Beispiel #1
    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        string fileName = @"C:\Users\Hayden\Downloads\Test STL.stl";

        byte[]    fileData = File.ReadAllBytes(fileName);
        STLFile   testFile;
        Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();

            testFile = new STLFile(fileData);
        catch (Exception ex)
            Debug.LogWarning($"Error loading STL file: {ex}");

        Debug.Log($"Loaded solid \"{testFile.Name}\" with {testFile.Facets.Length} facets in {sw.ElapsedMilliseconds}ms");
        var mesh = Triangle.CreateMeshFromSTL(testFile);

        // get mesh filter and assign mesh
        MeshFilter mf = GetComponent <MeshFilter>();

        mf.mesh = mesh;
Beispiel #2
        public MainWindow()

            _viewer3DVM          = new Viewer3DViewModel();
            Viewer3D.DataContext = _viewer3DVM;

            _textEditorVM          = new TextEditorViewModel(TextEditor, _viewer3DVM);
            TextEditor.DataContext = _textEditorVM;

            Statusbar.DataContext = new StatusBarViewModel(_textEditorVM);

            string filePath = @"STL-Files\xyz-calibrationCube.stl";
            var    stlFile  = new STLFile(filePath);

            var meshes = stlFile.LoadMeshes();

            // cutting meshes
            var cutMeshes = meshes[0].Cut(new Vector3d(1, 1, 10), new Vector3d(0, 0, 1));

            _viewer3DVM.Add(new Wireframe(cutMeshes.BaseMesh, Color.Yellow, Color.DarkSlateGray));
            _viewer3DVM.Add(new Wireframe(cutMeshes.CutOffMesh, Color.GreenYellow));

            //stlFile.SaveMeshes(new List<Mesh> { cutMeshes.BaseMesh });
Beispiel #3
    public static Mesh CreateMeshFromSTL(STLFile stlFile)
        Vector3[] vertices  = new Vector3[stlFile.Facets.Length * 3];
        Vector3[] normals   = new Vector3[stlFile.Facets.Length * 3];
        int[]     triangles = new int[stlFile.Facets.Length * 3];

        for (int i = 0; i < stlFile.Facets.Length; i++)
            // copy vertices, triangles, and normals for each facet
            for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
                int meshIndex = (i * 3) + j;

                vertices[meshIndex] = stlFile.Facets[i].Vertices[j];
                // unity normals are per-vertex and not triangle. copy normal 3x for each vertex
                normals[meshIndex]   = stlFile.Facets[i].Normal;
                triangles[meshIndex] = meshIndex;

        return(new Mesh()
            vertices = vertices,
            normals = normals,
            triangles = triangles
Beispiel #4
        public void LoadBinary()
            var stl = new STLFile("Models/cube_binary.stl");

            Assert.AreEqual(STLType.Binary, stl.STLType);
            Assert.AreEqual(12, stl.Facets.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual("solid TESTCUBE", stl.Header);
Beispiel #5
        public void LoadASCII()
            var stl = new STLFile("Models/cube_ascii.stl");

            Assert.AreEqual(STLType.ASCII, stl.STLType);
            Assert.AreEqual(12, stl.Facets.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual("TESTCUBE", stl.Header);
Beispiel #6
    private static void makeSolid(string inputFile, string outputFile, string cubeFile, double size, double zMargin)
        Console.WriteLine("Reading mesh...");
        var meshCreator = new SolidMeshCreator(STLFile.Read(inputFile).ToArray(), size, zMargin);

        STLFile.Write(outputFile, meshCreator.Triangles);

        STLFile.Write(cubeFile, meshCreator.GetCube().ToArray());

Beispiel #7
 public STLExtractor(string stlFileLocation, STLInfo.STLUnits units = STLInfo.STLUnits.Centimeters, bool InhibitFullAnalysis = false)
     if (File.Exists(stlFileLocation))
         ValidState = FileValidity.Valid;
         IsValid    = true;
         try { STL = new STLFile(File.Open(stlFileLocation, FileMode.Open), units, InhibitFullAnalysis); }
         catch (ArgumentNullException) { IsValid = false; ValidState = FileValidity.FileNameNull; }
         catch (UnauthorizedAccessException) { IsValid = false; ValidState = FileValidity.UnauthorizedAccess; }
         catch (ArgumentException) { IsValid = false; ValidState = FileValidity.InvalidFile; }
         catch (PathTooLongException) { IsValid = false; ValidState = FileValidity.PathTooLong; }
         catch (NotSupportedException) { IsValid = false; ValidState = FileValidity.UnsupportedFileOperation; }
         ValidState = FileValidity.WrongPath;
         IsValid    = false;
Beispiel #8
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var stl = new STLFile(@"C:\temp\testelephant.stl");


//            var s = @"
//using System;
//using System.Collections.Generic;
//using OpenCAD.Kernel.Maths;
//using OpenCAD.Kernel.Modeling;
//using OpenCAD.Kernel.Modeling.Octree;
//using OpenCAD.Kernel.Primatives;
//using OpenCAD.Kernel.Scripting;
//namespace Test
//    public class TestPart:IPartScript
//    {
//        public IEnumerable<IPartScriptOption> Options()
//        {
//            throw new NotImplementedException();
//        }
//        public IModel Generate()
//        {
//             return new OctreeModel(new OctreeNode(Vect3.Zero, 16, 5), String.Empty);
//        }
//    }

//            var comp = Compilation.Create("test", new CompilationOptions(OutputKind.DynamicallyLinkedLibrary), new[] { SyntaxTree.ParseText(s) }, new[]
//                                                  {

//                                                      MetadataReference.CreateAssemblyReference("mscorlib"),
//                                                      MetadataReference.CreateAssemblyReference("System"),
//                                                      MetadataReference.CreateAssemblyReference("System.Core"),
//                                                      MetadataReference.CreateAssemblyReference("Microsoft.CSharp"),
//                                                      new MetadataFileReference(typeof(IModel).Assembly.Location)
//                                                  });

//            using (var output = new MemoryStream())
//            {
//                var emitResult = comp.Emit(output);
//                foreach (var diagnostic in emitResult.Diagnostics)
//                {
//                    Console.WriteLine(diagnostic.ToString());
//                }
//                byte[] compiledAssembly = output.ToArray();
//                var assembly = Assembly.Load(compiledAssembly);

//                var types = assembly.GetTypes();
//                var type= types.FirstOrDefault();
//                if (type != null)
//                {
//                    dynamic model = assembly.CreateInstance(type.FullName);

//                    var partScript = (IPartScript) model;

//                    if (partScript != null)
//                    {
//                        var m = partScript.Generate();
//                        Console.WriteLine(m);
//                    }
//                }

//            }

//            var t = new CodeExecuter();

//            t.Execute(s);

            //var o = new OctreeModel(new OctreeNode(Vect3.Zero, 16, 8),"testing");

            //var render = new TestModelRenderManager();


            //var features = new FeatureFactory();
            //var origin = new DatumOrigin();

            //features.Add(new DatumPlane(new IFeatureReference[] { new FeatureReference(origin) }));
            //features.Add(new DatumPlane(new IFeatureReference[] { new FeatureReference(origin) }));
            //features.Add(new DatumPlane(new IFeatureReference[] { new FeatureReference(origin) }));
            //features.Add(new DatumPlane(new IFeatureReference[] { new FeatureReference(origin) }));
            //features.Add(new DatumPlane(new IFeatureReference[] { new FeatureReference(origin) }));
            //features.Add(new DatumPlane(new IFeatureReference[] { new FeatureReference(origin) }));
            //features.Add(new DatumPlane(new IFeatureReference[] { new FeatureReference(origin) }));

            //features.Add(new DatumPlane(new IFeatureReference[] { new FeatureReference(origin) }));

            //features.Add(new DatumOrigin());
            //Console.WriteLine("Running Regen");

            //Console.WriteLine("Run Regen");