Beispiel #1
    //Second Step:
    //When label is rebuilding, NGUIText processes every character of text one by one and check if a symbol or emoji matched.
    //If an emoji is matched, NGUIText will replace the matched string sequence with the matched symbol or emoji.
    //Here we can obtain the "current position" information in current label building progress(these values are localBottomLeft,localTopRight,colorTint).
    public RunTimeEmoji MatchEmoji(string text, int offset, int textLength)
        if (!label.HasDynamicEmoji)
            return null;

        //Reuse showing emojis.
        //The most important thing is that the playing progress of emoji uv animation MUST NOT be broken after label is rebuilt.
        RunTimeEmoji matched = null;

        //Seek from showingEmojis,If matched, it will keep active and the UV playing progress will not be broken.
        for (int i = 0; i < showingEmojis.Count; i++)
            var runTimeEmoji = showingEmojis[i];
            if (runTimeEmoji.emojiData.Match(text, offset, textLength))
                matched = runTimeEmoji;

        //Seek from pool
        if (matched == null)
            for (int i = 0; i < emojiPool.Count; i++)
                var runTimeEmoji = emojiPool[i];
                if (runTimeEmoji.emojiData.Match(text, offset, textLength))
                    matched = runTimeEmoji;

        if (matched == null)
            //The emoji haven't been created.
            //Create new runtime emoji.
            UiEmojiData matchedEmojiData = label.EmojiSlot.MatchEmoji(text, offset, textLength);
            if (matchedEmojiData == null)
                return null;

            //if sprite uvAnimation contains invalid configuration.
            if (!matchedEmojiData.ValidateAllSprite())
                return null;

            if (matchedEmojiData == null || (!matchedEmojiData.IsValid))
                return null;

            matched = new RunTimeEmoji();
            matched.emojiData = matchedEmojiData;
            matched.sprite0Data = matchedEmojiData.GetFirstSpriteData();

        return matched;
Beispiel #2
 //Step 3:
 //Records all the matched or unmatched emojis for post processing
 public void AddPreparedEmoji(RunTimeEmoji matched)