Beispiel #1
        /*  call EBSMockSvcClient : GetSRInfoById()
         *  Output : op.X_SR_LIST
         *  call dictAddProperty() to add the individual property name, type, and value
         *  for dynamic columns feature
        public Dictionary <string, string> LookupSRDetail(decimal incident_id, string incident_number, int _logIncidentId = 0, int _logContactId = 0)
            EBSMockSvcClient       _client = new EBSMockSvcClient(binding, addr);
            SRListOutputParameters op      = null;

            using (new OperationContextScope(_client.InnerChannel))
                Credential userInfo = new Credential();
                userInfo.username = SRServiceUsername;
                userInfo.password = SRServicePassword;

                MessageHeader aMessageHeader = MessageHeader.CreateHeader("Credential", "", userInfo);

                op = _client.GetSRInfoById(incident_id.ToString());

            Dictionary <string, string> dictDetail = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            foreach (ServiceRequestItem sr in op.X_SR_LIST)
                foreach (PropertyInfo propertyInfo in sr.GetType().GetProperties())
                    Object propVal = sr.GetType().GetProperty(propertyInfo.Name).GetValue(sr, null);
                    dictAddProperty(propertyInfo, propVal, ref dictDetail);

Beispiel #2
        public ServiceRequest[] LookupSRbyContactPartyID(decimal contact_id, int _logIncidentId = 0, int _logContactId = 0)
            EBSMockSvcClient       _client = new EBSMockSvcClient(binding, addr);
            SRListOutputParameters op      = null;

            using (new OperationContextScope(_client.InnerChannel))
                Credential userInfo = new Credential();
                userInfo.username = SRServiceUsername;
                userInfo.password = SRServicePassword;

                MessageHeader aMessageHeader = MessageHeader.CreateHeader("Credential", "", userInfo);

                op = _client.GetSRInfoByContact(contact_id.ToString(), 100);

            ServiceRequest[] retvals = new ServiceRequest[op.X_SR_LIST.Length];
            int i = 0;

            foreach (ServiceRequestItem mock_sr in op.X_SR_LIST)
                /*  only want to get SRs where there is no incidents.
                 *  incidentID 0 means null in mock service, to be safe
                 *  also check for IncidentRef as well
                if (mock_sr.EXTATTRIBUTE14 == null || mock_sr.EXTATTRIBUTE15 == null)
                    ServiceRequest retval = new ServiceRequest();

                    retval.RequestDate   = mock_sr.CREATION_DATE;
                    retval.RequestID     = (decimal?)Convert.ToDecimal(mock_sr.INCIDENT_ID);
                    retval.RequestNumber = mock_sr.INCIDENT_NUMBER;
                    retval.RequestType   = mock_sr.INCIDENT_TYPE;
                    retval.RequestTypeID = (decimal?)Convert.ToDecimal(mock_sr.INCIDENT_TYPE_ID);
                    retval.SerialNumber  = mock_sr.SERIAL_NUMBER;
                    retval.Severity      = mock_sr.INCIDENT_SEVERITY;
                    retval.SeverityID    = (decimal?)Convert.ToDecimal(mock_sr.INCIDENT_SEVERITY);
                    retval.Status        = mock_sr.INCIDENT_STATUS;
                    retval.StatusID      = (decimal?)Convert.ToDecimal(mock_sr.INCIDENT_STATUS_ID);
                    retval.Summary       = mock_sr.SUMMARY;

                    retvals[i] = retval;