public new SFP_Matrix4x4Property Initialize(SF_Node node) { base.nameType = "Matrix 4x4"; base.Initialize(node); global = true; return(this); }
public static void EnterableTextField(SF_Node n, Rect r, ref string str, GUIStyle style, bool update = true) { if (style == null) { style = EditorStyles.textField; } string field_name = n.GetType().ToString() + "_txt_" +; GUI.SetNextControlName(field_name); EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); str = EditorGUI.TextField(r, str, style); bool pressedEnter = Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.Return; if (update) { if (pressedEnter) { if (GUI.GetNameOfFocusedControl() == field_name) { n.OnUpdateNode(NodeUpdateType.Hard); } EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck(); } else if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { n.OnUpdateNode(NodeUpdateType.Soft); } } else if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { n.editor.ShaderOutdated = UpToDateState.OutdatedSoft; } }
public static void EnterableFloatField(SF_Node n, Rect r, ref float val, GUIStyle style) { if (style == null) { style = EditorStyles.textField; } string field_name = n.GetType().ToString() + "_" +; GUI.SetNextControlName(field_name); EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); val = EditorGUI.FloatField(r, val, style); bool pressedEnter = Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.Return && Event.current.type == EventType.KeyDown; if (pressedEnter) { EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck(); //Debug.Log("Pressed enter with focus on " + GUI.GetNameOfFocusedControl() + ", should have been " + field_name); if (GUI.GetNameOfFocusedControl() == field_name) { //Debug.Log("Pressed enter!"); n.OnUpdateNode(NodeUpdateType.Hard); } } else if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { n.OnUpdateNode(NodeUpdateType.Soft); } }
public void StopCutting() { List <SF_NodeConnector> disconnectors = new List <SF_NodeConnector>(); for (int i = 0; i < editor.nodes.Count; i++) { SF_Node n = editor.nodes[i]; for (int j = 0; j < n.connectors.Length; j++) { SF_NodeConnector con = n.connectors[j]; if (con.IsConnected() && con.conType == ConType.cInput) { if (con.conLine.aboutToBeDeleted) { disconnectors.Add(con); } } } } if (disconnectors.Count == 0) { isCutting = false; return; } UnmarkDeleteHighlights(); //Undo.RecordObject((Object)con, "cut" string undoMsg = "cut "; if (disconnectors.Count > 1) { undoMsg += disconnectors.Count + " "; undoMsg += "connections"; } else { undoMsg += "connection: "; undoMsg += disconnectors[0].node.nodeName; undoMsg += "[" + disconnectors[0].label + "]"; undoMsg += " <--- "; undoMsg += "[" + disconnectors[0].inputCon.label + "]"; undoMsg += disconnectors[0].inputCon.node.nodeName; } // = disconnectors.Count > 1 ? "cut "+disconnectors.Count+" connections" : "cut connection " + disconnectors[i] + "[" + foreach (SF_NodeConnector con in disconnectors) { Undo.RecordObject(con, undoMsg); } foreach (SF_NodeConnector con in disconnectors) { con.Disconnect(); } isCutting = false; }
public void Establish(SF_Editor editor, LinkingMethod linkMethod = LinkingMethod.NoUpdate) { SF_Node source = editor.GetNodeByID(sNode); SF_Node target = editor.GetNodeByID(tNode); // Debug.Log( "Linking " + target.nodeName + " <- " + source.nodeName ); target.GetConnectorByID(tCon).LinkTo(source.GetConnectorByID(sCon), linkMethod); }
public static SF_ErrorEntry Create(string error, SF_Node target, bool isWarning) { SF_ErrorEntry entry = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <SF_ErrorEntry>(); entry.isWarning = isWarning; entry.node = target; entry.error = error; entry.InitializeRows(); return(entry); }
public void OnDroppedSubstance(ProceduralMaterial procMat) { Texture diffuse = TryGetProceduralTexture(procMat, "_MainTex"); Texture normal = TryGetProceduralTexture(procMat, "_BumpMap"); //Texture parallax = TryGetProceduralTexture(procMat, "_ParallaxMap"); //Texture emission = TryGetProceduralTexture(procMat, "_Illum"); //TryGetProceduralTexture("_MainTex"); SF_Node prevNode = TryLinkIfExistsAndOpenSlotAvailable(diffuse, "MainTex", editor.mainNode.diffuse, "RGB"); TryLinkIfExistsAndOpenSlotAvailable(normal, "BumpMap", editor.mainNode.normal, "RGB", prevNode); }
void InstantiateNodes(string[] serializedNodes, Vector2 posOffset, string undoMsg) { // Make sure it knows about the editor SF_Parser.editor = editor; List <SF_Node> newNodes = new List <SF_Node>(); // List of all new nodes List <SF_Link> links = new List <SF_Link>(); // Used for multi-clone int[] idOld = new int[serializedNodes.Length]; int[] idNew = new int[serializedNodes.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < serializedNodes.Length; i++) { SF_Node node = SF_Node.Deserialize(serializedNodes[i], ref links); if (node.IsProperty()) { if (editor.PropertyNameTaken( {; // Rename if needed node.variableName =; } } idOld[i] =; node.AssignID(); // Increment IDs if (!node.IsProperty()) { node.ResetVariableName(); } idNew[i] =; node.rect.x += posOffset.x; node.rect.y += posOffset.y; newNodes.Add(node); } // Establish all links foreach (SF_Link link in links) { link.Remap(idOld, idNew); link.Establish(editor, LinkingMethod.Default); } Undo.IncrementCurrentGroup(); DeselectAll(registerUndo: true, undoMsg: undoMsg); Undo.CollapseUndoOperations(Undo.GetCurrentGroup() - 1); Event.current.Use(); foreach (SF_Node n in newNodes) { n.Select(registerUndo: false); } }
public void UndoableEnterableNodeTextField(SF_Node node, Rect r, ref string value, string undoMsg, bool update = true, UnityEngine.Object extra = null) { string nextValue = value; SF_GUI.EnterableTextField(node, r, ref nextValue, EditorStyles.textField, update); if (nextValue != value) { Undo.RecordObject(this, undoMsg); if (extra != null) { Undo.RecordObject(extra, undoMsg); } value = nextValue; } }
public SF_Node OnStopDrag() { if (!IsPlacing()) { return(null); } SF_Node newNode = null; if (editor.nodeView.rect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition)) { newNode = editor.AddNode(dragNode, registerUndo: true); } dragNode = null; return(newNode); }
public void DeserializeProps(string s) { //Debug.Log("Deserializing properties = " + s); string[] split = s.Split('-'); propertyList = new System.Collections.Generic.List<SF_Node>(); for (int i = 0; i < split.Length; i++) { //Debug.Log("Found " + GetNodeByID( int.Parse( split[i] )).nodeName); //Debug.Log ("Attempting deserialization. int parse of ["+split[i]+"]"); SF_Node foundNode = GetNodeByID(int.Parse(split[i])); if (foundNode != null) propertyList.Add(foundNode); } }
public void MoveSelection(Vector2 delta, SF_Node ignore) { foreach (SF_Node n in Selection) { if (n == ignore) { continue; } //if(selection.Count > 1){ //Debug.Log("Selection count = " + selection.Count + " thus nodes"); Undo.RecordObject(n, "move nodes"); //} n.rect.x += delta.x; n.rect.y += delta.y; } }
public void ReconnectConnectedPending() { AssignDepthValuesToNodes(); int maxDepth = 0; // Deepest level foreach (SF_Node n in editor.nodes) { if (maxDepth < n.depth) { maxDepth = n.depth; } } int depth = maxDepth; while (depth > 0) { //foreach( SF_Node n in editor.nodes ) { for (int i = 0; i < editor.nodes.Count; i++) { SF_Node n = editor.nodes[i]; if (n.depth == depth) { foreach (SF_NodeConnector con in n.connectors) { if (con.conType == ConType.cOutput) { continue; } if (!con.IsConnectedAndEnabled()) { continue; } if (con.valueType != ValueType.VTvPending) { continue; } con.inputCon.LinkTo(con, LinkingMethod.Default); } } } depth--; } }
void AddDepthToChildrenOf(SF_Node n, int carry) { carry++; n.depth = Mathf.Max(carry, n.depth);; for (int i = 0; i < n.connectors.Length; i++) { if (n.connectors[i].conType == ConType.cOutput) // Ignore outputs, we came from here! { continue; } if (!n.connectors[i].IsConnected()) // Ignore unconnected inputs { continue; } AddDepthToChildrenOf(n.connectors[i].inputCon.node, carry); } }
public SF_NodeConnector Initialize(SF_Node node, string strID, string label, ConType conType, ValueType valueType, bool outerLabel = false, string unconnectedEvaluationValue = null) { this.node = node; this.strID = strID; this.label = label; this.conType = conType; if (conType == ConType.cInput) { conLine = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <SF_NodeConnectionLine>().Initialize(node.editor, this); } this.valueType = this.valueTypeDefault = valueType; this.outerLabel = outerLabel; this.unconnectedEvaluationValue = unconnectedEvaluationValue; outputCons = new List <SF_NodeConnector>(); return(this); }
public SF_Node CreateInstance() { Type fType = Type.GetType(type); // Might be dynamic... if (fType == null) { if (SF_Debug.dynamicNodeLoad) { Debug.Log("CreateInstance couldn't use GetType, attempting dynamic load..."); } fType = SF_Editor.GetNodeType(type); if (SF_Debug.dynamicNodeLoad && fType == null) { Debug.Log("Failed to load dynamic load fType is null"); } } SF_Node node = (SF_Node)ScriptableObject.CreateInstance(fType); node.Initialize(); return(node); }
//public void OnDroppedSubstance(ProceduralMaterial procMat){ // Texture diffuse = TryGetProceduralTexture(procMat, "_MainTex"); // Texture normal = TryGetProceduralTexture(procMat, "_BumpMap"); // //Texture parallax = TryGetProceduralTexture(procMat, "_ParallaxMap"); // //Texture emission = TryGetProceduralTexture(procMat, "_Illum"); // //TryGetProceduralTexture("_MainTex"); // SF_Node prevNode = TryLinkIfExistsAndOpenSlotAvailable(diffuse, "MainTex", editor.mainNode.diffuse, "RGB"); // TryLinkIfExistsAndOpenSlotAvailable(normal, "BumpMap", editor.mainNode.normal, "RGB", prevNode); //} // For connecting procedural materials to the main node public SF_Node TryLinkIfExistsAndOpenSlotAvailable(Texture tex, string propertyName, SF_NodeConnector connector, string outChannel, SF_Node prevNode = null) { if (tex) { SFN_Tex2d tNode = editor.AddNode <SFN_Tex2d>(); if (prevNode != null) { Rect r = tNode.rect; r = r.MovedDown(1); r.y += 64; tNode.rect = r; } tNode.TextureAsset = tex;; tNode.OnAssignedTexture(); if (connector.enableState == EnableState.Enabled && connector.availableState == AvailableState.Available && !connector.IsConnected()) { connector.LinkTo(tNode[outChannel]); } return(tNode); } return(null); }
public SF_SetNodeSource(SF_Node node) { con = node.connectors[0]; }
public SF_NodePreview Initialize(SF_Node node) { this.node = node; // Parent return(this); }
public new SFP_Slider Initialize(SF_Node node) { base.nameType = "Slider"; base.Initialize(node); return(this); }
//public bool isBumpmap = false; // TODO: Is this even used? public new SFP_Tex2d Initialize(SF_Node node) { base.nameType = "Texture (2D)"; base.Initialize(node); return(this); }
public SF_NodeStatus Initialize(SF_Node node) { this.node = node; Reset(); return(this); }
public void Initialize(SF_Node node) { this.node = node; SetName(node.GetVariableName()); }
public new SFP_SwitchProperty Initialize(SF_Node node) { base.nameType = "Toggle"; base.Initialize(node); return(this); }
// Ghost nodes are default values assigned to unconnected node connectors // They are instantiated when the shader is being evaluated, and then removed again public void DefineGhostIfNeeded(ref List <SF_Node> ghosts) { // Skip nodes without ghosts if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ghostType)) { return; } if (IsConnected()) // Skip already connected ones { return; } SF_Node ghost = null; // Search for existing ghost node foreach (SF_Node exisGhost in ghosts) { if (exisGhost.GetType().FullName == ghostType) // TODO: Make sure serialized data matches too! // Found! { ghost = exisGhost; if (SF_Debug.ghostNodes) { Debug.Log("Found matching existing ghost"); } break; } } // If no ghost was found, create one if (ghost == null) { ghost = node.editor.AddNode(ghostType); ghost.isGhost = true; ghosts.Add(ghost); if (SF_Debug.ghostNodes) { Debug.Log("Adding ghost " + ghostType + " with connection count " + ghost.connectors.Length); Debug.Log("Linked to " + node.nodeName + "[" + this.label + "]"); Debug.Log("Ghost Count = " + node.editor.shaderEvaluator.ghostNodes.Count); } //Debug.Log( "Adding ghost of type " + ghostType ); //Debug.Log( "Ghost in main node list = " + node.editor.nodes.Contains( ghost ) ); } // Just to make sure... if (ghost == null) { Debug.LogError("Ghost is null, this should really not happen. Tried to find type " + ghostType); } // By this point, ghost is surely an existing node! // Link it: //Debug.Log( "Linking ghost of type " + ghostType + " on " + this.node.nodeName + " Is COnnected = " + IsConnected()); ghost.status.leadsToFinal = true; ghost[ghostLinkStrId].LinkTo(this, LinkingMethod.NoUpdate); }
public static SF_NodeConnector Create(SF_Node node, string strID, string label, ConType conType, ValueType valueType, bool outerLabel = false, string unconnectedEvaluationValue = null) { return(ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <SF_NodeConnector>().Initialize(node, strID, label, conType, valueType, outerLabel, unconnectedEvaluationValue)); }
public void Remove(SF_Node n) { Selection.Remove(n); }
public new SFP_Cubemap Initialize(SF_Node node) { base.nameType = "Cubemap"; base.Initialize(node); return(this); }
public void Add(SF_Node n) { Selection.Add(n); }
public void DeleteSelected() { if (Selection.Contains(editor.mainNode)) { editor.mainNode.Deselect(registerUndo: false); // Deselect main node if you press delete } int selCount = Selection.Count; // Debug.Log("Delete selected, count = " + selCount); if (selCount == 0) { return; } string undoMsg = ""; if (selCount == 1) { undoMsg = "delete " + Selection[0].nodeName; } else { undoMsg = "delete " + selCount + " nodes"; } //Debug.Log("Selection delete initiated - " + undoMsg ); Undo.RecordObject(editor, undoMsg); Undo.RecordObject(editor.nodeView.treeStatus, undoMsg); foreach (SF_Node node in editor.nodes) { node.UndoRecord(undoMsg); // Undo.RecordObject(node, undoMsg); } Undo.RecordObject(this, undoMsg); // Undo recording is weird :( for (int i = editor.nodes.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { SF_Node n = editor.nodes[i]; if (n.selected) { if (n is SFN_Relay) { SF_NodeConnector inCon = n["IN"]; SF_NodeConnector outCon = n["OUT"]; if (inCon.IsConnected() && outCon.IsConnected()) { // Relink all outputs to the incoming connectors for (int ir = outCon.outputCons.Count - 1; ir >= 0; ir--) { outCon.outputCons[ir].LinkTo(inCon.inputCon); } inCon.Disconnect(); } } foreach (SF_NodeConnector con in editor.nodes[i].connectors) { if (con.conType == ConType.cOutput) { con.Disconnect(); } } if (editor.nodeView.treeStatus.propertyList.Contains(editor.nodes[i])) { editor.nodeView.treeStatus.propertyList.Remove(editor.nodes[i]); } editor.nodes[i].Deselect(registerUndo: false); editor.nodes.RemoveAt(i); //editor.nodes[i].Delete(registerUndo:false, undoMsg:undoMsg); } } }