// Copy constructor.
 public RunnerAbility(RunnerAbility src)
     this.WalkSpeed = src.WalkSpeed;
     this.WalkSpeedAtJump = src.WalkSpeedAtJump;
     this.Gravity = src.Gravity;
     this.JumpSpeed = src.JumpSpeed;
 public override void apply(RunnerAbility ability)
     ability.WalkSpeed += 24.0f;
     ability.WalkSpeedAtJump += 24.0f;
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        if (BRGameStatus.Instance ().gameStatus () != enumGameStatus.RUNNING) {

        if (stop) {
        CharacterController controller = (CharacterController)GetComponent ("CharacterController");

        RunnerAbility ra = new RunnerAbility (runnerAbility);

        checkSpecialTechniquesTrigger ();

        // apply all buffs
        buffContainer.applyAllBuffs (ra);
        buffContainer.updateBuffs (Time.deltaTime);

        if (keyboardInput) {

            horizontalDirection += Input.GetAxis ("Horizontal");
            if (horizontalDirection > horizontalDirectionLimitPositive) {
                horizontalDirection = horizontalDirectionLimitPositive;
            if (horizontalDirection < -horizontalDirectionLimitPositive) {
                horizontalDirection = -horizontalDirectionLimitPositive;

            // make direction and turn to it.
            Vector3 directionVector = new Vector3 (horizontalDirection * 0.1f, 0.0f, 1.0f).normalized;
            Debug.Log (string.Format ("directionVector=({0},{1},{2})",
                directionVector.x, directionVector.y, directionVector.z));
            controller.transform.LookAt (directionVector + controller.transform.position);

            if (controller.isGrounded) {
                velocity = new Vector3 (0, 0, 0);

                if (Input.GetButtonDown ("Jump")) {
                    Debug.Log ("Animation : Jump");
                    velocity.y = ra.JumpSpeed;
                    if (animation)
                        animation.CrossFade ("Jump", 0.1f);
                } else {
                    if (animation) {
                        if (animation.IsPlaying ("Walk") == false) {
                            animation.CrossFade ("Walk", 0.1f);
                            //Debug.Log ("Animation : Walk");

            // make move to direction + jump up
            Vector3 nextPositionVector;
            if (controller.isGrounded) {
                nextPositionVector = directionVector * ra.WalkSpeed;
            } else {
                //Debug.Log ("at Jump!!!");
                nextPositionVector = directionVector * ra.WalkSpeedAtJump;
            velocity.y -= (ra.Gravity * Time.deltaTime);
            nextPositionVector.y = velocity.y;
            controller.Move (nextPositionVector * Time.deltaTime);

        } else {
            int sw = Screen.width, sh = Screen.height;
            bool jump = false;
            float horizontalAxis = 0.0f;

            if (Input.touches.Length == 1) {

                // skip if buff activation area is touched

                Vector2 touchPos = Input.touches[0].position;

                if (rectMoveTouchIgnore.Contains (touchPos)) {
                    // ignore this.
                    Debug.Log ("trace~~~");
                } else {
                    if (Input.touches [0].position.x < sw / 2) {
                        // left
                        horizontalAxis = -0.16f;
                    } else {
                        // right
                        horizontalAxis = 0.16f;
            } else if (Input.touches.Length >= 2) {
                // make jump
                jump = true;

            horizontalDirection += horizontalAxis;
            if (horizontalDirection > horizontalDirectionLimitPositive) {
                horizontalDirection = horizontalDirectionLimitPositive;
            if (horizontalDirection < -horizontalDirectionLimitPositive) {
                horizontalDirection = -horizontalDirectionLimitPositive;

            // make direction and turn to it.
            Vector3 directionVector = new Vector3 (horizontalDirection * 0.1f, 0.0f, 1.0f).normalized;
            Debug.Log (string.Format ("directionVector=({0},{1},{2})",
                directionVector.x, directionVector.y, directionVector.z));
            controller.transform.LookAt (directionVector + controller.transform.position);

            if (controller.isGrounded) {
                velocity = new Vector3 (0, 0, 0);

                if (jump) {
                    Debug.Log ("Animation : Jump");
                    velocity.y = ra.JumpSpeed;
                    if (animation)
                        animation.CrossFade ("Jump", 0.1f);
                } else {
                    if (animation) {
                        if (animation.IsPlaying ("Walk") == false) {
                            animation.CrossFade ("Walk", 0.1f);
                            //Debug.Log ("Animation : Walk");

            // make move to direction + jump up
            Vector3 nextPositionVector;
            if (controller.isGrounded) {
                nextPositionVector = directionVector * ra.WalkSpeed;
            } else {
                Debug.Log ("at Jump!!!");
                nextPositionVector = directionVector * ra.WalkSpeedAtJump;
            velocity.y -= (ra.Gravity * Time.deltaTime);
            nextPositionVector.y = velocity.y;

            controller.Move (nextPositionVector * Time.deltaTime);

        // check boundaries
        bool needRepositioning = false;
        Vector3 pos = controller.transform.position;
        if (pos.x > (10.0f - 1.2f)) {
            pos.x = (10.0f - 1.2f);
            needRepositioning = true;
        if (pos.x < (-10.0f + 1.2f)) {
            pos.x = (-10.0f + 1.2f);
            needRepositioning = true;
        if (needRepositioning) {
            controller.transform.position = pos;
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        if (animation) {
            animation ["Walk"].speed = 5.0f;

        runnerAbility = new RunnerAbility ();
        buffContainer = new BuffContainer ();

        tmpBuff = new Buff_SpeedBoost ();
        int sw = Screen.width, sh = Screen.height;
        //rectMoveTouchIgnore = new Rect (0, sh - tmpBuff.IconTexture.height, tmpBuff.IconTexture.width * 3, tmpBuff.IconTexture.height);
        rectMoveTouchIgnore = new Rect (0, 0, tmpBuff.IconTexture.width * 3, tmpBuff.IconTexture.height);
        Debug.Log(string.Format("rectMoveTouchIgnore={0}", rectMoveTouchIgnore));
Beispiel #5
 public virtual void apply(RunnerAbility ability)
 public override void apply(RunnerAbility ability)
     ability.JumpSpeed += 8.0f;
 public void applyAllBuffs(RunnerAbility ability)
     foreach (Buff b in buffs) {
         b.apply (ability);