public virtual RemoteValue Create(RemoteValue remoteProxy, RemoteValue addressOf, SbType typeInfo, string expressionPath, bool hasExpressionPath, uint numChildren, string summary, string typeName, string value, ValueType valueType, bool isPointerType, ValueFormat valueFormat, ulong byteSize) => new CachedValue(remoteProxy, addressOf, typeInfo, expressionPath, hasExpressionPath, numChildren, summary, typeName, value, valueType, isPointerType, valueFormat, byteSize);
static IEnumerable <RemoteValue> GetPointerChildren(RemoteValue value, int offset, int count) { var result = new List <RemoteValue>(); SbType pointeeType = value.GetTypeInfo()?.GetPointeeType(); if (pointeeType == null) { // If we cannot get the pointee type, just return the empty list. return(result); } ulong byteSize = pointeeType.GetByteSize(); ulong baseAddress = value.GetValueAsUnsigned() + (ulong)offset * byteSize; for (int n = 0; n < count; ++n) { ulong address = baseAddress + (ulong)n * byteSize; RemoteValue childValue = value.CreateValueFromAddress($"[{offset + n}]", address, pointeeType); if (childValue != null) { result.Add(childValue); } } return(result); }
public SbTypeMember AddDirectBaseClass(SbType typeInfo) { var typeMember = new SbTypeMemberStub(); typeMember.SetTypeInfo(typeInfo); directBaseClasses.Add(typeMember); return(typeMember); }
public SbTypeStub(string name, TypeFlags typeFlags, SbType pointeeType = null) { = name; this.typeFlags = typeFlags; directBaseClasses = new List <SbTypeMember>(); this.canonicalType = this; this.pointeeType = pointeeType; }
internal static GrpcSbType CreateType(SbType sbType, long id) => new GrpcSbType { Id = id, Flags = (uint)sbType.GetTypeFlags(), Name = sbType.GetName() ?? "", NumberOfDirectBaseClasses = sbType.GetNumberOfDirectBaseClasses(), };
public override Task <GetByteSizeResponse> GetByteSize(GetByteSizeRequest request, ServerCallContext context) { SbType type = typeStore.GetObject(request.Type.Id); return(Task.FromResult(new GetByteSizeResponse { ByteSize = type.GetByteSize() })); }
public RemoteValue CreateValueFromAddress(string name, ulong address, SbType type) { if (valuesForAddress.TryGetValue(address, out RemoteValue value)) { return(new RemoteValueNameDecorator(value, name)); } var remoteValueError = new RemoteValueFake("", ""); remoteValueError.SetError(new SbErrorStub(false, "invalid")); return(remoteValueError); }
public override Task <GetPointeeTypeResponse> GetPointeeType(GetPointeeTypeRequest request, ServerCallContext context) { SbType type = typeStore.GetObject(request.Type.Id); SbType pointeeType = type.GetPointeeType(); var response = new GetPointeeTypeResponse(); if (pointeeType != null) { response.Type = GrpcFactoryUtils.CreateType(pointeeType, typeStore.AddObject(pointeeType)); } return(Task.FromResult(response)); }
public RemoteValue CreateValueFromAddress(string name, ulong address, SbType type) { CreateValueFromAddressResponse response = null; if (connection.InvokeRpc(() => { response = client.CreateValueFromAddress(new CreateValueFromAddressRequest { Value = grpcSbValue, Name = name, Address = address, Type = new GrpcSbType { Id = type.GetId() } }); })) { if (response.ExpressionResult != null && response.ExpressionResult.Id != 0) { return(valueFactory.Create(connection, response.ExpressionResult)); } } return(null); }
internal CachedValue(RemoteValue remoteProxy, RemoteValue addressOf, SbType typeInfo, string expressionPath, bool hasExpressionPath, uint numChildren, string summary, string typeName, string value, ValueType valueType, bool isPointerType, ValueFormat valueFormat, ulong byteSize) { this.remoteProxy = remoteProxy; this.addressOf = addressOf; this.typeInfo = typeInfo; this.expressionPath = expressionPath; this.hasExpressionPath = hasExpressionPath; this.numChildren = numChildren; this.summary = summary; this.typeName = typeName; this.value = value; this.valueType = valueType; this.isPointerType = isPointerType; this.valueFormat = valueFormat; this.byteSize = byteSize; // These values are prefeteched by remoteProxy. error = remoteProxy.GetError(); name = remoteProxy.GetName(); }
public IEnumerable <string> GetAllInheritedTypes() { SbType typeInfo = _remoteValue.GetTypeInfo(); if (typeInfo == null) { yield break; } TypeFlags typeFlags = typeInfo.GetTypeFlags(); if (typeFlags.HasFlag(TypeFlags.IS_POINTER) || typeFlags.HasFlag(TypeFlags.IS_REFERENCE)) { typeInfo = typeInfo.GetPointeeType(); if (typeInfo == null) { yield break; } } var typeQueue = new Queue <SbType>(); typeQueue.Enqueue(typeInfo); while (typeQueue.Count > 0) { SbType curType = typeQueue.Dequeue(); yield return(curType.GetName()); uint numDirectBaseClasses = curType.GetNumberOfDirectBaseClasses(); for (uint i = 0; i < numDirectBaseClasses; i++) { typeQueue.Enqueue(curType.GetDirectBaseClassAtIndex(i).GetTypeInfo()); } } }
public void SetCanonicalType(SbType t) => canonicalType = t;
public void SetTypeInfo(SbType sbType) { this.sbType = sbType; }
public RemoteValue CreateValueFromAddress(string name, ulong address, SbType type) => remoteProxy.CreateValueFromAddress(name, address, type);
public RemoteValue CreateValueFromAddress(string name, ulong address, SbType type) { return(_valueFactory.Create(_sbValue.CreateValueFromAddress(name, address, type))); }
public virtual RemoteValue CreateValueFromAddress( string name, ulong address, SbType type) => value.CreateValueFromAddress(name, address, type);