Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Calling this function uses the current date and time to update the queue with run Items...
        /// </summary>
        private void UpdateQueueWithRunItems( )
            foreach (RunItem item in RunItems)
                    // Pull the frequency string into the RunFrequency class to split into its components...
                    RunFrequency runFrequency = new RunFrequency(item.Frequency);

                    DateTime runTime = new DateTime(0);

                    // Is it time for the application to run?
                    if (runFrequency.StartDate + runFrequency.Interval <= DateTime.Now)
                        // Has the app already run the number of times it is allowed to?
                        if ((runFrequency.RunInfinite) || (runFrequency.RunNumberOfTimes != 0))
                            // Is the application already in the queue, or is it already running?
                            if ((!IsRunItemInQueue(item)) && (!(item.IsRunning)))
                                // If everything checked out ok, we add the application to the queue.

                                // Perform a query on the Test ID to get the Test object back...
                                Test testRun = dbConnection.RetrieveTest(item.TestID);

                                // Create a QueueEntry item...
                                QueueEntry queueEntry = new QueueEntry(testRun);

                                // Add the item to the queue...
                catch (Exception e)
                    // We catch all exceptions and log them to the event log...
Beispiel #2
        private void Executer( )
            int         exitCode    = 0;
            TestHistory testHistory = null;

            for (;;)

                // If there are items waiting on the queue, we will remove the first item and begin
                // execution...
                if (ExecutionQueue.Count > 0)
                    updateMutex.WaitOne( );         // Start waiting for the mutex...

                    // Pull out the queue entry...
                    QueueEntry entry = (QueueEntry)ExecutionQueue.Dequeue( );

                    // Set a flag on the RunItem to show that it is out of the queue and currently
                    // running.
                    foreach (RunItem item in RunItems)
                        if (item.TestID == entry.TestInformation.ID)
                            item.IsRunning = true;

                    updateMutex.ReleaseMutex( );    // Release the mutex when done...

                    // Add a new history entry to record that the test is now starting...
                    testHistory         = new TestHistory( );
                    testHistory.TestID  = entry.TestInformation.ID;
                    testHistory.Runtime = DateTime.Now;
                    testHistory.Status  = "STARTED";

                    // Update the CURRENT state of the test...
                    UpdateTestState(entry.TestInformation.ID, "RUNNING");

                    // Now, outside the main mutex, we perform our concurrent action for running the
                    // executable, but this time using a different mutex. This makes sure that
                    // each application never runs more than one at a time.
                    executionMutex.WaitOne( );

                    exitCode = ExecuteQueueEntry(entry);

                    executionMutex.ReleaseMutex( );

                    // We must grab the mutex again to mess with the RunItem structure...
                    updateMutex.WaitOne( );

                    // Since the position or location of the RunItem in memory cannot be guaranteed because we
                    // left the mutex for the run of the program, we must go back and find it again...
                    foreach (RunItem item in RunItems)
                        if (item.TestID == entry.TestInformation.ID)
                            // The application is no longer running, so update that state in the current
                            // memory structure...
                            item.IsRunning = false;

                            // Modify the existing runFrequency trackingItem definition to contain the current
                            // time as the start time...
                            RunFrequency runFrequency = new RunFrequency(item.Frequency);
                            runFrequency.StartDate = DateTime.Now;

                            // If this test is supposed to run a static number of times, we decrement the counter...
                            if (!runFrequency.RunInfinite)

                            // Update the item already in memory with the new changes...
                            item.Frequency = runFrequency.GetFrequencyString( );

                            // Now, update the SQL database with this information...
                            UpdateRunItemFrequency(item.TestID, runFrequency.GetFrequencyString( ));

                            // Add a new history entry to record the results of the test...
                            testHistory         = new TestHistory( );
                            testHistory.TestID  = item.TestID;
                            testHistory.Runtime = runFrequency.StartDate;

                            if (exitCode == 0)
                                testHistory.Status = "SUCCESS";
                                SendEmail(item, true);
                                testHistory.Status = "FAILURE (" + exitCode.ToString( ) + ")";
                                SendEmail(item, false);

                            // Update the CURRENT state of the test... - SUCCESS or FAILURE (either determines that
                            // the test is no longer running - STOPPED).
                            UpdateTestState(item.TestID, testHistory.Status);

                            // We should NEVER get here...
                            eventLog.WriteEntry("An item existed in the execution queue which didn't exist in the database!",

                    // Release the mutex so that further threads may modify the RunItem structures...
                    updateMutex.ReleaseMutex( );
Beispiel #3
        private void ShowSelectedTestInformation(string testID)
            // Make the test panel visible...
            AreaInfoPanel.Visible = false;
            TestEditPanel.Visible = true;
            HistoryPanel.Visible  = false;

            TestEditLabel.Text = "Edit/View Test";

            Test testInformation = dbConnection.RetrieveTest(testID);

            EditTestTestName.Text        = testInformation.Name;
            EditTestTestDescription.Text = testInformation.Description;

            // First, clear out the test owners list...
            EditTestOwnerList.Items.Clear( );

            // Populate the owner list...
            foreach (User user in dbConnection.RetrieveAllUsers( ))
                EditTestOwnerList.Items.Add(new ListItem(user.Name, user.Name));

            // Set the currently selected item to the test owner in the user list...
            EditTestOwnerList.SelectedValue = dbConnection.RetrieveUser(testInformation.OwnerID).Name;

            // Clear any selections in the priority list box...
            EditTestTestPriorityListBox.ClearSelection( );

            // Now, select the current priority given to the test...
            ListItem priorityItem = EditTestTestPriorityListBox.Items.FindByText("P" + testInformation.Priority);

            if (priorityItem != null)
                priorityItem.Selected = true;

            EditTestExecutionPath.Text = testInformation.ExecutionPath;
            EditTestExecutionName.Text = testInformation.ExecutionBinary;
            EditTestExecutionArgs.Text = testInformation.ExecutionArgs;

            if (EditTestOS.Items.FindByValue(testInformation.OperatingSystem) != null)
                EditTestOS.SelectedValue = testInformation.OperatingSystem;

            if (EditTestOSVersion.Items.FindByValue(testInformation.OSVersion) != null)
                EditTestOSVersion.SelectedValue = testInformation.OSVersion;

            // Figure out the date and time components of the interval and set them...
            RunFrequency runFrequency = new RunFrequency(testInformation.RunFrequency);

            RunFreqMonths.Text            = (runFrequency.Interval.Days / 30).ToString( ); // Get number of months...
            RunFreqDays.Text              = (runFrequency.Interval.Days % 30).ToString( ); // Get number of days (left from months)...
            RunFreqHours.Text             = runFrequency.Interval.Hours.ToString( );
            RunFreqMinutes.Text           = runFrequency.Interval.Minutes.ToString( );
            EditTestRunNumberOfTimes.Text = runFrequency.RunNumberOfTimes.ToString( );

            if (runFrequency.RunInfinite)
                EditTestInfinite.Checked       = true;
                EditTestInfiniteNoCare.Checked = false;
                EditTestInfiniteNoCare.Checked = true;
                EditTestInfinite.Checked       = true;

            EditTestState.Text = testInformation.State;

            EditTestInternalID.Text = testInformation.ID;