Beispiel #1
    //Create intager map
    void CreateMap()
        //Generate primary biome and apply automata
        map = stdMath.GenerateMatrix(mapSize, primeSpawnRate);
        map = stdMath.CellularAutomata(map, refinements, birthLimit, deathLimit, countCenter, countOutside);

        //create primary influence map
        mapInfluence = stdMath.BiomeInfluenceMapper(map, 1);

        //cycle through number of biomes
        for (int i = 0; i < numBiomes - 1; i++)
            //create modified biome
            int[,] mat = stdMath.ModifiedMatrix(mapSize, subSpawnRate, refinements, birthLimit, deathLimit, mapInfluence);

            //create biomes
            mat = biomeRules.AutomataToBiome(mat, 2, birthLimit, deathLimit);

            //Assign random/ set sub biome
            int sub = (useRandomSub | i > 0) ? biomeRules.GetNewBiome((int)primeTile) : (int)subTile;
            mat = stdMath.ConvertMatrix(mat, sub);

            //apply biome rules
            mat = biomeRules.ApplyRules(mat, sub, false);

            //check if first biome created
            if (i == 0)
                biomeKey.Add(stdMath.TilesInMatrix(mat, sub));
                //establish number of tiles in current biome
                int tiles = stdMath.TilesInMatrix(mat, sub);

                //Not first Biome. Cycle biome list
                for (int b = 0; b < biomes.Count; b++)
                    //check if the number of tiles in current matrix is less than the number in the current element.
                    if (!(tiles < biomeKey [b]))
                        //More tiles in current matrix. Insert current matrix before current element.
                        biomes.Insert(b, mat);
                        biomeKey.Insert(b, tiles);
                    else if (b == biomes.Count - 1)
                        //if less tiles in current matrix than any others add to the end

        //cycle biomes list to create combined biome map
        int[,] biomeMap = new int[mapSize, mapSize];
        for (int i = 0; i < biomes.Count; i++)
            Debug.Log("Biome " + i + " has " + biomeKey [i] + " tiles");

            //cycle biome axises
            for (int x = 0; x < mapSize; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < mapSize; y++)
                    //if valid tile set map tile to biome tile
                    if (biomes [i] [x, y] >= 0)
                        biomeMap [x, y] = biomes [i] [x, y];

        //cycle map a final time to create composite map
        for (int x = 0; x < mapSize; x++)
            for (int y = 0; y < mapSize; y++)
                //check if valid tile and influence is greater than spawn
                if (map [x, y] != 0)
                    //Set prime tile
                    biomeMap [x, y] = (int)primeTile;

        //set final map
        map = biomeMap;
Beispiel #2
    //Convert Automata to biomes
    public int[,] AutomataToBiome(int[,] mat, int numRefine, int birth, int death)
        //declare/initialize arrays
        int[,] bio;
        int[,] hold     = mat;
        bool[,] control = new bool[mat.GetLength(0), mat.GetLength(0)];

        //initialize random x and y coordinates
        int rx = 0;
        int ry = 0;

        //cycle initial matrix x and y axises
        for (int i = 0; i < mat.GetLength(0); i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < mat.GetLength(0); j++)
                //generate random coordinate
                rx = Random.Range(0, mat.GetLength(0));
                ry = Random.Range(0, mat.GetLength(1));

                //check if point was previously used. if previously used continue to next, else set to true.
                if (control[rx, ry])
                    control[rx, ry] = true;

                //set tile type
                int type = mat[rx, ry];

                //generate random biome width/ height
                int w = Random.Range(biomeMinSize, biomeMaxSize + 1);
                int h = Random.Range(biomeMinSize, biomeMaxSize + 1);
                bio = new int[w, h];

                //fill biome
                for (int x = 0; x < bio.GetLength(0); x++)
                    for (int y = 0; y < bio.GetLength(1); y++)
                        //get x and y radius
                        float xr = bio.GetLength(0) / 2;
                        float yr = bio.GetLength(1) / 2;

                        //apply smallest as used radiues
                        float r = Mathf.Min(xr, yr);

                        //generate euclidic distance
                        float e = Mathf.Sqrt(Mathf.Pow((x - xr), 2) + Mathf.Pow((y - yr), 2));

                        //if the euclidic distance of the biomes cell is within the smallest radius fill cell.
                        if (e < r)
                            bio[x, y] = type;

                //refine the new biome
                bio = stdMath.CellularAutomata(bio, numRefine, birth, death, false, false);

                //replace tiles in matrix with new biome
                for (int x = 0; x < bio.GetLength(0); x++)
                    for (int y = 0; y < bio.GetLength(1); y++)
                        //biome real coordiates
                        int xr = rx + x;
                        int yr = ry + y;

                        //ensure that tile can be placed on mat
                        if (!(xr >= mat.GetLength(0) || yr >= mat.GetLength(1)))
                            hold[xr, yr] = bio[x, y];

        //return modified holding map