Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Анимация счета за уничтожение цепочки
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="chain">Уничтожаемая цепочка.</param>
        private void AnimateScore(GemList chain)
            SKSpriteNode firstGem = chain.GetFirstGem().Sprite;
            SKSpriteNode lastGem  = chain.GetLastGem().Sprite;

            CGPoint centerPoint = new CGPoint(
                (firstGem.Position.X + lastGem.Position.X) / 2,
                (firstGem.Position.Y + lastGem.Position.Y) / 2 - 8);

            SKLabelNode scoreLabel = new SKLabelNode("GillSans-BoldItalic")
                FontSize  = 16,
                Text      = chain.GetScore() + "",
                Position  = centerPoint,
                ZPosition = 300


            SKAction moveAction = SKAction.MoveBy(0, 3, 0.7);

            //.Move(by: CGVector(dx: 0, dy: 3), duration: 0.7)
            moveAction.TimingMode = SKActionTimingMode.EaseOut;
            scoreLabel.RunAction(SKAction.Sequence(moveAction, SKAction.RemoveFromParent()));
		public ResultsScreen (CGSize size) : base (size)
			var timeLabel = new SKLabelNode ("GillSans-Bold") {
				Text = "Time: " + GameInfo.GameTimeInSeconds,
				FontSize = 24,
				Position = new CGPoint (FrameMidX, FrameMidY + 120)
			var modeLabel = new SKLabelNode ("GillSans-Bold") {
				Text = "Mode: " + GameInfo.GameMode,
				FontSize = 24,
				Position = new CGPoint (FrameMidX, FrameMidY + 60)
			var scoreLabel = new SKLabelNode ("GillSans-Bold") {
				Text = "Score: " + GameInfo.CurrentTaps,
				FontSize = 30,
				Position = new CGPoint (FrameMidX, FrameMidY)
			doneButton = new SKLabelNode ("GillSans-Bold") {
				Text = "Done",
				FontSize = 24,
				FontColor = ButtonColor,
				Position = new CGPoint (FrameMidX, FrameMidY - 90)
			AddChild (timeLabel);
			AddChild (modeLabel);
			AddChild (scoreLabel);
			AddChild (doneButton);
		// Queries the root node for the expected nodes.
		internal GameNodes (SCNNode sceneRoot)
			Object = sceneRoot.FindChildNode ("teapot", true);
			if (Object == null)
				throw new InvalidProgramException ();

			ObjectMaterial = Object.Geometry?.FirstMaterial;
			if (ObjectMaterial == null)
				throw new InvalidProgramException ();

			Confetti = sceneRoot.FindChildNode ("particles", true);
			if (Confetti == null)
				throw new InvalidProgramException ();

			Camera = sceneRoot.FindChildNode ("camera", true).Camera;
			if (Camera == null)
				throw new InvalidProgramException ();

			CountdownLabel = new SKLabelNode ("Chalkduster") {
				HorizontalAlignmentMode = SKLabelHorizontalAlignmentMode.Center

			CongratulationsLabel = new SKLabelNode ("Chalkduster") {
				FontColor = GameColors.DefaultFont,
				Text = "You Win!",
				FontSize = 45
Beispiel #4
        public InGameScene(CGSize size) : base(size)
            BackgroundColor = AppKit.NSColor.FromCalibratedRgba(0.15f, 0.15f, 0.3f, 1f);

            timeLabel = LabelWithText("Time", 24);

            CGRect af = timeLabel.CalculateAccumulatedFrame();

            timeLabel.Position = new CGPoint(Frame.Size.Width - af.Size.Width, Frame.Size.Height - (af.Size.Height));

            timeLabelValue = LabelWithText("102:00", 20);
            CGRect timeLabelValueSize = timeLabelValue.CalculateAccumulatedFrame();

            timeLabelValue.Position = new CGPoint(Frame.Size.Width - af.Size.Width - timeLabelValueSize.Size.Width - 10, Frame.Size.Height - af.Size.Height);

            scoreLabel = LabelWithText("Score", 24);
            af = scoreLabel.CalculateAccumulatedFrame();
            scoreLabel.Position = new CGPoint(af.Size.Width * 0.5f, Frame.Size.Height - af.Size.Height);

            scoreLabelValue = LabelWithText("0", 24);
            scoreLabelValue.Position = new CGPoint(af.Size.Width * 0.75f + (timeLabelValueSize.Size.Width), Frame.Size.Height - af.Size.Height);

            // Add drop shadows to each label above.
            timeLabelValueShadow = DropShadowOnLabel(timeLabelValue);
            timeLabelShadow      = DropShadowOnLabel(timeLabel);

            scoreLabelShadow      = DropShadowOnLabel(scoreLabel);
            scoreLabelValueShadow = DropShadowOnLabel(scoreLabelValue);
        public override void DidMoveToView(SKView view)
            this.BackgroundColor = UIColor.Black;
            AddChild(new SKLabelNode("Chalkduster")
                Text     = "NAWAGAMISAMA",
                FontSize = 40,
                Position = new CGPoint(Frame.Width / 2, Frame.Height - 50)

            var w = View.Frame.Width / 3;

            _kumaSize   = new CGSize(w, w);
            _effectSize = new CGSize(w + 100, w + 100);

            _kumaList = new ArrayList();
            for (var y = 0; y < 3; y++)
                for (var x = 0; x < 3; x++)
                    _kumaList.Add(new Kuma(this, new CGPoint(x * w, y * w + 150), _kumaSize));

            _scoreLabel = new SKLabelNode("Chalkduster")
                FontSize = 50,
                Position = new CGPoint(Frame.Width / 2, 50)
        public ResultsScreen(CGSize size) : base(size)
            var timeLabel = new SKLabelNode("GillSans-Bold")
                Text     = "Time: " + GameInfo.GameTimeInSeconds,
                FontSize = 24,
                Position = new CGPoint(FrameMidX, FrameMidY + 120)
            var modeLabel = new SKLabelNode("GillSans-Bold")
                Text     = "Mode: " + GameInfo.GameMode,
                FontSize = 24,
                Position = new CGPoint(FrameMidX, FrameMidY + 60)
            var scoreLabel = new SKLabelNode("GillSans-Bold")
                Text     = "Score: " + GameInfo.CurrentTaps,
                FontSize = 30,
                Position = new CGPoint(FrameMidX, FrameMidY)

            doneButton = new SKLabelNode("GillSans-Bold")
                Text      = "Done",
                FontSize  = 24,
                FontColor = ButtonColor,
                Position  = new CGPoint(FrameMidX, FrameMidY - 90)
        private void Win()
            state = State.Win;
            var background = new SKShapeNode();
            var p          = new CGPath();

            p.MoveToPoint(0, 0);
            p.AddLineToPoint(40 * 19, 0);
            p.AddLineToPoint(40 * 19, 40 * 13);
            p.AddLineToPoint(0, 40 * 13);
            p.AddLineToPoint(0, 0);
            background.Path      = p;
            background.FillColor = NSColor.FromCalibratedRgba(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.7f);

            var label = new SKLabelNode("Arial");

            label.Text                    = "Win";
            label.FontColor               = NSColor.FromCalibratedRgb(0.0f, 0.502f, 0.0f);
            label.FontSize                = 40;
            label.Position                = new CGPoint(40 * 19 / 2, 40 * 13 / 2);
            label.VerticalAlignmentMode   = SKLabelVerticalAlignmentMode.Center;
            label.HorizontalAlignmentMode = SKLabelHorizontalAlignmentMode.Center;
Beispiel #8
        public Hud(GameController controller)
            this.controller = controller;

            HPBar = new LineBar(
                controller, new CGPoint(160, controller.Scene.Size.Height - 50), NSColor.Orange)
                StrTemplate = "HP:"

            ShieldsBar = new LineBar(
                controller, new CGPoint(160, controller.Scene.Size.Height - 100), NSColor.Purple)
                StrTemplate = "Shields:"

            ScoreLabel = new SKLabelNode
                FontColor = NSColor.White,
                FontName  = "Arial",
                FontSize  = 20,
                Text      = $"Score: {controller.PlayerScore}",
                ZPosition = 1,
                Position  = new CGPoint(HPBar.Label.Position.X + 200, HPBar.Label.Position.Y)

Beispiel #9
		public InGameScene (CGSize size) : base (size)
			BackgroundColor = AppKit.NSColor.FromCalibratedRgba (0.15f, 0.15f, 0.3f, 1f);

			timeLabel = LabelWithText ("Time", 24);
			AddChild (timeLabel);

			CGRect af = timeLabel.CalculateAccumulatedFrame ();
			timeLabel.Position = new CGPoint (Frame.Size.Width - af.Size.Width, Frame.Size.Height - (af.Size.Height));

			timeLabelValue = LabelWithText ("102:00", 20);
			AddChild (timeLabelValue);
			CGRect timeLabelValueSize = timeLabelValue.CalculateAccumulatedFrame ();
			timeLabelValue.Position = new CGPoint (Frame.Size.Width - af.Size.Width - timeLabelValueSize.Size.Width - 10, Frame.Size.Height - af.Size.Height);

			scoreLabel = LabelWithText ("Score", 24);
			AddChild (scoreLabel);
			af = scoreLabel.CalculateAccumulatedFrame ();
			scoreLabel.Position = new CGPoint (af.Size.Width * 0.5f, Frame.Size.Height - af.Size.Height);

			scoreLabelValue = LabelWithText ("0", 24);
			AddChild (scoreLabelValue);
			scoreLabelValue.Position = new CGPoint (af.Size.Width * 0.75f + (timeLabelValueSize.Size.Width), Frame.Size.Height - af.Size.Height);

			// Add drop shadows to each label above.
			timeLabelValueShadow = DropShadowOnLabel (timeLabelValue);
			timeLabelShadow = DropShadowOnLabel (timeLabel);

			scoreLabelShadow = DropShadowOnLabel (scoreLabel);
			scoreLabelValueShadow = DropShadowOnLabel (scoreLabelValue);
Beispiel #10
        void InitializeGameView()
            currentScore           = new SKLabelNode("ArialRoundedMTBold");
            currentScore.ZPosition = 1;
            currentScore.Position  = new CGPoint(
                x: Frame.GetMidX(),
                y: Frame.GetMidY() + (Frame.Size.Height / -2f) + 60);
            currentScore.FontSize  = 20;
            currentScore.Hidden    = true;
            currentScore.Text      = "Score: 0";
            currentScore.FontColor = UIColor.White;

            var width  = Frame.Size.Width - 94;
            var height = Frame.Size.Height - 106;
            var rect   = new CGRect(
                x: Frame.GetMidX() - width / 2f,
                y: Frame.GetMidY() - height / 2f + 40,
                width: width,
                height: height);

            gameBG           = SKShapeNode.FromRect(rect: rect, cornerRadius: 0.02f);
            gameBG.FillColor = UIColor.DarkGray;
            gameBG.ZPosition = 2;
            gameBG.Hidden    = true;

            CreateGameBoard(width: width, height: height);
        public void setupFailedScreen()

            var fLabel = new SKLabelNode {
                FontName  = "GillSans-Bold",
                FontColor = UIColor.White,
                FontSize  = 40,
                Position  = new CGPoint(Size.Width / 2, Size.Height - 150),
                Text      = "You Lose!",

            var tLabel = new SKLabelNode {
                FontName  = "GillSans-Bold",
                FontSize  = 25,
                FontColor = UIColor.White,
                Position  = new CGPoint(Size.Width / 2, Size.Height / 2),
                Text      = "Time to beat: " + GameObj.ToBeatScore,


Beispiel #12
        public void ShowScanAction()
            var size = base.Size;

            _scanText1 = new SKLabelNode("AppleSDGothicNeo-Regular")
                Text     = "Move your phone",
                FontSize = 30,
                Position = new CGPoint(size.Width / 2, 100),
                Color    = UIColor.White,

            _scanText2 = new SKLabelNode("AppleSDGothicNeo-Regular")
                Text     = "to find a surface",
                FontSize = 30,
                Position = new CGPoint(size.Width / 2, 70),
                Color    = UIColor.White,

            _phone          = SKSpriteNode.FromImageNamed("phone_scaled");
            _phone.Position = new CGPoint(size.Width / 2, 190);

            var circle        = UIBezierPath.FromRoundedRect(new CGRect(new CGPoint(size.Width / 2 - 20, 190), new CGSize(40, 40)), 20);
            var moveAlongPath = SKAction.RepeatActionForever(SKAction.FollowPath(circle.CGPath, false, false, 2.0));



            ScanActionShowing  = true;
            ScanActionFinished = false;
        public LeaderboardScoresScreen(CGSize size) : base(size)
            SKLabelNode title = new SKLabelNode("GillSans-Bold")
                Text     = GameInfo.CurrentLeaderBoard.Title,
                FontSize = 14,
                Position = new CGPoint(FrameMidX, FrameMidY + 190)

            var podiumSprite = SKSpriteNode.FromTexture(SKTexture.FromImageNamed("Images/Podium.png"));

            podiumSprite.Position = new CGPoint(FrameMidX, FrameMidY + 50);

            backButton = new SKLabelNode("GillSans-Bold")
                Text      = "Back",
                FontSize  = 18,
                FontColor = ButtonColor,
                Position  = new CGPoint(FrameMidX, FrameMidY - 200)

            if (GKLocalPlayer.LocalPlayer.Authenticated)

        void DisplayScore(GKScore score, int rank, GKPlayer player)
            CGPoint[] podiumPositions = new CGPoint[] {
                new CGPoint(0, 100),
                new CGPoint(-84, 75),
                new CGPoint(84, 50)

            CGPoint currentPoint = podiumPositions [rank];

            SKLabelNode scoreLabel = new SKLabelNode("GillSans-Bold")
                Text     = score.FormattedValue,
                FontSize = 14,
                Position = new CGPoint(FrameMidX + currentPoint.X, FrameMidY + currentPoint.Y - 32)

            player.LoadPhoto(GKPhotoSize.Small, delegate(UIImage photo, NSError error) {
                if (photo == null)
                    photo = UIImage.FromFile("Images/DefaultPlayerPhoto.png");
                var image      = SKSpriteNode.FromTexture(SKTexture.FromImage(photo), new CGSize(32, 32));
                image.Position = new CGPoint(FrameMidX + currentPoint.X, FrameMidY + currentPoint.Y + 16);

Beispiel #15
        void updateHUDFor(Player player)
            int         playerIndex = players.IndexOf(player);
            SKLabelNode label       = hudScores [playerIndex];

            label.Text = string.Format("SCORE: {0}", player.Score);
        public LeaderboardsScreen(CGSize size) : base(size)
            leaderboardButtons = new List <SKLabelNode> ();

            var title = new SKLabelNode("GillSans-Bold")
                Text     = "Leaderboards",
                FontSize = 30,
                Position = new CGPoint(FrameMidX, FrameMidY + 190)

            backButton = new SKLabelNode("GillSans-Bold")
                Text      = "Back",
                FontSize  = 18,
                FontColor = ButtonColor,
                Position  = new CGPoint(FrameMidX, FrameMidY - 200)

            if (GKLocalPlayer.LocalPlayer.Authenticated)

Beispiel #17
        public Slider(int width, int height, string text) : base()
            // create a label
            var fontName = "Optima-ExtraBlack";

            this.label           = SKLabelNode.FromFont(fontName);
            this.label.Text      = text;
            this.label.FontSize  = 18;
            this.label.FontColor = SKColor.White;
            this.label.Position  = new CGPoint(0f, -8f);

            // create background & slider
            this.background             = new SKSpriteNode(SKColor.White, new CGSize(width, 2f));
            this.slider                 = SKShapeNode.FromCircle(height);
            this.slider.FillColor       = SKColor.White;
            this.background.AnchorPoint = new CGPoint(0f, 0.5f);

            this.slider.Position     = new CGPoint(this.label.Frame.Size.Width / 2f + 15f, 0f);
            this.background.Position = new CGPoint(this.label.Frame.Size.Width / 2f + 15f, 0f);

            // add to the root node

            // track mouse event
            base.UserInteractionEnabled = true;
            this.Value = 0f;
Beispiel #18
		public AchievementsScreen (SizeF size) : base (size)
			var title = new SKLabelNode ("GillSans-Bold") {
				Text = "Achievements",
				FontSize = 30,
				Position = new PointF (FrameMidX, FrameMidY + 200)

			backButton = new SKLabelNode ("GillSans-Bold") {
				Text = "Back",
				FontSize = 18,
				FontColor = ButtonColor,
				Position = new PointF (FrameMidX, FrameMidY - 200)

			var incompleteLabel = new SKLabelNode ("GillSans-Bold") {
				Text = "Incomplete",
				FontSize = 18,
				Position = new PointF (FrameMidX + 75, FrameMidY + 150)

			var completeLabel = new SKLabelNode ("GillSans-Bold") {
				Text = "Complete",
				FontSize = 18,
				Position = new PointF (FrameMidX - 75, FrameMidY + 150)

			if (GKLocalPlayer.LocalPlayer.Authenticated)
				GKAchievementDescription.LoadAchievementDescriptions (LoadAchievementInfo);

			AddChild (title);
			AddChild (incompleteLabel);
			AddChild (completeLabel);
			AddChild (backButton);
        public override void DidMoveToView(SKView view)
            var messageLabel = new SKLabelNode
                Text      = $"You {(isWin ? "win" : "loose")}",
                FontName  = "Arial",
                FontSize  = 40,
                FontColor = NSColor.Black,
                Position  = new CGPoint(Size.Width / 2, Size.Height - 100),
                ZPosition = 1

            var PressAnykeyLabel = new SKLabelNode
                Text      = $"Press any key for restart",
                FontName  = "Arial",
                FontSize  = 40,
                FontColor = NSColor.Black,
                Position  = new CGPoint(Size.Width / 2, 100),
                ZPosition = 1

        public LineBar(GameController controller, CGPoint position, NSColor color)
            this.controller = controller;
            this.position   = position;
            this.color      = color;

            MaxLineWidth  = 300;
            MaxlineHeigth = 10;

            Line           = SKShapeNode.FromRect(new CGSize(MaxLineWidth, MaxlineHeigth));
            Line.FillColor = color;
            Line.Position  = position;
            Line.ZPosition = 1;

            Border             = SKShapeNode.FromRect(new CGSize(MaxLineWidth, MaxlineHeigth));
            Border.StrokeColor = NSColor.Black;
            Border.Position    = position;
            Border.ZPosition   = 1;

            Label = new SKLabelNode
                FontColor = NSColor.White,
                FontName  = "Arial",
                FontSize  = 20,
                Text      = "txt",
                ZPosition = 1

            Label.Position = new CGPoint(
                Line.Position.X, Line.Position.Y + Label.FontSize / 2);

            controller.Scene.AddNodes(Line, Border, Label);
Beispiel #21
        public LeaderboardSetsScreen(SizeF size) : base(size)
            leaderboardSetButtons = new List <SKLabelNode> ();

            SKLabelNode title = new SKLabelNode("GillSans-Bold")
                Text     = "Leaderboards Sets",
                FontSize = 30,
                Position = new PointF(FrameMidX, FrameMidY + 190)

            backButton = new SKLabelNode("GillSans-Bold")
                Text      = "Back",
                FontSize  = 18,
                FontColor = ButtonColor,
                Position  = new PointF(FrameMidX, FrameMidY - 200)

            if (GKLocalPlayer.LocalPlayer.Authenticated)

Beispiel #22
        public MainMenu(SizeF size) : base(size)
            var title = new SKLabelNode("GillSans-Bold")
                Text     = "Button Tapper",
                FontSize = 30f,
                Position = new PointF(FrameMidX, FrameMidY + 60)

            startButton = new SKLabelNode("GillSans-Bold")
                Text      = "Start Game",
                FontSize  = 18,
                FontColor = ButtonColor,
                Position  = new PointF(FrameMidX, FrameMidY)

            gameCenterButton = new SKLabelNode("GillSans-Bold")
                Text      = "Game Center",
                FontSize  = 18,
                FontColor = ButtonColor,
                Position  = new PointF(FrameMidX, FrameMidY - 60)

            gameStatsButton = new SKLabelNode("GillSans-Bold")
                Text      = "Game Stats",
                FontSize  = 18,
                FontColor = ButtonColor,
                Position  = new PointF(FrameMidX, FrameMidY - 120)

            challengeFriendsButton = new SKLabelNode("GillSans-Bold")
                Text      = "Challenge Friends",
                FontSize  = 18,
                FontColor = ButtonColor,
                Position  = new PointF(FrameMidX, FrameMidY - 180)

            playChallengeButton = new SKLabelNode("GillSans-Bold")
                Text      = "Play Challenge",
                FontSize  = 18,
                FontColor = ButtonColor,
                Position  = new PointF(FrameMidX, FrameMidY - 240)


Beispiel #23
        public PauseMenu(CGSize frameSize)
            myLabel          = InGameScene.LabelWithText("Resume", 65);
            myLabel.Position = new CGPoint(Frame.GetMidX(), Frame.GetMidY());

            Position = new CGPoint(frameSize.Width * 0.5f, frameSize.Height * 0.5f);
Beispiel #24
        public void textScaling(SKLabelNode scaled)
            var up = SKAction.ScaleBy(1.2f, 0.8f);
            //var down = SKAction.ScaleBy (0.8f, 0.5f);
            var seq  = SKAction.Sequence(new SKAction[] { up, up.ReversedAction });        //({up,down});
            var fort = SKAction.RepeatActionForever(seq);

Beispiel #25
		public PauseMenu (CGSize frameSize)
			myLabel = InGameScene.LabelWithText ("Resume", 65);
			myLabel.Position = new CGPoint (Frame.GetMidX (), Frame.GetMidY ());

			Position = new CGPoint (frameSize.Width * 0.5f, frameSize.Height * 0.5f);
			AddChild (myLabel);
			InGameScene.DropShadowOnLabel (myLabel);
 public static SKLabelNode AddDescription(this SKNode self, string description, PointF position)
     SKLabelNode label = new SKLabelNode ("Helvetica") {
         Text = description,
         FontSize = 18,
         Position = position
     self.AddChild (label);
     return label;
 public override void DidMoveToView(SKView view)
     // Setup your scene here
     player = new Player(Frame.Width, Frame.Height);
     infoLabel      = CreateInfoLabel();
     scoreLabel     = CreateScoreLabel();
     highscoreLabel = CreateHighscoreLabel();
     PhysicsWorld.DidBeginContact += DidBeginContact;
        void LoadAchievementInfo(GKAchievementDescription[] descriptions, NSError error)
            if (descriptions == null)

            GKAchievement.LoadAchievements(delegate(GKAchievement[] achievements, NSError err) {
                int completeOffset   = 0;
                int incompleteOffset = 0;

                foreach (var description in descriptions)
                    bool completed = false;
                    foreach (var achievement in achievements)
                        if (description.Identifier == achievement.Identifier)
                            completed |= achievement.Completed;

                    int xOffset = completed ? -75 : 75;
                    int yOffset = completed ? completeOffset : incompleteOffset;

                    var achievementLabel = new SKLabelNode("GillSans-Bold")
                        Text     = description.Title,
                        FontSize = 10,
                        Position = new CGPoint(FrameMidX + xOffset, FrameMidY + 50 + yOffset + 25)

                    description.LoadImage(delegate(UIImage image, NSError imageError) {
                        if (image == null)
                            image = UIImage.FromFile("Images/DefaultPlayerPhoto.png");
                        var sprite      = SKSpriteNode.FromTexture(SKTexture.FromImage(image), new CGSize(32, 32));
                        sprite.Position = new CGPoint(FrameMidX + xOffset, FrameMidY + 50 + yOffset + 50);

                    if (completed)
                        completeOffset -= 50;
                        incompleteOffset -= 50;
Beispiel #29
        public static SKLabelNode DropShadowOnLabel(SKLabelNode frontLabel)
            SKLabelNode myLabelBackground = (SKLabelNode)frontLabel.Copy();

            myLabelBackground.UserInteractionEnabled = false;
            myLabelBackground.FontColor = AppKit.NSColor.Black;
            myLabelBackground.Position  = new CGPoint(2 + frontLabel.Position.X, -2 + frontLabel.Position.Y);
            myLabelBackground.ZPosition = frontLabel.ZPosition - 1;
Beispiel #30
        public override void DidMoveToView(SKView view)
            // Setup your scene here
            var myLabel = SKLabelNode.FromFont("Trebuchet MS");

            myLabel.Text     = "Starting..";
            myLabel.FontSize = 44;
            myLabel.Position = new CGPoint(Frame.GetMidX(), Frame.GetMidY());

Beispiel #31
        public override void DidMoveToView(SKView view)
            // Setup your scene here
            var myLabel = SKLabelNode.FromFont("Chalkduster");

            myLabel.Text     = "Hello, World!";
            myLabel.FontSize = 65;
            myLabel.Position = new CGPoint(Frame.GetMidX(), Frame.GetMidY());

Beispiel #32
        public static SKLabelNode LabelWithText(string text, int textSize)
            string      fontName = "Optima-ExtraBlack";
            SKLabelNode myLabel  = new SKLabelNode(fontName);

            myLabel.Text      = text;
            myLabel.FontSize  = textSize;
            myLabel.FontColor = AppKit.NSColor.Yellow;

Beispiel #33
        public override void DidMoveToView(SKView view)
            // Setup your scene here
            var myLabel = new SKLabelNode("Chalkduster")
                Text     = "Hello, World!",
                FontSize = 65,
                Position = new CGPoint(Frame.Width / 2, Frame.Height / 2)

        private SKLabelNode CreateHighscoreLabel()
            var label = new SKLabelNode("Chalkduster")
                ZPosition = 1,
                FontSize  = 30,
                Position  = new CGPoint(Frame.Width / 2, Frame.Height - 50)

Beispiel #35
        public static SKLabelNode AddDescription(this SKNode self, string description, CGPoint position)
            SKLabelNode label = new SKLabelNode("Helvetica")
                Text     = description,
                FontSize = 18,
                Position = position

		public MainMenu (CGSize size) : base (size)
			var title = new SKLabelNode ("GillSans-Bold") {
				Text = "Button Tapper",
				FontSize = 30f,
				Position = new CGPoint (FrameMidX, FrameMidY + 60)

			startButton = new SKLabelNode ("GillSans-Bold") {
				Text = "Start Game",
				FontSize = 18,
				FontColor = ButtonColor,
				Position = new CGPoint (FrameMidX, FrameMidY)

			gameCenterButton = new SKLabelNode ("GillSans-Bold") {
				Text = "Game Center",
				FontSize = 18,
				FontColor = ButtonColor,
				Position = new CGPoint (FrameMidX, FrameMidY - 60)

			gameStatsButton = new SKLabelNode ("GillSans-Bold") {
				Text = "Game Stats",
				FontSize = 18,
				FontColor = ButtonColor,
				Position = new CGPoint (FrameMidX, FrameMidY - 120)

			challengeFriendsButton = new SKLabelNode ("GillSans-Bold") {
				Text = "Challenge Friends",
				FontSize = 18,
				FontColor = ButtonColor,
				Position = new CGPoint (FrameMidX, FrameMidY - 180)

			playChallengeButton = new SKLabelNode ("GillSans-Bold") {
				Text = "Play Challenge",
				FontSize = 18,
				FontColor = ButtonColor,
				Position = new CGPoint (FrameMidX, FrameMidY - 240)

			SetupChallenge ();

			AddChild (title);
			AddChild (startButton);
			AddChild (gameCenterButton);
			AddChild (gameStatsButton);
			AddChild (challengeFriendsButton);
			AddChild (playChallengeButton);
        private SKLabelNode CreateInfoLabel()
            var label = new SKLabelNode("Chalkduster")
                Text      = INFO_LABEL_TEXT,
                ZPosition = 1,
                FontSize  = 30,
                Position  = new CGPoint(Frame.Width / 2, Frame.Height - 200)

Beispiel #38
        public MyScene(CGSize size)
            : base(size)
            // Setup your scene here
            BackgroundColor = new UIColor (0.15f, 0.15f, 0.3f, 1.0f);

            var myLabel = new SKLabelNode ("Chalkduster") {
                Text = "Hello, World!",
                FontSize = 30,
                Position = new CGPoint (Frame.Width / 2, Frame.Height / 2)

            AddChild (myLabel);
		public MainGame (CGSize size) : base (size)
			rand = new Random ();

			GameInfo.CurrentTaps = 0;

			gameTimer = NSTimer.CreateScheduledTimer (GameInfo.GameTimeInSeconds, async (t) => {
				gameTimer = null;
				await TimerDone ();

			tickTimer = NSTimer.CreateRepeatingScheduledTimer (1.0, async delegate {
				GameInfo.CurrentTicks --;
				if (GameInfo.CurrentTicks < 0) {
					GameInfo.CurrentTicks = 0;
					await TimerDone ();

			button = new SKLabelNode ("GillSans-Bold") {
				Text = "Tap Me!",
				FontSize = 18,
				FontColor = ButtonColor,
				Position = new CGPoint (FrameMidX, FrameMidY)

			clicksLabel = new SKLabelNode ("AvenirNext-Bold") {
				Text = GameInfo.CurrentTaps.ToString (),
				FontSize = 45,
				Position = new CGPoint (FrameMidX, FrameMidY - 120)

			timerLabel = new SKLabelNode ("HelveticaNeue-CondensedBlack") {
				Text = GameInfo.CurrentTicks.ToString (),
				FontSize = 45,
				Position = new CGPoint (FrameMidX, FrameMidY + 120)

			AddChild (button);
			AddChild (clicksLabel);
			AddChild (timerLabel);
Beispiel #40
        public MyScene(SizeF size)
            : base(size)
            lua.LoadCLRPackage ();
            lua.DoString ("import ('SpriteLua') import ('System')");

            Player.MainScene = this;
            // Setup your scene here
            BackgroundColor = new UIColor (0.15f, 0.15f, 0.3f, 1.0f);

            var myLabel = new SKLabelNode ("Chalkduster") {
                Text = "NLua!",
                FontSize = 30,

            myLabel.Position = new PointF (Frame.X + Frame.Width / 2, Frame.Y + Frame.Height / 2);

            AddChild (myLabel);
Beispiel #41
		public StatsScreen (SizeF size) : base (size)
			BackgroundColor = UIColor.FromRGBA (0.15f, 0.15f, 0.3f, 1f);

			var title = new SKLabelNode ("GillSans-Bold") {
				Text = "Stats",
				FontSize = 30,
				Position = new PointF (FrameMidX, FrameMidY + 60)

			leaderboardsButton = new SKLabelNode ("GillSans-Bold") {
				Text = "Leaderboards",
				FontSize = 18,
				FontColor = ButtonColor,
				Position = new PointF (FrameMidX, FrameMidY)

			achievementsButton = new SKLabelNode ("GillSans-Bold") {
				Text = "Achievements",
				FontSize = 18,
				FontColor = ButtonColor,
				Position = new PointF (FrameMidX, FrameMidY - 60)

			backButton = new SKLabelNode ("GillSans-Bold") {
				Text = "Back",
				FontSize = 18,
				FontColor = ButtonColor,
				Position = new PointF (FrameMidX, FrameMidY - 200)

			AddChild (title);
			AddChild (leaderboardsButton);
			AddChild (achievementsButton);
			AddChild (backButton);
Beispiel #42
        public void ProcessControllerAction(TVControllerAction item)
            if (map.IsGameOver && item == TVControllerAction.Flag)
                item = TVControllerAction.Tap;

            switch (item) {
            case TVControllerAction.Left:
                if (CurrentX < 0)
                    CurrentX = 0;
            case TVControllerAction.Right:
                if (CurrentX >= map.MapColumns)
                    CurrentX = map.MapColumns - 1;
            case TVControllerAction.Up:
                if (CurrentY < 0)
                    CurrentY = 0;
            case TVControllerAction.Down:
                if (CurrentY >= map.MapRows)
                    CurrentY = map.MapRows - 1;
            case TVControllerAction.Flag:
                var flagResults = map.FlagSpot (CurrentX, CurrentY);

                flagResults.AffectedSpots.ForEach (RedisplaySpot);

                if (flagResults.GameReset) {
                    DisplayMap ();

                MoveCurrentPositionToTop ();
                UpdateLevelDisplay ();

            case TVControllerAction.Tap:
                var actionDetails = map.ClickOnSpot (CurrentX, CurrentY);

                actionDetails.AffectedSpots.ForEach (RedisplaySpot);

                if (actionDetails.GameOver) {
                    RedisplaySpot (new Spot (CurrentX, CurrentY));

                    // Blow up all the spots
                    MakeExplosionAtPoint (new Spot (CurrentX, CurrentY));

                    var allMines = map.GetAllMinesNear (new Spot (CurrentX, CurrentY));
                    allMines.ForEach (MakeExplosionAtPoint);

                    gameOverNode = new SKLabelNode (displayFontGameOver) {
                        Text = "Game Over",
                            Position = new CGPoint(Scene.Frame.GetMidX(), Scene.Frame. GetMidY()),
                        FontColor = UIColor.Blue,
                        FontSize = displayFontSizeGameOver,
                        VerticalAlignmentMode = SKLabelVerticalAlignmentMode.Center,
                        HorizontalAlignmentMode = SKLabelHorizontalAlignmentMode.Center
                        float miniBuffer = 3f;
                    gameOverNode2 = new SKLabelNode (displayFontGameOver) {
                        Text = "Game Over",
                            Position = new CGPoint(gameOverNode.Position.X + miniBuffer, gameOverNode.Position.Y - miniBuffer),
                            FontColor = UIColor.FromRGBA(0.0f, 0f, 0f, 0.25f),
                        FontSize = displayFontSizeGameOver,
                        VerticalAlignmentMode = SKLabelVerticalAlignmentMode.Center,
                        HorizontalAlignmentMode = SKLabelHorizontalAlignmentMode.Center

                    AddChild (gameOverNode2);
                    AddChild (gameOverNode);

                    gameOverNode.RunAction (SKAction.RotateByAngle (
                        (nfloat)(Math.PI / 180) * 720,
                    gameOverNode2.RunAction (SKAction.RotateByAngle (
                        (nfloat)(Math.PI / 180) * 720,

                    currentSpot = null;

                if (actionDetails.GameReset) {
                    DisplayMap ();

                MoveCurrentPositionToTop ();
                UpdateLevelDisplay ();



            currentSpot.RunAction (SKAction.MoveTo (
                GetCellPosition (CurrentX, CurrentY), 0.25
Beispiel #43
		public static SKLabelNode LabelWithText (string text, int textSize)
			string fontName = "Optima-ExtraBlack";
			SKLabelNode myLabel = new SKLabelNode (fontName);

			myLabel.Text = text;
			myLabel.FontSize = textSize;
			myLabel.FontColor = AppKit.NSColor.Yellow;

			return myLabel;
Beispiel #44
        void DisplayMap()
            foreach (var item in spritesForLocation) {
                item.Value.RunAction (SKAction.RemoveFromParent ());
            spritesForLocation.Clear ();

            gameOverNode?.RunAction (SKAction.RemoveFromParent ());
            gameOverNode = null;

            nfloat topTextSpace = 80f;

            cellWidth = Scene.Frame.Width / map.MapColumns;
            cellHeight = (Scene.Frame.Height - topTextSpace) / map.MapRows;

            for (var y = 0; y < map.MapRows; y++)
                for (var x = 0; x < map.MapColumns; x++)
                    // Add the item in the appropriate position
                    var cell = map[x, y];
                    SKSpriteNode sprite = GetSpriteForCell (cell);
                    AddChild (sprite);
                    spritesForLocation [map.LocationForXY (x, y)] = sprite;

            CurrentX = AllLevels.CurrentLevel.StartX;
            CurrentY = AllLevels.CurrentLevel.StartY;

            UpdateCurrentSpot ();

            // Add the text information (Level <number>: <name>)
            if (levelNumber != null) {
                levelNumber.RunAction (SKAction.RemoveFromParent ());
                levelNumber = null;
            if (levelName != null) {
                levelName.RunAction (SKAction.RemoveFromParent ());
                levelName = null;

            levelName = new SKLabelNode (displayFont) {
                Text = map.CurrentLevel.LevelName,
                Position = new CGPoint(GetCellPosition (0, -1).X, Scene.Frame.Height - 33f),
                FontColor = UIColor.Black,
                FontSize = displayFontSize,
                HorizontalAlignmentMode = SKLabelHorizontalAlignmentMode.Left
            AddChild (levelName);

            levelNumber = new SKLabelNode (displayFont) {
                Text = map.CurrentLevel.LevelName,
                Position = new CGPoint(GetCellPosition (map.MapColumns, -1).X / 2, levelName.Position.Y),
                FontColor = UIColor.Black,
                FontSize = displayFontSize,
                HorizontalAlignmentMode = SKLabelHorizontalAlignmentMode.Left
            AddChild (levelNumber);

            UpdateLevelDisplay ();
		public LeaderboardSetsScreen (CGSize size) : base (size)
			leaderboardSetButtons = new List<SKLabelNode> ();

			SKLabelNode title = new SKLabelNode ("GillSans-Bold") {
				Text = "Leaderboards Sets",
				FontSize = 30,
				Position = new CGPoint (FrameMidX, FrameMidY + 190)

			backButton = new SKLabelNode ("GillSans-Bold") {
				Text = "Back",
				FontSize = 18,
				FontColor = ButtonColor,
				Position = new CGPoint (FrameMidX, FrameMidY - 200)

			if (GKLocalPlayer.LocalPlayer.Authenticated)
				GKLeaderboardSet.LoadLeaderboardSets (LoadLeaderboardSets);

			AddChild (title);
			AddChild (backButton);
Beispiel #46
		void LoadLeaderboard (GKLeaderboard[] leaderboards, NSError error)
			this.leaderboards = leaderboards;
			int offset = 0;
			foreach (var leaderboard in leaderboards) {
				SKLabelNode leaderboardButton = new SKLabelNode ("GillSans-Bold") {
					Text = leaderboard.Title,
					FontSize = 18,
					Position = new PointF (FrameMidX, FrameMidY + 125 - offset)
				offset += 50;

				AddChild (leaderboardButton);
				leaderboardButtons.Add (leaderboardButton);
 private void CreateLabel()
     if (Text != "") {
         checkLabel = new SKLabelNode ();
         checkLabel.FontName = "Roboto";
         checkLabel.FontColor = UIColor.White;
         checkLabel.FontSize = 25;
         checkLabel.Position = new CGPoint (75, 20);
         checkLabel.ZPosition = this.Z + 1;
         checkLabel.Text = this.Text;
         checkLabel.HorizontalAlignmentMode = SKLabelHorizontalAlignmentMode.Left;
         checkLabel.Name = this.Name + "Label";
         this.Sprite.AddChild (checkLabel);
Beispiel #48
 // Конструктор по имени
 public BeloteButton(string Name)
     : base(Name)
     ButtonLabel = null;
     enabled = true;
Beispiel #49
		void LoadAchievementInfo (GKAchievementDescription[] descriptions, NSError error)
			if (descriptions == null)

			GKAchievement.LoadAchievements (delegate (GKAchievement[] achievements, NSError err) {
				int completeOffset = 0;
				int incompleteOffset = 0;

				foreach (var description in descriptions) {
					bool completed = false;
					foreach (var achievement in achievements) {
						if (description.Identifier == achievement.Identifier)
							completed |= achievement.Completed;

					int xOffset = completed ? -75 : 75;
					int yOffset = completed ? completeOffset : incompleteOffset;

					var achievementLabel = new SKLabelNode ("GillSans-Bold") {
						Text = description.Title,
						FontSize = 10,
						Position = new PointF (FrameMidX + xOffset, FrameMidY + 50 + yOffset + 25)
					AddChild (achievementLabel);

					description.LoadImage (delegate (UIImage image, NSError imageError) {
						if (image == null)
							image = UIImage.FromFile ("Images/DefaultPlayerPhoto.png");
						var sprite = SKSpriteNode.FromTexture (SKTexture.FromImage (image), new SizeF (32, 32));
						sprite.Position = new PointF (FrameMidX + xOffset, FrameMidY + 50 + yOffset + 50);
						AddChild (sprite);

					if (completed)
						completeOffset -= 50;
						incompleteOffset -= 50;
Beispiel #50
		public void Setup ()
			nfloat w = Bounds.Width;
			nfloat h = Bounds.Height;

			if (w < h) {
				nfloat wTmp = w;
				w = h;
				h = wTmp;

			// Setup the game overlays using SpriteKit
			SKScene skScene = SKScene.FromSize (new CGSize (w, h));
			skScene.ScaleMode = SKSceneScaleMode.ResizeFill;

			overlayGroup = SKNode.Create ();
			skScene.AddChild (overlayGroup);
			overlayGroup.Position = new CGPoint (0f, h);

			// The Max icon
			SKSpriteNode sprite = SKSpriteNode.FromImageNamed ("Images/MaxIcon.png");
			sprite.Position = new CGPoint (50f, -50f);

			overlayGroup.AddChild (sprite);
			sprite.XScale = sprite.YScale = 0.5f;

			for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
				flowers [i] = SKSpriteNode.FromImageNamed ("Images/FlowerEmpty.png");
				flowers [i].Position = new CGPoint (110f + i * 40f, -50f);
				flowers [i].XScale = flowers [i].YScale = 0.25f;
				overlayGroup.AddChild (flowers[i]);

			// The peal icon and count.
			sprite = SKSpriteNode.FromImageNamed ("Images/ItemsPearl.png");
			sprite.Position = new CGPoint (110f, -100f);
			sprite.XScale = sprite.YScale = 0.5f;
			overlayGroup.AddChild (sprite);

			pearlLabel = SKLabelNode.FromFont ("Chalkduster");
			pearlLabel.Text = "x0";
			pearlLabel.Position = new CGPoint (152f, -113f);
			overlayGroup.AddChild (pearlLabel);

			// The D-Pad
			sprite = SKSpriteNode.FromImageNamed ("Images/dpad.png");
			sprite.Position = new CGPoint (100f, 100f);
			sprite.XScale = sprite.YScale = 0.5f;
			skScene.AddChild (sprite);
			padRect = new CGRect (
				(sprite.Position.Y - DPAD_RADIUS) / w,
				1f - (sprite.Position.Y + DPAD_RADIUS) / h,
				2f * DPAD_RADIUS / w,
				2f * DPAD_RADIUS / h

			// Assign the SpriteKit overlay to the SceneKit view.
			OverlayScene = skScene;

			// Setup the pinch gesture
			defaultFov = PointOfView.Camera.XFov;

			var pinch = new UIPinchGestureRecognizer {
				Delegate = this,
				CancelsTouchesInView = false
			pinch.AddTarget (() => PinchWithGestureRecognizer (pinch));

			AddGestureRecognizer (pinch);
Beispiel #51
		void LoadLeaderboardSets (GKLeaderboardSet[] leaderboardSets, NSError error)
			this.leaderboardSets = leaderboardSets;
			if (leaderboardSets == null)

			int offset = 0;
			foreach (var leaderboardSet in leaderboardSets) {
				var leaderboardSetButton = new SKLabelNode ("GillSans-Bold") {
					Text = leaderboardSet.Title,
					FontSize = 18,
					Position = new PointF (FrameMidX, FrameMidY + 125 - offset)
				offset += 50;

				AddChild (leaderboardSetButton);
				leaderboardSetButtons.Add (leaderboardSetButton);
Beispiel #52
		void DisplayScore (GKScore score, int rank, GKPlayer player)
			PointF[] podiumPositions = new PointF[] {
				new PointF (0, 100),
				new PointF (-84, 75),
				new PointF (84, 50)

			PointF currentPoint = podiumPositions [rank];

			SKLabelNode scoreLabel = new SKLabelNode ("GillSans-Bold") {
				Text = score.FormattedValue,
				FontSize = 14,
				Position = new PointF (FrameMidX + currentPoint.X, FrameMidY + currentPoint.Y - 32)

			player.LoadPhoto (GKPhotoSize.Small, delegate (UIImage photo, NSError error) {
				if (photo == null)
					photo = UIImage.FromFile ("Images/DefaultPlayerPhoto.png");
				var image = SKSpriteNode.FromTexture (SKTexture.FromImage (photo), new SizeF (32, 32));
				image.Position = new PointF (FrameMidX + currentPoint.X, FrameMidY + currentPoint.Y + 16);
				AddChild (image);

			AddChild (scoreLabel);
Beispiel #53
		public LeaderboardScoresScreen (SizeF size) : base (size)
			SKLabelNode title = new SKLabelNode ("GillSans-Bold") {
				Text = GameInfo.CurrentLeaderBoard.Title,
				FontSize = 14,
				Position = new PointF (FrameMidX, FrameMidY + 200)

			var podiumSprite = SKSpriteNode.FromTexture (SKTexture.FromImageNamed ("Images/Podium.png"));
			podiumSprite.Position = new PointF (FrameMidX, FrameMidY + 50);

			backButton = new SKLabelNode ("GillSans-Bold") {
				Text = "Back",
				FontSize = 18,
				FontColor = ButtonColor,
				Position = new PointF (FrameMidX, FrameMidY - 200)

			if (GKLocalPlayer.LocalPlayer.Authenticated)
				LoadLeaderboardScoresInfo (GameInfo.CurrentLeaderBoard);

			AddChild (title);
			AddChild (backButton);
			AddChild (podiumSprite);
        public void ShowLabel(string label)
            if (Label == null) {
                Label = SKLabelNode.FromFont ("Myriad Set");
                if (Label == null)
                    Label = SKLabelNode.FromFont ("Avenir-Heavy");
                Label.FontSize = 140;
                Label.Position = new CGPoint (0, 0);

                AddChild (Label);
            } else {
                if (label != null)
                    Label.Position = new CGPoint (0, Size.Height * 0.25f);

            if (label == null) {
                Label.RunAction (SKAction.FadeOutWithDuration (0.5));
            } else {
                #if __IOS__
                if (UIDevice.CurrentDevice.UserInterfaceIdiom == UIUserInterfaceIdiom.Phone)
                    Label.FontSize = label.Length > 10 ? 50 : 80;
                Label.FontSize = label.Length > 10 ? 100 : 140;

                Label.Text = label;
                Label.Alpha = 0.0f;
                Label.RunAction (SKAction.Sequence (new [] {
                    SKAction.WaitForDuration (0.5),
                    SKAction.FadeInWithDuration (0.5)
Beispiel #55
 // Создание надписи на кнопке
 private void CreateButtonLabel()
     if (Text != "") {
         ButtonLabel = new SKLabelNode ();
         ButtonLabel.FontName = FontName;
         ButtonLabel.FontColor = FontColor;
         ButtonLabel.FontSize = FontSize;
         ButtonLabel.Position = new CGPoint (this.Width / 2, (this.Height / 2) - (this.FontSize / 2));
         ButtonLabel.ZPosition = this.Z + 1;
         ButtonLabel.Text = this.Text;
         ButtonLabel.HorizontalAlignmentMode = SKLabelHorizontalAlignmentMode.Center;
         ButtonLabel.Name = this.Name + "Label";
         this.Sprite.AddChild (ButtonLabel);
Beispiel #56
 // Конструирование компонента по заданным свойствам
 public override void ConstructControl()
     base.ConstructControl ();
     Sprite = new SKLabelNode ();
     ((SKLabelNode)Sprite).FontName = FontName;
     ((SKLabelNode)Sprite).FontColor = FontColor;
     ((SKLabelNode)Sprite).FontSize = FontSize;
     ((SKLabelNode)Sprite).Position = new CGPoint (this.X, this.Y);
     ((SKLabelNode)Sprite).ZPosition = this.Z;
     ((SKLabelNode)Sprite).Text = this.Text;
     ((SKLabelNode)Sprite).HorizontalAlignmentMode = HorizontalAlignment;
     Sprite.Name = this.Name;
        public GameSetupMenu(CGSize size)
            : base(size)
            SKLabelNode timeLabel = new SKLabelNode ("GillSans-Bold") {
                Text = "Time",
                FontSize = 24,
                Position = new CGPoint (FrameMidX, FrameMidY + 70)

            SKLabelNode time15Button = new SKLabelNode ("GillSans-Bold") {
                Text = "15",
                FontSize = 14,
                FontColor = UnselectedColor,
                Position = new CGPoint (FrameMidX - 40, FrameMidY + 40)
            SKLabelNode time30Button = new SKLabelNode ("GillSans-Bold") {
                Text = "30",
                FontSize = 14,
                FontColor = UnselectedColor,
                Position = new CGPoint (FrameMidX, FrameMidY + 40)
            SKLabelNode time45Button = new SKLabelNode ("GillSans-Bold") {
                Text = "45",
                FontSize = 14,
                FontColor = UnselectedColor,
                Position = new CGPoint (FrameMidX + 40, FrameMidY + 40)
            timeLabels = new SKLabelNode[] { time15Button, time30Button, time45Button };

            SKLabelNode modeLabel = new SKLabelNode ("GillSans-Bold") {
                Text = "Mode",
                FontSize = 24,
                Position = new CGPoint (FrameMidX, FrameMidY)
            SKLabelNode modeEasyButton = new SKLabelNode ("GillSans-Bold") {
                Text = "Easy",
                FontSize = 14,
                FontColor = UnselectedColor,
                Position = new CGPoint (FrameMidX - 40, FrameMidY - 40)
            SKLabelNode modeHardButton = new SKLabelNode ("GillSans-Bold") {
                Text = "Hard",
                FontSize = 14,
                FontColor = UnselectedColor,
                Position = new CGPoint (FrameMidX + 40, FrameMidY - 40)
            modeLabels = new [] { modeEasyButton, modeHardButton };

            startButton = new SKLabelNode ("GillSans-Bold") {
                Text = "Start!",
                FontSize = 30,
                FontColor = ButtonColor,
                Position = new CGPoint (FrameMidX, FrameMidY - 100)
            backButton = new SKLabelNode ("GillSans-Bold") {
                Text = "Back",
                FontSize = 18,
                FontColor = ButtonColor,
                Position = new CGPoint (FrameMidX, FrameMidY - 200)

            timeLabels [(int)GameInfo.GameTime].FontColor = SelectedColor;
            modeLabels [(int)GameInfo.GameMode].FontColor = SelectedColor;

            GameInfo.ResetGame ();

            AddChild (timeLabel);
            foreach (var button in timeLabels)
                AddChild (button);

            AddChild (modeLabel);
            foreach (var button in modeLabels)
                AddChild (button);

            AddChild (startButton);
            AddChild (backButton);
Beispiel #58
		public PostGameMenu (CGSize frameSize, IGameUIState gameStateDelegate)
			GameStateDelegate = gameStateDelegate;
			nfloat menuHeight = frameSize.Height * 0.8f;
			var background = new SKSpriteNode (AppKit.NSColor.Black, new CGSize (frameSize.Width * 0.8f, menuHeight));

			background.ZPosition = -1;
			background.Alpha = 0.5f;
			background.Position = new CGPoint (0, -0.2f * menuHeight);

			myLabel = InGameScene.LabelWithText ("Final Score", 65);
			myLabel.Position = new CGPoint (Frame.GetMidX (), Frame.GetMidY ());

			Position = new CGPoint (frameSize.Width * 0.5f, frameSize.Height * 0.5f);
			UserInteractionEnabled = true;
			myLabel.UserInteractionEnabled = true;
			AddChild (myLabel);
			InGameScene.DropShadowOnLabel (myLabel);

			var bananaLocation = new CGPoint (frameSize.Width * -0.4f, Frame.GetMidY () * -0.4f);
			var	coinLocation = new CGPoint (frameSize.Width * -0.4f, Frame.GetMidY () * -0.6f);
			var totalLocation = new CGPoint (frameSize.Width * -0.4f, Frame.GetMidY () * -0.8f);
			var bananaScoreLocation = new CGPoint (frameSize.Width * +0.4f, Frame.GetMidY () * -0.4f);
			var coinScoreLocation = new CGPoint (frameSize.Width * +0.4f, Frame.GetMidY () * -0.6f);
			var totalScoreLocation = new CGPoint (frameSize.Width * +0.4f, Frame.GetMidY () * -0.8f);

			bananaText = (SKLabelNode)myLabel.Copy ();
			bananaText.Text = "Bananas";
			bananaText.FontSize = 0.1f * menuHeight;
			bananaText.Scale = 0.8f;
			bananaLocation.X += bananaText.CalculateAccumulatedFrame ().Width * 0.5f + frameSize.Width * 0.1f;
			bananaText.Position = new CGPoint (bananaLocation.X, -2000);
			AddChild (bananaText);
			InGameScene.DropShadowOnLabel (bananaText);

			bananaScore = (SKLabelNode)bananaText.Copy ();
			bananaScore.Text = "000";
			bananaScoreLocation.X -= bananaScore.CalculateAccumulatedFrame ().Width * 0.5f + frameSize.Width * 0.1f;
			bananaScore.Position = new CGPoint (bananaScoreLocation.X, -2000);
			AddChild (bananaScore);

			coinText = (SKLabelNode)bananaText.Copy ();
			coinText.Text = "Large Bananas";
			coinLocation.X += coinText.CalculateAccumulatedFrame ().Width * 0.5f + frameSize.Width * 0.1f;
			coinText.Position = new CGPoint (coinLocation.X, -2000f);
			AddChild (coinText);
			InGameScene.DropShadowOnLabel (coinText);

			coinScore = (SKLabelNode)coinText.Copy ();
			coinScore.Text = "000";
			coinScoreLocation.X -= coinScore.CalculateAccumulatedFrame ().Width * 0.5f + frameSize.Width * 0.1f;
			coinScore.Position = new CGPoint (coinScoreLocation.X, -2000f);
			AddChild (coinScore);

			totalText = (SKLabelNode)bananaText.Copy ();
			totalText.Text = "Total";
			totalLocation.X += totalText.CalculateAccumulatedFrame ().Width * 0.5f + frameSize.Width * 0.1f;
			totalText.Position = new CGPoint (totalLocation.X, -2000f);
			AddChild (totalText);
			InGameScene.DropShadowOnLabel (totalText);

			totalScore = (SKLabelNode)totalText.Copy ();
			totalScore.Text = "000";
			totalScoreLocation.X -= totalScore.CalculateAccumulatedFrame ().Width * 0.5f + frameSize.Width * 0.1f;
			totalScore.Position = new CGPoint (totalScoreLocation.X, -2000f);
			AddChild (totalScore);

			SKAction flyup = SKAction.MoveTo (new CGPoint (frameSize.Width * 0.5f, frameSize.Height - 100), 0.25);
			flyup.TimingMode = SKActionTimingMode.EaseInEaseOut;

			SKAction flyupBananas = SKAction.MoveTo (bananaLocation, 0.25);
			flyupBananas.TimingMode = SKActionTimingMode.EaseInEaseOut;

			SKAction flyupBananasScore = SKAction.MoveTo (bananaScoreLocation, 0.25f);
			flyupBananasScore.TimingMode = SKActionTimingMode.EaseInEaseOut;

			SKAction flyupCoins = SKAction.MoveTo (coinLocation, 0.25);
			flyupCoins.TimingMode = SKActionTimingMode.EaseInEaseOut;

			SKAction flyupCoinsScore = SKAction.MoveTo (coinScoreLocation, 0.25);
			flyupCoinsScore.TimingMode = SKActionTimingMode.EaseInEaseOut;

			SKAction flyupTotal = SKAction.MoveTo (totalLocation, 0.25);
			flyupTotal.TimingMode = SKActionTimingMode.EaseInEaseOut;

			SKAction flyupTotalScore = SKAction.MoveTo (totalScoreLocation, 0.25);
			flyupTotalScore.TimingMode = SKActionTimingMode.EaseInEaseOut;

			int bananasCollected = gameStateDelegate.BananasCollected;
			int coinsCollected = gameStateDelegate.CoinsCollected;
			int totalCollected = bananasCollected + (coinsCollected * 100);

			SKAction countUpBananas = SKAction.CustomActionWithDuration (bananasCollected / 100f, ((node, elapsedTime) => {
				if (bananasCollected > 0) {
					SKLabelNode label = (SKLabelNode)node;
					nint total = (nint)(elapsedTime / (bananasCollected / 100.0f) * bananasCollected);
					label.Text = total.ToString ();
					if (total % 10 == 0)
						GameSimulation.Sim.PlaySound ("deposit.caf");

			SKAction countUpCoins = SKAction.CustomActionWithDuration (coinsCollected / 100f, ((node, elapsedTime) => {
				if (coinsCollected > 0) {
					SKLabelNode label = (SKLabelNode)node;
					nint total = (nint)((elapsedTime / (coinsCollected / 100.0f)) * coinsCollected);
					label.Text = total.ToString ();

					if (total % 10 == 0)
						GameSimulation.Sim.PlaySound ("deposit.caf");

			SKAction countUpTotal = SKAction.CustomActionWithDuration (totalCollected / 500.0f, ((node, elapsedTime) => {
				if (totalCollected > 0) {
					SKLabelNode label = (SKLabelNode)node;
					nint total = (nint)((elapsedTime / (totalCollected / 500.0f)) * totalCollected);
					label.Text = total.ToString ();

					if (total % 25 == 0)
						GameSimulation.Sim.PlaySound ("deposit.caf");

			RunAction (flyup, () => {
				bananaText.RunAction (flyupBananas);
				bananaScore.RunAction (flyupBananasScore, () => {
					bananaScore.RunAction (countUpBananas, () => {
						bananaScore.Text = bananasCollected.ToString ();
						coinText.RunAction (flyupCoins);
						coinScore.RunAction (flyupCoinsScore, () => {
							coinScore.RunAction (countUpCoins, () => {
								coinScore.Text = coinsCollected.ToString ();
								totalText.RunAction (flyupTotal);
								totalScore.RunAction (flyupTotalScore, () => {
									totalScore.RunAction (countUpTotal, () => {
										totalScore.Text = totalCollected.ToString ();
        public MyScene(CGSize size)
            : base(size)
            // Setup your scene here
            BackgroundColor = new UIColor(0.15f, 0.15f, 0.3f, 1.0f);

            var myLabel = new SKLabelNode("Chalkduster")
                Text = "Hello, World!",
                FontSize = 30,
                Position = new CGPoint(Frame.Width / 2, Frame.Height / 2)

            CeilingNode = new SKSpriteNode
                Color = UIColor.Orange,
                Size = new CGSize(Frame.Size.Width, 50),
                Position = new CGPoint(Frame.GetMaxX() / 2, Frame.GetMaxY() - 20),

            CeilingNode.PhysicsBody = SKPhysicsBody.CreateRectangularBody(CeilingNode.Size);
            CeilingNode.PhysicsBody.Dynamic = false;

            FloorNode = new SKSpriteNode
                Color = UIColor.Orange,
                Size = new CGSize(Frame.Size.Width, 50),
                Position = new CGPoint(Frame.GetMaxX() / 2, 20),

            FloorNode.PhysicsBody = SKPhysicsBody.CreateRectangularBody(FloorNode.Size);
            FloorNode.PhysicsBody.Dynamic = false;

            SpaceShip = new SKSpriteNode("Spaceship")
                Position = new CGPoint(Frame.X + 100, Frame.GetMidY()),
                XScale = 0.4f,
                YScale = 0.4f,
            SpaceShip.PhysicsBody = SKPhysicsBody.CreateRectangularBody(SpaceShip.Size);

            var timer = new Timer()
                Enabled = true,
                AutoReset = true,
                Interval = 300
            timer.Elapsed += (sender, args) =>
                var wall1 = new Wall(UIColor.Blue, new CGSize(50, Frame.Height - 100))
                    Position = new CGPoint(Frame.GetMaxX(), Frame.GetMidY())
                wall1.PhysicsBody = SKPhysicsBody.CreateRectangularBody(wall1.Size);

Beispiel #60
		public LeaderboardsScreen (SizeF size) : base (size)
			leaderboardButtons = new List<SKLabelNode> ();

			var title = new SKLabelNode ("GillSans-Bold") {
				Text = "Leaderboards",
				FontSize = 30,
				Position = new PointF (FrameMidX, FrameMidY + 200)

			backButton = new SKLabelNode ("GillSans-Bold") {
				Text = "Back",
				FontSize = 18,
				FontColor = ButtonColor,
				Position = new PointF (FrameMidX, FrameMidY - 200)

			if (GKLocalPlayer.LocalPlayer.Authenticated)
				GameInfo.CurrentSet.LoadLeaderboards (LoadLeaderboard);

			AddChild (title);
			AddChild (backButton);