Beispiel #1
        protected void UnpackEntities(SU.EntitiesRef entitiesRef)
            // Get the faces.

            long count;

            SU.EntitiesGetNumFaces(entitiesRef, out count);

            SU.FaceRef[] faceRefs = new SU.FaceRef[count];

            long len = count;

            SU.EntitiesGetFaces(entitiesRef, len, faceRefs, out count);

            foreach (SU.FaceRef faceRef in faceRefs)
                Faces.Add(new Face(faceRef));

            // Get the groups.

            SU.EntitiesGetNumGroups(entitiesRef, out count);

            SU.GroupRef[] groupRefs = new SU.GroupRef[count];

            len = count;

            SU.EntitiesGetGroups(entitiesRef, len, groupRefs, out count);

            foreach (SU.GroupRef groupRef in groupRefs)
                Groups.Add(new Group(groupRef));

            // Get the instances.

            SU.EntitiesGetNumInstances(entitiesRef, out count);

            SU.ComponentInstanceRef[] instanceRefs = new SU.ComponentInstanceRef[count];

            len = count;

            SU.EntitiesGetInstances(entitiesRef, len, instanceRefs, out count);

            foreach (SU.ComponentInstanceRef instanceRef in instanceRefs)
                Instances.Add(new CompInst(instanceRef));
        internal new void Pack(Model model, SU.EntitiesRef entitiesRef)
            // The SketchUp API appears to add a "persistent ID" to vertices,
            // edges, and faces, as they are added to definitions and groups.
            // But it also appears not to do this unless the definition or
            // group reference has already been added to the model. If you
            // add those references to the model after creating their contents,
            // SketchUp will detect the missing IDs on load and "fix" them,
            // causing SketchUp to ask if you want to save the changes when
            // you close (even though you won't think you've made any).
            // You can see this in the "Edit / Undo Check Validity" menu item
            // when it happens. Undo it, and then use the "Window / Model info"
            // dialog, under "Statistics" by pressing the "Fix Problems"
            // button. You'll get a report on the missing persistent IDs.
            // To prevent all this from happening, we add the reference first.

            SU.GroupRef groupRef = new SU.GroupRef();

            SU.EntitiesAddGroup(entitiesRef, groupRef);

            SU.EntitiesRef myEntitiesRef = new SU.EntitiesRef();

            SU.GroupGetEntities(groupRef, myEntitiesRef);

            //entities.Pack(model, myEntitiesRef);
            base.Pack(model, myEntitiesRef);

            // Set the group's name and transformation..


        internal Group(
            SU.GroupRef groupRef)
            // Get the transform.

            SU.Transformation transformation = new SU.Transformation();

            SU.GroupGetTransform(groupRef, out transformation);

            Transform = new Transform(transformation);

            // Get the name.

            SU.StringRef stringRef = new SU.StringRef();

            SU.GroupGetName(groupRef, stringRef);

            Name = Convert.ToStringAndRelease(stringRef);

            // Note that a Group can upcast into a DrawingElement.
            // As such, it can have an instance-wide Material set for it that
            // SketchUp will use on any Faces that use the defalt Material.
            // But you cannot set the Group's material; you must
            // upcast first.

            // Upcast to a DrawingElement and get the material name.

            SU.DrawingElementRef drawingElementRef =

            SU.MaterialRef materialRef = new SU.MaterialRef();

                SU.DrawingElementGetMaterial(drawingElementRef, materialRef);

                stringRef = new SU.StringRef();

                SU.MaterialGetNameLegacyBehavior(materialRef, stringRef);

                MaterialName = Convert.ToStringAndRelease(stringRef);
            catch (SketchUpException e)
                if (e.ErrorCode == SU.ErrorNoData)
                    // Not an error. It just has no material.

            // Get the entities.

            SU.EntitiesRef entitiesRef = new SU.EntitiesRef();

            SU.GroupGetEntities(groupRef, entitiesRef);
