private static void test_notify_url() { var configuration = new Configuration("ENVOTIONS", "Envo6183"); var smsClient = new SMSClient(configuration); { var smsRequest = new SMSRequest("ABC", "InfobipDeliveryReport" + DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(), new string[] { "+886921859698" }); smsRequest.NotifyURL = ""; smsRequest.CallbackData = "InfobipDeliveryReport"; SendMessageResult sendMessageResult = smsClient.SmsMessagingClient.SendSMS(smsRequest); // requestId = messageId; string requestId = sendMessageResult.ClientCorrelator; // you can use this to get deliveryReportList later. Console.WriteLine(requestId); } { var smsRequest = new SMSRequest("ABC", "InfobipDeliveryReportRawBody" + DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(), new string[] { "+886921859698" }); smsRequest.NotifyURL = ""; smsRequest.CallbackData = "InfobipDeliveryReportRawBody"; SendMessageResult sendMessageResult = smsClient.SmsMessagingClient.SendSMS(smsRequest); // requestId = messageId; string requestId = sendMessageResult.ClientCorrelator; // you can use this to get deliveryReportList later. Console.WriteLine(requestId); } }
public static void Execute() { // Configure in the 'app.config' which Logger levels are enabled(all levels are enabled in the example) // Check for more informations about the log4net configuration XmlConfigurator.Configure(new FileInfo("OneApiExamples.exe.config")); // Initialize Configuration object Configuration configuration = new Configuration(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("Username"), System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("Password")); // Initialize SMSClient using the Configuration object SMSClient smsClient = new SMSClient(configuration); smsClient.HlrClient.QueryHLRAsync(address, (roaming, e) => { if (e == null) { Console.WriteLine(roaming); } else { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } }); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { // Step #1 is create an API client object using credential obtained from SMSClient api_obj = new SMSClient(22421, "39fec6acw3sh3b28a981cf5551a"); //########################################################################## // HOW SEND AN SMS TEXT MESSAGE //########################################################################## int pid = api_obj.send_sms("1535453343", "Hello testing"); Console.WriteLine("PID: " + pid.ToString()); //########################################################################## // HOW CHECK ACCOUNT BALANCE //########################################################################## Console.WriteLine("Balance: " + api_obj.get_balance); //########################################################################## // HOW CHECK SMS PROCESSING STATUS //########################################################################## Console.WriteLine("Status for pid 2343454: " + api_obj.get_sms_status(2343454)); Console.ReadLine(); }
public static string SendSMS(string recipientPhone, string message) { string senderAddress = "KW-IRS"; string username = "******"; string password = "******"; Configuration configuration = new Configuration(username, password); SMSClient smsClient = new SMSClient(configuration); try { LoginResponse loginResponse = smsClient.CustomerProfileClient.Login(); if (loginResponse.Verified == false) { throw new Exception("SMS gateway user credentials is not verified!"); } } catch (RequestException ex) { throw new Exception(ex.Message); } SMSRequest smsRequest = new SMSRequest(senderAddress, message, recipientPhone); // Store request id because we can later query for the delivery status with it: string requestId = smsClient.SmsMessagingClient.SendSMS(smsRequest).ToString(); return(requestId); }
public async System.Threading.Tasks.Task MakeSMSRequestWithFilter() { var request = new SMSClient(new AndroidSMSAdapter()); //fill in a real date here var date = 1454703049063; //var date = DateTime.Now.ToUnixTimeSeconds(); //IF USING EMULATOR //open a console //connect via telnet to the running emulator: telnet localhost 5554(you can find the portnumber in the title of the emulator) //type this: sms send senderPhoneNumber textmessage //IF USING PHYSICAL DEVICE //send yourself a text message now var resultsTask = request.GetDataPoints(date.ToString()); var results = await resultsTask; Assert.True(results.Count() == 1); var result = results.Single(); Assert.NotNull(result.Item2["address"]); Assert.NotNull(result.Item2["body"]); Assert.NotNull(result.Item2["date"]); }
private bool SendSMS(string[] toPhoneNumbers, string content) { var setting = this.Context.WebSite.SiteDb().CoreSetting.GetSetting <ChinaMobileSMSSetting>(); if (setting == null || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(setting.ecName) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(setting.apId) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(setting.secretKey) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(setting.sign)) { throw new Exception("China Mobile SMS service not configured"); } var smsConfig = new SMSConfig { EcName = setting.ecName, ApId = setting.apId, SecretKey = setting.secretKey, Sign = setting.sign }; var smsClient = new SMSClient(smsConfig); var smsResult = smsClient.SendAsync(toPhoneNumbers, content).Result; if (smsResult.IsFailure) { throw new Exception(smsResult.Message); } return(true); }
public static void Execute() { // Configure in the 'app.config' which Logger levels are enabled(all levels are enabled in the example) // Check for more informations about the log4net configuration XmlConfigurator.Configure(new FileInfo("OneApiExamples.exe.config")); // Initialize Configuration object Configuration configuration = new Configuration(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("Username"), System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("Password")); // Initialize SMSClient using the Configuration object SMSClient smsClient = new SMSClient(configuration); // Send SMS smsClient.SmsMessagingClient.SendSMS(new SMSRequest(senderAddress, message, recipientAddress)); // Wait for 30 seconds to give enought time for the message to be delivered System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(30000); // Get 'Delivery Reports' DeliveryReportList deliveryReportList = smsClient.SmsMessagingClient.GetDeliveryReports(); Console.WriteLine(deliveryReportList); }
public void Case3() { string senderAddress = SendMessageRule.DefaultSenderAddress; string message = "message4"; var recipientAddress = new string[] { "+886921859698" }; string requestId = ""; var configuration = new Configuration("ENVOTIONS", "Envo6183"); // Initialize SMSClient using the Configuration object var SMSClient = new SMSClient(configuration); // Send SMS var result = SMSClient.SmsMessagingClient.SendSMS(new SMSRequest(senderAddress, message, recipientAddress)); requestId = result.ClientCorrelator; //requestId = "1430206446300481957"; // Wait for 30 seconds to give enought time for the message to be delivered System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(30000); // Get 'Delivery Reports' DeliveryReportList deliveryReportList = SMSClient.SmsMessagingClient.GetDeliveryReportsByRequestId(requestId); Console.WriteLine(deliveryReportList); }
public static void Execute() { // Configure in the 'app.config' which Logger levels are enabled(all levels are enabled in the example) // Check for more informations about the log4net configuration XmlConfigurator.Configure(new FileInfo("OneApiExamples.exe.config")); // Initialize Configuration object Configuration configuration = new Configuration(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("Username"), System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("Password")); // Initialize SMSClient using the Configuration object SMSClient smsClient = new SMSClient(configuration); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.Write("Currency Code: "); string currencyCode = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Write("Account Key: "); string accountKey = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Write("Description: "); string description = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Write("Ammount: "); decimal ammount = Convert.ToDecimal(Console.ReadLine()); var result = smsClient.CustomerProfileClient.AddClientFunds(currencyCode, accountKey, description, ammount); Console.WriteLine(result.ToString()); Console.WriteLine(); }
public static void Execute() { // Configure in the 'app.config' which Logger levels are enabled(all levels are enabled in the example) // Check for more informations about the log4net configuration XmlConfigurator.Configure(new FileInfo("OneApiExamples.exe.config")); // example:initialize-sms-client Configuration configuration = new Configuration(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("Username"), System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("Password")); SMSClient smsClient = new SMSClient(configuration); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // example:prepare-message-without-notify-url SMSRequest smsRequest = new SMSRequest(senderAddress, message, recipientAddress); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // example:send-message // Store request id because we can later query for the delivery status with it: SendMessageResult sendMessageResult = smsClient.SmsMessagingClient.SendSMS(smsRequest); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Few seconds later we can check for the sending status System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(10000); // example:query-for-delivery-status DeliveryInfoList deliveryInfoList = smsClient.SmsMessagingClient.QueryDeliveryStatus(senderAddress, sendMessageResult.ClientCorrelator); string deliveryStatus = deliveryInfoList.DeliveryInfos[0].DeliveryStatus; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Console.WriteLine(deliveryStatus); }
public static void Execute() { // Configure in the 'app.config' which Logger levels are enabled(all levels are enabled in the example) // Check for more informations about the log4net configuration XmlConfigurator.Configure(new FileInfo("OneApiExamples.exe.config")); // Initialize Configuration object Configuration configuration = new Configuration(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("Username"), System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("Password")); // Initialize SMSClient using the Configuration object SMSClient smsClient = new SMSClient(configuration); // Add listener(start push server and wait for the 'Inbound Message Notifications') smsClient.SmsMessagingClient.AddPushInboundMessageNotificationsListener(new InboundMessageNotificationsListener((smsMessageList) => { // Handle pushed 'Inbound Message Notification' Console.WriteLine(smsMessageList); })); // Store 'Inbound Message Notifications' subscription id because we can later remove subscription with it: string subscriptionId = smsClient.SmsMessagingClient.SubscribeToInboundMessagesNotifications(new SubscribeToInboundMessagesRequest(destinationAddress, notifyUrl, criteria, notificationFormat, "", "")); // Wait 30 seconds for 'Inbound Message Notification' push-es before removing subscription and closing the server connection System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(30000); // Remove 'Inbound Message Notifications' subscription smsClient.SmsMessagingClient.RemoveInboundMessagesNotificationsSubscription(subscriptionId); // Remove 'Inbound Message Notifications' push listeners and stop the server smsClient.SmsMessagingClient.RemovePushInboundMessageNotificationsListeners(); }
public static void Execute() { // Configure in the 'app.config' which Logger levels are enabled(all levels are enabled in the example) // Check for more informations about the log4net configuration XmlConfigurator.Configure(new FileInfo("OneApiExamples.exe.config")); // Initialize Configuration object Configuration configuration = new Configuration(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("Username"), System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("Password")); // Initialize SMSClient using the Configuration object SMSClient smsClient = new SMSClient(configuration); SMSRequest smsRequest = new SMSRequest(senderAddress, message, recipientAddress); smsRequest.Language = new Language(LanguageCode.Default); // smsRequest.Language = new Language(LanguageCode.Turkish, true, false); smsClient.SmsMessagingClient.SendSMSAsync(smsRequest, (sendMessageResult, e) => { if (e == null) { Console.WriteLine(sendMessageResult); } else { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } }); }
public static void Execute() { // Configure in the 'app.config' which Logger levels are enabled(all levels are enabled in the example) // Check for more informations about the log4net configuration XmlConfigurator.Configure(new FileInfo("OneApiExamples.exe.config")); // Initialize Configuration object Configuration configuration = new Configuration(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("Username"), System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("Password")); // Initialize SMSClient using the Configuration object SMSClient smsClient = new SMSClient(configuration); String response = null; while (response == null || !"1".Equals(response)) { // Send USSD and wait for the answer InboundSMSMessage inboundMessage = smsClient.UssdClient.SendMessage(destination, message); response = inboundMessage.Message; } // Send message and stop USSD session smsClient.UssdClient.StopSession(destination, "Cool"); }
private void sendButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.toTextBox.Text) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.msgTextBox.Text)) { var sms = new SMSClient(); try { this.Enabled = false; this.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor; if (!sms.Send(this.toTextBox.Text, this.msgTextBox.Text)) { FormManager.Alert("Wystapił bład w trakcie wysyłania SMSa"); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } finally { this.Cursor = Cursors.Default; this.Enabled = true; } } }
public static void Execute() { // Configure in the 'app.config' which Logger levels are enabled(all levels are enabled in the example) // Check for more informations about the log4net configuration XmlConfigurator.Configure(new FileInfo("OneApiExamples.exe.config")); // Initialize Configuration object Configuration configuration = new Configuration(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("Username"), System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("Password")); // Initialize SMSClient using the Configuration object SMSClient smsClient = new SMSClient(configuration); // Add listener(start retriever and pull 'Inbound Messages') smsClient.SmsMessagingClient.AddPullInboundMessageListener(new InboundMessageListener((smsMessageList, e) => { // Handle pulled 'Inbound Messages' if (e == null) { Console.WriteLine(smsMessageList); } else { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } })); // Wait 30 seconds for the 'Inbound Messages' before stop the retriever System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(30000); // Remove 'Inbound Messages' pull listeners and stop the retriever smsClient.SmsMessagingClient.RemovePullInboundMessageListeners(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!Power("supplier_smsconfig", "手机短信设置")) { PageReturnMsg = PageNoPowerMsg(); } B_BaseConfig_Supplier bconfig = new B_BaseConfig_Supplier(); //model = bconfig.LoadConfig(); model = ShopCache.GetBaseConfig_Supplier(; SMS_password = model.SMS_password; try { if (model.SMS_server == "0" && model.SMS_state == "1") { smsClient = new SMSClient("", Convert.ToInt32(model.SMS_serverport), model.SMS_user, model.SMS_password); account = smsClient.getBalance(); } } catch { } if (SMS_password != "") { SMS_password = "******"; } }
public ContactEditorViewModel(IMapper mapper, IRegionManager regionManager, SMSClient smsClient, IEventAggregator eventAggregator) { _mapper = mapper; _regionManager = regionManager; _smsClient = smsClient; _eventAggregator = eventAggregator; }
/// <summary> /// Constructor /// </summary> /// <param name="SMSCli">Instance of smsclictr.automation.SMSClient</param> /// <example> /// C#: /// <code> /// using System; /// using System.Collections.Generic; /// using System.Text; /// using smsclictr.automation; /// /// namespace ConsoleApplication1 /// { /// class Program /// { /// static void Main(string[] args) /// { /// SMSClient oClient = new SMSClient("smsserver"); /// CCMSetup oCCMSetup = new CCMSetup(oClient); /// } /// } /// } /// </code> /// </example> public CCMSetup(SMSClient SMSCli) { if (SMSCli != null) { oSMSClient = SMSCli; oWMIProvider = SMSCli.Connection; sHostname = oWMIProvider.mScope.Path.Server; } }
public static void Execute() { // Configure in the 'app.config' which Logger levels are enabled(all levels are enabled in the example) // Check for more informations about the log4net configuration XmlConfigurator.Configure(new FileInfo("OneApiExamples.exe.config")); // Initialize Configuration object Configuration configuration = new Configuration(username, password); // Initialize SMSClient using the Configuration object SMSClient smsClient = new SMSClient(configuration); try { // Login sms client LoginResponse loginResponse = smsClient.CustomerProfileClient.Login(); if (loginResponse.Verified == false) { Console.WriteLine("User is not verified!"); return; } } catch (RequestException e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); return; } // Send SMS smsClient.SmsMessagingClient.SendSMSAsync(new SMSRequest(senderAddress, message, recipientAddress), (requestId, e) => { if (e == null) { // Get 'Delivery Reports' smsClient.SmsMessagingClient.GetDeliveryReportsAsync((deliveryReportList, e1) => { if (e1 == null) { Console.WriteLine(deliveryReportList); // Logout sms client smsClient.CustomerProfileClient.Logout(); } else { Console.WriteLine(e1.Message); } }); } else { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } }); }
public static void Execute() { Configuration configuration = new Configuration(); SMSClient smsClient = new SMSClient(configuration); // example:on-mo InboundSMSMessageList inboundSMSMessageList = smsClient.SmsMessagingClient.ConvertJsonToInboundSMSMessageNotification(JSON); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Console.WriteLine(inboundSMSMessageList); }
public static void Execute() { Configuration configuration = new Configuration(); SMSClient smsClient = new SMSClient(configuration); // example:on-roaming-status RoamingNotification roamingNotification = smsClient.HlrClient.ConvertJsonToHLRNotification(JSON); //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Console.WriteLine(roamingNotification); }
public void Case1_() { string userName = "******"; string password = "******"; string requestId = "1428275602020481488"; var configuration = new Configuration(userName, password); var SMSClient = new SMSClient(configuration); var deliveryReportList = SMSClient.SmsMessagingClient.GetDeliveryReportsByRequestId(requestId); }
public static void Execute() { Configuration configuration = new Configuration(); SMSClient smsClient = new SMSClient(configuration); // example:on-delivery-notification DeliveryInfoNotification deliveryInfoNotification = smsClient.SmsMessagingClient.ConvertJsonToDeliveryInfoNotification(JSON); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Console.WriteLine(deliveryInfoNotification); }
private void Send(Message message) { var smsClient = new SMSClient() { Username = "", // your Gateway username Password = "", // your Gateway passord PrimaryGateway = "", // the Gateway URL SecondaryGateway = "", // backup Gatetway URL }; smsClient.Messages.Add(0, message); smsClient.SendMessages(); }
public async virtual Task <IHttpActionResult> AuthUserValidateCode(string userName, string token, [FromBody] AuthUserValidateCodeModel authUserValidateCodeModel) { var tenantId = authUserValidateCodeModel.TenantId; var phone = authUserValidateCodeModel.Phone; var communityId = authUserValidateCodeModel.CommunityId; var code = authUserValidateCodeModel.Code; base.AuthUser(); using (CurrentUnitOfWork.SetTenantId(tenantId)) { var homeOwerUser = await _homeOwerUserManager.GetHomeOwerUserByUserName(userName); var homeOwer = await _homeOwerManager.GetHomeOwerByNameAndPhoneAndCommunityId(communityId, phone); if (homeOwerUser == null) { throw ErrorCodeTypeUtils.ThrowError(ErrorCodeType.HomeOwerUserNotExists); } if (homeOwer == null) { throw ErrorCodeTypeUtils.ThrowError(ErrorCodeType.HomeOwerNotExists); } else if (homeOwer.Status == EHomeOwerStatusType.Done) { throw ErrorCodeTypeUtils.ThrowError(ErrorCodeType.HomeOwerUserIsExists); } else { //验证验证码是否正确 SMSClient smsClient = new SMSClient(); var response = smsClient.Verify(homeOwer.ValidateCode, code); if (response.Status == "0") { homeOwerUser.HomeOwerId = homeOwer.Id; homeOwerUser.CommunityId = homeOwer.CommunityId; homeOwerUser.TenantId = tenantId; homeOwer.ValidateCode = string.Empty; homeOwer.Status = EHomeOwerStatusType.Waiting; await _homeOwerUserManager.UpdateAsync(homeOwerUser); await _homeOwerManager.UpdateAsync(homeOwer); return(Ok(new { HomeOwer = AutoMapper.Mapper.Map <HomeOwerDto>(homeOwer), Community = AutoMapper.Mapper.Map <CommunityDto>(homeOwer.FlatNumbers.First().Building.Community) })); } else { throw ErrorCodeTypeUtils.ThrowError(ErrorCodeType.ValidateCodeError); } } } }
protected bool SendSMS(string number, string message) { SMSServiceConfiguration config = new SMSServiceDAO().GetSMSConfig(); SMSClientConfiguration clientConfig = new SMSClientConfiguration() { Username = config.Username , Password = config.Password , TestOnly = config.IsTest , Sender = config.Sender }; SMSClient client = new SMSClient(clientConfig); return(client.Send(number, message, config.IsFlash)); }
public void GetDeliveryReport(string requestId) { using (var smsClient = new SMSClient(userName, password)) { SMS_LOG SMS_LOG = smsClient.GetDeliveryStatus(requestId, string.Empty); this.logService.Debug("Every8dSmsProvider(smsProviderType = {0}),接收簡訊發送結果(簡訊發送識別碼:{1},發送結果:{2})", smsProviderType.ToString(), requestId, SMS_LOG.ToString()); UpdateDb(requestId, SMS_LOG); } }
public virtual IHttpActionResult ValidateCode(string requestId, string code) { SMSClient smsClient = new SMSClient(); var response = smsClient.Verify(requestId, code); if (response.Status == "0") { return(Ok()); } else { throw ErrorCodeTypeUtils.ThrowError(ErrorCodeType.SMSSendCodeError, response.ErrorText); } }
public virtual IHttpActionResult SendValidateCode(string from, string countryCode, string to) { SMSClient smsClient = new SMSClient(); var response = smsClient.SendVerify(from, countryCode + to); if (response.Status == "0") { return(Ok(new { requestId = response.RequestId })); } else { throw ErrorCodeTypeUtils.ThrowError(ErrorCodeType.SMSSendCodeError, response.ErrorText); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { const string accessKeyId = "AAAA"; // 用户的Access Key ID const string secretAccessKey = "BBBB"; // 用户的Secret Access Key var config = new SMSBceClientConfiguration(accessKeyId, secretAccessKey); var client = new SMSClient(config); var req = new SendSMSRequest(); req.Mobile = "13xxxxxxx"; req.SignatureId = "sms-sign-xxxx"; req.Template = "sms-tmpl-xxxxx"; req.ContentVar.Add("code", "8888"); //模板变量 client.SendSMS(req); }
public static void Execute() { // Configure in the 'app.config' which Logger levels are enabled(all levels are enabled in the example) // Check for more informations about the log4net configuration XmlConfigurator.Configure(new FileInfo("OneApiExamples.exe.config")); // Initialize Configuration object Configuration configuration = new Configuration(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("Username"), System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("Password")); // Initialize SMSClient using the Configuration object SMSClient smsClient = new SMSClient(configuration); CustomerProfile[] customerProfiles = smsClient.CustomerProfileClient.GetClients(); Console.WriteLine(string.Join("Customer Profile: ", customerProfiles.Select <CustomerProfile, string>(cProfile => cProfile != null ? cProfile.ToString() : "{}").ToArray())); Console.WriteLine(); }