public void GenerateChunks(string threadName, Vector2Int[] columns) { Loom.QueueAsyncTask(threadName, () => { try { Stopwatch watch = new Stopwatch(); watch.Start(); for (int i = 0; i < columns.Length; i++) { _generating = true; Columns[columns[i]].Generate(height); chunksGenerated += height; } watch.Stop(); Debug.Log("Finished generating chunks in: " + watch.Elapsed); if (!renderCompleteCalled) { renderCompleteCalled = true; //if (OnChunksGenerated != null) // Loom.QueueOnMainThread(() => { OnChunksGenerated(columns); }); } _generating = false; } catch (Exception e) { SafeDebug.LogError(string.Format("{0}: {1}\n {2}", e.GetType().ToString(), e.Message, e.StackTrace)); } }); }
public void GenerateChunks(string threadName, int index, IModule module, Vector3Int[] chunks) { Loom.QueueAsyncTask(threadName, () => { try { for (int i = 0; i < chunks.Length; i++) { _generating = true; //SmoothChunk.CreateChunk(chunks[i], module, this); // TODO: use sampler chunksGenerated++; } if (!renderCompleteCalled) { for (int i = 0; i < chunks.Length; i++) { if (Vector3.Distance(new Vector3Int(), chunks[i]) > SmoothVoxelSettings.radius / 2) { renderCompleteCalled = true; Loom.QueueOnMainThread(OnRenderComplete); } } } _generating = false; } catch (Exception e) { SafeDebug.LogError(string.Format("{0}: {1}\n {2}", e.GetType().ToString(), e.Message, e.StackTrace)); } }); }
public void SpawnChunksAroundPoint(Vector3 point) { SpawnChunkFeild(); Loom.QueueAsyncTask(WorldThreadName, () => { MazeGen module = new MazeGen(VoxelSettings.SuperSizeX / 2, 4, VoxelSettings.SuperSizeZ / 2, VoxelSettings.seed, 2, 1); for (int x = -1; x <= VoxelSettings.maxChunksX; x++) { for (int z = -1; z <= VoxelSettings.maxChunksZ; z++) { Vector3Int location3D = new Vector3Int(x, 0, z); Vector2Int location2D = new Vector2Int(location3D.x, location3D.z); try { if (Chunks.ContainsKey(location3D) && !Chunks[location3D].Generated) { float[,] surface = Chunks[location3D].GenerateChunk(module); Chunks[location3D].Render(false); } } catch (Exception e) { SafeDebug.LogException(e); } } } SafeDebug.Log("Finished rendering."); Loom.QueueOnMainThread(() => { //MapTexture = module.GetTexture(); }); }); }
/// <summary> /// Accepts a field in the form "assemblyname#typename#fieldname" and returns the actual field /// </summary> /// <param name="Field"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static bool TryGetFieldFromPersistentStringForm(IPexComponent host, string fstr, out Field field) { field = null; var splitarr = fstr.Split(new char[] { PexMeConstants.PexMePersistenceFormSeparator }); SafeDebug.Assume(splitarr.Length == 3, "Incorrect persistent store field name"); var assemblyname = splitarr[0]; var typename = splitarr[1]; var signature = splitarr[2]; FieldDefinition fdef; if (!TryGetFieldDefinition(host, assemblyname, typename, signature, out fdef)) { return(false); } TypeDefinition tdef; if (!fdef.TryGetDeclaringType(out tdef)) { return(false); } field = fdef.Instantiate(GetGenericTypeParameters(host, tdef)); return(true); }
public void AfterExecution(IPexComponent host, object data) { if (this.pmd.CurrentPUTMethod == null) {, "PUTExploration", "Return, not current PUT method is set"); WriteStopStatus(); return; } SafeDebug.AssertNotNull(this.pmd.CurrentPUTMethod, "CurrentPUTMethod should be set by this time"); var currPUTSignature = MethodOrFieldAnalyzer.GetMethodSignature(this.pmd.CurrentPUTMethod); if (this.pmd.AllExploredMethods.Contains(currPUTSignature)) {, "PUTExploration", "Ignoring the post processing of the PUT " + currPUTSignature + " since it is explored earlier!!!"); WriteStopStatus(); return; } //Add this to pending methods PexMePostProcessor ppp = new PexMePostProcessor(host); ppp.AfterExecution(); }
/// <summary> /// Retrieves the defined field /// </summary> /// <param name="method"></param> /// <param name="definedField"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static bool TryGetFieldOfSetter(Method method, out Field definedField) { SafeDebug.Assert(method.ShortName.StartsWith("set_"), ""); definedField = null; MethodBodyEx body; if (!method.TryGetBody(out body) || !body.HasInstructions) { return(false); } int offset = 0; Instruction instruction; OpCode prevOpcode = OpCodes.Nop; while (body.TryGetInstruction(offset, out instruction)) { SafeDebug.AssumeNotNull(instruction, "instruction"); OpCode opCode = instruction.OpCode; if (opCode == OpCodes.Stfld || opCode == OpCodes.Stsfld) { definedField = instruction.Field; return(true); } offset = instruction.NextOffset; } return(false); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a thread. /// </summary> /// <returns>ThreadId</returns> public int CreateThread() { int threadId; if (!this.DestroyedExecutionMonitorIds.TryDequeue(out threadId)) { threadId = this.ThreadExecutionMonitors.Count; this.ThreadExecutionMonitors.Add(null); } SafeDebug.Assert(this.ThreadExecutionMonitors[threadId] == null, "this.destroyedExecutionMonitorIds[threadId] == null"); SafeList <IThreadExecutionMonitor> childExecutionMonitors = new SafeList <IThreadExecutionMonitor>(2); // all callbacks foreach (var monitorFactory in this.MonitorFactories) { IThreadExecutionMonitor monitor; if (monitorFactory.TryCreateThreadMonitor(threadId, out monitor)) { childExecutionMonitors.Add(monitor); } } this.ThreadExecutionMonitors[threadId] = new ThreadExecutionMonitorMultiplexer(childExecutionMonitors); return(threadId); }
public void Generate(int _seed, bool _enableCaves, float _amp, float _caveDensity, float _grassOffset) { try { /*seed = _seed; * enableCaves = _enableCaves; * amp = _amp; * caveDensity = _caveDensity; * grassOffset = _grassOffset; * * Vector2Int bottomLeft = new Vector2(location.x * ChunkSizeX, location.z * ChunkSizeZ); * Vector2Int topRight = new Vector2(location.x * ChunkSizeX + ChunkSizeX, location.z * ChunkSizeZ + ChunkSizeZ); * * MazeGen mountainTerrain = new MazeGen(ChunkSizeX / 2, 4, ChunkMeterSizeY / 2, seed, 2, 1); * * NoiseModule = mountainTerrain;*/ //NoisePlane = new LibNoise.Models.Plane(NoiseModule); //SetSurfaceData(bottomLeft, topRight); } catch (Exception e) { SafeDebug.LogError(e.Message + "\nFunction: Generate, Chunk: " + location.ToString(), e); } }
public float[,] Generate(int _seed, bool _enableCaves, float _amp, float _caveDensity, float _groundOffset, float _grassOffset) { try { seed = _seed; enableCaves = _enableCaves; amp = _amp; caveDensity = _caveDensity; groundOffset = _groundOffset; grassOffset = _grassOffset; Vector2Int bottomLeft = new Vector2(Location.x * ChunkSizeX, Location.z * ChunkSizeZ); Vector2Int topRight = new Vector2(Location.x * ChunkSizeX + ChunkSizeX, Location.z * ChunkSizeZ + ChunkSizeZ); MazeGen mountainTerrain = new MazeGen(ChunkSizeX / 2, 4, ChunkMeterSizeY / 2, seed, 2, 1); NoiseModule = mountainTerrain; //NoisePlane = new LibNoise.Models.Plane(NoiseModule); //SetSurfaceData(bottomLeft, topRight); } catch (Exception e) { SafeDebug.LogError(e.Message + "\nFunction: Generate, Chunk: " + Location.ToString(), e); } return(SurfaceData); }
private void DoSend(byte[] data, Protocal type = Protocal.Tcp) { //SafeDebug.Log("Sending some shit 1"); if (type == Protocal.Tcp || !udpStarted) { //SafeDebug.Log("Sending some shit 2"); if (tcpClient != null && tcpSocket != null) { //if ((ServerCMD)data[0] != ServerCMD.Ping) // SafeDebug.Log("SENDING: " + (ServerCMD)data[0]); data = BufferUtils.AddLength(data); //SafeDebug.Log("Sending some shit 3"); tcpSocket.Send(data); } else { SafeDebug.LogError("Client TCP socket null!"); } } else { if (udpClient != null) { byte[] udpIdBuff = BitConverter.GetBytes((UInt16)UdpID); byte[] buffer = BufferUtils.Add(udpIdBuff, data); udpClient.Send(buffer, buffer.Length); } else { DoSend(data); } } }
public float[,] Generate(IModule module, int _seed, bool _enableCaves, float _amp, float _caveDensity, float _groundOffset, float _grassOffset) { try { NoiseModule = module; seed = _seed; enableCaves = _enableCaves; amp = _amp; caveDensity = _caveDensity; groundOffset = _groundOffset; grassOffset = _grassOffset; RidgedMultifractal _caves = new RidgedMultifractal(); _caves.Seed = _seed; _caves.Frequency = 0.3; caveModule = _caves; Vector2Int bottomLeft = new Vector2(Location.x * ChunkSizeX, Location.z * ChunkSizeZ); Vector2Int topRight = new Vector2(Location.x * ChunkSizeX + ChunkSizeX, Location.z * ChunkSizeZ + ChunkSizeZ); SetSurfaceData(bottomLeft, topRight); } catch (Exception e) { SafeDebug.LogError(string.Format("{0}\nFunction: Generate\n Chunk: {1}", e.Message, Location.ToString()), e); } return(SurfaceData); }
private void MultiStdDevMutation(ref ESSolution offspring) { SafeDebug.AssertNotNull(offspring, "offspring != null"); base.modelBuilder = base.context.CreateArithmeticModelBuilder(offspring.currentModel); double globalLearningRate = (double)1 / Math.Sqrt((double)2 * (double)base.context.Variables.Count <IArithmeticVariable>()); double localLearningRate = (double)1 / Math.Sqrt((double)2 * Math.Sqrt((double)base.context.Variables.Count <IArithmeticVariable>())); double overallT = globalLearningRate * Gaussian(0, 1); int index = 0; foreach (var variable in base.context.Variables) { Term sum = null; double ni = overallT + localLearningRate * Gaussian(0, 1); double scaleFactor = offspring.GetStdDev(index) * Math.Exp(ni); offspring.SetStdDev(index, scaleFactor); bool success = TryAddDoubleToTerm(variable.Term, scaleFactor * Gaussian(0, 1), out sum); if (success) { base.modelBuilder.TryAssign(variable, offspring.currentModel.GetValue(sum)); } index++; } offspring.UpdateModel(base.modelBuilder.ToArithmeticModel()); }
public static string GeneratePUTCommand(Method putmethod) { TypeEx classdef; bool bresult = putmethod.TryGetDeclaringType(out classdef); SafeDebug.Assume(bresult, "Declaring type cannot be null"); var assemblyEx = classdef.Definition.Module.Assembly; var assemblyName = assemblyEx.Location; var namespacestr = classdef.Namespace; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append("pex.exe "); sb.Append(assemblyName); sb.Append(" /nf:"); sb.Append(namespacestr); sb.Append(" /tf:"); sb.Append(classdef.ShortName.ToString() + "!"); sb.Append(" /mf:"); sb.Append(putmethod.ShortName.ToString() + "!"); sb.Append(" /nor"); sb.Append(" /rn:"); sb.Append(classdef.ShortName.ToString() + "_" + putmethod.ShortName.ToString()); if (PexMeConstants.ENABLE_DEBUGGING_MODE) { sb.Append(" /bos"); } sb.Append(" /fullmscorlib"); return(sb.ToString()); }
public bool IsAssertMethod(MethodDefinition method, out int usefulParameters) { SafeDebug.AssumeNotNull(method, "method"); TypeDefinition type; if (method.TryGetDeclaringType(out type)) { if (type.SerializableName == MSTestv2TestFrameworkMetadata.AssertTypeDefinition) { switch (method.ShortName) { case "IsFalse": case "IsTrue": case "IsNull": case "IsNotNull": case "IsInstanceOfType": case "IsNotInstanceOfType": usefulParameters = 1; return(true); case "AreEqual": case "AreNotEqual": case "AreSame": case "AreNotSame": usefulParameters = 2; return(true); } } } usefulParameters = -1; return(false); }
public void SpawnChunksLinear() { SpawnChunkFeild(); Loom.QueueAsyncTask(WorldThreadName, () => { TerrainModule module = new TerrainModule(VoxelSettings.seed); for (int x = 0; x < VoxelSettings.maxChunksX; x++) { for (int z = 0; z < VoxelSettings.maxChunksZ; z++) { for (int y = 0; y < VoxelSettings.maxChunksY_M; y++) { Vector3Int location3D = new Vector3Int(x, y, z); GenerateChunk(location3D, module); } } } SafeDebug.Log("Finished rendering."); Loom.QueueOnMainThread(() => { _generating = false; OnRenderComplete(); }); }); }
/// <summary> /// Just before returning from method body. /// </summary> /// <remarks>Only method allowed to pop from callstack.</remarks> public override void LeaveMethod() { try { if (callStack.Count == 0) { SafeDebug.Fail("cannot leave empty method"); //should not happen with the fake frame. return; } if (callStack.Count == 1) { this.callMonitor.RunCompleted(); return; //exit from Main, if we did not get Enter(Main). } CallFrame poppedFrame = callStack.First.Value; callStack.RemoveFirst(); this.current = callStack.First.Value; if (poppedFrame.PreemptionsDisabled && !this.current.PreemptionsDisabled) { this.PreemptionEnable(); } if (poppedFrame.Prioritized && !this.current.Prioritized) { MChessChess.UnprioritizePreemptions(); } } catch (Exception e) { LogException(e); } }
/// <summary> /// Constructor /// </summary> public ThreadExecutionMonitorDispatcher(IEventLog log, int threadIndex, IThreadMonitor callMonitor) : base(threadIndex) { SafeDebug.AssertNotNull(callMonitor, "callMonitor"); this.log = log; this.threadIndex = threadIndex; this.callMonitor = callMonitor; this.callStack = new SafeLinkedList <CallFrame>(); this.current = new CallFrame(default(ICallFrame), default(Method), 0); //fake caller. this.callStack.AddFirst(new SafeLinkedList <CallFrame> .Node(this.current)); if (firstTime) { // get rid of all [T] from types and methods var env = MyEngine.EnvironmentVars; firstTime = false; foreach (var t in env.DontPreemptTypes) { newDontPreemptTypes.Add(eliminateParameterizedTypes(t)); } foreach (var m in env.DontPreemptMethods) { newDontPreemptMethods.Add(eliminateParameterizedTypes(m)); } foreach (var m in env.PrioritizeMethods) { newPrioritizeMethods.Add(eliminateParameterizedTypes(m)); } } }
bool IPexAssumptionExceptionValidator.IsAssumption(Exception ex) { SafeDebug.AssumeNotNull(ex, "ex"); // 1) must be a requires exception string trace; Type exceptionType = ex.GetType(); if (exceptionType == typeof(Cobra.Lang.RequireException) && ExceptionHelper.TryGetBestStackTrace(ex, out trace)) { StackTraceEx tx = host.Services.SymbolManager.ParseStackTrace(trace, true); bool globalsFound = false; for (int i = tx.Frames.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { StackFrameEx frame = tx.Frames[i]; if (frame.MethodName.StartsWith("require_")) { if (globalsFound) // already found? that's not good { return(false); } globalsFound = true; } } return(globalsFound); } return(false); }
private void MakeNumericMove(bool patternMove) { double delta = 0.0; short dir = this.direction; int index = this.index; if (patternMove) { dir = this.lastDirection; index = this.lastIndex; } SafeDebug.Assert(index < this.variableInfos.Count, "this.index < this.variableInfos.Count"); var variableInfo = this.variableInfos[index]; var currentVariable = variableInfo.variable; Term newValue = null; delta = (double)dir * Math.Pow(10, -variableInfo.precision) * Math.Pow(2, this.patternMoves); if (TryAddDoubleToTerm(currentVariable.Term, delta, out newValue)) { base.modelBuilder.TryAssign(currentVariable, this.bestModel.GetValue(newValue)); } }
public void Generate(IModule module, int _seed, bool _enableCaves, float _amp, float _caveDensity, float _grassOffset) { try { Sampler = new TerrainSampler(module, _seed, _enableCaves, _amp, _caveDensity, _grassOffset);; Sampler.SetChunkSettings(VoxelsPerMeter, new Vector3Int(ChunkSizeX, ChunkSizeY, ChunkSizeZ), new Vector3Int(ChunkMeterSizeX, ChunkMeterSizeY, ChunkMeterSizeZ), skipDist, half, new Vector3(xSideLength, ySideLength, zSideLength)); Vector2Int bottomLeft = new Vector2(location.x * ChunkSizeX, location.z * ChunkSizeZ); Vector2Int topRight = new Vector2(location.x * ChunkSizeX + ChunkSizeX, location.z * ChunkSizeZ + ChunkSizeZ); watch.Start(); Sampler.SetSurfaceData(bottomLeft, topRight); watch.Stop(); noiseGenTime = watch.Elapsed.ToString(); int bottom = VoxelConversions.ChunkToVoxel(location).y; empty = bottom > Sampler.GetMax(); } catch (Exception e) { SafeDebug.LogError(string.Format("{0}\nFunction: Generate\n Chunk: {1}", e.Message, location.ToString()), e); } }
/// <summary> /// Given a uncovered code location and the associated terms, this /// method infers factory method for that code location. /// /// Assumes that the uncovered branch is mainly due to an object creating issue /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public bool TryInferFactoryMethod(UncoveredCodeLocationStore ucls, out SafeSet <Method> suggestedMethods) { SafeDebug.AssumeNotNull(ucls, "ucls"); if (ucls.AllFields.Count == 0) {, "factoryguesser", "No information about involving fields in the uncovered branch"); suggestedMethods = null; return(false); } //Check whether the feature is currently supported FieldModificationType fmt = this.GetRequiredFieldModificationType(ucls); if (!(fmt == FieldModificationType.NON_NULL_SET || fmt == FieldModificationType.NULL_SET || fmt == FieldModificationType.INCREMENT || fmt == FieldModificationType.DECREMENT || fmt == FieldModificationType.FALSE_SET || fmt == FieldModificationType.TRUE_SET)) {, "factoryguesser", "Format " + fmt.ToString() + " is not supported for suggesting factory methods"); suggestedMethods = null; return(false); } //Step 1: Get the exact type whose factory method is required for covering this branch. //Decided based on where there is a subsequent field which can be directly handled rather than the top field. //This step is moved to the place where the uncovered location is initially stored //Step 2: Decide which methods of this type should be invoked. Use a bottomup approach //for inferrinfg the exact method if (!this.GetTargetMethod(ucls, ucls.TargetField, out suggestedMethods)) {, "factoryguesser", "Failed to retrieve the target method of field " + ucls.TargetField.FullName + " in type " + ucls.ExplorableType.FullName); suggestedMethods = null; return(false); } var sb = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var m in suggestedMethods) { sb.AppendLine(MethodOrFieldAnalyzer.GetMethodSignature(m)); } ucls.SuggestedMethodsforFactory = sb.ToString(); //Create a factory suggestion store. This is expected by the rest of the code. FactorySuggestionStore fss; if (!this.pmd.FactorySuggestionsDictionary.TryGetValue(ucls.ExplorableType.ToString(), out fss)) { fss = new FactorySuggestionStore(); fss.DeclaringType = ucls.ExplorableType.ToString(); this.pmd.FactorySuggestionsDictionary[ucls.ExplorableType.ToString()] = fss; } return(true); }
/// <inheritdoc/> public override void EmitInconclusive(MethodBodyBuilder body, string message) { SafeDebug.AssumeNotNull(body, "body"); body.Push(message); body.CallStatic(XunitTestFrameworkMetadata.Method_PexAssertInconclusive.Value); body.Statement(); }
public static void PrintNoFormat(object message) { SafeDebug.Log("[Server]: " + message); /*AddEntry(LogLevel.Print, message.ToString()); * Action a = () => LogToFile(message.ToString()); * QueueLog(a);*/ }
public static void Print(object message, params object[] args) { SafeDebug.Log("[Server]: " + string.Format(message.ToString(), args)); /*AddEntry(LogLevel.Print, string.Format(message.ToString(), args)); * Action a = () => LogToFile(string.Format(message.ToString(), args)); * QueueLog(a);*/ }
public override bool TryMarkExpectedException(VisibilityContext visibility, MethodDefinitionBuilder method, Exception exception) { SafeDebug.AssumeNotNull(visibility, "visibility"); SafeDebug.AssumeNotNull(method, "method"); SafeDebug.AssumeNotNull(exception, "exception"); return(false); }
/// <summary> /// Tries the get categories. /// </summary> /// <param name="element"> /// The element. /// </param> /// <param name="names"> /// The names. /// </param> /// <returns> /// The <see cref="bool"/>. /// </returns> protected override bool TryGetCategories(ICustomAttributeProviderEx element, out IEnumerable <string> names) { SafeDebug.AssumeNotNull(element, "element"); // TODO names = null; return(false); }
protected override object BeforeExploration <TAbstractValue>(IPexExplorationComponent <TAbstractValue> host) { SafeDebug.AssumeNotNull(host, "host"); host.ExplorationServices.ExceptionManager.AddAssumptionExceptionValidator( new Validator <TAbstractValue>(host) ); return(null); }
public override void Shutdown(int code) { // finalizers IsInitialized = false; syncVarManager.ReleaseGCAddresses(); this.ExitCode = (ChessExitCode)code; SafeDebug.Assert(this.exitCallback != null, "this.exitCallBack != null"); this.exitCallback((ChessExitCode)code, null); }
public static void LogError(object message, params object[] args) { SafeDebug.LogError("[Server]: " + string.Format(message.ToString(), args)); /*string messageStr = string.Format(message.ToString(), args); * AddEntry(LogLevel.Error, string.Format("[{0}]: {1}", GetTime(), messageStr)); * Action a = () => LogToFile(string.Format("[{0} E]: {1}", GetTime(), messageStr)); * QueueLog(a);*/ }
public void DestroyThread(int index) { SafeDebug.Assert(this.executionMonitors[index] != null, "this.executionMonitors[index] != null"); IThreadExecutionMonitor m = this.executionMonitors[index]; m.Destroy(); this.destroyedExecutionMonitorIds.Enqueue(index); this.executionMonitors[index] = null; }