Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Start the data rate calculation. Must be called prior to calling <see cref="Add"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="startTimestamp">Start timestamp. If null, the current time will be used.</param>
        public void Start(DateTimeOffset?startTimestamp = null)
            lock (_locker)
                _startTimestamp = startTimestamp ?? DateTimeOffset.UtcNow;

                _sampleSize          = _originalSampleSize;
                _dataCount           = 0;
                _mostRecentTimestamp = null;
                _dataPerSecond       = null;

                // store all data to start with. we'll compute a store/drop rate after a data sample has been taken.
                _samplingModulus            = 1;
                _samplingModulusMatchAction = SamplingAction.Keep;
        /// <summary>
        /// Add the specified datum to the data rate calculation. You must call <see cref="Start"/> before calling this method.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns><see cref="SamplingAction"/> indicating whether the <see cref="Datum"/> should be kept (<see cref="SamplingAction.Keep"/>)
        /// or dropped (<see cref="SamplingAction.Drop"/>) to meet the <see cref="_maxSamplesToKeepPerSecond"/> requirement.</returns>
        /// <param name="datum">Datum to add.</param>
        public SamplingAction Add(Datum datum)
            lock (_locker)
                // we've seen race conditions when stopping probes in which the probe is stopped (and its
                // data rate calculator is also stopped), but some final data come in (e.g., via
                // accelerometer). drop any such data.
                if (datum == null || _sampleStartTimestamp == null)
                // data may arrive out of order. if the current datum precedes the sample start, we don't
                // really know what to do with it because the sampling modulus and match action apply to the
                // current sample and not any previous samples. for the sake of safety (to not lose data),
                // just keep the datum. don't update the sample data count or timestamp, as the datum does
                // not apply to the current sample.
                else if (datum.Timestamp < _sampleStartTimestamp)

                // the datum applies to the current sample. update the counts. the total count is used to
                // track the data indices, and the sample count is used to track progress toward gathering
                // a new full sample from which to calculate the data rate. we keep separate counts, as
                // a full sample triggers recalculation of the sampling modulus and match action, and this
                // recalculation should not reset the data index. previously, we only kept a single index
                // and lost data when the data index was reset.

                // if no maximum is specified, use the maximum possible.
                double maxSamplesToKeepPerSecond = _maxSamplesToKeepPerSecond.GetValueOrDefault(double.MaxValue);

                // check whether the current datum should be kept as part of sampling. if a negligible data
                // rate has been specified (e.g., 0 or something close to it), then we will never keep it.
                // if no sampling rate has been specified, then we'll be using a match modulus of 1 (always
                // match) and a match action of keep -- that is, we'll keep all data.
                SamplingAction samplingAction = SamplingAction.Drop;
                if (maxSamplesToKeepPerSecond > DATA_RATE_EPSILON)
                    bool isModulusMatch = (_totalCount % _samplingModulus) == 0;

                    if ((isModulusMatch && _samplingModulusMatchAction == SamplingAction.Keep) ||
                        (!isModulusMatch && _samplingModulusMatchAction == SamplingAction.Drop))
                        samplingAction = SamplingAction.Keep;

                // update the most recent timestamp (samples might come out of order). we use this to
                // calculate the data rate.
                if (_mostRecentTimestamp == null)
                    _mostRecentTimestamp = datum.Timestamp;
                else if (datum.Timestamp > _mostRecentTimestamp.Value)
                    _mostRecentTimestamp = datum.Timestamp;

                // the sample is complete. update data per second and sampling parameters.
                if (_sampleCount >= _sampleSize)
                    // recalculate data per second based on current count and most recent timestamp
                    _dataPerSecond = _sampleCount / (_mostRecentTimestamp.Value - _sampleStartTimestamp.Value).TotalSeconds;

                    #region recalculate the sampling modulus/action for the new sampling rate
                    // in theory, the following code should work fine if a data rate of 0. however, the sampling
                    // modulus would then be infinity, and we cannot represent this with an integer. so check for
                    // a data rate of 0 and don't recalculate.
                    if (maxSamplesToKeepPerSecond > DATA_RATE_EPSILON)
                        // if no data rate is specified, maxDataStoresPerSecond will be double.MaxValue, making
                        // overage always negative and keeping all data.
                        double overagePerSecond = _dataPerSecond.Value - maxSamplesToKeepPerSecond;

                        // if we're not over the limit then keep all future data until the next sample is complete.
                        if (overagePerSecond <= 0)
                            _samplingModulus            = 1;
                            _samplingModulusMatchAction = SamplingAction.Keep;
                        // we've seen cases where the data and start timestamps are identical, resulting in an infinite data per second.
                        // the creates a sampling modulus of zero below and subsequent divide-by-zero errors above. drop all data until
                        // a sample with more reasonable data timestamps comes in.
                        else if (double.IsInfinity(overagePerSecond))
                            SensusServiceHelper.Get().Logger.Log("Data and start timestamps are equal. Dropping all data.", LoggingLevel.Normal, GetType());
                            _samplingModulus            = 1;
                            _samplingModulusMatchAction = SamplingAction.Drop;
                        // otherwise calculate a modulus that will get as close as possible to the desired rate given the empirical rate
                            double samplingModulusMatchRate = overagePerSecond / _dataPerSecond.Value;
                            _samplingModulusMatchAction = SamplingAction.Drop;

                            if (samplingModulusMatchRate > 0.5)
                                samplingModulusMatchRate    = 1 - samplingModulusMatchRate;
                                _samplingModulusMatchAction = SamplingAction.Keep;

                            if (_samplingModulusMatchAction == SamplingAction.Keep)
                                // round the (store) modulus down to oversample -- more is better, right?
                                _samplingModulus = (long)Math.Floor(1 / samplingModulusMatchRate);
                                // round the (drop) modulus up to oversample -- more is better, right?
                                _samplingModulus = (long)Math.Ceiling(1 / samplingModulusMatchRate);

                    // the sample size must be at least as large as the sampling modulus, in order to hit the modulus
                    // at some point in the future. if the sampling modulus is smaller than the original, then use
                    // the original as requested.
                    _sampleSize = Math.Max(_originalSampleSize, _samplingModulus);

                    // start a new sample from the most recent timestamp
                    _sampleCount          = 0;
                    _sampleStartTimestamp = _mostRecentTimestamp.Value;

Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Add the specified datum to the data rate calculation. You must call <see cref="Start"/> before calling this method.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns><see cref="SamplingAction"/> indicating whether the <see cref="Datum"/> should be kept (<see cref="SamplingAction.Keep"/>)
        /// or dropped (<see cref="SamplingAction.Drop"/>) to meet the <see cref="_maxSamplesToKeepPerSecond"/> requirement.</returns>
        /// <param name="datum">Datum to add.</param>
        public SamplingAction Add(Datum datum)
            lock (_locker)
                if (_startTimestamp == null)
                    throw SensusException.Report("Data rate calculator has not been started.");

                SamplingAction samplingAction = SamplingAction.Drop;

                if (datum != null && datum.Timestamp >= _startTimestamp.Value)

                    // update the most recent timestamp (samples might come out of order)
                    if (_mostRecentTimestamp == null)
                        _mostRecentTimestamp = datum.Timestamp;
                    else if (datum.Timestamp > _mostRecentTimestamp.Value)
                        _mostRecentTimestamp = datum.Timestamp;

                    double maxSamplesToKeepPerSecond = _maxSamplesToKeepPerSecond.GetValueOrDefault(double.MaxValue);

                    // check whether the current datum should be kept as part of sampling. if a negligible data
                    // rate has been specified (e.g., 0 or something close to it), then we will never keep it.
                    if (maxSamplesToKeepPerSecond > DATA_RATE_EPSILON)
                        bool isModulusMatch = (_dataCount % _samplingModulus) == 0;
                        if ((isModulusMatch && _samplingModulusMatchAction == SamplingAction.Keep) ||
                            (!isModulusMatch && _samplingModulusMatchAction == SamplingAction.Drop))
                            samplingAction = SamplingAction.Keep;

                    // update data per second and sampling parameters for each new sample
                    if (_dataCount >= _sampleSize)
                        // recalculate data per second based on current count and most recent timestamp
                        _dataPerSecond = _dataCount / (_mostRecentTimestamp.Value - _startTimestamp.Value).TotalSeconds;

                        #region recalculate the sampling modulus/action for the new sampling rate
                        // in theory, the following code should work fine if a data rate of 0. however, the sampling
                        // modulus would then be infinity, and we cannot represent this with an integer. so check for
                        // a data rate of 0 and don't recalculate.
                        if (maxSamplesToKeepPerSecond > DATA_RATE_EPSILON)
                            // if no data rate is specified, maxDataStoresPerSecond will be double.MaxValue, making
                            // overage always negative and keeping all data.
                            double overagePerSecond = _dataPerSecond.Value - maxSamplesToKeepPerSecond;

                            // if we're not over the limit then keep all samples
                            if (overagePerSecond <= 0)
                                _samplingModulus            = 1;
                                _samplingModulusMatchAction = SamplingAction.Keep;
                            // we've seen cases where the data and start timestamps are identical, resulting in an infinite data per second.
                            // the creates a sampling modulus of zero below and subsequent divide-by-zero errors above. drop all data until
                            // a sample with more reasonable data timestamps comes in.
                            else if (double.IsInfinity(overagePerSecond))
                                _samplingModulus            = 1;
                                _samplingModulusMatchAction = SamplingAction.Drop;
                            // otherwise calculate a modulus that will get as close as possible to the desired rate given the empirical rate
                                double samplingModulusMatchRate = overagePerSecond / _dataPerSecond.Value;
                                _samplingModulusMatchAction = SamplingAction.Drop;

                                if (samplingModulusMatchRate > 0.5)
                                    samplingModulusMatchRate    = 1 - samplingModulusMatchRate;
                                    _samplingModulusMatchAction = SamplingAction.Keep;

                                if (_samplingModulusMatchAction == SamplingAction.Keep)
                                    // round the (store) modulus down to oversample -- more is better, right?
                                    _samplingModulus = (long)Math.Floor(1 / samplingModulusMatchRate);
                                    // round the (drop) modulus up to oversample -- more is better, right?
                                    _samplingModulus = (long)Math.Ceiling(1 / samplingModulusMatchRate);

                        // the sample size must be at least as large as the sampling modulus, in order to hit the modulus
                        // at some point in the future. if the sampling modulus is smaller than the original, then use
                        // the original as requested.
                        _sampleSize = Math.Max(_originalSampleSize, _samplingModulus);

                        // start a new sample
                        _dataCount      = 0;
                        _startTimestamp = _mostRecentTimestamp.Value;
