Beispiel #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Validates for deleting scenario
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="run"></param>
 /// <param name="scenario"></param>
 public static void ValidateForDeleteScenario(RunScenario scenario)
     if (scenario.IsScheduledOrRunning)
         throw new Exception("Cannot delete a scenario that is running or scheduled to run");
Beispiel #2
        internal static PdfPTable GetBodyTable(this RunScenario scenario, int testRun)
            var table     = new PdfPTable(new[] { 0.25f, 0.75f }); //two cols 1/3, 2/3
            var bodyProps = scenario.GetBodyProperties().ToList();

            bodyProps.Insert(1, new KeyValuePair <string, object>("Tet Run #", testRun));

            foreach (var kv in bodyProps)

                var value = kv.Value;
                if (kv.Key.Equals("RunTime"))
                    value += " Sec";

                if (kv.Key.Equals("Headers"))
                    table.AddCell(GetSummaryTable((IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <string, object> >)value, Rectangle.LISTITEM, 0.25f, 0.75f));
                    table.AddCell(value.GetNormalCell(font: null, hasBackground: kv.Key.Equals("Name")));

Beispiel #3
 public Task Execute(Run run,
                     RunScenario scenario,
                     IReadOnlyCollection <AutoBookInstanceConfiguration> autoBookInstanceConfigurationsForRun,
                     double autoBookRequiredStorageGB,
                     ConcurrentBag <RunInstance> runInstances,
                     ConcurrentDictionary <Guid, ScenarioStatuses> newScenarioStatuses,
                     ConcurrentDictionary <Guid, bool> scenarioSyncStatuses,
                     bool autoDistributed)
     return(Task.Run(() =>
             using var scope = _lifetimeScope.BeginLifetimeScope();
             var scenarioTask = scope.Resolve <RunScenarioTask>();
             scenarioTask.Execute(run, scenario, autoBookInstanceConfigurationsForRun, autoBookRequiredStorageGB,
                                  runInstances, newScenarioStatuses, scenarioSyncStatuses, autoDistributed);
        public static void SetException(this TreeNode node, Exception ex)
            var ni = node.Tag as NodeInfo;

            if (ni.Type == NodeType.Folder)
            ni.Running = false;
            var sc = new RunScenario();

            sc.Name = "Runtime Exception";
            Int32 image = NodeInfo.IMAGE_FAIL;

Beispiel #5
        public void RunCompleted(Run run, RunScenario scenario, bool success, HTTPNotificationSettings httpNotificationSettings)
            if (httpNotificationSettings.Enabled)
                // Set content
                string contentString = httpNotificationSettings.MethodSettings.ContentTemplate;
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(contentString))
                    contentString = contentString.Replace("{runId}", run.Id.ToString());
                    contentString = contentString.Replace("{scenarioId}", scenario.Id.ToString());

                // Process headers
                string contentType = "";
                Dictionary <string, string> headers = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                foreach (string header in httpNotificationSettings.MethodSettings.Headers.Keys)
                    switch (header)
                    case "Content-Type":         // Should not be passed in headers collection
                        contentType = httpNotificationSettings.MethodSettings.Headers[header];

                        headers.Add(header, httpNotificationSettings.MethodSettings.Headers[header]);

                // Set URL
                string url = httpNotificationSettings.MethodSettings.URL;
                url = url.Replace("{runId}", run.Id.ToString());
                url = url.Replace("{scenarioId}", scenario.Id.ToString());

                HttpWebRequest webRequest = CreateHttpWebRequest(url, httpNotificationSettings.MethodSettings.Method,
                                                                 headers, _defaultTimeout,
                                                                 String.IsNullOrEmpty(contentString) ? "" : contentType,
                                                                 String.IsNullOrEmpty(contentString) ? null : System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(contentString));

                HttpWebResponse webResponse = (HttpWebResponse)webRequest.GetResponse();
                ThrowExceptionIfNotSuccess(webResponse, httpNotificationSettings.SucccessStatusCodes);
Beispiel #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns PassModels for RunScenario
        /// </summary>
        private static List <PassModel> GetPassModels(
            RunScenario runScenario, IList <Scenario> scenarios, IList <Pass> passes, IMapper mapper)
            var passModels = new List <PassModel>();
            var scenario   = scenarios.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Id == runScenario.Id);

            if (scenario?.Passes == null || !scenario.Passes.Any())

            foreach (var passReference in scenario.Passes)
                var pass = passes.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Id == passReference.Id);
                if (pass != null)
                    passModels.Add(mapper.Map <PassModel>(pass));

Beispiel #7
        public void Execute(
            Run run,
            RunScenario scenario,
            IReadOnlyCollection <AutoBookInstanceConfiguration> autoBookInstanceConfigurationsForRun,
            double autoBookRequiredStorageGB,
            ConcurrentBag <RunInstance> runInstances,
            ConcurrentDictionary <Guid, ScenarioStatuses> newScenarioStatuses,
            ConcurrentDictionary <Guid, bool> scenarioSyncStatuses,
            bool autoDistributed)

            AutoBookDomainObject autoBook          = null;
            IAutoBook            autoBookInterface = null;
            bool runStarted = false;

            RaiseInfo($"Begin Execute for  ScenarioID: { scenario.Id}");

                AutoBookInstanceConfiguration runAutoBookInstanceConfiguration = null;

                if (autoDistributed)
                    RaiseInfo($"AutoDistributed - RunScenarioTask Execute Starting ScenarioID ={ scenario.Id}, RunID ={ run.Id}");

                    //create instance for scenario
                    RunInstance runInstance = _runInstanceCreator.Create(run.Id, scenario.Id);

                    RaiseInfo($"AutoDistributed - about to enter: {nameof(runInstance.UploadInputFilesAndCreateAutoBookRequest)}");
                    runInstance.UploadInputFilesAndCreateAutoBookRequest(autoBookInstanceConfigurationsForRun, autoBookRequiredStorageGB);
                    RaiseInfo($"AutoDistributed - returned from: {nameof(runInstance.UploadInputFilesAndCreateAutoBookRequest)}");

                    // Flag run as started
                    runStarted = true;
                    _ = newScenarioStatuses.TryRemove(scenario.Id, out _); // Don't update scenario status at the end

                    scenarioSyncStatuses[scenario.Id] = false;

                    RaiseInfo($"AutoDistributed - RunScenarioTask Execute Started ScenarioID ={ scenario.Id}, RunID ={ run.Id}");
                        using (MachineLock.Create("xggameplan.AWSAutoBooks.GetFreeAutoBook",
                                                  new TimeSpan(0, 10, 0)))
                            foreach (var autoBookInstanceConfiguration in autoBookInstanceConfigurationsForRun)
                                autoBook = _autoBooks.GetFirstAdequateIdleAutoBook(autoBookInstanceConfiguration, autoBookRequiredStorageGB, true);

                                if (autoBook != null) // Got free AutoBook
                                    RaiseInfo($"Got Free AutoBook: {autoBook.Id} ConfigurationId: {autoBook.InstanceConfigurationId}");
                                    runAutoBookInstanceConfiguration = autoBookInstanceConfiguration;
                    catch (MachineLockTimeoutException)
                        RaiseInfo($"MachineLockTimeoutException in xggameplan.AWSAutoBooks.GetFreeAutoBook");
                    // Get autobook interface
                    autoBookInterface = (autoBook == null) ? null : _autoBooks.GetInterface(autoBook);

                    // Get free AutoBook instance, will be locked so that it can't be used elsewhere
                    if (autoBook != null) // Free AutoBook - start run
                        RaiseInfo($"Free Autobook - Starting ScenarioID ={ scenario.Id}, AutoBookID ={autoBook?.Id}, RunID ={ run.Id}, Instance Configuration = { runAutoBookInstanceConfiguration.Description }");

                        // Start run, exception will cause cleanup below
                        RunInstance runInstance = _runInstanceCreator.Create(run.Id, scenario.Id);

                        runInstance.UploadInputFilesStartAutoBookRun(autoBookInterface, autoBook);

                        // Flag run as started
                        runStarted = true;
                        _ = newScenarioStatuses.TryRemove(scenario.Id, out _); // Don't update scenario status at the end

                        scenarioSyncStatuses[scenario.Id] = false;
                        RaiseInfo($"Started ScenarioID ={ scenario.Id}, AutoBookID ={ autoBook?.Id}, RunID ={ run.Id}, Instance Configuration = { runAutoBookInstanceConfiguration?.Description }");
                    else // No free AutoBook, awaiting for provisioning
                        _auditEventRepository.Insert(AuditEventFactory.CreateAuditEventForWarningMessage(0, 0,
                                                                                                         $"No free AutoBook, awaiting for provisioning, waiting for existing AutoBooks to be Idle (RunID={run.Id}, ScenarioID={scenario.Id})"));
                        // Update scenario so that it can be retried later when an AutoBook becomes idle
                        RunManager.UpdateScenarioStatuses(_repositoryFactory, _auditEventRepository, run.Id, new List <Guid> {
                                                          new List <ScenarioStatuses> {
                        }, new List <DateTime?> {

                        _ = newScenarioStatuses.TryRemove(scenario.Id, out _); // Don't update scenario status at the end
                        scenarioSyncStatuses[scenario.Id] = false;
            catch (System.Exception exception)
                // Log exception but don't throw it. We want to try and start other scenarios
                _auditEventRepository.Insert(AuditEventFactory.CreateAuditEventForException(0, 0, $"Error starting scenario (RunID={run.Id}, ScenarioID={scenario.Id}, AutoBookID={(autoBook == null ? "Unknown" : autoBook.Id)})", exception));
                // If we locked a free AutoBook instance but didn't start the scenario then reset to free, unlocks it.
                if (!runStarted && autoBook != null)
Beispiel #8
 private static List <CampaignPassPriorityModel> MapToCampaignPassPriorityModels(
     RunScenario runScenario, IList <Scenario> scenarios, IMapper mapper)
     return(MapToCampaignPassPriorityModels(scenarios.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Id == runScenario.Id), mapper));
Beispiel #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Check scenario results data. E.g. KPI data.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="run"></param>
        /// <param name="salesAreas"></param>
        /// <param name="scenario"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private List <SystemTestResult> CheckScenarioResultsOutputData(Run run, List <SalesArea> salesAreas, RunScenario scenario)
            List <SystemTestResult> results = new List <SystemTestResult>();

                if (scenario.Status == ScenarioStatuses.CompletedSuccess)
                    using (var scope = _repositoryFactory.BeginRepositoryScope())
                        var scenarioResultRepository = scope.CreateRepository <IScenarioResultRepository>();
                        var scenarioResult           = scenarioResultRepository.Find(scenario.Id);
                        if (scenarioResult == null)     // ScenarioResult missing
                            results.Add(new SystemTestResult(SystemTestResult.ResultTypes.Error, _category, string.Format("Run {0} (Run ID {1}) generated no Scenario Result document for scenario {2}. There will be no KPI data. There was a problem processing the output files.", run.Description, run.Id, scenario.Id), ""));
                        else if (scenarioResult.Metrics == null || !scenarioResult.Metrics.Any())   // No KPI data
                            results.Add(new SystemTestResult(SystemTestResult.ResultTypes.Error, _category, string.Format("Run {0} (Run ID {1}) generated no KPI for scenario {2}. There was a problem processing the output files.", run.Description, run.Id, scenario.Id), ""));
                            // Check individual metrics
                            int countZeroMetrics = 0;
                            foreach (var kpi in scenarioResult.Metrics)
                                if (kpi.Value == 0)
                            if (countZeroMetrics == scenarioResult.Metrics.Count)
                                results.Add(new SystemTestResult(SystemTestResult.ResultTypes.Error, _category, string.Format("Run {0} (Run ID {1}) generated KPI for scenario {2} but all of the values were zero. There was a problem processing the output files.", run.Description, run.Id, scenario.Id), ""));

                    if (!results.Where(r => r.ResultType == SystemTestResult.ResultTypes.Error).Any())
                        results.Add(new SystemTestResult(SystemTestResult.ResultTypes.Information, _category, "Scenario Results out data OK", ""));
            catch (System.Exception exception)
                results.Add(new SystemTestResult(SystemTestResult.ResultTypes.Information, _category, string.Format("Error checking Scenario Results output data: {0}", exception.Message), ""));
Beispiel #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks for recommendations. If recommendations are not present then it may indicate a problem.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="run"></param>
        /// <param name="salesAreas"></param>
        /// <param name="scenario"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private List <SystemTestResult> CheckRecommendationOutputData(Run run, List <SalesArea> salesAreas, RunScenario scenario)
            List <SystemTestResult> results = new List <SystemTestResult>();

                if (scenario.Status == ScenarioStatuses.CompletedSuccess)
                    // Check if recommendations are missing
                    List <string> processors = new List <string>()
                        (run.Smooth ? "smooth" : ""),
                        (run.Optimisation ? "autobook" : ""),
                        (run.ISR ? "isr" : ""),
                        (run.RightSizer ? "rzr" : "")
                    processors.RemoveAll(p => String.IsNullOrEmpty(p));

                    Dictionary <string, string> processorDescriptions = new Dictionary <string, string>()
                        { "smooth", "Smooth" },
                        { "autobook", "Optimiser" },
                        { "isr", "ISR" },
                        { "rzr", "Right Sizer" }

                    if (processors.Any())
                        using (var scope = _repositoryFactory.BeginRepositoryScope())
                            var recommendationRepository = scope.CreateRepository <IRecommendationRepository>();

                            // Get recommendations
                            var recommendations = recommendationRepository.GetByScenarioId(scenario.Id);

                            // For each processor then check if any recommendations
                            foreach (string processor in processors)
                                var processorRecommendations = recommendations.Where(r => r.Processor == processor);
                                if (!processorRecommendations.Any())
                                    if (processor == "smooth")   // Smooth recommendations related to run, only set for first scenario
                                        if (scenario == run.Scenarios.First())
                                            results.Add(new SystemTestResult(SystemTestResult.ResultTypes.Error, _category, string.Format("Run {0} (Run ID {1}) generated no {2} recommendations for scenario {3}.", run.Description, run.Id, processorDescriptions[processor], scenario.Id), ""));
                                        results.Add(new SystemTestResult(SystemTestResult.ResultTypes.Error, _category, string.Format("Run {0} (Run ID {1}) generated no {2} recommendations for scenario {3}.", run.Description, run.Id, processorDescriptions[processor], scenario.Id), ""));

                    if (!results.Where(r => r.ResultType == SystemTestResult.ResultTypes.Error).Any())
                        results.Add(new SystemTestResult(SystemTestResult.ResultTypes.Information, _category, "Recommendations output data OK", ""));
            catch (System.Exception exception)
                results.Add(new SystemTestResult(SystemTestResult.ResultTypes.Information, _category, string.Format("Error checking Recommendations output data: {0}", exception.Message), ""));
Beispiel #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks for failures output data.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="run"></param>
        /// <param name="salesAreas"></param>
        /// <param name="scenario"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private List <SystemTestResult> CheckFailuresOutputData(Run run, List <SalesArea> salesAreas, RunScenario scenario)
            List <SystemTestResult> results = new List <SystemTestResult>();

                if (scenario.Status == ScenarioStatuses.CompletedSuccess)
                    using (var scope = _repositoryFactory.BeginRepositoryScope())
                        var failuresRepository = scope.CreateRepository <IFailuresRepository>();
                        var failures           = failuresRepository.Get(scenario.Id);
                        if (failures == null || failures.Items == null || failures.Items.Count == 0)
                            results.Add(new SystemTestResult(SystemTestResult.ResultTypes.Error, _category, string.Format("Run {0} (RunID {1}) has a scenario (Scenario ID {2}) that generated no Optimiser failures.", run.Description, run.Id, scenario.Id), ""));

                    if (!results.Where(r => r.ResultType == SystemTestResult.ResultTypes.Error).Any())
                        results.Add(new SystemTestResult(SystemTestResult.ResultTypes.Information, _category, "Failures output data OK", ""));
            catch (System.Exception exception)
                results.Add(new SystemTestResult(SystemTestResult.ResultTypes.Information, _category, string.Format("Error checking Failures output data: {0}", exception.Message), ""));
Beispiel #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates template run, all run options selected, single sales area, default scenario. The template run can be manually modified
        /// later.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="runId"></param>
        private void CreateRunForTemplate(Guid runId)
            using (var scope = _repositoryFactory.BeginRepositoryScope())
                var repositories = scope.CreateRepositories(
                var runRepository            = repositories.Get <IRunRepository>();
                var tenantSettingsRepository = repositories.Get <ITenantSettingsRepository>();
                var salesAreaRepository      = repositories.Get <ISalesAreaRepository>();

                // Get sales areas
                var salesAreas = salesAreaRepository.GetAll();

                // Get tenant settings with default scenario
                var tenantSettings = tenantSettingsRepository.Get();

                // Create run, single sales area
                Run run = new Run()
                    Id              = runId,
                    Description     = "Template",
                    CreatedDateTime = DateTime.UtcNow,
                    //StartDateTime = DateTime.UtcNow.Date,
                    //EndDateTime = DateTime.UtcNow.Date.AddDays(48),
                    IsLocked     = false,
                    Optimisation = true,
                    Smooth       = true,
                    ISR          = true,
                    RightSizer   = true,
                    Real         = false,
                    Author       = new AuthorModel()
                        Id   = 1,
                        Name = "User"
                run.SalesAreaPriorities.Add(new SalesAreaPriority()
                    SalesArea = salesAreas.OrderBy(sa => sa.Name).First().Name,
                    Priority  = SalesAreaPriorityType.Priority3

                // Add scenario
                var runScenario = new RunScenario()
                    Id = tenantSettings.DefaultScenarioId
                //Scenario scenario = (Scenario)tenantSettings.DefaultScenario.Clone();
                run.Scenarios.ForEach(s => s.ResetToPendingStatus());

                // Set new IDs
                IdUpdater.SetIds(run, _identityGeneratorResolver);

                // Save run
Beispiel #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles run scenario completed
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="run"></param>
        /// <param name="scenario"></param>
        /// <param name="success"></param>
        public void Notify(Run run, RunScenario scenario, bool success)
            TenantSettings tenantSettings          = _tenantSettingsRepository.Get();
            bool           notificationsConfigured = false;

            // Get run scenario event settings
            if (tenantSettings.RunEventSettings != null)
                RunEventSettings runEventSettings = tenantSettings.RunEventSettings.Where(item => item.EventType == RunEvents.RunScenarioCompleted).FirstOrDefault();
                if (runEventSettings != null)
                    var exceptions = new List <Exception>();

                        // Check HTTP notification
                        INotification <HTTPNotificationSettings> httpNotification = _notifications?.GetNotification <HTTPNotificationSettings>();
                        if (runEventSettings.HTTP != null && httpNotification != null && runEventSettings.HTTP.Enabled)
                            notificationsConfigured = true;
                                _auditEventRepository.Insert(AuditEventFactory.CreateAuditEventForGameplanPipelineStart(0, 0,
                                                                                                                        PipelineEventIDs.STARTED_NOTIFYING_MULE_SOFT_API, run.Id, scenario.Id, null, string.Format("Generating HTTP notification for run completed (RunID={0}, ScenarioID={1}, Success={2})", run.Id, scenario.Id, success)));

                                                                                                               PipelineEventIDs.STARTED_NOTIFYING_MULE_SOFT_API, run.Id, scenario.Id, null));

                                httpNotification.RunCompleted(run, scenario, success, runEventSettings.HTTP);

                                _auditEventRepository.Insert(AuditEventFactory.CreateAuditEventForGameplanPipelineEnd(0, 0,
                                                                                                                      PipelineEventIDs.FINISHED_NOTIFYING_MULE_SOFT_API, run.Id, scenario.Id, null, string.Format("Generated HTTP notification for run completed (RunID={0}, ScenarioID={1}, Success={2})", run.Id, scenario.Id, success), null, null));

                                                                                                               PipelineEventIDs.FINISHED_NOTIFYING_MULE_SOFT_API, run.Id, scenario.Id, null));
                            catch (System.Exception exception)
                                _auditEventRepository.Insert(AuditEventFactory.CreateAuditEventForGameplanPipelineEnd(0, 0,
                                                                                                                      PipelineEventIDs.FINISHED_NOTIFYING_MULE_SOFT_API, run.Id, scenario.Id, null, string.Format("Failed to generate HTTP notification for run completed (RunID={0}, ScenarioID={1}, Success={2})", run.Id, scenario.Id, success), exception.Message, exception));

                                                                                                               PipelineEventIDs.FINISHED_NOTIFYING_MULE_SOFT_API, run.Id, scenario.Id, exception.Message));

                    catch (System.Exception exception)

                    if (exceptions.Count == 1)
                        throw exceptions[0];
                    else if (exceptions.Count > 0)
                        throw new AggregateException(exceptions);

            // Log warning if notifications not enabled so that there's no dispute over why they weren't generated
            if (!notificationsConfigured)
                _auditEventRepository.Insert(AuditEventFactory.CreateAuditEventForWarningMessage(0, 0,
                                                                                                 $"Not generating notification for run completed because notifications are not configured or enabled (RunID={run.Id}, ScenarioID={scenario.Id}, Success={success})"));
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var log = new LoggerConfiguration()

            Serilog.Log.Logger = log;
            Serilog.Log.Information("Hello, Serilog!");

            Console.WriteLine("Type any key to proceed. Example of piping, but the piping doesn't return functions");
            Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow;
            Console.WriteLine("Type Q to quit.");
            Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Cyan;
            Console.WriteLine("Type T For Test.");
            Console.WriteLine("Type any other key for Run.");
            Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;

            var input = Console.ReadLine();

            while (input.Trim().ToUpper() != "Q")
                if (input.Trim().ToUpper() == "T")
                    Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Magenta;

                    Console.WriteLine("Type 1 for partial Test on SaveBasket");
                    Console.WriteLine("Type 2 for partial Test on reserveProduct");
                    Console.WriteLine("Type 3 for Full Test on scenario");
                    Console.WriteLine("Type any other key for exiting Test.");
                    var inputTest = Console.ReadLine().Trim().ToUpper();
                    while (inputTest == "1" || inputTest == "2" || inputTest == "3")

                        Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Magenta;
                        Console.WriteLine("Type 1 for partial Test on SaveBasket");
                        Console.WriteLine("Type 2 for partial Test on reserveProduct");
                        Console.WriteLine("Type 3 for Full Test on scenario");
                        Console.WriteLine("Type any other key for exiting Test.");
                        inputTest = Console.ReadLine().Trim().ToUpper();
                    Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow;
                    Console.WriteLine("Type Q to quit.");
                    Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Cyan;
                    Console.WriteLine("Type T For Test.");
                    Console.WriteLine("Type any other key for Run.");
                    Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow;
                    Console.WriteLine("Type Q to quit.");
                    Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Cyan;
                    Console.WriteLine("Type T For Test.");
                    Console.WriteLine("Type any other key for Run.");

                input = Console.ReadLine();
Beispiel #15
 private static void SetIds(RunScenario scenario)
     scenario.Id = (scenario.Id == Guid.Empty) ? Guid.NewGuid() : scenario.Id;
Beispiel #16
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts run from V1 format to new format
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="runOld"></param>
        /// <param name="runs"></param>
        /// <param name="scenarios"></param>
        /// <param name="passes"></param>
        private void ConvertRun(RunV1 runOld, List <Run> runs, List <Scenario> scenarios, List <Pass> passes)
            Run run = new Run()
                Author                 = runOld.Author,
                Campaigns              = runOld.Campaigns,
                CreatedDateTime        = runOld.CreatedDateTime,
                CustomId               = runOld.CustomId,
                Description            = runOld.Description,
                EndDate                = runOld.EndDateTime,
                ExecuteStartedDateTime = runOld.ExecuteStartedDateTime,
                Id                   = runOld.Id,
                IsLocked             = runOld.IsLocked,
                ISR                  = runOld.ISR,
                LastModifiedDateTime = runOld.LastModifiedDateTime,
                Optimisation         = runOld.Optimisation,
                Real                 = runOld.Real,
                RightSizer           = runOld.RightSizer,
                //SalesAreas = runOld.SalesAreas,   //commented out for compiling as new run model for xggp-752 does not contain SalesAreas (replaced with SalesAreaPriorities)
                Smooth    = runOld.Smooth,
                StartDate = runOld.StartDateTime

            // Convert scenarios
            foreach (var scenarioOld in runOld.Scenarios)
                RunScenario runScenario = new RunScenario()
                    Id = scenarioOld.Id,
                    CompletedDateTime = scenarioOld.CompletedDateTime,
                    Progress          = scenarioOld.Progress,
                    StartedDateTime   = scenarioOld.StartedDateTime,
                    Status            = scenarioOld.Status

                Scenario scenario = new Scenario()
                    CustomId = scenarioOld.CustomId,
                    Id       = scenarioOld.Id,
                    Name     = string.Format("Scenario {0}", scenarioOld.CustomId), // Default
                    Passes   = new List <PassReference>()

                // Convert passes
                foreach (var passOld in scenarioOld.Passes)
                    PassReference passReference = new PassReference()
                        Id = passOld.Id

                    Pass pass = (Pass)passOld.Clone();
                    pass.Name = string.Format("Pass {0}", pass.Id);  // Default

