serviceProxy.GetNextNumberAsync();

            // Wait for the first attempt for first call to complete before making second call
            await tcs2.Task;
            // This check ensures that the sequence number on the retry was the same as the original. If they
            // were different, the call on the retry would have been dispatched on the service and an extra
            // increment would have happened.
            var result2 = await serviceProxy.GetNextNumberAsync();

            // *** VALIDATE *** \\
            Assert.Equal(1, result1);
            Assert.Equal(2, result2);
            // Validate that 3 http calls were made as first call should have retried.
            Assert.Equal(3, callCount);

            // *** CLEANUP *** \\
            // *** ENSURE CLEANUP *** \\
            ScenarioTestHelpers.CloseCommunicationObjects((ICommunicationObject)serviceProxy, factory);
Beispiel #25
    public static void WebSocket_Https_Duplex_Buffered(NetHttpMessageEncoding messageEncoding)
        EndpointAddress endpointAddress;
        NetHttpsBinding binding        = null;
        ClientReceiver  clientReceiver = null;
        InstanceContext context        = null;
        DuplexChannelFactory <IWSDuplexService> channelFactory = null;
        IWSDuplexService client = null;

            // *** SETUP *** \\
            binding = new NetHttpsBinding()
                MaxReceivedMessageSize = ScenarioTestHelpers.SixtyFourMB,
                MaxBufferSize          = ScenarioTestHelpers.SixtyFourMB,
            binding.WebSocketSettings.TransportUsage = WebSocketTransportUsage.Always;
            binding.TransferMode    = TransferMode.Buffered;
            binding.MessageEncoding = messageEncoding;

            clientReceiver  = new ClientReceiver();
            context         = new InstanceContext(clientReceiver);
            endpointAddress = new EndpointAddress(Endpoints.WebSocketHttpsDuplexBuffered_Address + Enum.GetName(typeof(NetHttpMessageEncoding), messageEncoding));
            channelFactory  = new DuplexChannelFactory <IWSDuplexService>(context, binding, endpointAddress);
            client          = channelFactory.CreateChannel();

            // *** EXECUTE *** \\
            // Invoking UploadData

            // Invoking StartPushingData
                        String.Format("Test case timeout was reached while waiting for the buffered response from the Service. Timeout was: {0}", ScenarioTestHelpers.TestTimeout));
            // Invoking StopPushingData
                        String.Format("Test case timeout was reached while waiting for the buffered response from the Service to be completed. Timeout was: {0}", ScenarioTestHelpers.TestTimeout));

            // Getting results from server via callback.
                        String.Format("Test case timeout was reached while waiting for the Logging from the Service to be received. Timeout was: {0}", ScenarioTestHelpers.TestTimeout));

            // *** VALIDATE *** \\
            Assert.True(clientReceiver.ServerLog.Count > 0,
                        "The logging done by the Server was not returned via the Callback.");

            // *** CLEANUP *** \\
            // *** ENSURE CLEANUP *** \\
            ScenarioTestHelpers.CloseCommunicationObjects((ICommunicationObject)client, channelFactory);
    public static void BasicHttp_Async_Close_ChannelFactory_Operations_Active()
        // Test creates 2 channels from a single channel factory and
        // asynchronously closes the channel factory while both channels are
        // executing operations.  This verifies the operations are cancelled and
        // the channel factory is in the correct state.
        BasicHttpBinding             binding        = null;
        TimeSpan                     delayOperation = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3);
        ChannelFactory <IWcfService> factory        = null;
        IWcfService                  serviceProxy1  = null;
        IWcfService                  serviceProxy2  = null;
        string expectedEcho1 = "first";
        string expectedEcho2 = "second";

            // *** SETUP *** \\
            binding = new BasicHttpBinding(BasicHttpSecurityMode.None);
            binding.CloseTimeout = ScenarioTestHelpers.TestTimeout;
            binding.SendTimeout  = ScenarioTestHelpers.TestTimeout;
            factory       = new ChannelFactory <IWcfService>(binding, new EndpointAddress(Endpoints.HttpBaseAddress_Basic));
            serviceProxy1 = factory.CreateChannel();
            serviceProxy2 = factory.CreateChannel();

            // *** EXECUTE *** \\
            Task <string> t1          = serviceProxy1.EchoWithTimeoutAsync(expectedEcho1, delayOperation);
            Task <string> t2          = serviceProxy2.EchoWithTimeoutAsync(expectedEcho2, delayOperation);
            Task          factoryTask = Task.Factory.FromAsync(factory.BeginClose, factory.EndClose, TaskCreationOptions.None);

            // *** VALIDATE *** \\
            Assert.True(factory.State == CommunicationState.Closed,
                        String.Format("Expected factory state 'Closed', actual was '{0}'", factory.State));

            Exception exception1  = null;
            Exception exception2  = null;
            string    actualEcho1 = null;
            string    actualEcho2 = null;

            // Verification is slightly more complex for the close with active operations because
            // we don't know which might have completed first and whether the channel factory
            // was able to close and dispose either channel before it completed.  So we just
            // ensure the Tasks complete with an exception or a successful return and have
            // been closed by the factory.
                actualEcho1 = t1.GetAwaiter().GetResult();
            catch (Exception e)
                exception1 = e;

                actualEcho2 = t2.GetAwaiter().GetResult();
            catch (Exception e)
                exception2 = e;

            Assert.True(exception1 != null || actualEcho1 != null, "First operation should have thrown Exception or returned an echo");
            Assert.True(exception2 != null || actualEcho2 != null, "Second operation should have thrown Exception or returned an echo");

            Assert.True(actualEcho1 == null || String.Equals(expectedEcho1, actualEcho1),
                        String.Format("First operation returned '{0}' but expected '{1}'.", expectedEcho1, actualEcho1));

            Assert.True(actualEcho2 == null || String.Equals(expectedEcho2, actualEcho2),
                        String.Format("Second operation returned '{0}' but expected '{1}'.", expectedEcho2, actualEcho2));

            Assert.True(((ICommunicationObject)serviceProxy1).State == CommunicationState.Closed,
                        String.Format("Expected channel 1 state 'Closed', actual was '{0}'", ((ICommunicationObject)serviceProxy1).State));
            Assert.True(((ICommunicationObject)serviceProxy2).State == CommunicationState.Closed,
                        String.Format("Expected channel 2 state 'Closed', actual was '{0}'", ((ICommunicationObject)serviceProxy2).State));

            // *** CLEANUP *** \\
            // *** ENSURE CLEANUP *** \\