public SPOFolder Read(SPOWeb spoWeb) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_serverRelativeUrl)) { throw new ArgumentNullException("The server relative URL was not provided."); } return(spoWeb.GetFolderByServerRelativeUrl(_serverRelativeUrl)); }
protected override void ProcessRecord() { base.ProcessRecord(); var ctx = base.Context; SPOWeb web = new SPOWeb(ctx.Site.OpenWeb(Web.Read())); WriteObject(web.GetFolderByServerRelativeUrl(Url)); }
protected override void ProcessRecord() { base.ProcessRecord(); var ctx = base.Context; string surl = Identity.Read(); if (!base.ShouldProcess(Identity.ToString())) { return; } SPOWeb web = new SPOWeb(ctx.Site.OpenWeb(surl)); web.ApplyTheme(ColorPaletteUrl, FontSchemeUrl, BackgroundImageUrl, ShareGenerated); }
private void IterateWebs(CmdletContext ctx, Web parentWeb, bool detailed) { var childWebs = parentWeb.Webs; ctx.Load(childWebs); ctx.ExecuteQuery(); foreach (Web childWeb in childWebs) { SPOWeb.LoadWeb(ctx, childWeb, detailed); SPOWeb web = new SPOWeb(childWeb); if (web.WebTemplate != "APP" || (web.WebTemplate == "APP" && IncludeAppWebs)) { WriteObject(web); } IterateWebs(ctx, childWeb, detailed); } }
protected override void ProcessRecord() { base.ProcessRecord(); var ctx = base.Context; Web web = ctx.Site.OpenWeb(ParentWeb.Read()); var webci = new WebCreationInformation { Description = Description, Language = Language, Title = Title, Url = Url, UseSamePermissionsAsParentSite = !UniquePermissions, WebTemplate = WebTemplate }; Web newWeb = web.Webs.Add(webci); ctx.ExecuteQuery(); SPOWeb.LoadWeb(ctx, newWeb, true); WriteObject(new SPOWeb(newWeb)); }
protected override void ProcessRecord() { base.ProcessRecord(); var ctx = base.Context; SPOWeb web = new SPOWeb(ctx.Site.OpenWeb(Web.Read())); if (ParameterSetName == "File") { foreach (var filePipe in File) { var file = filePipe.Read(web); WriteFile(TargetFolder, file); } } else if (ParameterSetName == "Folder") { var folder = Folder.Read(web); WriteFiles(TargetFolder, folder); } }
protected override void ProcessRecord() { base.ProcessRecord(); var ctx = base.Context; if (Identity == null) { Web rootWeb = ctx.Site.RootWeb; SPOWeb.LoadWeb(ctx, rootWeb, Detail); WriteObject(new SPOWeb(rootWeb)); IterateWebs(ctx, rootWeb, Detail); } else { string surl = Identity.Read(); Web web = ctx.Site.OpenWeb(surl); SPOWeb.LoadWeb(ctx, web, Detail); WriteObject(new SPOWeb(web)); } }
protected override void ProcessRecord() { base.ProcessRecord(); var ctx = base.Context; ctx.Load(ctx.Site, s => s.ServerRelativeUrl); ctx.ExecuteQuery(); FileInfo file = new FileInfo(LiteralPath); string leafName = file.Name; string url = ctx.Site.ServerRelativeUrl.TrimEnd('/') + "/_catalogs/solutions/" + leafName; using (FileStream stream = new FileStream(LiteralPath, FileMode.Open)) { Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.File.SaveBinaryDirect(ctx, url, stream, Overwrite); } SPOWeb web = new SPOWeb(ctx.Site.RootWeb); WriteObject(web.GetFileByServerRelativeUrl(url)); }
public SPOWebPipeBind(SPOWeb inputObject) { _web = inputObject.Web; _surl = inputObject.ServerRelativeUrl; }
public SPOFolder Read(Web web) { SPOWeb spoWeb = new SPOWeb(web); return(Read(spoWeb)); }
internal static SPOWikiPage AddWikiPage(SPOWeb web, string wikiPageLibraryUrlOrTitle, string wikiPageName, bool throwIfExists) { SPOList list = web.GetList(wikiPageLibraryUrlOrTitle, false); return(AddWikiPage(list, wikiPageName, throwIfExists)); }
public static SPOWikiPage AddWikiPage(SPOWeb web, string wikiPageLibraryUrlOrTitle, string wikiPageName) { return(AddWikiPage(web, wikiPageLibraryUrlOrTitle, wikiPageName, false)); }
public void AddFieldLinks(SPOWeb web, params string[] fieldsToAdd) { AddFieldLinks(web.Web.AvailableFields, false, fieldsToAdd); }
protected override void ProcessRecord() { base.ProcessRecord(); var ctx = base.Context; var cweb = ctx.Site.OpenWeb(Identity.Read()); SPOWeb.LoadWeb(ctx, cweb, true); SPOWeb web = new SPOWeb(cweb); if (base.ParameterSetName == "BreakRoleInheritance") { if (web.HasUniqueRoleAssignments) { throw new ArgumentException("The specified Site already has unique role assignments."); } if (base.Fields.Contains("BreakRoleInheritance") && BreakRoleInheritance) { web.Web.BreakRoleInheritance(CopyRoleAssignments, ClearScopes); web.Web.Context.ExecuteQuery(); Identity.Refresh(); web.Refresh(); WriteObject(web); return; } } else if (base.ParameterSetName == "ResetRoleInheritance") { if (!web.HasUniqueRoleAssignments) { throw new ArgumentException("The specified Site does not have unique role assignments."); } if (base.Fields.Contains("ResetRoleInheritance") && ResetRoleInheritance) { web.Web.ResetRoleInheritance(); web.Web.Context.ExecuteQuery(); Identity.Refresh(); web.Refresh(); WriteObject(web); return; } } else { if ((base.Fields.Contains("AssociatedMemberGroup") || base.Fields.Contains("AssociatedOwnerGroup") || base.Fields.Contains("AssociatedVisitorGroup")) && !web.HasUniqueRoleAssignments) { throw new ArgumentException("You can only set the associated member, owner, and visitor groups when the site has unique permissions (does not inherit)."); } if (base.Fields.Contains("CustomMasterUrl")) { web.CustomMasterUrl = CustomMasterUrl; } if (base.Fields.Contains("MasterUrl")) { web.MasterUrl = MasterUrl; } if (base.Fields.Contains("Title")) { web.Title = Title; } if (base.Fields.Contains("Description")) { web.Description = Description; } if (base.Fields.Contains("EnableMinimalDownload")) { web.EnableMinimalDownload = EnableMinimalDownload; } if (base.Fields.Contains("QuickLaunchEnabled")) { web.QuickLaunchEnabled = QuickLaunchEnabled; } if (base.Fields.Contains("SaveSiteAsTemplateEnabled")) { web.SaveSiteAsTemplateEnabled = SaveSiteAsTemplateEnabled; } if (base.Fields.Contains("ServerRelativeUrl")) { web.ServerRelativeUrl = ServerRelativeUrl; } if (base.Fields.Contains("SyndicationEnabled")) { web.SyndicationEnabled = SyndicationEnabled; } if (base.Fields.Contains("TreeViewEnabled")) { web.TreeViewEnabled = TreeViewEnabled; } if (base.Fields.Contains("UIVersion")) { web.UIVersion = UIVersion; } if (base.Fields.Contains("UIVersionConfigurationEnabled")) { web.UIVersionConfigurationEnabled = UIVersionConfigurationEnabled; } if (base.Fields.Contains("AssociatedMemberGroup")) { web.AssociatedMemberGroup = AssociatedMemberGroup.Read(); } if (base.Fields.Contains("AssociatedOwnerGroup")) { web.AssociatedOwnerGroup = AssociatedOwnerGroup.Read(); } if (base.Fields.Contains("AssociatedVisitorGroup")) { web.AssociatedVisitorGroup = AssociatedVisitorGroup.Read(); } web.Update(); Identity.Refresh(); web.Refresh(); WriteObject(web); } }