void StartRecognizer() 
		// only do this on awake ?
		//SAPIWrapper.ExtractGrammarFile (GrammarFileName, GrammarFileName.Replace ("/Resources/",""));
		//SAPIWrapper.CopySystemDlls(); // just for testing, do this always...
		// reload the same level

			// Initialize the speech wrapper
			int rc = 0;
			string sCriteria = String.Format("Language={0:X}", LanguageCode);
			rc = SAPIWrapper.InitSpeechRecognizer("", false, true);

			if (rc < 0)
				Debug.LogWarning ("Error initializing SAPI: " + SAPIWrapper.GetSystemErrorMessage(rc));

				// put up a dialog message explaining spesh cound not be initialized.
				if (!hasShownWarning)
					DialogMsg msg = new DialogMsg();
					msg.xmlName = "traumaErrorPopup";
					msg.className = "TraumaError";
					msg.modal = true;
					msg.arguments.Add("Speech Error");
					msg.arguments.Add("Speech could not be initialized.  Is your microphone plugged in?");
					hasShownWarning = true;

				throw new Exception(String.Format("Error initializing SAPI: " + SAPIWrapper.GetSystemErrorMessage(rc)));
				sapiInitialized = true;

			instance = this;

			if (inputMode == eInputMode.pushToTalk){
				Speak ("<volume level='50'> Push Space Bar To Talk");
				Speak ("<volume level='50'> Voice is Listening");

			rc = SAPIWrapper.LoadSpeechGrammar(Application.dataPath+GrammarFileName,(short)LanguageCode);
			if (rc < 0)
				sapiInitialized = false;
				Speak ("Error loading grammar");
				// put up a dialog message explaining spesh cound not be initialized.
				if (!hasShownWarning)
					DialogMsg msg = new DialogMsg();
					msg.xmlName = "traumaErrorPopup";
					msg.className = "TraumaError";
					msg.modal = true;
					msg.arguments.Add("Speech Error");
					msg.arguments.Add("Speech could not be initialized.  Is your microphone plugged in?");
					hasShownWarning = true;
				throw new Exception(String.Format("Error loading Grammar: " + SAPIWrapper.GetSystemErrorMessage(rc)));

//			SAPIWrapper.SetRuleState("playercommand",0); // test setting this rule inactive

//!!TEST			SAPIWrapper.SetSpeechRecoCallback (SpeechRecognizedCallback);

//!!TEST			SAPIWrapper.SetSpeechRejectCallback (SpeechRejectedCallback);

			// we should delay this until the level is up and loaded...
//			SAPIWrapper.StartListening();
//			listening = true;
//			DontDestroyOnLoad(gameObject); // I think this has already been done in Awake()
		catch(DllNotFoundException ex)
			// see if it's the dll not found error, if so copy the .dll's and init again...
		//	Application.LoadLevel(Application.loadedLevel); // this fails for Trauma, so we just quit after copying the .dll's
			if(debugText != null)
				debugText.guiText.text = "Please check the SAPI installations.";
		catch (Exception ex) 
			if(debugText != null)
				debugText.guiText.text = ex.Message;
	void Awake(){

		// make sure we remain a singleton
		if (instance != null && instance != this){
		// otherwise, we are the first
		instance = this;
		DontDestroyOnLoad (gameObject);
		SAPIWrapper.ExtractGrammarFile (GrammarFileName, GrammarFileName.Replace ("/Resources/",""));
		unrecognizedClips = new List<SpeechInputRecord>();
		instance = null;
		DestroyImmediate( this );