public Type ResolveExpandedType()
            if (RuntimeCodebase.TryDeserializeType(GetExpandedTypeName(), out var type))

        public override fsResult TryDeserialize(fsData data, ref object instance, Type storageType)
            if (data.IsString == false)
                return(fsResult.Fail("Type converter requires a string"));

            if (RuntimeCodebase.TryDeserializeType(data.AsString, out var type))
                instance = type;
                return(fsResult.Fail($"Unable to find type: '{data.AsString ?? "(null)"}'."));

Beispiel #3
        private fsResult InternalDeserialize_3_Inheritance(Type overrideConverterType, fsData data, Type storageType, ref object result, out List <fsObjectProcessor> processors)
            var deserializeResult = fsResult.Success;

            var objectType = storageType;

            // If the serialized state contains type information, then we need to
            // make sure to update our objectType and data to the proper values
            // so that when we construct an object instance later and run
            // deserialization we run it on the proper type.
            if (IsTypeSpecified(data))
                var typeNameData = data.AsDictionary[Key_InstanceType];

                // we wrap everything in a do while false loop so we can break
                // out it
                    if (typeNameData.IsString == false)
                        deserializeResult.AddMessage(Key_InstanceType + " value must be a string (in " + data + ")");

                    var typeName = typeNameData.AsString;

                    if (!RuntimeCodebase.TryDeserializeType(typeName, out var type))
                        deserializeResult += fsResult.Fail("Unable to find type: '" + typeName + "'");

                    if (storageType.IsAssignableFrom(type) == false)
                        deserializeResult.AddMessage("Ignoring type specifier; a field/property of type " + storageType + " cannot hold an instance of " + type);

                    objectType = type;
                }while (false);
            RemapAbstractStorageTypeToDefaultType(ref objectType);

            // We wait until here to actually Invoke_OnBeforeDeserialize because
            // we do not have the correct set of processors to invoke until
            // *after* we have resolved the proper type to use for
            // deserialization.
            processors = GetProcessors(objectType);

            if (deserializeResult.Failed)

            // LAZLO / LUDIQ FIX
                Invoke_OnBeforeDeserialize(processors, storageType, ref data);
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(deserializeResult += fsResult.Fail(ex.ToString()));

            // Construct an object instance if we don't have one already. We also
            // need to construct an instance if the result type is of the wrong
            // type, which may be the case when we have a versioned import graph.
            if (ReferenceEquals(result, null) || result.GetType() != objectType)
                result = GetConverter(objectType, overrideConverterType).CreateInstance(data, objectType);

            // We call OnBeforeDeserializeAfterInstanceCreation here because we
            // still want to invoke the method even if the user passed in an
            // existing instance.
                Invoke_OnBeforeDeserializeAfterInstanceCreation(processors, storageType, result, ref data);
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(deserializeResult += fsResult.Fail(ex.ToString()));

            // NOTE: It is critically important that we pass the actual
            //       objectType down instead of using result.GetType() because it
            //       is not guaranteed that result.GetType() will equal
            //       objectType, especially because some converters are known to
            //       return dummy values for CreateInstance() (for example, the
            //       default behavior for structs is to just return the type of
            //       the struct).

            return(deserializeResult += InternalDeserialize_4_Cycles(overrideConverterType, data, objectType, ref result));