Beispiel #1
        // Discussion about arrays and RTD:!searchin/exceldna/async$20array$20marshaling/exceldna/L2zC5YZiix4/yoNblGOaFt4J
        // CONSIDER: we can resize if we exclude single-cell callers....

        public static object rxCreateArrays()
            ExcelReference caller = Excel(xlfCaller) as ExcelReference;


            object result = RxExcel.Observe("rxCreateArrays", null,
                                            () => Observable.Generate(
                                                new List <object> {
                1, 2, 3
                                                lst => true,
                                                lst => { lst.Add((int)lst[lst.Count - 1] + 1); return(lst); },
                                                lst => Transpose(lst.ToArray()),
                                                lst => TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3))

            if (result.Equals(ExcelError.ExcelErrorNA))
                result = new object[, ] {
                    { result }
            // I don't know how to resize this yet...
            // return ArrayResizer.ResizeObservable((object[,])result, caller);
Beispiel #2
        public static object GetValues()
            // a delegate that creates an observable over Event2Observable
            Func <IObservable <double> > f2 = () => Observable.Create <double>(Event2Observable);

            //  pass that to Excel wrapper
            return(RxExcel.Observe("GetValues", null, f2));
Beispiel #3
 // A custom sequence returning squares every 5 seconds, up to 20 * 20.
 // Not Observing 'Per Caller' ensures we share a sequnce if using the function in different cells
 public static object rxCreateValues()
     return(RxExcel.Observe("rxCreateValuesShared", null,
                            () => Observable.Generate(
                                i => i <= 20,
                                i => i + 1,
                                i => i * i,
                                i => TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5))));
Beispiel #4
        // A custom sequence returning squares every intervalSeconds seconds, up to 10 * 10.
        // Observe 'Per Caller' by sending the caller is one of the 'parameters' into RxExcel.Observe.
        // This ensures we get different sequences if using the function in different cells
        public static object rxCreateValuesPerCaller(int intervalSeconds)
            object caller = Excel(xlfCaller);

            return(RxExcel.Observe("rxCreateValues", new[] { intervalSeconds, caller },
                                   () => Observable.Generate(
                                       i => i <= 10,
                                       i => i + 1,
                                       i => i * i,
                                       i => TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5))));
Beispiel #5
 // Note that the System.Timers.Timer used here will raise it's Elapsed events from a ThreadPool thread.
 // This is fine - the RxExcel RTD server does all the cross-thread marshaling.
 public static object rxCreateTimer(int intervalSeconds)
     return(RxExcel.Observe("rxCreateTimer", intervalSeconds,
                            () => Observable.Create <string>(
                                observer =>
         var timer = new System.Timers.Timer();
         timer.Interval = intervalSeconds * 1000;
         timer.Elapsed += (s, e) => observer.OnNext("Tick at" + DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss.fff"));
         return timer;
Beispiel #6
        public static object rxCreateArrays()
            ExcelReference caller = Excel(xlfCaller) as ExcelReference;

            object result = RxExcel.Observe("rxCreateArrays", null,
                                            () => Observable.Generate(
                                                new List <object> {
                1, 2, 3
                                                lst => true,
                                                lst => { lst.Add((int)lst[lst.Count - 1] + 1); return(lst); },
                                                lst => Transpose(lst.ToArray()),
                                                lst => TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)));

            if (result.Equals(ExcelError.ExcelErrorNA))
                result = new object[, ] {
                    { result }
            return(ArrayResizer.Resize((object[, ])result, caller));
Beispiel #7
 // Publishes a single value at the given time.
 public static object rxTimerWaitUntil(DateTime timeUntil)
     return(RxExcel.Observe("rxTimerWaitUntil", timeUntil,
                            () => Observable.Timer(timeUntil)));
Beispiel #8
 // Publishes a single value after the interval elapses.
 public static object rxTimerWaitInterval(int intervalSeconds)
     return(RxExcel.Observe("rxTimerWaitInterval", intervalSeconds,
                            () => Observable.Timer(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(intervalSeconds))));
Beispiel #9
 // By default, all exceptions are just returned as #VALUE, consistent with the rest of Excel-DNA.
 // If an UnhandledExceptionHandler is registered via Integration.RegisterUnhandledExceptionHandler,
 // then the result of that handler will be returned by this function.
 public static object rxThrow()
     return(RxExcel.Observe("rxThrow", null,
                            () => Observable.Throw <string>(new Exception())));
Beispiel #10
 // Never just doesn't return anything, so our functions stays in the #N/A pre-value return state.
 // This seems fine.
 public static object rxNever()
     return(RxExcel.Observe("rxNever", null,
                            () => Observable.Never <string>()));
Beispiel #11
 // We don't currently distinguish between Empty and Never.
 // Empty is a sequence that immediately completes without pushing a value.
 // So we return #N/A (the pre-Value 'Not Available' return state),
 // and then never have anything else to return when the sequence completes.
 // CONSIDER: Should we rather transition to an empty string if we comlete without seeing a value?
 public static object rxEmpty()
     return(RxExcel.Observe("rxEmpty", null,
                            () => Observable.Empty <string>()));
Beispiel #12
 // Just returns a single value and completes the sequence.
 public static object rxReturn(object value)
     return(RxExcel.Observe("rxReturn", value,
                            () => Observable.Return(value)));
Beispiel #13
 public static object DownloadAsyncTask(string url)
     return(RxExcel.Observe("DownloadAsyncTask", url, () => new WebClient().DownloadStringTask(url)));