internal static Bitmap ColorizeImage(Bitmap baseImage, Color newColor, SKBlendMode blendMode, byte alpha = 255)
            BitmapData data = baseImage.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, baseImage.Width, baseImage.Height), ImageLockMode.WriteOnly, baseImage.PixelFormat);
            var        info = new SKImageInfo(baseImage.Width, baseImage.Height);

            using (SKSurface surface = SKSurface.Create(info, data.Scan0, baseImage.Width * 4))
                using (SKImage image = SKImage.FromPixels(info, data.Scan0, baseImage.Width * 4))
                    using (var paint = new SKPaint())
                        SKColor color = newColor.ToSKColor();
                        paint.Color     = color;
                        paint.BlendMode = SKBlendMode.SrcIn;

                        using (SKImage img2 = surface.Snapshot())
                            paint.BlendMode = blendMode;
                            paint.Color     = new SKColor(color.Red, color.Green, color.Blue, alpha);

                            surface.Canvas.DrawImage(image, SKRect.Create(image.Width, image.Height));
                            surface.Canvas.DrawImage(img2, SKRect.Create(img2.Width, img2.Height), paint);

        void OnCanvasViewPaintSurface(object sender, SKPaintSurfaceEventArgs args)
            SKImageInfo info    = args.Info;
            SKSurface   surface = args.Surface;
            SKCanvas    canvas  = surface.Canvas;


            // Draw bitmap in top half
            SKRect rect = new SKRect(0, 0, info.Width, info.Height / 2);

            canvas.DrawBitmap(bitmap, rect, BitmapStretch.Uniform);

            // Draw bitmap in bottom halr
            rect = new SKRect(0, info.Height / 2, info.Width, info.Height);
            canvas.DrawBitmap(bitmap, rect, BitmapStretch.Uniform);

            // Get values from XAML controls
            SKBlendMode blendMode =
                (SKBlendMode)(blendModePicker.SelectedIndex == -1 ?
                              0 : blendModePicker.SelectedItem);

            SKColor color = new SKColor((byte)(255 * redSlider.Value),
                                        (byte)(255 * greenSlider.Value),
                                        (byte)(255 * blueSlider.Value));

            // Draw rectangle with blend mode in bottom half
            using (SKPaint paint = new SKPaint())
                paint.Color     = color;
                paint.BlendMode = blendMode;
                canvas.DrawRect(rect, paint);
Beispiel #3
        public async ValueTask <byte[]> GetBytesWithFilterAsync(
            int size,
            string topic = null,
            SKImageFilter imageFilter = null,
            SKColorFilter colorFilter = null,
            SKShader shader           = null,
            SKBlendMode blendMode     = SKBlendMode.Overlay)
            string url;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(topic))
                url = string.Format(URL_PATTERN_RND, size);
                url = string.Format(URL_PATTERN, size, topic);

            var imageInfo = new SKImageInfo(size, size);

            using (var http = new HttpClient())
                var image = await http.GetByteArrayAsync(url);//.ConfigureAwait(false);

                using (var outStream = new MemoryStream())
                    using (var bitmap = SKBitmap.Decode(image, imageInfo))
                        using (var surface = SKSurface.Create(imageInfo))
                            using (var paint = new SKPaint())
                                SKCanvas canvas = surface.Canvas;
                                if (imageFilter != null)
                                    paint.ImageFilter = imageFilter;
                                if (colorFilter != null)
                                    paint.ColorFilter = colorFilter;

                                // draw the bitmap through the filter
                                var rect = SKRect.Create(imageInfo.Size);
                                canvas.DrawBitmap(bitmap, rect, paint);
                                if (shader != null)
                                    paint.Shader    = shader;
                                    paint.BlendMode = blendMode;
                                SKData data = surface.Snapshot().Encode(SKEncodedImageFormat.Jpeg, 80);
                                byte[] manipedImage = outStream.ToArray();
        void draw_wings(SKCanvas canvas, List <SKPoint> wing, bool upper_wing = false)
            List <SKBlendMode> modes = new List <SKBlendMode>()
                SKBlendMode.ColorBurn, SKBlendMode.Multiply, SKBlendMode.Difference, SKBlendMode.Darken
            SKBlendMode style = RandomUtility.GetRandomElement <SKBlendMode>(modes);
            int canvasCacheTag = canvas.Save();

            if (upper_wing)
                canvas.Scale(1, -1);

            paint.BlendMode = style;
            //draw_curve_filled( wing )
            SkiaSharpUtility.DrawSplineCurve(canvas, paint, wing, true, SKPathFillType.Winding);

            paint.BlendMode = SKBlendMode.Multiply;// BLEND
            canvas.Scale(-1, 1);

            paint.BlendMode = style;
            // draw_curve_filled(wing)
            SkiaSharpUtility.DrawSplineCurve(canvas, paint, wing, true, SKPathFillType.Winding);

            paint.BlendMode = SKBlendMode.Multiply;// BLEND
Beispiel #5
        private SKImage BlendTwoImages(SKBitmap image1, SKImage image2, SKBlendMode blendMode)
            using (var tempSurface = SKSurface.Create(new SKImageInfo(_width, _height)))
                //get the drawing canvas of the surface
                var canvas = tempSurface.Canvas;

                //set background color

                var skPaint = new SKPaint
                    BlendMode = blendMode

                canvas.DrawBitmap(image1, 0, 0);

                canvas.DrawImage(image2, 0, 0, skPaint);

                // return the surface as a manageable image
                var res = tempSurface.Snapshot();

                //using (var data = res.Encode(SKEncodedImageFormat.Png, 80))
                //	// save the data to a stream
                //	using (var stream = System.IO.File.OpenWrite(@$"C:/temp/__{(blendMode.ToString())}.png"))
                //	{
                //		data.SaveTo(stream);
                //	}

Beispiel #6
 public static SKImageFilter CreateBlendMode(SKBlendMode mode, SKImageFilter background, SKImageFilter foreground = null, SKImageFilter.CropRect cropRect = null)
     if (background == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(background));
     return(GetObject <SKImageFilter>(SkiaApi.sk_imagefilter_new_xfermode(mode, background.Handle, foreground == null ? IntPtr.Zero : foreground.Handle, cropRect == null ? IntPtr.Zero : cropRect.Handle)));
        public PorterDuffGridPage()
            Title = "Porter-Duff Grid";

            SKBlendMode[] blendModes =
                SKBlendMode.Src,      SKBlendMode.Dst,     SKBlendMode.SrcOver, SKBlendMode.DstOver,
                SKBlendMode.SrcIn,    SKBlendMode.DstIn,   SKBlendMode.SrcOut,  SKBlendMode.DstOut,
                SKBlendMode.SrcATop,  SKBlendMode.DstATop, SKBlendMode.Xor,     SKBlendMode.Plus,
                SKBlendMode.Modulate, SKBlendMode.Clear

            Grid grid = new Grid
                Margin = new Thickness(5)

            for (int row = 0; row < 4; row++)
                grid.RowDefinitions.Add(new RowDefinition {
                    Height = GridLength.Auto
                grid.RowDefinitions.Add(new RowDefinition {
                    Height = GridLength.Star

            for (int col = 0; col < 3; col++)
                grid.ColumnDefinitions.Add(new ColumnDefinition {
                    Width = GridLength.Star

            for (int i = 0; i < blendModes.Length; i++)
                SKBlendMode blendMode = blendModes[i];
                int         row       = 2 * (i / 4);
                int         col       = i % 4;

                Label label = new Label
                    Text = blendMode.ToString(),
                    HorizontalTextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center
                Grid.SetRow(label, row);
                Grid.SetColumn(label, col);

                PorterDuffCanvasView canvasView = new PorterDuffCanvasView(blendMode);

                Grid.SetRow(canvasView, row + 1);
                Grid.SetColumn(canvasView, col);

            Content = grid;
Beispiel #8
		public static SKShader CreateCompose (SKShader shaderA, SKShader shaderB, SKBlendMode mode)
			if (shaderA == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException (nameof (shaderA));
			if (shaderB == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException (nameof (shaderB));

			return GetObject (SkiaApi.sk_shader_new_blend (mode, shaderA.Handle, shaderB.Handle));
 public static SKShader CreateCompose(SKShader shaderA, SKShader shaderB, SKBlendMode mode)
     if (shaderA == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(shaderA));
     if (shaderB == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(shaderB));
     return(GetObject <SKShader> (SkiaApi.sk_shader_new_compose_with_mode(shaderA.Handle, shaderB.Handle, mode)));
Beispiel #10
 public void DrawVertices(SKVertices vertices, SKBlendMode mode, SKPaint paint)
     if (vertices == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(vertices));
     if (paint == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(paint));
     SkiaApi.sk_canvas_draw_vertices(Handle, vertices.Handle, mode, paint.Handle);
Beispiel #11
        public async ValueTask <IActionResult> GetWithFilterAsync(
            int size,
            string topic = null,
            SKImageFilter imageFilter = null,
            SKColorFilter colorFilter = null,
            SKShader shader           = null,
            SKBlendMode blendMode     = SKBlendMode.Overlay)
            byte[] manipedImage = await GetBytesWithFilterAsync(

            var response = File(manipedImage, MEDIA_TYPE);

        void OnCanvasViewPaintSurface(object sender, SKPaintSurfaceEventArgs args)
            SKImageInfo info    = args.Info;
            SKSurface   surface = args.Surface;
            SKCanvas    canvas  = surface.Canvas;

            canvas.DrawBitmap(bitmap, info.Rect, BitmapStretch.Uniform);

            // Get blend mode from Picker
            SKBlendMode blendMode =
                (SKBlendMode)(blendModePicker.SelectedIndex == -1 ?
                              0 : blendModePicker.SelectedItem);

            using (SKPaint paint = new SKPaint())
                paint.Color     = color;
                paint.BlendMode = blendMode;
                canvas.DrawRect(info.Rect, paint);
Beispiel #13
        public async Task drawGaugeAsync()
            // Radial Gauge Constants
            int uPadding         = 150;
            int side             = 500;
            int radialGaugeWidth = 55;

            // Line TextSize inside Radial Gauge
            int lineSize1 = 220;
            int lineSize2 = 70;
            int lineSize3 = 80;
            int lineSize4 = 100;

            // Line Y Coordinate inside Radial Gauge
            int lineHeight1 = 70;
            int lineHeight2 = 170;
            int lineHeight3 = 270;
            int lineHeight4 = 370;
            int lineHeight5 = 530;

            // Start & End Angle for Radial Gauge
            float startAngle = -220;
            float sweepAngle = 260;

                // Getting Canvas Info
                SKImageInfo info    = args.Info;
                SKSurface   surface = args.Surface;
                SKCanvas    canvas  = surface.Canvas;
                progressUtils.setDevice(info.Height, info.Width);
                SKBlendMode blend = SKBlendMode.SrcIn;
                canvas.DrawColor(Color.White.ToSKColor(), blend);
                // Getting Device Specific Screen Values
                // -------------------------------------------------

                // Top Padding for Radial Gauge
                float upperPading = progressUtils.getFactoredHeight(uPadding);

                /* Coordinate Plotting for Radial Gauge
                 *    (X1,Y1) ------------
                 *           |   (XC,YC)  |
                 *           |      .     |
                 *         Y |            |
                 *           |            |
                 *            ------------ (X2,Y2))
                 *                  X
                 * To fit a perfect Circle inside --> X==Y
                 *       i.e It should be a Square

                // Xc & Yc are center of the Circle
                int   Xc = info.Width / 2;
                float Yc = progressUtils.getFactoredHeight(side);

                // X1 Y1 are lefttop cordiates of rectange
                int X1 = (int)(Xc - Yc);
                int Y1 = (int)(Yc - Yc + upperPading);

                // X2 Y2 are rightbottom cordiates of rectange
                int X2 = (int)(Xc + Yc);
                int Y2 = (int)(Yc + Yc + upperPading);

                //Loggig Screen Specific Calculated Values
                Debug.WriteLine("INFO " + info.Width + " - " + info.Height);
                Debug.WriteLine(" C : " + upperPading + "  " + info.Height);
                Debug.WriteLine(" C : " + Xc + "  " + Yc);
                Debug.WriteLine("XY : " + X1 + "  " + Y1);
                Debug.WriteLine("XY : " + X2 + "  " + Y2);

                //  Empty Gauge Styling
                SKPaint paint1 = new SKPaint
                    Style       = SKPaintStyle.Stroke,
                    Color       = Color.FromHex("#e0dfdf").ToSKColor(),             // Colour of Radial Gauge
                    StrokeWidth = progressUtils.getFactoredWidth(radialGaugeWidth), // Width of Radial Gauge
                    StrokeCap   = SKStrokeCap.Round                                 // Round Corners for Radial Gauge

                // Filled Gauge Styling
                SKPaint paint2 = new SKPaint
                    Style       = SKPaintStyle.Stroke,
                    Color       = Color.FromHex("#05c782").ToSKColor(),             // Overlay Colour of Radial Gauge
                    StrokeWidth = progressUtils.getFactoredWidth(radialGaugeWidth), // Overlay Width of Radial Gauge
                    StrokeCap   = SKStrokeCap.Round                                 // Round Corners for Radial Gauge

                // Defining boundaries for Gauge
                SKRect rect = new SKRect(X1, Y1, X2, Y2);

                //canvas.DrawRect(rect, paint1);
                //canvas.DrawOval(rect, paint1);

                // Rendering Empty Gauge
                SKPath path1 = new SKPath();
                path1.AddArc(rect, startAngle, sweepAngle);
                canvas.DrawPath(path1, paint1);

                // Rendering Filled Gauge
                SKPath path2 = new SKPath();
                path2.AddArc(rect, startAngle, (float)sweepAngleSlider.Value);
                canvas.DrawPath(path2, paint2);

                //---------------- Drawing Text Over Gauge ---------------------------

                // Achieved Minutes
                using (SKPaint skPaint = new SKPaint())
                    skPaint.Style       = SKPaintStyle.Fill;
                    skPaint.IsAntialias = true;
                    skPaint.Color       = SKColor.Parse("#676a69");
                    skPaint.TextAlign   = SKTextAlign.Center;
                    skPaint.TextSize    = progressUtils.getFactoredHeight(lineSize1);
                    skPaint.Typeface    = SKTypeface.FromFamilyName(

                    // Drawing Achieved Minutes Over Radial Gauge
                    //  if (sw_listToggle.IsToggled)
                    //     canvas.DrawText(chartvalue + "", Xc, Yc + progressUtils.getFactoredHeight(lineHeight1), skPaint);
                    // else
                    //    canvas.DrawText(dailyWorkout + "", Xc, Yc + progressUtils.getFactoredHeight(lineHeight1), skPaint);

                // Achieved Minutes Text Styling
                using (SKPaint skPaint = new SKPaint())
                    skPaint.Style       = SKPaintStyle.Fill;
                    skPaint.IsAntialias = true;
                    skPaint.Color       = SKColor.Parse("#676a69");
                    skPaint.TextAlign   = SKTextAlign.Center;
                    skPaint.TextSize    = progressUtils.getFactoredHeight(lineSize2);
                    // canvas.DrawText("Seconds", Xc, Yc + progressUtils.getFactoredHeight(lineHeight2), skPaint);

                // Goal Minutes Text Styling
                using (SKPaint skPaint = new SKPaint())
                    skPaint.Style       = SKPaintStyle.Fill;
                    skPaint.IsAntialias = true;
                    skPaint.Color       = SKColor.Parse("#e2797a");
                    skPaint.TextAlign   = SKTextAlign.Center;
                    skPaint.TextSize    = progressUtils.getFactoredHeight(lineSize3);
                    skPaint.Typeface    = SKTypeface.FromFamilyName(

                    // Drawing Text Over Radial Gauge
                    // if (sw_listToggle.IsToggled)
                    // canvas.DrawText(DateTime.Now.ToString("dddd, dd'-'MM'-'yyyy"), Xc, Yc + progressUtils.getFactoredHeight(lineHeight3), skPaint);
                        //  canvas.DrawText("Goal " + goal / 30 + " Min", Xc, Yc + progressUtils.getFactoredHeight(lineHeight3), skPaint);

                // Goal Minutes Text Styling
                using (SKPaint skPaint = new SKPaint())
                    skPaint.Style       = SKPaintStyle.Fill;
                    skPaint.IsAntialias = true;
                    skPaint.Color       = SKColor.Parse("#e2797a");
                    skPaint.TextAlign   = SKTextAlign.Center;
                    skPaint.TextSize    = progressUtils.getFactoredHeight(lineSize3);
                    skPaint.Typeface    = SKTypeface.FromFamilyName(

                    // Drawing Text Over Radial Gauge
                    // if (sw_listToggle.IsToggled)
                    //  canvas.DrawText(DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss"), Xc, Yc + progressUtils.getFactoredHeight(lineHeight4), skPaint);
                        //  canvas.DrawText("Goal " + goal / 30 + " Min", Xc, Yc + progressUtils.getFactoredHeight(lineHeight3), skPaint);
                // Goal Minutes Text Styling
                using (SKPaint skPaint = new SKPaint())
                    skPaint.Style       = SKPaintStyle.Fill;
                    skPaint.IsAntialias = true;
                    skPaint.Color       = SKColor.Parse("#676a69");
                    skPaint.TextAlign   = SKTextAlign.Center;
                    skPaint.TextSize    = progressUtils.getFactoredHeight(lineSize4);
                    skPaint.Typeface    = SKTypeface.FromFamilyName(

                    // Drawing Text Over Radial Gauge
                    // if (sw_listToggle.IsToggled)
                    canvas.DrawText("Battery " + Chartvalue + "%", Xc, Yc + progressUtils.getFactoredHeight(lineHeight5), skPaint);
                        //  canvas.DrawText("Goal " + goal / 30 + " Min", Xc, Yc + progressUtils.getFactoredHeight(lineHeight3), skPaint);
            catch (Exception e)
Beispiel #14
 public void DrawVertices(SKVertices vertices, SKBlendMode mode, SKPaint paint)
     if (vertices == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(vertices)); }
Beispiel #15
        public void DrawVertices(SKVertexMode vmode, SKPoint[] vertices, SKPoint[] texs, SKColor[] colors, SKBlendMode mode, UInt16[] indices, SKPaint paint)
            var vert = SKVertices.CreateCopy(vmode, vertices, texs, colors, indices);

            DrawVertices(vert, mode, paint);
 public SKImage RenderSkia(IEnumerable <HeatPoint> points, int width, int height, ClassificationSettings[] settings, SKBlendMode blendMode = SKBlendMode.Plus)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
Beispiel #17
		public static SKColorFilter CreateBlendMode(SKColor c, SKBlendMode mode)
			return GetObject<SKColorFilter>(SkiaApi.sk_colorfilter_new_mode(c, (SKXferMode)mode));
Beispiel #18
 public static SKImageFilter CreateMerge(SKImageFilter first, SKImageFilter second, SKBlendMode mode, SKImageFilter.CropRect cropRect = null)
     return(CreateMerge(new [] { first, second }, new [] { mode, mode }, cropRect));
Beispiel #19
        public void DrawVertices(SKVertexMode vmode, SKPoint[] vertices, SKPoint[] texs, SKColor[] colors, SKBlendMode mode, UInt16[] indices, SKPaint paint)
            if (vertices == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(vertices));
            if (paint == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(paint));

            if (texs != null && vertices.Length != texs.Length)
                throw new ArgumentException("The number of texture coordinates must match the number of vertices.", nameof(texs)); }
Beispiel #20
		public static SKImageFilter CreateBlendMode(SKBlendMode mode, SKImageFilter background, SKImageFilter foreground = null, SKImageFilter.CropRect cropRect = null)
			if (background == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(background));
			return GetObject<SKImageFilter>(SkiaApi.sk_imagefilter_new_xfermode(mode, background.Handle, foreground == null ? IntPtr.Zero : foreground.Handle, cropRect == null ? IntPtr.Zero : cropRect.Handle));
Beispiel #21
 public void DrawAtlas(SKImage atlas, SKRect[] sprites, SKRotationScaleMatrix[] transforms, SKColor[] colors, SKBlendMode mode, SKRect cullRect, SKPaint paint) =>
 DrawAtlas(atlas, sprites, transforms, colors, mode, &cullRect, paint);
Beispiel #22
		public extern static void sk_canvas_draw_color(sk_canvas_t t, SKColor color, SKBlendMode mode);
 public void set_blend_mode(SKBlendMode blend_mode)
     blend_mode_ = blend_mode;
 public PorterDuffCanvasView(SKBlendMode blendMode)
     this.blendMode = blendMode;
Beispiel #25
		public extern static void sk_paint_set_blendmode(sk_paint_t t, SKBlendMode mode);
Beispiel #26
		public extern static sk_imagefilter_t sk_imagefilter_new_xfermode(SKBlendMode mode, sk_imagefilter_t background, sk_imagefilter_t foreground /*NULL*/, sk_imagefilter_croprect_t cropRect /*NULL*/);
Beispiel #27
        public static Tuple <SKPaint, IEnumerable <IDisposable> > CreatePaint(this XInkStroke stroke, SKPaintStyle paintStyle = SKPaintStyle.Stroke, SKBlendMode blendMode = SKBlendMode.SrcATop)
            if (stroke == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(stroke));

            var disposables = new List <IDisposable>();

            SKShader shader = null;

            if (stroke.DrawingAttributes.Kind == XInkDrawingAttributesKind.Pencil)
                var perlin = SKShader.CreatePerlinNoiseFractalNoise(0.01f, 0.01f, 1, 1.0f);
                var color  = SKShader.CreateColor(stroke.DrawingAttributes.Color.ToSKColor().WithAlpha(0x7F));


                shader = SKShader.CreateCompose(

            Tuple <SKPaint, IEnumerable <IDisposable> > tuple = null;
            SKPaint paint = null;

            if (!stroke.DrawingAttributes.IgnorePressure)
                paintStyle = SKPaintStyle.Fill;

                paint = new SKPaint
                    Color       = stroke.DrawingAttributes.Kind == XInkDrawingAttributesKind.Default ? stroke.DrawingAttributes.Color.ToSKColor() : new SKColor(),
                    StrokeWidth = stroke.DrawingAttributes.IgnorePressure? stroke.DrawingAttributes.Size : 0.0f,
                    Style       = paintStyle,
                    IsAntialias = true,
                    StrokeCap   = stroke.DrawingAttributes.PenTip == Inking.XPenTipShape.Circle ? SKStrokeCap.Round : SKStrokeCap.Butt,
                    PathEffect  = SKPathEffect.CreateCorner(100)

                if (shader != null)
                    paint.Shader = shader;

                tuple = Tuple.Create(paint, disposables as IEnumerable <IDisposable>);

                paint = null;

Beispiel #28
        private void DrawAtlas(SKImage atlas, SKRect[] sprites, SKRotationScaleMatrix[] transforms, SKColor[] colors, SKBlendMode mode, SKRect *cullRect, SKPaint paint)
            if (atlas == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(atlas));
            if (sprites == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(sprites));
            if (transforms == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(transforms));

            if (transforms.Length != sprites.Length)
                throw new ArgumentException("The number of transforms must match the number of sprites.", nameof(transforms)); }
Beispiel #29
 public void DrawColor(SKColor color, SKBlendMode mode = SKBlendMode.Src)
     SkiaApi.sk_canvas_draw_color(Handle, color, mode);
Beispiel #30
 public static SKColorFilter CreateBlendMode(SKColor c, SKBlendMode mode)
     return(GetObject <SKColorFilter>(SkiaApi.sk_colorfilter_new_mode(c, mode)));
Beispiel #31
 private void DrawAtlas(SKImage atlas, SKRect[] sprites, SKRotationScaleMatrix[] transforms, SKColor[] colors, SKBlendMode mode, SKRect *cullRect, SKPaint paint)
     if (atlas == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(atlas));
     if (sprites == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(sprites));
     if (transforms == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(transforms)); }
Beispiel #32
		public void DrawColor (SKColor color, SKBlendMode mode = SKBlendMode.Src)
			SkiaApi.sk_canvas_draw_color (Handle, color, mode);