static void Main(string[] args)
            // Initialize the engine

            // Open template file and create output file
            FileStream template = File.OpenRead("../../../Samples/Windward Trucking 2 - Template.docx");
            FileStream output   = File.Create("../../../Samples/Xml Report.pdf");

            // Create report process
            Report myReport = new ReportPdf(template, output);

            // Open a data object to connect to our xml file
            string            url  = Path.GetFullPath("../../../Samples/Windward Trucking 2 - Data.xml");
            string            xsd  = null;
            IReportDataSource data = new SaxonDataSourceImpl(string.Format("Url={0}", url), xsd);

            // Run the report process
            // The second parameter is "" to tell the process that our data is the default data source
            myReport.ProcessData(data, "sax");

            // Close out of our template file and output

            // Opens the finished report
            string fullPath = Path.GetFullPath("../../../Samples/Xml Report.pdf");

        /// <summary>
        /// Sample code to set datasets (SQL & XML) using a .rdlx file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args">nothing</param>
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Initialize the engine

            // Open template file and create output file
            using (FileStream template = new FileStream("../../files/Sample Dataset Template.docx",
                                                        FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read))
                using (FileStream output = new FileStream("../../files/Sample Dataset Report.pdf",
                                                          FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None))
                    // Create report process
                    using (Report myReport = new ReportPdf(template, output))
                        // read in the template

                        // XML datasource
                        using (FileStream xmlFile = new FileStream("../../files/SouthWind.xml", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read))
                            using (FileStream xmlSchema = new FileStream("../../files/SouthWind.xsd", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read))
                                using (SaxonDataSourceImpl dsSaxon = new SaxonDataSourceImpl(xmlFile, xmlSchema))
                                    using (DataSetImpl dsEmployeesUnder5 = new DataSetImpl("employeesUnder5", "/windward-studios/Employees/Employee[@EmployeeID < 5]", dsSaxon))
                                        using (DataSetImpl dsCustStartA = new DataSetImpl("CustStartA", "/windward-studios/Customers/Customer[starts-with(CompanyName, 'A')]", dsSaxon))
                                            // SQL datasource
                                            using (AdoDataSourceImpl dsAdo = new AdoDataSourceImpl("System.Data.SqlClient", "Data;Initial Catalog=Northwind;User ID=demo;Password=demo"))
                                                using (DataSetImpl dsEmployeesMoreThan5 = new DataSetImpl("EmpMoreThan5", "SELECT * FROM dbo.Employees WHERE(dbo.Employees.EmployeeID > 5)", dsAdo))
                                                    using (DataSetImpl dsCustStartWithB = new DataSetImpl("CustStartWithB", "SELECT * FROM dbo.Customers WHERE(dbo.Customers.CompanyName like 'B%')", dsAdo))
                                                        IDictionary <string, IReportDataSource> datasources = new Dictionary <string, IReportDataSource>();
                                                        datasources.Add("SW", dsSaxon);
                                                        datasources.Add("employeesUnder5", dsEmployeesUnder5);
                                                        datasources.Add("CustStartA", dsCustStartA);
                                                        datasources.Add("MSSQL", dsAdo);
                                                        datasources.Add("EmpMoreThan5", dsEmployeesMoreThan5);
                                                        datasources.Add("CustStartWithB", dsCustStartWithB);


                        // all data applied, finish up the report.

                        // no need to call close because of the using constructs

            // Opens the finished report
            string fullPath = Path.GetFullPath("../../files/Sample Dataset Report.pdf");

            Console.Out.WriteLine(string.Format("launching {0}", fullPath));