public long Prepare(string n) { var u = -(preps.Length ?? 0) - 2; preps += (u, n); return(u); }
public void ActOnEffect(SDict dict) { if (dict.keys.Contains(s)) { if (type == EffectorType.Add) { dict.SetValue(s, dict.GetValue(s) + f); } if (type == EffectorType.Divide) { dict.SetValue(s, dict.GetValue(s) / f); } if (type == EffectorType.Minus) { dict.SetValue(s, dict.GetValue(s) - f); } if (type == EffectorType.Multiply) { dict.SetValue(s, dict.GetValue(s) * f); } if (type == EffectorType.Equalize) { dict.SetValue(s, f); } } }
public NodeEditorDat(string _path, List <DNode> _nodes, int _connectionIDCount, ConnectionDict dict, SDict propertyDictionary) { savePath = _path; nodes = _nodes; connectionIDCount = _connectionIDCount; connections = dict; propertyDict = propertyDictionary; }
public void SendUids(SDict <long, string> u) { Write(Types.SNames); PutInt(u.Length); for (var b = u.First(); b != null; b = b.Next()) { PutLong(b.Value.Item1); PutString(b.Value.Item2); } }
// We peek at the table expression to compute the set of columns of the join static SQuery _Join(ReaderBase f) { f.GetInt(); var st = f.buf.pos; var d = SDict <int, (long, string)> .Empty; var c = SDict <int, Serialisable> .Empty; var nms = SDict <string, long> .Empty; var left = f._Get() as SQuery ?? throw new StrongException("Query expected"); var outer = f.GetInt() == 1; var joinType = (JoinType)f.GetInt(); var right = f._Get() as SQuery ?? throw new StrongException("Query expected"); var ab = left.Display.First(); var uses = SDict <long, long> .Empty; if (joinType.HasFlag(JoinType.Named)) { var n = f.GetInt(); for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) { uses += (f.GetLong(), f.GetLong()); } } var k = 0; for (var lb = left.cpos.First(); ab != null && lb != null; ab = ab.Next(), lb = lb.Next()) { var col = lb.Value; var u = ab.Value.Item2; d += (k, u); c += (k, col.Item2); nms += (u.Item2, u.Item1); k++; } ab = right.Display.First(); for (var rb = right.cpos.First(); ab != null && rb != null; ab = ab.Next(), rb = rb.Next()) { var u = ab.Value.Item2; var n = u.Item2; if (joinType == JoinType.Natural && nms.Contains(n)) { continue; } if (uses.Contains(u.Item1)) { continue; } var col = rb.Value; d += (k, u); c += (k, col.Item2); k++; } f.buf.pos = st; return(new SQuery(Types.STableExp, d, c)); }
public readonly SDict <long, long> uses; // Item1 is for RIGHT, Item2 for LEFT public SJoin(ReaderBase f) : base(Types.STableExp, _Join(f)) { left = f._Get() as SQuery ?? throw new StrongException("Query expected"); outer = f.GetInt() == 1; joinType = (JoinType)f.GetInt(); right = f._Get() as SQuery ?? throw new StrongException("Query expected"); var n = f.GetInt(); var on = SList <SExpression> .Empty; var us = SDict <long, long> .Empty; var tr = (STransaction)f.db; var lns = SDict <string, long> .Empty; for (var b = left.Display.First(); b != null; b = b.Next()) { lns += (b.Value.Item2.Item2, b.Value.Item2.Item1); } var rns = SDict <string, long> .Empty; for (var b = right.Display.First(); b != null; b = b.Next()) { var nm = b.Value.Item2.Item2; if (joinType == JoinType.Natural && lns.Contains(nm)) { us += (b.Value.Item2.Item1, lns[nm]); } rns += (nm, b.Value.Item2.Item1); } if (joinType.HasFlag(JoinType.Named)) { for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) { var nm = tr.uids[f.GetLong()]; if (!(lns.Contains(nm) && rns.Contains(nm))) { throw new StrongException("name " + nm + " not present in Join"); } us += (rns[nm], lns[nm]); } } else if (!joinType.HasFlag(JoinType.Cross)) { for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) { var e = f._Get() as SExpression ?? throw new StrongException("ON exp expected"); on += e; } } ons = on; uses = us; f.context = this; }
public StrongConnect(string host, int port, string fn) { Socket?socket = null; try { IPEndPoint ep; socket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp); if (char.IsDigit(host[0])) { IPAddress ip = IPAddress.Parse(host); ep = new IPEndPoint(ip, port); socket.Connect(ep); } else { #if MONO1 var he = Dns.GetHostByName(hostName); #else IPHostEntry he = Dns.GetHostEntry(host); #endif for (int j = 0; j < he.AddressList.Length; j++) { try { IPAddress ip = he.AddressList[j]; ep = new IPEndPoint(ip, port); socket.Connect(ep); if (socket.Connected) { break; } } catch (Exception) { } } } } catch (Exception) { } if (socket == null || !socket.Connected) { throw new Exception("No connection to " + host + ":" + port); } asy = new ClientStream(this, socket); var wtr = asy.wtr; wtr.PutString(fn); asy.Flush(); asy.Receive(); preps = SDict <long, string> .Empty; }
public void CreateTable(string n) { var un = Prepare(n); var wtr = asy.wtr; wtr.SendUids(preps); wtr.Write(Types.SCreateTable); wtr.PutLong(un); wtr.PutInt(0); wtr.PutInt(0); var b = asy.Receive(); preps = SDict <long, string> .Empty; }
private void Download(string path) { nodes.Clear(); connections.ClearValues(); properties.ClearValues(); string json = File.ReadAllText(Application.dataPath + "/" + path); NodeEditorDat dat = JsonUtility.FromJson <NodeEditorDat> (json); nodes = dat.nodes; connectionIDCount = dat.connectionIDCount; connections = dat.connections; properties = dat.propertyDict; }
public bool passCheck(SDict newD) { dict = newD; if (available(propertyName)) { if (checkType == propertyCheck.GreaterThan) { if (dict.GetValue(propertyName) > value) { return(true); } } else if (checkType == propertyCheck.EqualTo) { if (dict.GetValue(propertyName) == value) { return(true); } } else if (checkType == propertyCheck.GreaterOrEqual) { if (dict.GetValue(propertyName) >= value) { return(true); } } else if (checkType == propertyCheck.LowerOrEqual) { if (dict.GetValue(propertyName) <= value) { return(true); } } else if (checkType == propertyCheck.LowerThan) { if (dict.GetValue(propertyName) < value) { return(true); } } else if (checkType == propertyCheck.NA) { return(true); } return(false); } return(false); }
SQuery Query(SDict <int, string> als, SDict <int, Serialisable> cp) { var tb = TableExp(als, cp); var wh = SList <Serialisable> .Empty; var tt = Sym.WHERE; var n = 0; for (; lxr.tok == tt; n++) { Next(); tt = Sym.AND; wh += (Conjunct(), n); } SQuery sqry = (wh.Length == 0)?tb:new SSearch(tb, wh); if (lxr.tok != Sym.GROUPBY) { return(sqry); } Next(); var gp = SDict <int, string> .Empty; for (n = 0; lxr.tok == Sym.ID; n++) { gp += (n, ((SString)lxr.val).str); Next(); if (lxr.tok != Sym.COMMA) { break; } Next(); } var h = SList <Serialisable> .Empty; if (lxr.tok == Sym.HAVING) { for (n = 0; ; n++) { Next(); h += (Conjunct(), n); if (lxr.tok != Sym.AND) { break; } } } return(new SGroupQuery(sqry, sqry.display, sqry.cpos, new Context(sqry.names, null), gp, h)); }
internal SDbObject SName(string s) { long uid; if (names.Contains(s)) { uid = names[s]; } else { uid = --_uid; names += (s, uid); uids += (uid, s); } return(new SDbObject(Types.SName, uid)); }
static void ShowRow(SDict <string, string> r, List <Column> cols) { for (int j = 0; j < cols.Count; j++) { Console.Write("|"); var c = cols[j]; var v = r.Lookup( ?? ""; Console.Write(v); for (int k = 0; k < c.width - v.Length; k++) { Console.Write(" "); } } Console.Write("|"); Console.WriteLine(); }
private void Inspector() { if (properties == null) { properties = new SDict(); } if (clickedThisFrame) { if (constantInspectorRect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition)) { clickedInspector = true; } } else { if (clickedInspector) { if (constantInspectorRect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition)) { clickedInspector = true; } else { clickedInspector = false; } } } if (drawInspector) { inspectorRect = r(width - 250, 0 + heading.height, 250, height); constantInspectorRect = r(width - 250, 0 + heading.height, 250, height); DrawRectBox(inspectorRect, ""); } else { inspectorRect = r(0, 0, 0, 0); constantInspectorRect = r(0, 0, 0, 0); } InspectorEvents(); }
static void Show(StrongConnect c, DocArray da) { List <Column> cols = new List <Column>(); // of Column SDict <string, int> names = SDict <string, int> .Empty; SDict <int, SDict <string, string> > rows = SDict <int, SDict <string, string> > .Empty; // of string[] for (var b = c.description.First(); b != null; b = b.Next()) { names = names + (b.Value.Item2, b.Value.Item1); cols.Add(new Column(b.Value.Item2, b.Value.Item2.Length)); } for (int i = 0; i < da.items.Count; i++) { var dc = da[i]; var row = SDict <string, string> .Empty; for (var j = 0; j < dc.fields.Count; j++) { var f = dc.fields[j]; if (f.Key.StartsWith("_")) { continue; } if (!names.Contains(f.Key)) { throw new Exception("Unexpected column " + f.Key); } var k = names.Lookup(f.Key); var s = f.Value.ToString(); if (s.Length > cols[k].width) { cols[k].width = s.Length; } row = row + (f.Key, s); } rows = rows + (rows.Length.Value, row); } DrawLine(cols); ShowHeads(cols); DrawLine(cols); for (var j = 0; j < rows.Length.Value; j++) { ShowRow(rows.Lookup(j), cols); } DrawLine(cols); }
public DocArray Get(Serialisable tn) { asy.Write(Types.DescribedGet); tn.Put(asy); asy.Flush(); var b = asy.ReadByte(); if (b == (byte)Types.Exception) { inTransaction = false; asy.GetException(); } if (b == (byte)Types.Done) { description = SDict <int, string> .Empty; var n = asy.rbuf.GetInt(); for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) { description += (i, asy.rbuf.GetString()); } return(new DocArray(asy.rbuf.GetString())); } throw new Exception("??"); }
protected SNode GetDBRow() { SNode nhead = ParseOne(); // get header SObject head = nhead as SObject; if (head == null) throw new ParseException("The DBRow header isn't present..."); if (head.Name != "blue.DBRowDescriptor") throw new ParseException("Bad descriptor name"); STuple fields = head.Members[0].Members[1].Members[0] as STuple; int len = GetLength(); byte[] olddata = Reader.ReadBytes(len); List<byte> newdata = new List<byte>(); rle_unpack(olddata, newdata); SNode body = new SDBRow(17, newdata); CacheFileReader blob = new CacheFileReader(newdata.ToArray()); SDict dict = new SDict(999999); // TODO: need dynamic sized dict int step = 1; while (step < 6) { foreach (SNode field in fields.Members) { SNode fieldName = field.Members[0]; SInt fieldType = field.Members[1] as SInt; int fieldTypeInt = fieldType.Value; byte boolcount = 0; byte boolbuf = 0; SNode obj = null; switch (fieldTypeInt) { case 2: // 16bit int if(step == 3) obj = new SInt(blob.ReadShort()); break; case 3: // 32bit int if (step == 2) obj = new SInt(blob.ReadInt()); break; case 4: obj = new SReal(blob.ReadFloat()); break; case 5: // double if(step == 1) obj = new SReal(blob.ReadDouble()); break; case 6: // currency if (step == 1) obj = new SLong(blob.ReadLong()); break; case 11: // boolean if (step == 5) { if (boolcount == 0) { boolbuf = blob.ReadByte(); boolcount = 0x1; } if (boolbuf != 0 && boolcount != 0) obj = new SInt(1); else obj = new SInt(0); boolcount <<= 1; } break; case 16: obj = new SInt(blob.ReadByte()); break; case 17: goto case 16; case 18: // 16bit int goto case 2; case 19: // 32bit int goto case 3; case 20: // 64bit int goto case 6; case 21: // 64bit int goto case 6; case 64: // timestamp goto case 6; case 128: // string types case 129: case 130: obj = new SString("I can't parse strings yet - be patient"); break; default: throw new ParseException("Unhandled ADO type " + fieldTypeInt); } if (obj != null) { dict.AddMember(obj); dict.AddMember(fieldName.Clone()); } } step++; } SNode fakerow = new STuple(3); fakerow.AddMember(head); fakerow.AddMember(body); fakerow.AddMember(dict); return fakerow; }
/** Method: Load histogram for calculation */ void IConvolution.LoadHistogram(double min, double max, double totFreqs, double range, int maxClasses, SDict <int, double> freqs, double nConv) { Histogram hist = new Histogram(); hist.LoadHist(min, max, totFreqs, range, maxClasses, freqs); this.nConv = nConv; this.convMean = hist.Mean * nConv; this.convStDev = hist.StDev * Math.Sqrt(nConv); }
/** Method: Load a Histogram for calculation with restriction of classes * n - number (real) of convolutions */ void IConvolution.LoadHistogram(double min, double max, double totFreqs, double range, int maxClasses, SDict <int, double> freqs, double n) { //set properties Histogram histogram = new Histogram(); histogram.LoadHist(min, max, totFreqs, range, maxClasses, freqs); this.originalHistogram = histogram; this.mean = originalHistogram.Mean; this.stDev = originalHistogram.StDev; this.n = n; //scale classes if (maxClasses > 0 && maxClasses < histogram.Freqs.Count) { this.histogram = new Histogram(maxClasses); this.histogram.LoadHist(originalHistogram); } else { this.histogram = this.originalHistogram; } }
/** Method: Load histogram for calculation * hist - histogram for calculation * n - number of convolutions */ void IConvolution.LoadHistogram(double min, double max, double totFreqs, double range, int maxClasses, SDict <int, double> freqs, double n) { Histogram hist = new Histogram(); hist.LoadHist(min, max, totFreqs, range, maxClasses, freqs); ((IConvolution)this).LoadData(hist.GetRawData(), n); }
public SJoin(SQuery lf, bool ou, JoinType jt, SQuery rg, SList <SExpression> on, SDict <long, long> us, SDict <int, (long, string)> d, SDict <int, Serialisable> c)
protected SNode ParseOne() { EStreamCode check; byte isshared = 0; SNode thisobj = null; SDBRow lastDbRow = null; try { byte type = Reader.ReadByte(); check = (EStreamCode)(type & 0x3f); isshared = (byte)(type & 0x40); } catch (EndOfFileException) { return null; } #region EStreamCode Switch switch (check) { case EStreamCode.EStreamStart: break; case EStreamCode.ENone: thisobj = new SNone(); break; case EStreamCode.EString: thisobj = new SString(Reader.ReadString(Reader.ReadByte())); break; case EStreamCode.ELong: thisobj = new SLong(Reader.ReadLong()); break; case EStreamCode.EInteger: thisobj = new SInt(Reader.ReadInt()); break; case EStreamCode.EShort: thisobj = new SInt(Reader.ReadShort()); break; case EStreamCode.EByte: thisobj = new SInt(Reader.ReadByte()); break; case EStreamCode.ENeg1Integer: thisobj = new SInt(-1); break; case EStreamCode.E0Integer: thisobj = new SInt(0); break; case EStreamCode.E1Integer: thisobj = new SInt(1); break; case EStreamCode.EReal: thisobj = new SReal(Reader.ReadDouble()); break; case EStreamCode.E0Real: thisobj = new SReal(0); break; case EStreamCode.E0String: thisobj = new SString(null); break; case EStreamCode.EString3: thisobj = new SString(Reader.ReadString(1)); break; case EStreamCode.EString4: goto case EStreamCode.EString; case EStreamCode.EMarker: thisobj = new SMarker((byte)GetLength()); break; case EStreamCode.EUnicodeString: goto case EStreamCode.EString; case EStreamCode.EIdent: thisobj = new SIdent(Reader.ReadString(GetLength())); break; case EStreamCode.ETuple: { int length = GetLength(); thisobj = new STuple((uint)length); Parse(thisobj, length); break; } case EStreamCode.ETuple2: goto case EStreamCode.ETuple; case EStreamCode.EDict: { int len = (GetLength() * 2); SDict dict = new SDict((uint)len); thisobj = dict; Parse(dict, len); break; } case EStreamCode.EObject: thisobj = new SObject(); Parse(thisobj, 2); break; case EStreamCode.ESharedObj: thisobj = ShareGet(GetLength()); break; case EStreamCode.EChecksum: thisobj = new SString("checksum"); Reader.ReadInt(); break; case EStreamCode.EBoolTrue: thisobj = new SInt(1); break; case EStreamCode.EBoolFalse: thisobj = new SInt(0); break; case EStreamCode.EObject22: { SObject obj = new SObject(); thisobj = obj; Parse(thisobj, 1); string oclass = obj.Name; if (oclass == "dbutil.RowList") { SNode row; while ((row = ParseOne()) != null) obj.AddMember(row); } break; } case EStreamCode.EObject23: goto case EStreamCode.EObject22; case EStreamCode.E0Tuple: thisobj = new STuple(0); break; case EStreamCode.E1Tuple: thisobj = new STuple(1); Parse(thisobj, 1); break; case EStreamCode.E0Tuple2: goto case EStreamCode.E0Tuple; case EStreamCode.E1Tuple2: goto case EStreamCode.E1Tuple; case EStreamCode.EEmptyString: thisobj = new SString(string.Empty); break; case EStreamCode.EUnicodeString2: /* Single unicode character */ thisobj = new SString(Reader.ReadString(2)); break; case EStreamCode.ECompressedRow: thisobj = GetDBRow(); break; case EStreamCode.ESubstream: { int len = GetLength(); CacheFileReader readerSub = new CacheFileReader(Reader, len); SSubStream ss = new SSubStream(len); thisobj = ss; CacheFileParser sp = new CacheFileParser(readerSub); sp.Parse(); for (int i = 0; i < sp.Streams.Count; i++) ss.AddMember(sp.Streams[i].Clone()); Reader.Seek(readerSub.Position, SeekOrigin.Begin); break; } case EStreamCode.E2Tuple: thisobj = new STuple(2); Parse(thisobj, 2); break; case EStreamCode.EString2: goto case EStreamCode.EString; case EStreamCode.ESizedInt: switch (Reader.ReadByte()) { case 8: thisobj = new SLong(Reader.ReadLong()); break; case 4: thisobj = new SInt(Reader.ReadInt()); break; case 3: // The following seems more correct than the forumla used. // int value = (Reader.Char() << 16) + (Reader.ReadByte()); thisobj = new SInt((Reader.ReadByte()) + (Reader.ReadByte() << 16)); break; case 2: thisobj = new SInt(Reader.ReadShort()); break; } break; case (EStreamCode)0x2d: if (Reader.ReadByte() != (byte)0x2d) throw new ParseException("Didn't encounter a double 0x2d where one was expected at " + (Reader.Position - 2)); else if (lastDbRow != null) lastDbRow.IsLast = true; return null; case 0: break; default: throw new ParseException("Can't identify type " + String.Format("{0:x2}", (int)check) + " at position " + String.Format("{0:x2}", Reader.Position) + " limit " + Reader.Length); } #endregion if (thisobj == null) throw new ParseException("no thisobj in parseone"); if (isshared != 0) { if (thisobj == null) throw new ParseException("shared flag but no obj"); ShareAdd(thisobj); } return thisobj; }
private void Init() { XmlDocument doc = null; doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.Load("city.xml"); XmlNodeList provinceNodeList = doc.SelectNodes("/address/province"); if (provinceNodeList != null) { foreach (XmlNode provinceNode in provinceNodeList) { string province = provinceNode.Attributes["name"].Value; if (!_citys.ContainsKey(province)) _citys.Add(province, new ArrayList()); comboBox_provice.Items.Add(province); comboBox_regProvice.Items.Add(province); comboBox_aftersalesProvice.Items.Add(province); XmlNodeList cityNodeList = provinceNode.SelectNodes("city"); if (cityNodeList != null) { foreach (XmlNode cityNode in cityNodeList) { string city = cityNode.Attributes["name"].Value; _citys[province].Add(city); } } } comboBox_provice.SelectedIndex = 0; comboBox_regProvice.SelectedIndex = 0; comboBox_aftersalesProvice.SelectedIndex = 0; } doc = null; doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.Load("dict.xml"); XmlNodeList rowNodeList = doc.SelectNodes("/dictlist/dict/row"); if (rowNodeList != null) { foreach (XmlNode rowNode in rowNodeList) { SDict di = new SDict(); = int.Parse(rowNode.Attributes["TYPE_ID"].Value); = rowNode.Attributes["DICT_NAME"].Value; di.code = rowNode.Attributes["DICT_CODE"].Value; di.rcode = rowNode.Attributes["RELEVANCE_CODE"].Value; if (!_dict.ContainsKey( _dict.Add(, new Dictionary<string, SDict>()); if (!_dict[].ContainsKey(di.code)) _dict[].Add(di.code, di); } } doc = null; Dictionary<string, SDict> tdi = null; // 经济性质 if (_dict.TryGetValue(14, out tdi)) { foreach (KeyValuePair<string, SDict> item in tdi) { comboBox_economyNature.Items.Add(; } comboBox_economyNature.SelectedIndex = 0; } tdi = null; // 供应商类型 if (_dict.TryGetValue(11, out tdi)) { foreach (KeyValuePair<string, SDict> item in tdi) { comboBox_supplierType.Items.Add(; } comboBox_supplierType.SelectedIndex = 0; } tdi = null; // 采购方式 if (_dict.TryGetValue(6, out tdi)) { foreach (KeyValuePair<string, SDict> item in tdi) { comboBox_purchaseType.Items.Add(; } comboBox_purchaseType.SelectedIndex = 0; } tdi = null; // 信用等级 if (_dict.TryGetValue(13, out tdi)) { foreach (KeyValuePair<string, SDict> item in tdi) { comboBox_creditLevel.Items.Add(; } comboBox_creditLevel.SelectedIndex = 0; } tdi = null; // 开户银行 if (_dict.TryGetValue(12, out tdi)) { foreach (KeyValuePair<string, SDict> item in tdi) { comboBox_bank.Items.Add(; } //comboBox_bank.SelectedIndex = 0; } tdi = null; // 售后类型 if (_dict.TryGetValue(17, out tdi)) { foreach (KeyValuePair<string, SDict> item in tdi) { comboBox_aftersalesType.Items.Add(; } comboBox_aftersalesType.SelectedIndex = 0; } tdi = null; // 运输车类型 if (_dict.TryGetValue(18, out tdi)) { foreach (KeyValuePair<string, SDict> item in tdi) { comboBox_transportType.Items.Add(; } comboBox_transportType.SelectedIndex = 0; } tdi = null; this.comboBox_natualTaxPay.SelectedIndex = 0; this.comboBox_landTaxPay.SelectedIndex = 0; this.comboBox_bankHasIllegal.SelectedIndex = 0; this.comboBox_bankHasPay.SelectedIndex = 0; this.comboBox_purchaseSuccese.SelectedIndex = 0; }
SQuery TableExp(SDict <int, string> als, SDict <int, Serialisable> cp) { if (lxr.tok == Sym.LPAREN) { SQuery r; Next(); if (lxr.tok == Sym.SELECT) { r = (SQuery)Select(); } else { r = TableExp(SDict <int, string> .Empty, SDict <int, Serialisable> .Empty); } Mustbe(Sym.RPAREN); return(r); } var id = MustBeID(); var tb = new STable(id.str); if (lxr.tok == Sym.ID && lxr.val != null) { var alias = ((SString)lxr.val).str; Next(); tb = new SAliasedTable(tb, alias); } var jt = SJoin.JoinType.None; if (lxr.tok == Sym.COMMA) { Next(); jt = SJoin.JoinType.Cross; } else if (lxr.tok == Sym.CROSS) { Next(); Mustbe(Sym.JOIN); jt = SJoin.JoinType.Cross; } else { if (lxr.tok == Sym.NATURAL) { Next(); jt |= SJoin.JoinType.Natural; Mustbe(Sym.JOIN); } else { if (lxr.tok == Sym.INNER) { Next(); jt |= SJoin.JoinType.Inner; } else { if (lxr.tok == Sym.LEFT) { Next(); jt |= SJoin.JoinType.Left; } else if (lxr.tok == Sym.RIGHT) { Next(); jt |= SJoin.JoinType.Right; } else if (lxr.tok == Sym.FULL) { Next(); jt |= (SJoin.JoinType.Left | SJoin.JoinType.Right); } if (jt != SJoin.JoinType.None && lxr.tok == Sym.OUTER) { Next(); } } if (jt != SJoin.JoinType.None) { Mustbe(Sym.JOIN); } } } if (jt != SJoin.JoinType.None) { var on = SList <SExpression> .Empty; var ra = TableExp(SDict <int, string> .Empty, SDict <int, Serialisable> .Empty); var da = SDict <int, string> .Empty; var ca = SDict <int, Serialisable> .Empty; var na = SDict <string, Serialisable> .Empty; var us = SList <string> .Empty; if ((jt & (SJoin.JoinType.Cross | SJoin.JoinType.Natural)) == 0) { if (lxr.tok == Sym.USING) { Next(); jt |= SJoin.JoinType.Named; for (; ;) { var v = lxr.val; Mustbe(Sym.ID); us += ((SString)v).str; if (lxr.tok == Sym.COMMA) { Next(); } else { break; } } } else { Mustbe(Sym.ON); for (; ;) { var ex = Conjunct(); if (!(ex is SExpression e) || e.op != SExpression.Op.Eql || e.left.type != Types.SColumn || e.right.type != Types.SColumn) { throw new Exception("Column matching expression expected"); } on += (SExpression)ex; if (lxr.tok == Sym.AND) { Next(); } else { break; } } } } return(new SJoin(tb, false, jt, ra, on, us, da, ca, new Context(na, null))); } return(tb); }
new SRObject(SDict <long, int> .Empty, SDict <string, int> .Empty,