Beispiel #1
//	static List<string> EmurateFilesUnderPath(string basePath, string extension)
//  {
//      List<string> files = new List<string>();
//      foreach(string file in System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(basePath))
//      {
//          var ext = Path.GetExtension(file);
//          if (extension.Length == 0 || extension == ext)
//          {
//              files.Add(file.Replace(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar, Path.AltDirectorySeparatorChar));
//          }
//      }
//      foreach(string dir in System.IO.Directory.GetDirectories(basePath))
//      {
//          files.AddRange(EmurateFilesUnderPath(dir, extension));
//      }
//      return files;
//  }

    // 场景CSV文件加载回调aa
    static void OnCSVLoad(string key, SDCSV csv)
        string kCurrentScene = EditorApplication.currentScene;

        foreach (DictionaryEntry de in csv.csvTable)
            string    id           = de.Key.ToString();
            Hashtable table        = de.Value as Hashtable;
            string    levelPath    = table["Scene"] as string;
            string    strLevelPath = "Assets/" + levelPath + ".unity";
            if (EditorApplication.OpenScene(strLevelPath))
                Debug.LogWarning("exporting scene " + strLevelPath);
                if (!CreateMonsterXmlByLevelID(id))
                    Debug.LogError("failed to create monster xml of scene " + strLevelPath);
                Debug.LogError("failed to open scene " + strLevelPath);
Beispiel #2
    public static void LoadLevelConfig(string level, string levelLang, string levelMeta, string levelBox)
        SDCSV levelCSV     = new SDCSV();
        SDCSV levelLangCSV = new SDCSV();
        SDCSV levelMetaCSV = new SDCSV();
        SDCSV levelBoxCSV  = new SDCSV();

        levelCSV.CreateCSVFromStr(level, 0);
        levelLangCSV.CreateCSVFromStr(levelLang, 0);
        levelMetaCSV.CreateCSVFromStr(levelMeta, 1);
        levelBoxCSV.CreateCSVFromStr(levelBox, 0);

        levelInfos = new LevelItem[levelCSV.csvTable.Count];
        int count = 0;

        foreach (DictionaryEntry de in levelCSV.csvTable)
            levelInfos[count] = new LevelItem();
            string    key      = (string)de.Key;
            Hashtable valTable = (Hashtable)de.Value;

            levelInfos[count].levelID = int.Parse(key);
            foreach (DictionaryEntry de2 in valTable)
                string name = (string)de2.Key;
                string val  = (string)de2.Value;
                Hashtable meta = (Hashtable)levelMetaCSV.csvTable[name];
                string    type = (string)meta["Type"];

                if (type == "int")
                    levelInfos[count].levelProp.Add(name, int.Parse(val));
                    levelInfos[count].levelProp.Add(name, val);

            Hashtable langHash = (Hashtable)levelLangCSV.csvTable[key];
            if (langHash != null)
                foreach (DictionaryEntry de3 in langHash)
                    string name = (string)de3.Key;
                    string val  = (string)de3.Value;
                    Hashtable meta = (Hashtable)levelMetaCSV.csvTable[name];
                    string    type = (string)meta["Type"];

                    if (type == "int")
                        levelInfos[count].levelProp[name] = int.Parse(val);
                        levelInfos[count].levelProp[name] = val;

        for (count = 1; count <= 16; count++)
            battleInfos[count] = new BattleItem();

        // 处理关卡领奖数据结构.
        foreach (DictionaryEntry de in levelBoxCSV.csvTable)
            string    key      = (string)de.Key;
            Hashtable valTable = (Hashtable)de.Value;

            uint          bid = 0;
            BattleBoxItem box = new BattleBoxItem();
            box.BoxID = uint.Parse(key);

            foreach (DictionaryEntry de2 in valTable)
                string name = (string)de2.Key;
                string val  = (string)de2.Value;
                if (name == "BattleID")
                    bid = uint.Parse(val);
                else if (name == "Job")
                    box.Job = uint.Parse(val);
                else if (name == "NeedStar")
                    box.NeedStar = uint.Parse(val);
                else if (name == "NonMoney")
                    box.NonMoney = uint.Parse(val);
                else if (name == "NonCash")
                    box.NonCash = uint.Parse(val);
                else if (name == "i1.TID")
                    box.Item1ID = uint.Parse(val);
                else if (name == "i1.Count")
                    box.Item1Count = uint.Parse(val);
                else if (name == "i2.TID")
                    box.Item2ID = uint.Parse(val);
                else if (name == "i2.Count")
                    box.Item2Count = uint.Parse(val);
                else if (name == "i3.TID")
                    box.Item3ID = uint.Parse(val);
                else if (name == "i3.Count")
                    box.Item3Count = uint.Parse(val);

            // 总计16个战役,从1开始.
            if (bid >= 1 && bid <= 16)
                if (box.NeedStar <= 18)
                    count = 0;
                else if (box.NeedStar <= 36)
                    count = 1;
                    count = 2;

                int job = 0;
                if (box.Job == 1)
                    job = 1;                                                    // 战士.
                else if (box.Job == 4)
                    job = 2;                                            // 法师.
                else if (box.Job == 7)
                    job = 3;                                            // 游侠.
                else if (box.Job == 10)
                    job = 4;                                            // 牧师.
                //battleInfos[bid].rewardBox[count,job] = new BattleBoxItem();
                battleInfos[bid].rewardBox[count, job] = box;
Beispiel #3
    static void CreateMonsterXmlAllTuituLevel()
        SDCSV kCSV = new SDCSV();

        kCSV.LoadCSVInTestMode("$Conf/level.txt", OnCSVLoad);