protected void InitializeSDRTests(Action initStructs)
            // Initialize the Semantic Type System.
            ssys = new STS();

            // Initialize the Receptor System
            rsys = new ReceptorsContainer(ssys);

            // Initialize declaration and structure lists.
            decls   = new List <SemanticTypeDecl>();
            structs = new List <SemanticTypeStruct>();

            // We must have a noun definition for now.
            Helpers.InitializeNoun(ssys, decls, structs);

            // We need this ST for query tests.
            SemanticTypeStruct sts = Helpers.CreateSemanticType("Query", false, decls, structs);

            Helpers.CreateNativeType(sts, "QueryText", "string", false);
            Helpers.CreateNativeType(sts, "Param0", "Object", false);

            // Initialize the Semantic Database Receptor
            sdr = new SemanticDatabase(rsys);
            sdr.DatabaseName = "test_semantic_database";

            // Create our semantic structure.

            // Instantiate the runtime code-behind.
            ssys.Parse(decls, structs);
            string code = ssys.GenerateCode();

            System.Reflection.Assembly assy = Compiler.Compile(code);
            ssys.CompiledAssembly = assy;