public bool LaunchExecutor(RunData runData) { IExecutorThread thread = null; lock (Threads) { if (!ThreadFactory.CanLaunch(Threads, runData)) { return false; } thread = ThreadFactory.Create(Executor, runData, this); } thread.Launch(this); return true; }
internal UnitTestResult RunUnitTest (UnitTest test, string suiteName, string pathName, string testName, TestContext testContext) { var runnerExe = GetCustomConsoleRunnerCommand (); if (runnerExe != null) return RunWithConsoleRunner (runnerExe, test, suiteName, pathName, testName, testContext); var console = testContext.ExecutionContext.ConsoleFactory.CreateConsole (); ExternalTestRunner runner = new ExternalTestRunner (); runner.Connect (NUnitVersion, testContext.ExecutionContext.ExecutionHandler, console).Wait (); LocalTestMonitor localMonitor = new LocalTestMonitor (testContext, test, suiteName, testName != null); string[] filter = null; if (test != null) { if (test is UnitTestGroup && NUnitVersion == NUnitVersion.NUnit2) { filter = CollectTests ((UnitTestGroup)test); } else if (test.TestId != null) { filter = new string [] { test.TestId }; } } RunData rd = new RunData (); rd.Runner = runner; rd.Test = this; rd.LocalMonitor = localMonitor; var cancelReg = testContext.Monitor.CancellationToken.Register (rd.Cancel); UnitTestResult result; var crashLogFile = Path.GetTempFileName (); try { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (AssemblyPath)) { string msg = GettextCatalog.GetString ("Could not get a valid path to the assembly. There may be a conflict in the project configurations."); throw new Exception (msg); } string testRunnerAssembly, testRunnerType; GetCustomTestRunner (out testRunnerAssembly, out testRunnerType); testContext.Monitor.CancellationToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested (); result = runner.Run (localMonitor, filter, AssemblyPath, "", new List<string> (SupportAssemblies), testRunnerType, testRunnerAssembly, crashLogFile).Result; if (testName != null) result = localMonitor.SingleTestResult; ReportCrash (testContext, crashLogFile); } catch (Exception ex) { if (ReportCrash (testContext, crashLogFile)) { result = UnitTestResult.CreateFailure (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Unhandled exception"), null); } else if (!localMonitor.Canceled) { LoggingService.LogError (ex.ToString ()); if (localMonitor.RunningTest != null) { RuntimeErrorCleanup (testContext, localMonitor.RunningTest, ex); } else { testContext.Monitor.ReportRuntimeError (null, ex); throw; } result = UnitTestResult.CreateFailure (ex); } else { result = UnitTestResult.CreateFailure (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Canceled"), null); } } finally { if (console != null) console.Dispose (); cancelReg.Dispose (); runner.Dispose (); File.Delete (crashLogFile); } return result; }
internal UnitTestResult RunUnitTest (UnitTest test, string suiteName, string testName, TestContext testContext) { ExternalTestRunner runner = (ExternalTestRunner) Runtime.ProcessService.CreateExternalProcessObject (typeof(ExternalTestRunner), testContext.ExecutionContext); LocalTestMonitor localMonitor = new LocalTestMonitor (testContext, runner, test, suiteName, testName != null); ITestFilter filter = null; if (testName != null) { filter = new TestNameFilter (suiteName + "." + testName); } else { NUnitCategoryOptions categoryOptions = (NUnitCategoryOptions) test.GetOptions (typeof(NUnitCategoryOptions)); if (categoryOptions.EnableFilter && categoryOptions.Categories.Count > 0) { string[] cats = new string [categoryOptions.Categories.Count]; categoryOptions.Categories.CopyTo (cats, 0); filter = new CategoryFilter (cats); if (categoryOptions.Exclude) filter = new NotFilter (filter); } } RunData rd = new RunData (); rd.Runner = runner; rd.Test = this; rd.LocalMonitor = localMonitor; testContext.Monitor.CancelRequested += new TestHandler (rd.Cancel); UnitTestResult result; try { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (AssemblyPath)) { string msg = GettextCatalog.GetString ("Could not get a valid path to the assembly. There may be a conflict in the project configurations."); throw new Exception (msg); } System.Runtime.Remoting.RemotingServices.Marshal (localMonitor, null, typeof (IRemoteEventListener)); result = runner.Run (localMonitor, filter, AssemblyPath, suiteName, new List<string> (SupportAssemblies)); if (testName != null) result = localMonitor.SingleTestResult; } catch (Exception ex) { if (!localMonitor.Canceled) { LoggingService.LogError (ex.ToString ()); if (localMonitor.RunningTest != null) { RuntimeErrorCleanup (testContext, localMonitor.RunningTest, ex); } else { testContext.Monitor.ReportRuntimeError (null, ex); throw ex; } result = UnitTestResult.CreateFailure (ex); } else { result = UnitTestResult.CreateFailure (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Canceled"), null); } } finally { testContext.Monitor.CancelRequested -= new TestHandler (rd.Cancel); runner.Dispose (); System.Runtime.Remoting.RemotingServices.Disconnect (localMonitor); } return result; }
internal UnitTestResult RunUnitTest (UnitTest test, string suiteName, string pathName, string testName, TestContext testContext) { var runnerExe = GetCustomConsoleRunnerCommand (); if (runnerExe != null) return RunWithConsoleRunner (runnerExe, test, suiteName, pathName, testName, testContext); ExternalTestRunner runner = (ExternalTestRunner)Runtime.ProcessService.CreateExternalProcessObject (typeof(ExternalTestRunner), testContext.ExecutionContext, UserAssemblyPaths); LocalTestMonitor localMonitor = new LocalTestMonitor (testContext, test, suiteName, testName != null); ITestFilter filter = null; if (test != null) { if (test is UnitTestGroup) { var categoryOptions = (NUnitCategoryOptions) test.GetOptions (typeof(NUnitCategoryOptions)); if (categoryOptions.EnableFilter && categoryOptions.Categories.Count > 0) { string[] cats = new string [categoryOptions.Categories.Count]; categoryOptions.Categories.CopyTo (cats, 0); filter = new CategoryFilter (cats); if (categoryOptions.Exclude) filter = new NotFilter (filter); } else { filter = new TestNameFilter (CollectTests ((UnitTestGroup)test)); } } else { filter = new TestNameFilter (test.TestId); } } RunData rd = new RunData (); rd.Runner = runner; rd.Test = this; rd.LocalMonitor = localMonitor; testContext.Monitor.CancelRequested += new TestHandler (rd.Cancel); UnitTestResult result; var crashLogFile = Path.GetTempFileName (); try { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (AssemblyPath)) { string msg = GettextCatalog.GetString ("Could not get a valid path to the assembly. There may be a conflict in the project configurations."); throw new Exception (msg); } System.Runtime.Remoting.RemotingServices.Marshal (localMonitor, null, typeof (IRemoteEventListener)); string testRunnerAssembly, testRunnerType; GetCustomTestRunner (out testRunnerAssembly, out testRunnerType); result = runner.Run (localMonitor, filter, AssemblyPath, "", new List<string> (SupportAssemblies), testRunnerType, testRunnerAssembly, crashLogFile); if (testName != null) result = localMonitor.SingleTestResult; ReportCrash (testContext, crashLogFile); } catch (Exception ex) { if (ReportCrash (testContext, crashLogFile)) { result = UnitTestResult.CreateFailure (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Unhandled exception"), null); } else if (!localMonitor.Canceled) { LoggingService.LogError (ex.ToString ()); if (localMonitor.RunningTest != null) { RuntimeErrorCleanup (testContext, localMonitor.RunningTest, ex); } else { testContext.Monitor.ReportRuntimeError (null, ex); throw; } result = UnitTestResult.CreateFailure (ex); } else { result = UnitTestResult.CreateFailure (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Canceled"), null); } } finally { File.Delete (crashLogFile); testContext.Monitor.CancelRequested -= new TestHandler (rd.Cancel); runner.Dispose (); System.Runtime.Remoting.RemotingServices.Disconnect (localMonitor); } return result; }
public bool CanLaunch(IList<IExecutorThread> threads, RunData runData) { if (runData.Groups.Count == 0 || threads.Count == 0) { return true; } foreach (IExecutorThread item in threads) { RunData data = item.GetRunData(); if (data.Exclusive || (data.Groups.Count > 0 && runData.Exclusive)) { return false; } foreach (string group in data.Groups) { if (runData.Groups.Contains(group)) { return false; } } } return true; }
public override int DoLogic() { TaxonomyReader taxoReader = RunData.GetTaxonomyReader(); RunData.SetTaxonomyReader(null); if (taxoReader.RefCount != 1) { Console.WriteLine("WARNING: CloseTaxonomyReader: reference count is currently " + taxoReader.RefCount); } taxoReader.Dispose(); return(1); }
public void Run(RunData data) { FileHelper.CreateSettingsFile(data); FileHelper.CreateExecutionFolder(data); var info = ProcessStartInfoFactory.CreateProcessStartInfo(data); FileHelper.CreateInputFile(data, info); var processReader = ProcessOutputReaderFactory.CreateReader(data); ProcessFactory.StartProcessAndWait(info, processReader); FileHelper.CreateOutputFile(data); }
public void CreatRunDatalist() {//建立班次和生产数的list m_RunDataList.Clear(); string EXEPath = System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.SetupInformation.ApplicationBase; string dbPath = EXEPath + "Demo.db3"; string sql = "select * from RunningLog"; SQLiteDBHelper db = new SQLiteDBHelper(dbPath); string stStarttime = ""; string stStoptime = ""; int ProduceCount = 0; string TypeStart = "start"; string TypeStop = "stop"; string TypeCount = "Produce"; using (SQLiteDataReader reader = db.ExecuteReader(sql, null)) { while (reader.Read()) { string stID = reader["id"].ToString(); string stdatetime = reader["datetime"].ToString(); string stType = reader["Type"].ToString(); string stcount = reader["count"].ToString(); string stRelateID = reader["RelateID"].ToString(); string IsPost = reader["IsPost"].ToString(); if (stType.Equals(TypeStart) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(stStarttime)) { stStarttime = stdatetime; RunData run = new RunData(stStarttime, stStoptime, ProduceCount); m_RunDataList.Add(run); } if (stType.Equals(TypeCount) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(stStarttime)) { ProduceCount += Convert.ToInt32(stcount); int nListLenght = m_RunDataList.Count(); m_RunDataList[nListLenght - 1].count = ProduceCount; } if (stType.Equals(TypeStop) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(stStarttime)) { stStoptime = stdatetime; int nListLenght = m_RunDataList.Count(); m_RunDataList[nListLenght - 1].Stoptime = stStoptime; stStarttime = ""; ProduceCount = 0; stStoptime = ""; } } } }
public void Execute() { if (WindowsFileHelper.FolderExist(Args.Root) == false) { WindowsFileHelper.CreateFolder(Args.Root); } IRunDataEnumerator enumerator = RunDataListBuilder.GetEnumerator(); if (enumerator.HasItems() == false) { Console.WriteLine("Test Classes where not found, nothing to run"); return; } while (enumerator.HasItems()) { if (Breaker.IsBreakReceived()) { return; } ExecutorLauncher.WaitForAnyThreadToComplete(); while (ExecutorLauncher.HasFreeThreads()) { if (Breaker.IsBreakReceived()) { return; } if (!enumerator.HasItems()) { break; } RunData data = enumerator.PeekNext(); if (null == data) { // if peeked all items till the end, but none of them was valid to launch a thread (due to concurrent groups) break; } if (ExecutorLauncher.LaunchExecutor(data)) { // if launching succeded (group was valid) enumerator.MoveNext(); } } } ExecutorLauncher.WaitForAll(); }
public async void Run(Guid runId) { if (_processingTask != null) { await CancelExistingRun(); } if (_cancelToken != null) { _cancelToken.Cancel(); _cancelToken.Dispose(); } _cancelToken = new CancellationTokenSource(); _processingTask = Task.Run(async() => { _processingStartedOn = DateTime.Now; using (var scope = _serviceScopeFactory.CreateScope()) { var runsRepository = scope.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService <AppKeyRepository <Run> >(); ProcessingRun = runsRepository.Read <RunReadModel>().SingleOrDefault(r => r.Id == runId); _processingRunData = new RunData(ProcessingRun); if (ProcessingRun == null) { throw new ToolsException($"Cannot find run with id {runId}."); } } await SaveRunData(); foreach (var testRun in ProcessingRun.TestRuns) { await ProcessTestRun(testRun); } _processingFinishedOn = DateTime.Now; _processingRunData.Status = RunStatus.Finished; await SaveRunData(); SendRunData(() => { ProcessingRun = null; _processingRunData = null; _processingTask = null; _processingStartedOn = null; _processingFinishedOn = null; }); }); }
private void OnEndGame(RunData result) { underControll = false; StopCoroutine(trailPainter); trail.enabled = false; rigidBody.velocity =; transform.position = startPosition; acceleration = new Vector3(0, -1); gameObject.SetActive(true); }
public RunData RecordDataPoint(int et) { RunData runData = new RunData(app.currentRecord.ID, et, DateTime.Now.Ticks, 0, 0); DB.Write(runData); app.currentLapData.Add(runData); if (et == RunData.MANUEL_LAP) { app.lapSW.ResetTime(); } return(runData); }
private bool TryGetRunData(Human hu, out RunData runData) { runData = null; foreach (var rd in _runDatas) { if (rd.Human == hu) { runData = rd; return(true); } } return(false); }
public override int DoLogic() { DirectoryReader r = RunData.GetIndexReader(); DirectoryReader nr = DirectoryReader.OpenIfChanged(r); if (nr != null) { RunData.SetIndexReader(nr); nr.DecRef(); } r.DecRef(); return(1); }
private bool TryGetStagedRunData(Human hu, int stage, out RunData runData) { runData = null; foreach (var rd in _stageRunDatas) { if (rd.Human == hu && rd.Stage == stage) { runData = rd; return(true); } } return(false); }
private IEnumerator awaitCoroutine(IEnumerator another) { yield return(StartCoroutine(another)); RunData result = Singleton.Instanse.AddRun(new RunData(Score, (int)generator.meters)); //save here Debug.Log("EndGame"); if (OnEndGame != null) { OnEndGame(result); } State = LevelState.Stop; }
public void Create() { IExecutor executor = Stub <IExecutor>(); IThreadStarter starter = Stub <IThreadStarter>(); RunData data = new RunData(); starter.Expect((m) => m.OnStarted(Arg <IExecutorThread> .Is.NotNull)); IExecutorThread thread = VerifyTarget(() => target.Create(executor, data, starter)); Assert.AreEqual(data, thread.GetRunData()); Assert.AreEqual(executor, thread.GetExecutor()); Assert.IsNull(thread.GetTask()); }
public void CanLaunch_NoGroups() { IList <IExecutorThread> threads = new List <IExecutorThread>() { Stub <IExecutorThread>() }; RunData data = new RunData() { Groups = new HashSet <string>() }; bool actual = target.CanLaunch(threads, data); Assert.IsTrue(actual); }
public bool TryMerge(RunData run) { if (IsBold == run.IsBold && IsItalic == run.IsItalic && IsStrikethrough == run.IsStrikethrough && IsCode == run.IsCode && LinkUrl == run.LinkUrl) { Text += run.Text; return(true); } return(false); }
static void Main(string[] args) { List <string> argList = new List <string>(args); runData = new RunData() { uassetFileName = argList.TakeArg(), pendingArgs = argList }; string command = argList.TakeArg(); commands[command](); }
/// <summary> /// Specific method that sends the runtime to the server for a given sample. /// </summary> /// <param name="rd">The run data instance which contains the exit code and runtime.</param> /// <param name="testId">The id of the test</param> public void SendExitCodeAndRuntime(RunData rd, int testId) { // Post equality status using (var wb = new WebClient()) { var d = new NameValueCollection(); d["exitCode"] = rd.ExitCode.ToString(); d["runTime"] = Convert.ToInt32(rd.Runtime.TotalMilliseconds).ToString(); d["test_id"] = testId.ToString(); d["type"] = "finish"; var response = wb.UploadValues(reportUrl, "POST", d); } }
public void ShowLastScore(RunData result) { int place =; if (place > 0) { LastScore.color =; LastScore.text = string.Format("CONGRATULATIONS!!! PLACE: {2}\nDISTANCE: {0}\tSCORE: {1}", result.distance, result.score, place); } else { LastScore.color = Color.white; LastScore.text = string.Format("DISTANCE: {0}\nSCORE: {1}", result.distance, result.score); } }
protected override bool SolveProblem(RunData data) { string zal = Path.ChangeExtension(data.Get("broken_db"), ".zal"); if (!File.Exists(zal)) { ExecutionResult = "Troubleshooter nenašiel zálohu"; return(false); } ExecutionResult = "Databázu sa nepodarilo obnoviť zo zálohy"; File.Delete(data.Get("broken_db")); File.Copy(zal, Path.ChangeExtension(zal, ".mdb")); ExecutionResult = "Databáza bola úspešne obnovená zo zálohy."; return(true); }
//扫描方法 public void scan(Object config) { Config cfg = (Config)config; stp = new SmartThreadPool(50, bt_thread_size, bt_thread_size); foreach (String url in this.bt_list_url) { RunData rd = new RunData(); rd.CFG = cfg; rd.URL = url; stp.QueueWorkItem <Object>(batchGetShell, rd); } stp.WaitForIdle(); stopScan(); }
public void Clean() { RunData a = new RunData(); RunData b = new RunData(); IList <RunData> items = new List <RunData> { a, b }; using (Ordered()) { fileHelper.Expect(m => m.CleanRootFolder(a)); fileHelper.Expect(m => m.CleanRootFolder(b)); } VerifyTarget(() => target.Clean(items)); }
void WriteData(RunData data) { dataWriter = new StreamWriter(Application.persistentDataPath + "/" + _participantNumber.ToString() + dataFilename, true); dataWriter.WriteLine(); dataWriter.WriteLine("Current method: " + currentMethod); dataWriter.WriteLine("Total Time:"); dataWriter.WriteLine(data.totalTime.ToString()); dataWriter.WriteLine("Total Distance:"); dataWriter.WriteLine(data.totalDistanceTraveled.ToString()); dataWriter.WriteLine("Total Steps:"); dataWriter.WriteLine(data.totalSteps.ToString()); dataWriter.WriteLine("Waypoint Coordinates:"); foreach (Vector3 point in data.waypoints) { dataWriter.WriteLine(point.x.ToString() + " " + point.z.ToString()); } dataWriter.WriteLine("Waypoint Distances"); foreach (float dist in data.distancesWaypoint) { dataWriter.WriteLine(dist.ToString()); } dataWriter.WriteLine("Actual Distances Moved"); foreach (float dist in data.distancesMoved) { dataWriter.WriteLine(dist.ToString()); } dataWriter.WriteLine("Times for each waypoint"); foreach (float time in data.times) { dataWriter.WriteLine(time.ToString()); } dataWriter.WriteLine("Obstacle order"); foreach (int obstacle in data.obstacle) { dataWriter.WriteLine(obstacle.ToString()); } dataWriter.Close(); }
private void OnEndGame(RunData result) { generate = false; foreach (Border b in up) { ObjectPool.ReturnToPool(b); } up.container.Clear(); foreach (Border b in down) { ObjectPool.ReturnToPool(b); } down.container.Clear(); FillDefault(); }
public bool LaunchExecutor(RunData runData) { IExecutorThread thread = null; lock (Threads) { if (!ThreadFactory.CanLaunch(Threads, runData)) { return(false); } thread = ThreadFactory.Create(Executor, runData, this); } thread.Launch(this); return(true); }
private void Staged_ExitStart(int stage, Human hu) { _stageRunDatas.RemoveAll(x => x.Human == hu && x.Stage != stage); if (!TryGetStagedRunData(hu, stage, out RunData rd)) { var tl = hu.Game.Get <FSTimeline>(); rd = new RunData() { Human = hu, Stage = stage, Track = tl.CreateTrack(hu) }; _stageRunDatas.Add(rd); } rd.Reset(); }
// Token: 0x06001137 RID: 4407 RVA: 0x000649C0 File Offset: 0x00062BC0 internal static void CleanUpOldGrammarRuns(RunData runData, Trace Tracer) { Utils.TryDiskOperation(delegate { Guid runId = Guid.Empty; try { string grammarManifestPath = GrammarFileDistributionShare.GetGrammarManifestPath(runData.OrgId, runData.MailboxGuid); GrammarGenerationMetadata grammarGenerationMetadata = GrammarGenerationMetadata.Deserialize(grammarManifestPath); runId = grammarGenerationMetadata.RunId; } catch (Exception obj) { UmGlobals.ExEvent.LogEvent(UMEventLogConstants.Tuple_ReadLastSuccessRunIDFailed, null, new object[] { runData.TenantId, runData.RunId, CommonUtil.ToEventLogString(obj) }); } string grammarGenerationRunFolderPath = GrammarFileDistributionShare.GetGrammarGenerationRunFolderPath(runData.OrgId, runData.MailboxGuid, runId); string grammarFolderPath = GrammarFileDistributionShare.GetGrammarFolderPath(runData.OrgId, runData.MailboxGuid); string[] directories = Directory.GetDirectories(grammarFolderPath); foreach (string text in directories) { string fileName = Path.GetFileName(text); Guid b; if (Guid.TryParse(fileName, out b) && runData.RunId != b && string.Compare(text, grammarGenerationRunFolderPath, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) != 0) { Utilities.DebugTrace(Tracer, "Deleting run directory '{0}'", new object[] { text }); Directory.Delete(text, true); } } }, delegate(Exception exception) { UmGlobals.ExEvent.LogEvent(UMEventLogConstants.Tuple_GrammarGenerationCleanupFailed, null, new object[] { runData.TenantId, runData.RunId, CommonUtil.ToEventLogString(exception) }); }); }
private static RunStepResult DiscoverSequencePoints(IRunExecutorHost host, RunStartParams rsp, RunStepInfo rsi) { var sequencePoint = Instrumentation.GenerateSequencePointInfo(host, rsp); if (sequencePoint != null) { sequencePoint.Serialize(rsp.DataFiles.SequencePointStore); } var totalSP = sequencePoint.Values.Aggregate(0, (acc, e) => acc + e.Count); TelemetryClient.TrackEvent(, new Dictionary <string, string>(), new Dictionary <string, double> { { "SequencePointCount", totalSP } }); return(RunStepStatus.Succeeded.ToRSR(RunData.NewSequencePoints(sequencePoint), "Binaries Instrumented - which ones - TBD")); }
private static void DrawMinMaxMarkers(Rect rect, RunData data, int frames) { var c =; c.a = 0.5f; Handles.color = c; var maxX = Mathf.Lerp(rect.xMin, rect.xMax, (float)data.MaxFrame.frameIndex / frames); Handles.DrawLine(new Vector2(maxX, rect.yMin), new Vector2(maxX, rect.yMax)); c =; c.a = 0.5f; Handles.color = c; var minX = Mathf.Lerp(rect.xMin, rect.xMax, (float)data.MinFrame.frameIndex / frames); Handles.DrawLine(new Vector2(minX, rect.yMin), new Vector2(minX, rect.yMax)); }
public override int DoLogic() { Store.Directory dir = RunData.Directory; DirectoryReader r = null; if (commitUserData != null) { r = DirectoryReader.Open(OpenReaderTask.FindIndexCommit(dir, commitUserData)); } else { r = DirectoryReader.Open(dir); } RunData.SetIndexReader(r); // We transfer reference to the run data r.DecRef(); return(1); }
public static async Task <string> SendControllerData(string site, RunData data, bool runNow = false) { string msg = ""; await Task.Run(() => { System.Net.WebClient wc = new System.Net.WebClient(); string url = AquaControllerCmd.FillTemplate(site, data, runNow); string webData = wc.DownloadString(url); var message = RunDataMessage.Deserialize(webData); msg = message.msg; //msg = url; }); return(msg); }
/// <summary> /// Load partymanager specific values from saveData /// </summary> /// <param name="data"></param> public void LoadData(RunData data) { WAX = data.WAX; ID = 0; for (int i = partyMembersAll.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) // not sure if this is redundant { Destroy(partyMembersAll[i].gameObject); } partyMembersAll.Clear(); partyMembersAlive.Clear(); partyMembersDead.Clear(); foreach (PartyMemberData pmData in data.partyMemberDatas) { PartyManager.instance.AddPartyMember(pmData); } PartyManager.instance.CalculateMultipliers(); }
private RunData CreateNewFromFixture(TestAssembly testAssembly, TestFixture fixture) { RunData item = new RunData() { Fixtures = new List<TestFixture>() { fixture }, Root = Args.Root, Output = new StringBuilder(), Groups = new HashSet<string>(), Exclusive = fixture.Exclusive ?? false, Executable = Args.GetExecutablePath(), RunId = Guid.NewGuid(), AssemblyName = testAssembly.Name }; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fixture.Group)) { item.Groups.Add(fixture.Group); } return item; }
public HostedStressRun(RunData runData) : base(runData) { ScenarioName = base.GetContractName() + "-" + RunData.Host + "-" + RunData.Transport; }
internal UnitTestResult RunUnitTest(UnitTest test, string suiteName, TestContext testContext) { ExternalTestRunner runner = (ExternalTestRunner) Runtime.ProcessService.CreateExternalProcessObject (typeof(ExternalTestRunner), false); LocalTestMonitor localMonitor = new LocalTestMonitor (testContext, runner, test, suiteName); IFilter filter = null; NUnitCategoryOptions categoryOptions = (NUnitCategoryOptions) test.GetOptions (typeof(NUnitCategoryOptions)); if (categoryOptions.EnableFilter && categoryOptions.Categories.Count > 0) { string[] cats = new string [categoryOptions.Categories.Count]; categoryOptions.Categories.CopyTo (cats, 0); filter = new CategoryFilter (cats, categoryOptions.Exclude); } RunData rd = new RunData (); rd.Runner = runner; rd.Test = this; testContext.Monitor.CancelRequested += new TestHandler (rd.Cancel); UnitTestResult result; try { TestResult res = runner.Run (localMonitor, filter, AssemblyPath, suiteName, null); result = localMonitor.GetLocalTestResult (res); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine (ex); if (localMonitor.RunningTest != null) { RuntimeErrorCleanup (testContext, localMonitor.RunningTest, ex); } else { testContext.Monitor.ReportRuntimeError (null, ex); throw ex; } result = UnitTestResult.CreateFailure (ex); } finally { testContext.Monitor.CancelRequested -= new TestHandler (rd.Cancel); runner.Dispose (); } return result; }
public ExecutorThreadImpl(IExecutor executor, RunData runData) { this.executor = executor; this.runData = runData; }
public SimpleEchoHubRun(RunData runData) : base(runData) { _categoryString = String.Format("{0};{1}", ScenarioName, "Latency in Milliseconds"); _connections = new HubConnection[Connections]; _proxies = new HubProxy[Connections]; }
public StressRunBase(RunData runData) { RunData = runData; Resolver = new DefaultDependencyResolver(); CancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource(); _countDown = new CountdownEvent(runData.Senders); }
public ClientServerMemoryRun(RunData runData) : base(runData) { _connections = new Connection[runData.Connections]; for (int i = 0; i < runData.Connections; i++) { _connections[i] = new Connection("http://memoryhost/echo"); } }
public SimpleEchoHubRun(RunData runData) : base(runData) { Debug.Assert(Connections == Senders); _categoryString = String.Format("{0};{1}", ScenarioName, "Latency;Milliseconds"); _connections = new HubConnection[Connections]; _proxies = new HubProxy[Connections]; _callbacks = new TaskCompletionSource<bool>[Connections]; }
public IExecutorThread Create(IExecutor executor, RunData data, IThreadStarter starter) { IExecutorThread thread = new ExecutorThreadImpl(executor, data); starter.OnStarted(thread); return thread; }
public ServiceBusMessageBusRun(RunData runData) : base(runData) { }
public ConcurrentCallsRun(RunData runData) : base(runData) { }
public RedisMessageBusRun(RunData runData) : base(runData) { }
public SqlMessageBusRun(RunData runData) : base(runData) { }
public HostedRun(RunData runData) : base(runData) { }