public void CheckForSync()                                                         // called in background init
            if (!EDDOptions.Instance.NoSystemsLoad && EDDConfig.Instance.EDSMEDDBDownload) // if enabled
                DateTime edsmdatetime = SQLiteConnectionSystem.GetLastEDSMRecordTimeUTC();

                if (DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(edsmdatetime).TotalDays >= 28)   // 600k ish per 12hours.  So 33MB.  Much less than a full download which is (23/1/2018) 2400MB, or 600MB compressed
                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("EDSM full sync ordered, time since {0}", DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(edsmdatetime).TotalDays);
                    syncstate.perform_edsm_fullsync = true;       // do a full sync.

                DateTime eddbdatetime = SQLiteConnectionSystem.GetLastEDDBDownloadTime();

                if (DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(eddbdatetime).TotalDays > 6.5)     // Get EDDB data once every week.
                    syncstate.perform_eddb_edsmalias_sync = true;

                if (syncstate.perform_eddb_edsmalias_sync || syncstate.perform_edsm_fullsync)
                    string databases = (syncstate.perform_edsm_fullsync && syncstate.perform_eddb_edsmalias_sync) ? "EDSM and EDDB" : ((syncstate.perform_edsm_fullsync) ? "EDSM" : "EDDB");

                    LogLine(string.Format("Full synchronisation to the {0} databases required." + Environment.NewLine +
                                          "This will take a while, please be patient." + Environment.NewLine +
                                          "Please continue running ED Discovery until refresh is complete.".T(EDTx.EDDiscoveryController_SyncEDSM), databases));
                LogLine("Synchronisation to EDSM and EDDB disabled. Use Settings panel to reenable".T(EDTx.EDDiscoveryController_SyncOff));