Beispiel #1
        private void Add()
            var window = new SelectFolderWindow {
                Owner = this

            if (window.ShowDialog() != true)

            var newScanContext = new ScanContext
                Root = new DirectoryInfo(window.SelectedFolder)
            var folderSizeControl = new FolderSizeControl
                DataContext  = newScanContext,
                RequestClose = Remove
            var tabItem = new TabItem
                Content     = folderSizeControl,
                Header      = newScanContext.Root.Name,
                ToolTip     = newScanContext.Root.FullName,
                DataContext = newScanContext

            _tabControl.Items.Insert(0, tabItem);
            _tabControl.SelectedItem = tabItem;
Beispiel #2
        public virtual IScanContext CreateContext()
            var context = new ScanContext(this);
            var handler = ContextCreated;

Beispiel #3
 public TokenTableEntry(ScanContext inputContext, ScanContext outputContext, string pattern, TokenColor color, TokenTriggers triggers)
     this.inputContext  = inputContext;
     this.outputContext = outputContext;
     this.regExpression = new Regex(/*"\\G" + */ pattern);             // \G = "anchor to the current position"
     this.tokenColor    = color;
     this.tokenTriggers = triggers;
    private void TakePicture()
        //cameraParameters.pixelFormat = showPicture == true ? CapturePixelFormat.BGRA32 : CapturePixelFormat.JPEG;

        scanContext = new ScanContext(horizontalAngle, ratio, Camera.main.transform); // create a context with Camera position.
        ScannerScreen.GetComponent <MoveLine>().startScanAnimation();

    //private Dictionary<System.Guid, ScanContext> scanContextMap = new Dictionary<System.Guid, ScanContext>();
    // we may use a dictionary to store many scans waiting for results ... let's start with one for now

    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        angleRadian = horizontalAngle * (Math.PI / 180);
        gaze        = CoreServices.InputSystem.GazeProvider;
        cursor?.SetActive(false);//disable cursor

        shutterSound = GetComponent <AudioSource>() as AudioSource;
        labeler      = GetComponent <ObjectLabeler>() as ObjectLabeler;
        mqttHelper   = GetComponent <MqttHelper>() as MqttHelper;

        // Debug.Log("File path " + Application.persistentDataPath);
        // take lower resolution available
        if ((PhotoCapture.SupportedResolutions != null) && (PhotoCapture.SupportedResolutions.Count() > 0))
            cameraResolution = PhotoCapture.SupportedResolutions.OrderByDescending((res) => res.width * res.height).Last();

            ratio = (float)cameraResolution.height / (float)cameraResolution.width;
            Debug.Log("Resolution " + cameraResolution.height + " x " + cameraResolution.width);
            ratio = 9f / 16f;
        scanContext = new ScanContext(horizontalAngle, ratio, Camera.main.transform); // create a context with Camera position.
        ScannerScreen.SetActive(false);                                               // remove the scanner
        Vector3 scale = ScannerScreen.transform.localScale;

        scale.x = 2f * scannerScreenDistance * (float)Math.Tan(angleRadian / 2f);
        scale.y = scale.x * ratio; // scale the entire photo on height
        ScannerScreen.transform.localScale = scale;

        Debug.Log("scanContext init " + scanContext.ToString());
        // Create a PhotoCapture object
        PhotoCapture.CreateAsync(false, delegate(PhotoCapture captureObject)
            photoCaptureObject = captureObject;
            CameraParameters cameraParameters       = new CameraParameters();
            cameraParameters.hologramOpacity        = 0.0f;
            cameraParameters.cameraResolutionWidth  = cameraResolution.width;
            cameraParameters.cameraResolutionHeight = cameraResolution.height;
            cameraParameters.pixelFormat            = CapturePixelFormat.BGRA32;
            //cameraParameters.pixelFormat = showPicture == true ? CapturePixelFormat.BGRA32 : CapturePixelFormat.JPEG;

            photoCaptureObject.StartPhotoModeAsync(cameraParameters, delegate(PhotoCapture.PhotoCaptureResult result)
                // Take a picture
                Debug.Log("camera ready to take picture");
        private List <CompetitorData> ParseBasicGameDetails(HtmlNode node, DateTime date)
            List <CompetitorData> game = null;

                var home = new CompetitorData();
                var away = new CompetitorData();

                home.Name = ParseFunctions.ExtractValueFromNode(node, "//td[@class='team team-a ']/a/.", "title");
                away.Name = ParseFunctions.ExtractValueFromNode(node, "//td[@class='team team-b ']/a/.", "title");

                home.Link = ParseFunctions.ExtractValueFromNode(node, "//td[@class='team team-a ']/a/.", "href");
                away.Link = ParseFunctions.ExtractValueFromNode(node, "//td[@class='team team-b ']/a/.", "href");

                home.Id = ParseFunctions.ParsePositiveNumber(home.Link, "/(?<num>\\d{2,})");
                away.Id = ParseFunctions.ParsePositiveNumber(away.Link, "/(?<num>\\d{2,})");

                var rawGameStartTime = ParseFunctions.ExtractValueFromNode(node, "//td[@class='score-time status']");
                var rawScore         = ParseFunctions.ExtractValueFromNode(node, "//td[@class='score-time score']");

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(rawGameStartTime))
                    var time        = ParseFunctions.ParseTime(rawGameStartTime);
                    var gameTime    = date.Date.Add(time).Subtract(DataFetcher.TimeOffset);
                    var scanContext = new ScanContext(gameTime);
                    home.NextScan = scanContext;
                    away.NextScan = scanContext;
                    var gameTime    = date.Date.AddHours(16);
                    var scanContext = new ScanContext(gameTime);
                    home.NextScan = scanContext;
                    away.NextScan = scanContext;

                game = new List <CompetitorData>()
                    home, away
            catch (Exception exception)

Beispiel #7
        private void Remove(ScanContext scanContext)
            TabItem tabItemToRemove = null;

            foreach (TabItem tabItem in _tabControl.Items)
                if (tabItem.DataContext == scanContext)
                    tabItemToRemove = tabItem;

Beispiel #8
        public void testPickupCash()
            // The Sim wants a TV -- that's worth massive Room
            // The Sim has a lot of cash, but hates spending it -- and doesn't have enough for a TV
            // The Sim could sell her daughter's painting (which she doesn't particularly like) to generate some cash (but not enough for a TV)
            // Conclusion: the Sim will sell the painting to get cash

            TheSims sims = new TheSims();

            List <Task> tasks = new List <Task>
                sims.BuyFridgeAt(13, 14),
                sims.SellArtworkAt(13, 10)

            Dictionary <Resource, double> desires = new Dictionary <Resource, double>
                {, 10 },    // each Simolean is worth 10 happiness to me
                { TheSims.fridge, 100 }, // woah i am seriously hankering for that fridge
                { TheSims.artwork, 7 } // hmm don't really care about that painting so much

            List <Repositioner> repositioners = new List <Repositioner>
                new PythagoreanRepositioner(1, new List <Resource> {
                    TheSims.x, TheSims.z

            ScanContext context = new ScanContext(tasks, desires, repositioners);

            Dictionary <Resource, double> startingResources = new Dictionary <Resource, double>
                { TheSims.x, 13 },
                {, 50 }
            ScanNode result = new Scanner().Scan(context, startingResources);

  "sell artwork");
            double moveCost    = 0 * 1.0;  // since we never actually buy the fridge
            double cashWin     = 4 * 10.0; // this is built in to "buy ingredients" task
            double artworkCost = 1 * 7.0;  // so long, picture

            result.profit.ShouldBe(cashWin - artworkCost - moveCost);
Beispiel #9
        public void testDeep()
            TheSims sims = new TheSims();

            List <Task> tasks = new List <Task>
                sims.BakeFood(3, 0),
                sims.ServeDinner(9, 0),
                sims.BuyIngredients(-4, 0), // here's the fridge!
                sims.ChopIngredients(0, 0),
                sims.BakeFood(-4, 0)        // a second oven exists
            Dictionary <Resource, double> desires = new Dictionary <Resource, double>
                {, 8 }, // i hate spending cash 8 times as much as i hate walking
                {, 120 } // but OMG i love being social!
            List <Repositioner> repositioners = new List <Repositioner>()
                new PythagoreanRepositioner(1, new List <Resource>()
                    TheSims.x, TheSims.z
            ScanContext context = new ScanContext(tasks, desires, repositioners);

            Dictionary <Resource, double> startingResources = new Dictionary <Resource, double>
                { TheSims.x, 0 },
                {, 50 }
            ScanNode result = new Scanner().Scan(context, startingResources);

  "buy ingredients");
            double moveCost     = (4 + 4 + 3 + 6) * 1.0; // the dude starts at x position 0 then moves from there
            double cashCost     = 1 * 8.0;               // buy ingredients costs 1 cash
            double socialReward = 4 * 120.0;             // huge social reward for this sim

            result.profit.ShouldBe(socialReward - moveCost - cashCost);
Beispiel #10
 public Scanner(ScanContext scanContext)
     _scanContext = scanContext ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(scanContext));
Beispiel #11
 public TokenTableEntry(ScanContext inputContext, ScanContext outputContext, string pattern, TokenColor color)
     : this(inputContext, outputContext, pattern, color, TokenTriggers.None)