Beispiel #1
    IEnumerator Wander()
        Vector3    startPos = gameObject.transform.position, endPos = startPos;
        Quaternion startAngle = gameObject.transform.rotation;
        Quaternion endAngle   = startAngle;
        bool       rotating   = false;

        ScenarioMgr.Direction nextFacing = facing;
        IntPoint2D            nextTile   = curTile;

        while (wandering)
            bool       goingNowhere = false;
            int        x = curTile.xCoord, y = curTile.yCoord;
            IntPoint2D tileAhead = curTile, tileLeft = curTile, tileRight = curTile, tileBehind = curTile;
            switch (facing)
            case ScenarioMgr.Direction.Left:
                tileAhead  = new IntPoint2D(x - 1, y);
                tileRight  = new IntPoint2D(x, y - 1);
                tileLeft   = new IntPoint2D(x, y + 1);
                tileBehind = new IntPoint2D(x + 1, y);

            case ScenarioMgr.Direction.Up:
                tileLeft   = new IntPoint2D(x - 1, y);
                tileAhead  = new IntPoint2D(x, y - 1);
                tileBehind = new IntPoint2D(x, y + 1);
                tileRight  = new IntPoint2D(x + 1, y);

            case ScenarioMgr.Direction.Right:
                tileBehind = new IntPoint2D(x - 1, y);
                tileRight  = new IntPoint2D(x, y + 1);
                tileLeft   = new IntPoint2D(x, y - 1);
                tileAhead  = new IntPoint2D(x + 1, y);

            case ScenarioMgr.Direction.Down:
                tileRight  = new IntPoint2D(x - 1, y);
                tileBehind = new IntPoint2D(x, y - 1);
                tileAhead  = new IntPoint2D(x, y + 1);
                tileLeft   = new IntPoint2D(x + 1, y);
            // pick direction
            int p = Random.Range(0, 100);
            if (p < 30)
                goingNowhere = true;
                rotating     = false;
            else if (p < 60 && scenarioInfo.IsPassableTile(tileAhead))
                rotating   = false;
                nextFacing = facing;
                nextTile   = tileAhead;
            else if (p < 80 && scenarioInfo.IsPassableTile(tileLeft))
                rotating   = true;
                nextTile   = tileLeft;
                nextFacing = ScenarioMgr.GetLeftTurn(facing);
            else if (scenarioInfo.IsPassableTile(tileRight))
                rotating   = true;
                nextTile   = tileRight;
                nextFacing = ScenarioMgr.GetRightTurn(facing);
            else if (scenarioInfo.IsPassableTile(tileBehind))
                rotating   = true;
                nextTile   = tileBehind;
                nextFacing = ScenarioMgr.GetReverseDirection(facing);
                goingNowhere = true;
                rotating     = false;

            startPos   = transform.position;
            startAngle = gameObject.transform.rotation;

            if (goingNowhere)
                //Debug.Log("no road to move to");
                // no rotation, no movement, no nothing -- just wait things out for a second
                yield return(new WaitForSeconds(tileMoveTime));
                endPos = scenarioInfo.ComputeTopLeftPointOfTile(nextTile) + citizenTileOffset;
                // compute ending position
                switch (nextFacing)
                case ScenarioMgr.Direction.Left:
                    endAngle = Quaternion.Euler(0, 180, 0);

                case ScenarioMgr.Direction.Up:
                    endAngle = Quaternion.Euler(0, 90, 0);

                case ScenarioMgr.Direction.Down:
                    endAngle = Quaternion.Euler(0, 270, 0);

                case ScenarioMgr.Direction.Right:
                    endAngle = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, 0);
                float elapsedTime = 0;
                if (rotating)
                    // first handle the rotation
                    while (elapsedTime < this.turnTime)
                        this.gameObject.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(startAngle, endAngle, (elapsedTime / this.turnTime));
                        elapsedTime += Time.deltaTime;
                        yield return(0);
                //Debug.Log("starting movement from " + startPos.ToString() + " to " + endPos.ToString());
                //Debug.Log("from tile " + curTile.ToString() + " to " + nextTile.ToString());
                // move
                float moveTime = this.tileMoveTime;
                if (!scenarioInfo.IsRoadTile(curTile))
                    moveTime = moveTime * 2;
                elapsedTime = 0;
                while (elapsedTime <= moveTime)
                    this.gameObject.transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(startPos, endPos, (elapsedTime / moveTime));
                    elapsedTime += Time.deltaTime;
                    yield return(0);
                // fix data for next tile
                this.facing  = nextFacing;
                this.curTile = nextTile;
                startPos     = this.gameObject.transform.position;
                startAngle   = endAngle;
        //Debug.Log("Starting takepath coroutine from Wander");
        //startPath = true;
    IEnumerator Walk()
        Vector3    startPos = gameObject.transform.position, endPos = startPos;
        Quaternion startAngle = gameObject.transform.rotation;
        Quaternion endAngle   = startAngle;
        bool       rotating   = false;

        ScenarioMgr.Direction nextFacing = facing;
        IntPoint2D            nextTile   = curTile;

        while (tilesToGo > 0)
            //Debug.Log("doing distribution");
            // do water delivery
            scenarioInfo.DistributeWater(new IntPoint2D(curTile.xCoord, curTile.yCoord - 1));
            scenarioInfo.DistributeWater(new IntPoint2D(curTile.xCoord, curTile.yCoord + 1));
            scenarioInfo.DistributeWater(new IntPoint2D(curTile.xCoord - 1, curTile.yCoord));
            scenarioInfo.DistributeWater(new IntPoint2D(curTile.xCoord + 1, curTile.yCoord));
            // check for road tile ahead and turn appropriately
            int        x = curTile.xCoord, y = curTile.yCoord;
            IntPoint2D tileAhead = curTile, tileLeft = curTile, tileRight = curTile, tileBehind = curTile;
            switch (facing)
            case ScenarioMgr.Direction.Left:
                tileAhead  = new IntPoint2D(x - 1, y);
                tileRight  = new IntPoint2D(x, y - 1);
                tileLeft   = new IntPoint2D(x, y + 1);
                tileBehind = new IntPoint2D(x + 1, y);

            case ScenarioMgr.Direction.Up:
                tileLeft   = new IntPoint2D(x - 1, y);
                tileAhead  = new IntPoint2D(x, y - 1);
                tileBehind = new IntPoint2D(x, y + 1);
                tileRight  = new IntPoint2D(x + 1, y);

            case ScenarioMgr.Direction.Right:
                tileBehind = new IntPoint2D(x - 1, y);
                tileRight  = new IntPoint2D(x, y + 1);
                tileLeft   = new IntPoint2D(x, y - 1);
                tileAhead  = new IntPoint2D(x + 1, y);

            case ScenarioMgr.Direction.Down:
                tileRight  = new IntPoint2D(x - 1, y);
                tileBehind = new IntPoint2D(x, y - 1);
                tileAhead  = new IntPoint2D(x, y + 1);
                tileLeft   = new IntPoint2D(x + 1, y);
            startPos   = transform.position;
            startAngle = gameObject.transform.rotation;
            bool goingNowhere = false;
            if (scenarioInfo.IsRoadTile(tileAhead))
                // no rotation required, just moving straight ahead
                rotating   = false;
                nextFacing = facing;
                nextTile   = tileAhead;
                rotating = true;
                // we can't just go straight ahead, so we're doing some sort of rotation
                if (turningLeft)
                    // check left first
                    if (scenarioInfo.IsRoadTile(tileLeft))
                        // turning left
                        nextTile   = tileLeft;
                        nextFacing = ScenarioMgr.GetLeftTurn(facing);
                    else if (scenarioInfo.IsRoadTile(tileRight))
                        // turn right because we can't turn left
                        nextTile   = tileRight;
                        nextFacing = ScenarioMgr.GetRightTurn(facing);
                    else if (scenarioInfo.IsRoadTile(tileBehind))
                        nextTile   = tileBehind;
                        nextFacing = ScenarioMgr.GetReverseDirection(facing);
                        goingNowhere = true;
                        rotating     = false;
                    // check right first
                    if (scenarioInfo.IsRoadTile(tileRight))
                        nextTile   = tileRight;
                        nextFacing = ScenarioMgr.GetRightTurn(facing);
                    else if (scenarioInfo.IsRoadTile(tileLeft))
                        // turning left because we can't turn right
                        nextTile   = tileLeft;
                        nextFacing = ScenarioMgr.GetLeftTurn(facing);
                    else if (scenarioInfo.IsRoadTile(tileBehind))
                        nextTile   = tileBehind;
                        nextFacing = ScenarioMgr.GetReverseDirection(facing);
                        goingNowhere = true;
                        rotating     = false;

            if (goingNowhere)
                //Debug.Log("no road to move to");
                // no rotation, no movement, no nothing -- just wait things out for a second
                yield return(new WaitForSeconds(tileMoveTime));
                // compute ending position
                switch (nextFacing)
                case ScenarioMgr.Direction.Left:
                    endPos   = startPos + new Vector3(-1, 0, 0);
                    endAngle = Quaternion.Euler(0, 180, 0);

                case ScenarioMgr.Direction.Up:
                    endPos   = startPos + new Vector3(0, 0, -1);
                    endAngle = Quaternion.Euler(0, 90, 0);

                case ScenarioMgr.Direction.Down:
                    endPos   = startPos + new Vector3(0, 0, 1);
                    endAngle = Quaternion.Euler(0, 270, 0);

                case ScenarioMgr.Direction.Right:
                    endPos   = startPos + new Vector3(1, 0, 0);
                    endAngle = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, 0);
                float elapsedTime = 0;
                if (rotating)
                    // first handle the rotation
                    while (elapsedTime < this.turnTime)
                        this.gameObject.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(startAngle, endAngle, (elapsedTime / this.turnTime));
                        elapsedTime += Time.deltaTime;
                        yield return(0);
                //Debug.Log("starting movement from " + startPos.ToString() + " to " + endPos.ToString());
                //Debug.Log("from tile " + curTile.ToString() + " to " + nextTile.ToString());
                // move
                elapsedTime = 0;
                while (elapsedTime < this.tileMoveTime)
                    this.gameObject.transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(startPos, endPos, (elapsedTime / this.tileMoveTime));
                    elapsedTime += Time.deltaTime;
                    yield return(0);
                // fix data for next tile
                this.facing  = nextFacing;
                this.curTile = nextTile;
                startPos     = endPos;
                startAngle   = endAngle;
