/// <summary>
        /// 发送奖期查询后续业务逻辑
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="returnMsg"></param>
        private void OnSendSuccess(string returnMsg)
            var xdoc = XDocument.Parse(returnMsg);
            var q    = xdoc.Descendants("issue").FirstOrDefault();

            if (q == null)
                throw new Common.ElectronicException("XML数据分析错误,未找到节点【issue】");
            var attrs = q.Attributes().ToDictionary(t => t.Name.LocalName);

            #region db logic
            var t_Isuses = new SLS.Dal.Tables.T_Isuses();

            string lotoid    = null;
            string issue     = null;
            string starttime = null;
            string endtime   = null;
            string bonuscode = null;
            string status    = null;
            int    LotteryID = 0;
            string IssueName = null;
            string WinNumber = null;

            var sunlotto = new SLS.Common.EtSunLotto();

                lotoid    = attrs[SunlotXmlDefin.LotoId].Value;
                issue     = attrs[SunlotXmlDefin.Issue].Value;
                starttime = attrs[SunlotXmlDefin.StartTime].Value;
                endtime   = attrs[SunlotXmlDefin.EndTime].Value;
                status    = attrs[SunlotXmlDefin.Status].Value;
                LotteryID = sunlotto.GetSystemLotteryID(lotoid);
                IssueName = sunlotto.ConvertIntoSystemIssue(lotoid, issue);
            catch (Exception e) {
                base.WriteLog("奖期查询/通知属性分析错误 : " + e.Message);

            if (attrs.ContainsKey(SunlotXmlDefin.BonusCode))
                bonuscode = attrs[SunlotXmlDefin.BonusCode].Value;
                WinNumber = sunlotto.ConverToSystemLottoNum(lotoid, bonuscode);
            if ((LotteryID < 1) || (String.IsNullOrEmpty(issue)))
                base.WriteLog(lotoid + " : 期号 " + issue + " 错误");

            long IssueID = 0;
            if (t_Isuses.GetCount("LotteryID = " + LotteryID.ToString() + " and [Name] = '" + Shove._Web.Utility.FilteSqlInfusion(IssueName) + "'") < 1)
                DateTime _StartTime = DateTime.Now;
                DateTime _EndTime   = DateTime.Now;

                try {
                    _StartTime = DateTime.ParseExact(starttime, "yyyyMMddhhmmss", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);
                    _EndTime   = DateTime.ParseExact(endtime, "yyyyMMddhhmmss", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);
                catch {
                    base.WriteLog(LotteryID.ToString() + " : 期号 " + IssueID.ToString() + " 时间错误");
                string ReturnDescription = "";
                if (SLS.Dal.Procedures.P_IsuseAdd(ConnectString, LotteryID, IssueName, _StartTime, _EndTime, "", ref IssueID, ref ReturnDescription) < 0)
                    base.WriteLog(LotteryID.ToString() + " : 期号 " + IssueID.ToString() + " 新增错误");

                if (IssueID < 0)
                    base.WriteLog(LotteryID.ToString() + " : 期号 " + IssueID.ToString() + " 错误");

            var dtIssue = t_Isuses.Open(ConnectString
                                        , "ID, State, WinLotteryNumber"
                                        , "LotteryID = " + LotteryID.ToString() + " and [Name] = '" + Shove._Web.Utility.FilteSqlInfusion(IssueName) + "' and LotteryID  in (select id from T_Lotteries where PrintOutType = 301)"
                                        , "");

            if ((dtIssue == null) || (dtIssue.Rows.Count < 1))

            if (status == IssueState.Drawing)
                int    ReturnValue      = -1;
                string ReturnDescprtion = "";

                int Result = SLS.Dal.Procedures.P_ElectronTicketAgentSchemeQuash(ConnectString, Shove._Convert.StrToLong(dtIssue.Rows[0]["ID"].ToString(), 0), ref ReturnValue, ref ReturnDescprtion);
                if (Result < 0)
                    //new Log("ElectronTicket\\SunLotto").Write("电子票方案撤单错误_P_ElectronTicketAgentSchemeQuash : " + IssueID.ToString());
                    base.WriteLog("电子票方案撤单错误_P_ElectronTicketAgentSchemeQuash : " + IssueID.ToString());
            else if (status == IssueState.Open)

            bool isHasUpdate = false;

            if (dtIssue.Rows[0]["State"].ToString() != status)
                isHasUpdate = true;

            if (isHasUpdate)
                int    ReturnValue      = -1;
                string ReturnDescprtion = "";

                int Result = SLS.Dal.Procedures.P_IsuseUpdate(ConnectString
                                                              , LotteryID
                                                              , Shove._Web.Utility.FilteSqlInfusion(IssueName)
                                                              , Shove._Convert.StrToShort(status, 1)
                                                              , Shove._Convert.StrToDateTime(starttime, DateTime.Now.ToString())
                                                              , Shove._Convert.StrToDateTime(endtime, DateTime.Now.ToString())
                                                              , DateTime.Now
                                                              , WinNumber
                                                              , ref ReturnValue
                                                              , ref ReturnDescprtion);

                if (Result < 0)

                if (ReturnValue < 0)
Beispiel #2
    // 接收奖期通知
    private void IsuseNotice(string TransMessage)
        XmlDocument XmlDoc = new XmlDocument();
        //XmlNodeList nodes = null;
        XmlNodeList nodesIssue = null;

            XmlDoc.Load(new StringReader(TransMessage));
            //nodes = XmlDoc.GetElementsByTagName("");
            nodesIssue = XmlDoc.GetElementsByTagName("issue");
        catch {

        if (nodesIssue == null)

        DAL.Tables.T_Isuses t_Isuses = new DAL.Tables.T_Isuses();

        for (int j = 0; j < nodesIssue.Count; j++)
            string lotoid    = null;
            string issue     = null;
            string starttime = null;
            string endtime   = null;
            string bonuscode = null;
            string status    = null;
            int    LotteryID = 0;
            string IssueName = null;
            string WinNumber = null;
            var    sunlotto  = new SLS.Common.EtSunLotto();
                lotoid    = nodesIssue[j].Attributes["lotoid"].Value;
                issue     = nodesIssue[j].Attributes["issue"].Value;
                starttime = nodesIssue[j].Attributes["starttime"].Value;
                endtime   = nodesIssue[j].Attributes["endtime"].Value;
                status    = nodesIssue[j].Attributes["status"].Value;
                LotteryID = sunlotto.GetSystemLotteryID(lotoid);
                IssueName = sunlotto.ConvertIntoSystemIssue(lotoid, issue);
            catch (Exception e) {
                new Log("ElectronTicket\\SunLotto").Write(nodesIssue[j].Value + " 错误 : " + e.Message);
            if (nodesIssue[j].Attributes.Count == 6)
                    bonuscode = nodesIssue[j].Attributes["bonuscode"].Value;
                    WinNumber = sunlotto.ConverToSystemLottoNum(lotoid, bonuscode);
                catch {
                    new Log("ElectronTicket\\SunLotto").Write(nodesIssue[j].Value + " 错误");
            if ((LotteryID < 1) || (String.IsNullOrEmpty(issue)))
                new Log("ElectronTicket\\SunLotto").Write(lotoid + " : 期号 " + issue + " 错误");
            long IssueID = 0;
            if (t_Isuses.GetCount("LotteryID = " + LotteryID.ToString() + " and [Name] = '" + Shove._Web.Utility.FilteSqlInfusion(IssueName) + "'") < 1)
                DateTime _StartTime = DateTime.Now;
                DateTime _EndTime   = DateTime.Now;

                    _StartTime = DateTime.ParseExact(starttime, "yyyyMMddhhmmss", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);
                    _EndTime   = DateTime.ParseExact(endtime, "yyyyMMddhhmmss", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);
                catch {
                    new Log("ElectronTicket\\SunLotto").Write(LotteryID.ToString() + " : 期号 " + IssueID.ToString() + " 时间错误");
                string ReturnDescription = "";

                if (DAL.Procedures.P_IsuseAdd(LotteryID, IssueName, _StartTime, _EndTime, "", ref IssueID, ref ReturnDescription) < 0)
                    new Log("ElectronTicket\\SunLotto").Write(LotteryID.ToString() + " : 期号 " + IssueID.ToString() + " 新增错误");

                if (IssueID < 0)
                    new Log("ElectronTicket\\SunLotto").Write(LotteryID.ToString() + " : 期号 " + IssueID.ToString() + " 错误");

            DataTable dtIssue = t_Isuses.Open("ID, State, WinLotteryNumber", "LotteryID = " + LotteryID.ToString() + " and [Name] = '" + Shove._Web.Utility.FilteSqlInfusion(IssueName) + "' and LotteryID  in (select id from T_Lotteries where PrintOutType = 301)", "");

            if ((dtIssue == null) || (dtIssue.Rows.Count < 1))

            if (status == "4")
                int    ReturnValue      = -1;
                string ReturnDescprtion = "";

                int Result = DAL.Procedures.P_ElectronTicketAgentSchemeQuash(Shove._Convert.StrToLong(dtIssue.Rows[0]["ID"].ToString(), 0), ref ReturnValue, ref ReturnDescprtion);
                if (Result < 0)
                    new Log("ElectronTicket\\SunLotto").Write("电子票方案撤单错误_P_ElectronTicketAgentSchemeQuash : " + IssueID.ToString());

            bool isHasUpdate = false;

            if (dtIssue.Rows[0]["State"].ToString() != status)
                isHasUpdate = true;

             * if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(WinNumber) && (dtIssue.Rows[0]["WinLotteryNumber"].ToString() != WinNumber))
             * {
             *  if (LotteryID == SLS.Lottery.SHSSL.ID)
             *  {
             *      DataTable dtWinTypes = new DAL.Tables.T_WinTypes().Open("", "LotteryID =" + LotteryID.ToString(), "");
             *      double[] WinMoneyList = new double[dtWinTypes.Rows.Count * 2];
             *      for (int k = 0; k < dtWinTypes.Rows.Count; k++)
             *      {
             *          WinMoneyList[k * 2] = Shove._Convert.StrToDouble(dtWinTypes.Rows[k]["DefaultMoney"].ToString(), 1);
             *          WinMoneyList[k * 2 + 1] = Shove._Convert.StrToDouble(dtWinTypes.Rows[k]["DefaultMoneyNoWithTax"].ToString(), 1);
             *      }
             *      DataTable dtChaseTaskDetails = new DAL.Tables.T_ChaseTaskDetails().Open("", "IsuseID=" + dtIsuse.Rows[0]["ID"].ToString() + " and SchemeID IS NOT NULL", "");
             *      for (int k = 0; k < dtChaseTaskDetails.Rows.Count; k++)
             *      {
             *          string LotteryNumber = dtChaseTaskDetails.Rows[k]["LotteryNumber"].ToString();
             *          string Description = "";
             *          double WinMoneyNoWithTax = 0;
             *          double WinMoney = new SLS.Lottery()[LotteryID].ComputeWin(LotteryNumber, WinNumber, ref Description, ref WinMoneyNoWithTax, int.Parse(dtChaseTaskDetails.Rows[k]["PlayTypeID"].ToString()), WinMoneyList);
             *          if (WinMoney < 1)
             *          {
             *              continue;
             *          }
             *          int ReturnValue = -1;
             *          string ReturnDescprtion = "";
             *          int Result = DAL.Procedures.P_ChaseTaskStopWhenWin(Shove._Convert.StrToLong(dtChaseTaskDetails.Rows[k]["SiteID"].ToString(), 1), Shove._Convert.StrToLong(dtChaseTaskDetails.Rows[k]["SchemeID"].ToString(), 0), WinMoney, ref ReturnValue, ref ReturnDescprtion);
             *          if (Result < 0)
             *          {
             *              new Log("ElectronTicket\\HPSH").Write("电子票撤销追号错误_P_ChaseTaskStopWhenWin。");
             *          }
             *      }
             *  }
             * }
            //if (isHasUpdate)
            //    int ReturnValue = -1;
            //    string ReturnDescprtion = "";

            //    int Result = DAL.Procedures.P_IsuseUpdate(LotteryID, Shove._Web.Utility.FilteSqlInfusion(IssueName), Shove._Convert.StrToShort(status, 1), , endtime, DateTime.Now, WinNumber, ref ReturnValue, ref ReturnDescprtion);

            //    if (Result < 0)
            //    {
            //        new Log("ElectronTicket\\HPSH").Write("电子票更新期号P_IsuseEdit。");
            //    }

            //    if (ReturnValue < 0)
            //    {
            //        new Log("ElectronTicket\\HPSH").Write(ReturnDescprtion);
            //    }
Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// 发送奖期查询后续业务逻辑
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="returnMsg"></param>
        private void OnSendSuccess(string returnMsg)
            var xdoc = XDocument.Parse(returnMsg);
            var q = xdoc.Descendants("issue").FirstOrDefault();
            if (q == null)
                throw new Common.ElectronicException("XML数据分析错误,未找到节点【issue】");
            var attrs = q.Attributes().ToDictionary(t => t.Name.LocalName);

            #region db logic
            var t_Isuses = new SLS.Dal.Tables.T_Isuses();

            string lotoid = null; 
            string issue = null; 
            string starttime = null; 
            string endtime = null;
            string bonuscode = null;
            string status = null; 
            int LotteryID = 0;
            string IssueName = null;
            string WinNumber = null;

            var sunlotto = new SLS.Common.EtSunLotto();

                lotoid = attrs[SunlotXmlDefin.LotoId].Value;
                issue = attrs[SunlotXmlDefin.Issue].Value;
                starttime = attrs[SunlotXmlDefin.StartTime].Value;
                endtime = attrs[SunlotXmlDefin.EndTime].Value;
                status = attrs[SunlotXmlDefin.Status].Value;
                LotteryID = sunlotto.GetSystemLotteryID(lotoid);
                IssueName = sunlotto.ConvertIntoSystemIssue(lotoid, issue);
            catch (Exception e){                    
                base.WriteLog("奖期查询/通知属性分析错误 : " + e.Message); 

            if (attrs.ContainsKey(SunlotXmlDefin.BonusCode))
                bonuscode = attrs[SunlotXmlDefin.BonusCode].Value;
                WinNumber = sunlotto.ConverToSystemLottoNum(lotoid, bonuscode);
            if ((LotteryID < 1) || (String.IsNullOrEmpty(issue)))
                base.WriteLog(lotoid + " : 期号 " + issue + " 错误");                      

            long IssueID = 0;
            if (t_Isuses.GetCount("LotteryID = " + LotteryID.ToString() + " and [Name] = '" + Shove._Web.Utility.FilteSqlInfusion(IssueName) + "'") < 1)
                DateTime _StartTime = DateTime.Now;
                DateTime _EndTime = DateTime.Now;

                try {
                    _StartTime = DateTime.ParseExact(starttime, "yyyyMMddhhmmss", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);
                    _EndTime = DateTime.ParseExact(endtime, "yyyyMMddhhmmss", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);
                catch {
                    base.WriteLog(LotteryID.ToString() + " : 期号 " + IssueID.ToString() + " 时间错误");
                string ReturnDescription = "";
                if (SLS.Dal.Procedures.P_IsuseAdd(ConnectString, LotteryID, IssueName, _StartTime, _EndTime, "", ref IssueID, ref ReturnDescription) < 0)
                    base.WriteLog(LotteryID.ToString() + " : 期号 " + IssueID.ToString() + " 新增错误");

                if (IssueID < 0)                    
                    base.WriteLog(LotteryID.ToString() + " : 期号 " + IssueID.ToString() + " 错误");

            var dtIssue = t_Isuses.Open(ConnectString
                ,"ID, State, WinLotteryNumber"
                , "LotteryID = " + LotteryID.ToString() + " and [Name] = '" + Shove._Web.Utility.FilteSqlInfusion(IssueName) + "' and LotteryID  in (select id from T_Lotteries where PrintOutType = 301)"
                , "");

            if ((dtIssue == null) || (dtIssue.Rows.Count < 1)) {
            if (status == IssueState.Drawing) {
                int ReturnValue = -1;
                string ReturnDescprtion = "";

                int Result = SLS.Dal.Procedures.P_ElectronTicketAgentSchemeQuash(ConnectString, Shove._Convert.StrToLong(dtIssue.Rows[0]["ID"].ToString(), 0), ref ReturnValue, ref ReturnDescprtion);
                if (Result < 0)
                    //new Log("ElectronTicket\\SunLotto").Write("电子票方案撤单错误_P_ElectronTicketAgentSchemeQuash : " + IssueID.ToString());
                    base.WriteLog("电子票方案撤单错误_P_ElectronTicketAgentSchemeQuash : " + IssueID.ToString());
            else if (status == IssueState.Open) { 

            bool isHasUpdate = false;

            if (dtIssue.Rows[0]["State"].ToString() != status)
                isHasUpdate = true;

            if (isHasUpdate) {
                int ReturnValue = -1;
                string ReturnDescprtion = "";

                int Result = SLS.Dal.Procedures.P_IsuseUpdate(ConnectString
                    , LotteryID
                    , Shove._Web.Utility.FilteSqlInfusion(IssueName)
                    , Shove._Convert.StrToShort(status, 1)
                    , Shove._Convert.StrToDateTime(starttime, DateTime.Now.ToString())
                    , Shove._Convert.StrToDateTime(endtime, DateTime.Now.ToString())
                    , DateTime.Now
                    , WinNumber
                    , ref ReturnValue
                    , ref ReturnDescprtion);

                if (Result < 0)

                if (ReturnValue < 0)