public SCScreen(SCGUI gui, int id)
     mGui = gui;
     mId = id;
     mTimeOfCreation = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;
     inited = false;
 public SCWindowCreateGame(SCGUI gui, int id, SCScreen parent)
     : base(gui, id, parent)
     windowRect = new Rect(Screen.width * 0.05f, Screen.height * (0.5f - 0.2f), Screen.width * 0.9f, Screen.height * 0.4f);
     windowText = "Create Game";
     mNumberOfPlayers = "";
 public SCScreenMainMenu(SCGUI gui, int id)
     : base(gui, id)
     if(SCCommunicator.userName == ""){
         //gui.currentWindow = SCGUI.WINDOW_USER_NAME;
    public SCWindowUserName(SCGUI gui, int id, SCScreen parent)
        : base(gui, id, parent)
        windowText = "Choose user name";
        windowRect = new Rect(Screen.width * 0.17f, Screen.height * 0.3f, Screen.width * 0.66f, Screen.height * 0.2f);

        mInstruction = "Please choose a user name.";
 public SCWindowPauseGame(SCGUI gui, int id, SCScreen parent)
     : base(gui, id, parent)
     windowText = "Pause Game";
     float width = Screen.width * 0.9f;
     float height = Screen.height * 0.17f;
     windowRect = new Rect((Screen.width - width) / 2, (Screen.height - height) / 2, width, height);
 public SCWindowNewRound(SCGUI gui, int id, SCScreen parent)
     : base(gui, id, parent)
     windowText = "New Round";
     float width = Screen.width * 0.7f;
     float height = Screen.height * 0.16f;
     windowRect = new Rect((Screen.width - width) / 2, (Screen.height - height) / 2, width, height);
    public SCWindowWaiting(SCGUI gui, int id, SCScreen parent)
        : base(gui, id, parent)
        windowText = "Waiting";
        float width = Screen.width * 0.8f;
        float height = Screen.height * 0.07f;
        windowRect = new Rect((Screen.width - width) / 2, (Screen.height - height) / 2, width, height);

        SCCommunicator.addCommand("everyone_ready", onEveryoneReadyCommand, id);
    public SCWindowDisconnection(SCGUI gui, int id, SCScreen parent)
        : base(gui, id, parent)
        windowText = "Disconnection";
        float width = Screen.width * 0.8f;
        float height = Screen.height * 0.13f;
        windowRect = new Rect((Screen.width - width) / 2, (Screen.height - height) / 2, width, height);

        mCount = 10;

        SCCommunicator.addCommand("no_disconnection", onNoDisconnectionCommand, id);
    public SCWindowJoinGame(SCGUI gui, int id, SCScreen parent)
        : base(gui, id, parent)
        windowRect = new Rect(Screen.width * 0.05f, Screen.height * (0.5f - 0.2f), Screen.width * 0.9f, Screen.height * 0.38f);
        windowText = "Join Game";

        mInstructions = "Search for a game:";
        mGameFound = "";
        mAlreadySearching = false;

        SCCommunicator.addCommand("game_found", onGameFoundCommand, id);
        SCCommunicator.addCommand("game_not_found", onGameNotFoundCommand, id);
    public SCScreenGameLobby(SCGUI gui, int id)
        : base(gui, id)
        mConnectionStatus = "Trying to connect to server...";
        playersInLobby = new List<string>();
        mConnected = false;

        SCCommunicator.addCommand("connected_to_server", onConnectedToServer, id);
        SCCommunicator.addCommand("disconnected_from_server", onDisconnectedFromServer, id);
        SCCommunicator.addCommand("added_player", onAddedPlayerCommand, id);
        SCCommunicator.addCommand("lobby_status", onLobbyStatusCommand, id);
        SCCommunicator.addCommand("entered_wrong_password", onEnteredWrongPasswordCommand, id);
        SCCommunicator.addCommand("game_does_not_exist", onGameDoesNotExistCommand, id);
        SCCommunicator.addCommand("server_destroyed", onServerDestroyedCommand, id);
        SCCommunicator.addCommand("game_started", onGameStartedCommand, id);
    public SCWindowGameLobby(SCGUI gui, int id, SCScreen parent)
        : base(gui, id, parent)
        windowText = "Game Lobby";
        windowRect = new Rect(Screen.width * 0.05f, Screen.height * 0.05f, Screen.width * 0.9f, Screen.height * 0.9f);

        mConnectionStatus = "Trying to connect to server...";
        mPlayersInLobby = new List<string>();
        mConnected = false;

        SCCommunicator.addCommand("connected_to_server", onConnectedToServer, id);
        SCCommunicator.addCommand("disconnected_from_server", onDisconnectedFromServer, id);
        SCCommunicator.addCommand("added_player", onAddedPlayerCommand, id);
        SCCommunicator.addCommand("lobby_status", onLobbyStatusCommand, id);
        SCCommunicator.addCommand("entered_wrong_password", onEnteredWrongPasswordCommand, id);
        SCCommunicator.addCommand("game_does_not_exist", onGameDoesNotExistCommand, id);
        SCCommunicator.addCommand("server_destroyed", onServerDestroyedCommand, id);
        SCCommunicator.addCommand("game_started", onGameStartedCommand, id);
 public SCWindowError(SCGUI gui, int id, SCScreen parent)
     : base(gui, id, parent)
     windowRect = new Rect(Screen.width * 0.1f, Screen.height * (0.5f - 0.05f), Screen.width * 0.8f, Screen.height * 0.1f);
     windowText = "Error";