Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads all the gameobject in the level
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="path">the level file path</param>
        private void LoadLevelFromFile(string path)
            //Stores the number of keys in th elevel
            numKeys = 0;
            numGems = 0;

            //removes all the gameobjects from last level

            //stores all the lines in the file
            string[] lines = File.ReadAllLines(path);

            //loops over all the charachters
            for (int r = 0; r < NUM_CELLS_HEIGHT; ++r)
                for (int c = 0; c < NUM_CELLS_WIDTH; ++c)
                    //adds the corresponding gameobject
                    switch (lines[r][c])
                    case '0':
                        //save an addition refrence to the player before adding it
                        player = new Player(c * CELL_SIDE_LENGTH, r * CELL_SIDE_LENGTH);

                    case '1':
                        gameObjects.Add(new Wall(c * CELL_SIDE_LENGTH, r * CELL_SIDE_LENGTH));

                    case '2':
                        //Saves a refrance to the crate so it could subscribe to events
                        Crate crate = new Crate(c * CELL_SIDE_LENGTH, r * CELL_SIDE_LENGTH);

                        //Check that there are no gems or keys above whenever crate moves
                        crate.CrateMove += cr =>
                            IEnumerable <GameObject> objectsAbove = gameObjects.Where(g => Helper.IsPointInOrOnRectangle(g.TopLeftGridPoint.ToVector2(), new Rectangle(cr.Box.Location - new Point(0, cr.Box.Height), cr.Box.Size)));
                            return(objectsAbove.Count() != 0 && (objectsAbove.First() is Gem || objectsAbove.First() is Key));

                    case '3':
                        //save the position of the flag
                        flagPos = new Point(c * CELL_SIDE_LENGTH, r * CELL_SIDE_LENGTH);

                    case '4':
                        gameObjects.Add(new Door(c * CELL_SIDE_LENGTH, r * CELL_SIDE_LENGTH));

                    case '5':
                        gameObjects.Add(new Spike(c * CELL_SIDE_LENGTH, r * CELL_SIDE_LENGTH));

                    case '6':
                        gameObjects.Add(new Gem(c * CELL_SIDE_LENGTH, r * CELL_SIDE_LENGTH));

                    case '7':
                        gameObjects.Add(new Key(c * CELL_SIDE_LENGTH, r * CELL_SIDE_LENGTH));

            //subscribe to the crate event for colliding with gems and keys (add them to the player count)
            gameObjects.OfType <Crate>().ToList().ForEach(c => c.CollideWithGem += () => player.AddGem());
            gameObjects.OfType <Crate>().ToList().ForEach(c => c.CollideWithKey += () => player.AddKey());

            //Notify Game of how many collectibles there are this level
            KeysAndGemsCounted.Invoke(numKeys, numGems);

            //add the 4 walls around the screem
                new Wall(-SCREEN_WALL_WIDTH, 0, SCREEN_WALL_WIDTH, HEIGHT),
                new Wall(WIDTH, 0, SCREEN_WALL_WIDTH, HEIGHT),
                new Wall(0, -SCREEN_WALL_WIDTH, WIDTH, SCREEN_WALL_WIDTH),
                new Wall(0, HEIGHT, WIDTH, SCREEN_WALL_WIDTH)

            //subscribe to the move and delete events of all the gameobjects
            gameObjects.ForEach(g => g.MoveReady   += gameObject => MoveGameObject(gameObject));
            gameObjects.ForEach(g => g.DeleteReady += gameObject => gameObjects.Remove(gameObject));

            //subscribe to the players hit spike event with a function that ends the level
            player.HitSpike += () =>
                //clears commands and pauses the game
                commands   = new Queue <char>();
                GamePaused = true;

                //Notify game that the player hit a spike
                RunCompleteFailed.Invoke("The player hit a spike : press ENTER to try again.");

            //subscribe to the players collect gem and key events (notify Game when happenes)
            player.KeyCollected += nk => playerKeyCollected.Invoke(nk);
            player.GemCollected += ng => playerGemCollected.Invoke(ng);
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates all the gameobjects in the level
        /// </summary>
        public void Update()
            //If the game is paused dont update anything
            if (GamePaused)

            //If all the objects are standing still and there is more commands left, run them
            if (!commands.IsEmpty && gameObjects.All(g => g.IsStandingStill()))
                //give player the next command and notify Game that the next command is being excecuted

                //If the command just loaded is the last command check if the player won
                if (commands.IsEmpty)
                    //pause the game
                    GamePaused = true;

                    //check if the player has reached the flag check if they collected all the gems
                    if (player.Box.Location == flagPos)
                        //if they did not collect all the gems then inform Game they failed the level for that reason
                        if (player.GemCount != numGems)
                            RunCompleteFailed.Invoke("You did not collect all the gems : press ENTER to try again.");
                        //the player won
                            //stop the timer

                            //Save the results for this level and update the final results
                            finalResult.LevelResults[curLevel - 1] = new LevelResult(timer.Elapsed.Milliseconds + numCommands * 100, timer.Elapsed.Seconds);
                            finalResult.TotalTime  += finalResult.LevelResults[curLevel - 1].Time;
                            finalResult.TotalScore += finalResult.LevelResults[curLevel - 1].Score;

                            //check if that was the last level
                            if (curLevel == NUM_LEVELS)
                                //inform Game all levels complete and send it final reslts
                                //inform Game that the level has been complete and send the correct level results
                                RunCompleteSuccess.Invoke(finalResult.LevelResults[curLevel - 1]);

                                //go to the next level and indicate that a new level is starting
                                startingNewLevel = true;
                    //the player did not reach the goal
                        //Inform Game that the level did not reach the goal
                        RunCompleteFailed.Invoke("A'w Shuc'ks Buddy ol Pal! Failed to reach goal : press ENTER to try again.");

            //Update all the gameobjects
            gameObjects.ForEach(g => g.Update());

            //Try to move all the gameobjects (while taking collision into account)