/// <summary> /// Gets the hash code /// </summary> /// <returns>Hash code</returns> public override int GetHashCode() { unchecked // Overflow is fine, just wrap { var hashCode = 41; // Suitable nullity checks etc, of course :) if (CredentialID != null) { hashCode = hashCode * 59 + CredentialID.GetHashCode(); } if (Hash != null) { hashCode = hashCode * 59 + Hash.GetHashCode(); } if (SAD != null) { hashCode = hashCode * 59 + SAD.GetHashCode(); } if (ClientData != null) { hashCode = hashCode * 59 + ClientData.GetHashCode(); } return(hashCode); } }
private void NewDataEventHandler(object sender, DisposalInterconnectionData e) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(e.ID)) { return; } EnsureChildControls(); m_SelectedItemTitle.Text = e.Title; using (Entities _entities = new Entities()) { DisposalRequestLib _drl = Element.GetAtIndex <DisposalRequestLib>(_entities.DisposalRequestLibrary, e.ID); List <SAD> _cns = new List <SAD>(); SPWeb _wb = SPContext.Current.Web; foreach (CustomsWarehouseDisposal _cwd in _drl.CustomsWarehouseDisposal(_entities, false)) { if (_cwd.CWL_CWDisposal2ClearanceID == null) { continue; } if (_cwd.CWL_CWDisposal2ClearanceID.SADConsignmentLibraryIndex == null) { continue; } SPDocumentLibrary _lib = (SPDocumentLibrary)_wb.Lists[SADConsignment.IPRSADConsignmentLibraryTitle]; SAD _sad = CAS.SharePoint.DocumentsFactory.File.ReadXmlFile <SAD>(_lib, _cwd.CWL_CWDisposal2ClearanceID.SADConsignmentLibraryIndex.Id.Value); _cns.Add(_sad); } SADCollection _sc = new SADCollection() { ListOfSAD = _cns.ToArray() }; m_HiddenFieldData.Value = System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(CAS.SharePoint.Serialization.XmlSerializer.Serialize <SADCollection>(_sc, Settings.SADCollectionStylesheetName)); } }
/// <summary> /// Returns true if InputCredentialsExtendTransaction instances are equal /// </summary> /// <param name="other">Instance of InputCredentialsExtendTransaction to be compared</param> /// <returns>Boolean</returns> public bool Equals(InputCredentialsExtendTransaction other) { if (ReferenceEquals(null, other)) { return(false); } if (ReferenceEquals(this, other)) { return(true); } return (( CredentialID == other.CredentialID || CredentialID != null && CredentialID.Equals(other.CredentialID) ) && ( Hash == other.Hash || Hash != null && Hash.Equals(other.Hash) ) && ( SAD == other.SAD || SAD != null && SAD.Equals(other.SAD) ) && ( ClientData == other.ClientData || ClientData != null && ClientData.Equals(other.ClientData) )); }
public ActionResult SADInvoice(long?id, string SearchString, string sort) { if (User.Identity.IsAuthenticated) { ViewBag.idd = sort == "Id" ? "Id desc" : "Id"; ViewBag.nr = sort == "Nr" ? "Nr desc" : "Nr"; ViewBag.date = sort == "Date" ? "Date desc" : "Date"; List <SAD> all = SADSearch(id, SearchString, sort); if (Session["SelectedIdIS"] != null) { id = Convert.ToInt32(Session["SelectedIdIS"]); } if (all.Any()) { SAD sad = db.SAD.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == id); ViewBag.InvoiceToAdd = GetInvoiceToAdd(sad.Currency); ViewBag.InvoiceToDelete = GetInvoiceToDelete(sad.Id); } return(View(all.ToList())); } else { return(RedirectToAction("Login", "Account")); } }
public ActionResult SADDelete(long id) { SAD sAD = db.SAD.Find(id); db.SAD.Remove(sAD); db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("SADList")); }
private void onCreateMessageTemplates(object sender, EventArgs e) { TraceEvent("Entering ClearThroughCustoms.onCreateMessageTemplates", 46, TraceSeverity.Monitorable); try { string _MasterDocumentName = String.Empty; using (Entities _entities = new Entities(workflowProperties.WebUrl)) { DisposalRequestLib _Dr = Element.GetAtIndex <DisposalRequestLib>(_entities.DisposalRequestLibrary, workflowProperties.ItemId); foreach (CustomsWarehouseDisposal _cwdx in _Dr.CustomsWarehouseDisposal(_entities, false)) { if (_cwdx.CustomsStatus.Value != CustomsStatus.NotStarted) { continue; } Clearence _newClearance = Clearence.CreataClearence(_entities, "Customs Warehouse Withdraw", _Dr.ClearenceProcedure.Value, TraceEvent); _cwdx.CWL_CWDisposal2ClearanceID = _newClearance; _cwdx.CustomsStatus = CustomsStatus.Started; if (_cwdx.CWL_CWDisposal2CustomsWarehouseID.TobaccoNotAllocated.Value > 0 || _cwdx.CWL_CWDisposal2CustomsWarehouseID.CustomsWarehouseDisposal(_entities, false).Where <CustomsWarehouseDisposal>(x => x.CustomsStatus.Value == CustomsStatus.NotStarted).Any <CustomsWarehouseDisposal>()) { _cwdx.ClearingType = ClearingType.PartialWindingUp; } else { _cwdx.ClearingType = ClearingType.TotalWindingUp; _cwdx.TobaccoValue += _cwdx.CWL_CWDisposal2CustomsWarehouseID.Value.Value - _cwdx.CWL_CWDisposal2CustomsWarehouseID.CustomsWarehouseDisposal(_entities, false).Sum <CustomsWarehouseDisposal>(x => x.TobaccoValue.Value); _cwdx.TobaccoValue = _cwdx.TobaccoValue.Value.RoundValue(); _cwdx.CW_SettledNetMass += _cwdx.CWL_CWDisposal2CustomsWarehouseID.CW_Quantity.Value - _cwdx.CWL_CWDisposal2CustomsWarehouseID.CustomsWarehouseDisposal(_entities, false).Sum <CustomsWarehouseDisposal>(x => x.CW_SettledNetMass.Value); _cwdx.CW_SettledNetMass = _cwdx.CW_SettledNetMass.Value.RoundValue(); _cwdx.CW_SettledGrossMass += _cwdx.CWL_CWDisposal2CustomsWarehouseID.GrossMass.Value - _cwdx.CWL_CWDisposal2CustomsWarehouseID.CustomsWarehouseDisposal(_entities, false).Sum <CustomsWarehouseDisposal>(x => x.CW_SettledGrossMass.Value); _cwdx.CW_SettledGrossMass = _cwdx.CW_SettledGrossMass.Value.RoundValue(); } _MasterDocumentName = _newClearance.SADTemplateDocumentNameFileName(_entities); SAD _sad = CraeteSAD(_entities, _cwdx, _MasterDocumentName); TraceEvent(" ClearThroughCustoms.onCreateMessageTemplates at File.CreateXmlFile", 4756, TraceSeverity.Monitorable); SPFile _newFile = File.CreateXmlFile <SAD>(workflowProperties.Web, _sad, _MasterDocumentName, SADConsignment.IPRSADConsignmentLibraryTitle, SAD.StylesheetNmane); SADConsignment _sadConsignment = Element.GetAtIndex <SADConsignment>(_entities.SADConsignment, _newFile.Item.ID); _sadConsignment.Archival = true; _newClearance.SADConsignmentLibraryIndex = _sadConsignment; TraceEvent(" ClearThroughCustoms.onCreateMessageTemplates at SubmitChanges", 80, TraceSeverity.Monitorable); _entities.SubmitChanges(); } } logToHistoryListActivity_HistoryOutcome = "Success"; logToHistoryListActivity_HistoryDescription = String.Format("Document {0} created successfully", _MasterDocumentName); } catch (Exception _ex) { logToHistoryListActivity_HistoryOutcome = "Exception"; logToHistoryListActivity_HistoryDescription = _ex.Message; TraceEvent(String.Format("Exception {0} at ClearThroughCustoms.onCreateMessageTemplates: {1}; StackTrace: {2}", _ex.GetType().Name, _ex.Message, _ex.StackTrace), 46, TraceSeverity.High); } TraceEvent("Finishing ClearThroughCustoms.onCreateMessageTemplates", 98, TraceSeverity.Monitorable); }
public ActionResult SADEdit([Bind(Include = "Id,SadNumber,SadDate,Currency,ExchangeRate,SadStatus,Paid,PaidDate,Remarks")] SAD sAD) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { if (sAD.SadNumber.Contains("/")) { sAD.SadNumber = sAD.SadNumber.Replace("/", String.Empty); } db.Entry(sAD).State = EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("SADList", new { id = sAD.Id })); } return(View(sAD)); }
//TODO this doesn't pass if executed as "Run All" - the test data must be copied to the working directory. public void DeserializationTestMethod() { SAD _sad = XmlFile.ReadXmlFile <SAD>(@"TestData\TestSAD.xml"); Assert.IsNotNull(_sad); SADCollection _sc = new SADCollection() { ListOfSAD = new SAD[] { _sad, _sad } }; XmlFile.WriteXmlFile <SADCollection>(_sc, @"TestData\TestSADCollection.xml", System.IO.FileMode.Create, "SADCollection.xls"); SADCollection _new = XmlFile.ReadXmlFile <SADCollection>(@"TestData\TestSADCollection.xml"); Assert.IsNotNull(_new); }
/// <summary> /// Returns true if InputSignaturesSignhash instances are equal /// </summary> /// <param name="other">Instance of InputSignaturesSignhash to be compared</param> /// <returns>Boolean</returns> public bool Equals(InputSignaturesSignhash other) { if (ReferenceEquals(null, other)) { return(false); } if (ReferenceEquals(this, other)) { return(true); } return (( CredentialID == other.CredentialID || CredentialID != null && CredentialID.Equals(other.CredentialID) ) && ( SAD == other.SAD || SAD != null && SAD.Equals(other.SAD) ) && ( Hash == other.Hash || Hash != null && Hash.Equals(other.Hash) ) && ( HashAlgo == other.HashAlgo || HashAlgo != null && HashAlgo.Equals(other.HashAlgo) ) && ( SignAlgo == other.SignAlgo || SignAlgo != null && SignAlgo.Equals(other.SignAlgo) ) && ( SignAlgoParams == other.SignAlgoParams || SignAlgoParams != null && SignAlgoParams.Equals(other.SignAlgoParams) ) && ( ClientData == other.ClientData || ClientData != null && ClientData.Equals(other.ClientData) )); }
/// <summary> /// Gets the hash code /// </summary> /// <returns>Hash code</returns> public override int GetHashCode() { unchecked // Overflow is fine, just wrap { var hashCode = 41; // Suitable nullity checks etc, of course :) if (SAD != null) { hashCode = hashCode * 59 + SAD.GetHashCode(); } if (ExpiresIn != null) { hashCode = hashCode * 59 + ExpiresIn.GetHashCode(); } return(hashCode); } }
// GET: Transport/Details/5 public ActionResult SADDetails(long?id) { if (User.Identity.IsAuthenticated) { if (id == null) { return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest)); } SAD sAD = db.SAD.Find(id); if (sAD == null) { return(HttpNotFound()); } return(View(sAD)); } else { return(RedirectToAction("Login", "Account")); } }
/// <summary> /// 简单类型工厂创建primitiveType,如ID等 /// </summary> /// <param name="parent"></param> /// <param name="product"></param> /// <param name="name"></param> /// <returns></returns> public override abstractType Create(compositeType parent, Enum product, string name) { abstractType tmp = null; switch (product) { case enumPrimitive.DR: tmp = new DR(name); break; case enumPrimitive.DT: tmp = new DT(name); break; case enumPrimitive.FT: tmp = new FT(name); break; case enumPrimitive.ID: tmp = new ID(name); break; case enumPrimitive.IS: tmp = new IS(name); break; case enumPrimitive.NM: tmp = new NM(name); break; case enumPrimitive.SAD: tmp = new SAD(name); break; case enumPrimitive.SI: tmp = new SI(name); break; case enumPrimitive.ST: tmp = new ST(name); break; case enumPrimitive.TM: tmp = new TM(name); break; case enumPrimitive.TN: tmp = new TN(name); break; case enumPrimitive.TS: tmp = new TS(name); break; case enumPrimitive.TX: tmp = new TX(name); break; case enumPrimitive.VARIES: tmp = new VARIES(name); break; case enumPrimitive.MO: tmp = new MO(name); break; default: throw new NotSupportedException(); } return(tmp); }
private static SAD CraeteSAD(Entities entities, CustomsWarehouseDisposal disposal, string masterDocumentName) { SADGood _entrySAD = disposal.CWL_CWDisposal2CustomsWarehouseID.CWL_CW2ClearenceID.Clearence2SadGoodID; List <SADZgloszenieTowarDokumentWymagany> _dcsList = new List <SADZgloszenieTowarDokumentWymagany>(); int _Pos = 1; _dcsList.Add(SADZgloszenieTowarDokumentWymagany.Create(_Pos++, Settings.CustomsProcedureCode9DK8, masterDocumentName, String.Empty)); foreach (SADRequiredDocuments _rdx in _entrySAD.SADRequiredDocuments(entities, false)) { if (Required(_rdx.Code)) { _dcsList.Add(SADZgloszenieTowarDokumentWymagany.Create(_Pos++, _rdx.Code, _rdx.Number, _rdx.Title)); } } decimal _IloscTowaruId = 1; SADZgloszenieTowarIloscTowaru[] _IloscTowaruArray = new SADZgloszenieTowarIloscTowaru[] { SADZgloszenieTowarIloscTowaru.Create(ref _IloscTowaruId, disposal.CW_SettledNetMass.ConvertToDecimal(), disposal.CW_SettledGrossMass.ConvertToDecimal()) }; decimal _Value = disposal.TobaccoValue.ConvertToDecimal(); decimal _SADZgloszenieTowarId = 1; string _CWDocumentNo = disposal.CWL_CWDisposal2CustomsWarehouseID.DocumentNo; string _CustomsProcedure = String.IsNullOrEmpty(disposal.CustomsProcedure) ? disposal.CWL_CWDisposal2DisposalRequestLibraryID.ClearenceProcedure.Value.Convert2String() : disposal.CustomsProcedure; SADZgloszenieTowar[] _good = new SADZgloszenieTowar[] { SADZgloszenieTowar.Create (disposal.GoodsName(entities), disposal.CW_PackageToClear.ConvertToDecimal(), _CWDocumentNo, _Value, ref _SADZgloszenieTowarId, disposal.ProductCode, disposal.ProductCodeTaric, _CustomsProcedure, _dcsList.ToArray(), _IloscTowaruArray) }; SADZgloszenieUC _CustomsOffice = SADZgloszenieUC.Create(Settings.GetParameter(entities, SettingsEntry.DefaultCustomsOffice)); SADZgloszenie _application = SADZgloszenie.Create(_good, _CustomsOffice, Settings.GetParameter(entities, SettingsEntry.RecipientOrganization), Vendor.SenderOrganization(entities)); return(SAD.Create(Settings.GetParameter(entities, SettingsEntry.OrganizationEmail), _application)); }
/// <summary> /// Returns true if OutputCredentialsExtendTransaction instances are equal /// </summary> /// <param name="other">Instance of OutputCredentialsExtendTransaction to be compared</param> /// <returns>Boolean</returns> public bool Equals(OutputCredentialsExtendTransaction other) { if (ReferenceEquals(null, other)) { return(false); } if (ReferenceEquals(this, other)) { return(true); } return (( SAD == other.SAD || SAD != null && SAD.Equals(other.SAD) ) && ( ExpiresIn == other.ExpiresIn || ExpiresIn != null && ExpiresIn.Equals(other.ExpiresIn) )); }