Beispiel #1
 public IJarsRule EvaluateRules(List <IJarsRule> jarsRules, IEntityBase sourceObject, IEntityBase targetObject, RuleRunsOn ruleRunsOn)
     return(EvaluateEntityRules(jarsRules, sourceObject, targetObject, ruleRunsOn));
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Evaluates the rules that are linked to the entities involved in the operation being carried out.
        /// If it doesn't return a rule it means all rules have passed the test.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entityRules">The list of rules available for evaluation, this list can be the full list of rules, as it will be filtered according to the passed in target and source entities.</param>
        /// <param name="sourceEntity">The entity that acts as the source for the rule</param>
        /// <param name="targetEntity">The entity that acts as the target for the rule.</param>
        /// <param name="ruleApplicator">The event or process the event is applied to.</param>
        /// <returns>If a rule gets returned it will be the first rule the process failed on, if nothing gets returned all rules passed.</returns>
        public IJarsRule EvaluateEntityRules(IList <IJarsRule> entityRules, IEntityBase sourceEntity, IEntityBase targetEntity, RuleRunsOn ruleRunsOn)
            IJarsRule        failedRule = null;
            List <IJarsRule> filteredByRuleRunsOnList = entityRules.Where(r => r.RuleRunsOn.Contains(ruleRunsOn.ToString())).ToList();

            //first check the rule for source only rules
            var fullSourceOnlyFilterList = filteredByRuleRunsOnList.FindAll(rules => rules.RuleEvaluation == RuleEvaluation.SourceOnly && rules.SourceTypeName == sourceEntity.GetType().Name);

            //does the source meet the its own conditions?
            if (fullSourceOnlyFilterList.Any())
                failedRule = EvaluateEntityOwnRules(fullSourceOnlyFilterList, sourceEntity, ruleRunsOn, RuleEvaluation.SourceOnly);
            if (failedRule != null)

            //first check the rule for source only rules
            var fullTargeteOnlyFilterList = filteredByRuleRunsOnList.FindAll(rules => rules.RuleEvaluation == RuleEvaluation.TargetOnly && rules.TargetTypeName == targetEntity.GetType().Name);

            //does the source meet the its own conditions?
            if (fullTargeteOnlyFilterList.Any())
                failedRule = EvaluateEntityOwnRules(fullTargeteOnlyFilterList, targetEntity, ruleRunsOn, RuleEvaluation.TargetOnly);
            if (failedRule != null)

            //---- from here we test both sides

            //need to test rules of target type on target type
            //and source on target type
            //get all rules linked to the target
            var fullSourceFilterList = filteredByRuleRunsOnList.FindAll(rules => rules.RuleEvaluation == RuleEvaluation.Both && rules.SourceTypeName == sourceEntity.GetType().Name);

            //does the source meet the its own conditions?
            if (fullSourceFilterList.Any())
                failedRule = EvaluateEntityOwnRules(fullSourceFilterList, sourceEntity, ruleRunsOn);
                if (failedRule != null)
                //does the target meet the source conditions?
                failedRule = EvaluateSourceAgainstTarget(fullSourceFilterList, targetEntity, sourceEntity, ruleRunsOn);
                if (failedRule != null)

            var fullTargetFilterList = filteredByRuleRunsOnList.FindAll(rules => rules.TargetTypeName == targetEntity.GetType().Name);

            //does the target meet the its own conditions?
            if (fullTargetFilterList.Any())
                failedRule = EvaluateEntityOwnRules(fullTargetFilterList, targetEntity, ruleRunsOn);
                if (failedRule != null)

                //does the source meet the target conditions?
                failedRule = EvaluateSourceAgainstTarget(fullTargetFilterList, sourceEntity, targetEntity, ruleRunsOn);
                if (failedRule != null)

                failedRule = EvaluateSourceAgainstTargetType(fullTargetFilterList, sourceEntity, targetEntity, ruleRunsOn);
                if (failedRule != null)

                failedRule = EvaluateSourceChildListsAgainstTarget(fullTargetFilterList, sourceEntity, targetEntity, ruleRunsOn);
                if (failedRule != null)

Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// This rule check if the source entity has any list properties that contain types that has rules set against the target entity.
        /// ie. a Job with a sub job line that has restrictions on the target.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entityRules">This can be a list of all the rules or an already filtered list, the rules will be checked again.</param>
        /// <param name="sourceEntity">The entity that acts as the source for the rule</param>
        /// <param name="targetEntity">The entity that acts as the target for the rule.</param>
        /// <param name="ruleApplicator">The event or process the event is applied to.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public IJarsRule EvaluateSourceChildListsAgainstTarget(List <IJarsRule> entityRules, IEntityBase sourceEntity, IEntityBase targetEntity, RuleRunsOn ruleApplicator)
            var sourceDictionaryListTypes = sourceEntity.GetGenericListTypesDictionary();

            //get the list of possible rules where the target type is the type of the key value.
            //this can be seen as retrieve all the values from entityRules which also exist in dictionary values.
            var filteredRules = (from er in entityRules
                                 join kVals in sourceDictionaryListTypes.Values
                                 on er.SourceTypeName equals kVals.Name
                                 select er).Where(r => r.RuleRunsOn.Contains(ruleApplicator.ToString())).ToList();

            if (!filteredRules.Any())

             * var listType = typeof(List<>);
             * var constructedListType = listType.MakeGenericType(t);
             * var instance = Activator.CreateInstance(constructedListType);
            IJarsRule failRule = null;

            //test each collection
            foreach (var dictionaryKey in sourceDictionaryListTypes)
                //var itemsListType = typeof(IList<>);
                //var defaultList = itemsListType.MakeGenericType(dictionaryKey.Value);

                var sourceItems = (IList)sourceEntity.GetType()
                //test the property type first
                foreach (var subItem in sourceItems)
                    //test broad
                    failRule = EvaluateSourceAgainstTargetType(filteredRules, subItem as IEntityBase, targetEntity, ruleApplicator);
                    if (failRule != null)

                    //test narrow
                    failRule = EvaluateSourceAgainstTarget(filteredRules, subItem as IEntityBase, targetEntity, ruleApplicator);
                    if (failRule != null)
Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Evaluate The source entity against the target entity type.
        /// This is for rules that are set against an entity type rather than a specific entity.
        /// This does not include self evaluating.
        /// swapping the source and target will do the reverse check.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entityRules">This can be a list of all the rules or an already filtered list, the rules will be checked again.</param>
        /// <param name="sourceEntity">The entity that acts as the source for the rule</param>
        /// <param name="targetEntity">The entity that acts as the target for the rule.</param>
        /// <param name="ruleApplicator">The event or process the event is applied to.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns the rule that was matched or null if nothing matched</returns>
        public IJarsRule EvaluateSourceAgainstTargetType(List <IJarsRule> entityRules, IEntityBase sourceEntity, IEntityBase targetEntity, RuleRunsOn ruleApplicator)
            var fullTargetFilterList = entityRules.FindAll(r =>
                                                           r.TargetTypeName == targetEntity.GetType().Name&&
                                                           r.SourceTypeName == sourceEntity.GetType().Name&&
                                                           r.RuleRunsOn.Contains(ruleApplicator.ToString()) &&
                                                           !r.TargetCriteriaString.Contains($"[{nameof(targetEntity.Id)}] = {targetEntity.Id}"));
            //does the source rules meet the target conditions?
            var specificFilterList = fullTargetFilterList.FindAll(rules => string.IsNullOrEmpty(rules.TargetCriteriaString));

            if (!specificFilterList.Any())

            DataTable sourceTable = sourceEntity.ConvertToDataTable();
            DataTable targetTable = sourceEntity.ConvertToDataTable();

            foreach (var rule in specificFilterList)
                if (!EvaluateRule(sourceTable, targetTable, rule))
Beispiel #5
        public IJarsRule EvaluateRules(List <IJarsRule> jarsRules, IEntityBase sourceEntity, RuleRunsOn ruleRunsOn)
            //does the source meet the its own conditions?
            var failedRule = EvaluateEntityOwnRules(jarsRules, sourceEntity, ruleRunsOn, RuleEvaluation.SourceOnly);

            if (failedRule != null)

Beispiel #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Evaluate The source entity against the target entity only.
        /// This does not include self evaluating.
        /// swapping the source and target will do the reverse check.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entityRules">This can be a list of all the rules or an already filtered list, the rules will be checked again.</param>
        /// <param name="sourceEntity">The entity that acts as the source for the rule</param>
        /// <param name="targetEntity">The entity that acts as the target for the rule.</param>
        /// <param name="ruleApplicator">The event or process the event is applied to.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns the rule that was matched or null if nothing matched</returns>
        public IJarsRule EvaluateSourceAgainstTarget(List <IJarsRule> entityRules, IEntityBase sourceEntity, IEntityBase targetEntity, RuleRunsOn ruleApplicator)
            var fullTargetFilterList = entityRules.FindAll(r =>
                                                           r.SourceTypeName == sourceEntity.GetType().Name&&
                                                           r.TargetTypeName == targetEntity.GetType().Name&&
                                                           r.TargetCriteriaString.Contains($"[{nameof(targetEntity.Id)}] = {targetEntity.Id}") &&

            if (!fullTargetFilterList.Any())

            //get the first matching rule
            DataTable sourceTable = sourceEntity.ConvertToDataTable();
            DataTable targetTable = targetEntity.ConvertToDataTable();

            foreach (var rule in fullTargetFilterList)
                //test the source table
                if (!EvaluateRule(sourceTable, targetTable, rule))
Beispiel #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Validates the entity against rules set for the specific entity against itself.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entityRules">This can be a list of all the rules or an already filtered list, the rules will be checked again.</param>
        /// <param name="theEntity">The entity that is being used to look up rules against its own type and its specific record</param>
        /// <param name="ruleApplicator">The event or process the event is applied to.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns the rule that was matched or null if nothing matched</returns>
        public IJarsRule EvaluateEntityOwnRules(List <IJarsRule> entityRules, IEntityBase theEntity, RuleRunsOn ruleApplicator, RuleEvaluation ruleEvaluation = RuleEvaluation.Both)
            var fullFilterList = new List <IJarsRule>();

            if (ruleEvaluation == RuleEvaluation.Both)
                fullFilterList = entityRules.FindAll(r =>
                                                     r.SourceTypeName == theEntity.GetType().Name&&
                                                     r.TargetTypeName == theEntity.GetType().Name&&
                                                     r.RuleEvaluation == ruleEvaluation &&

            if (ruleEvaluation == RuleEvaluation.SourceOnly)
                fullFilterList = entityRules.FindAll(r =>
                                                     r.SourceTypeName == theEntity.GetType().Name&&
                                                     r.RuleEvaluation == ruleEvaluation &&

            if (ruleEvaluation == RuleEvaluation.TargetOnly)
                fullFilterList = entityRules.FindAll(r =>
                                                     r.TargetTypeName == theEntity.GetType().Name&&
                                                     r.RuleEvaluation == ruleEvaluation &&
            //does the entity type meet the its own conditions?
            //var entityFilterList = fullFilterList.FindAll(rules => rules.TargetEntityId == $"{theEntity.Id}");
            if (!fullFilterList.Any())

            DataTable entityTable = theEntity.ConvertToDataTable();

            foreach (var rule in fullFilterList)
                if (ruleEvaluation == RuleEvaluation.Both)
                    if (!EvaluateRule(entityTable, null, rule))
                    if (!EvaluateRule(null, entityTable, rule))
                    if (!EvaluateRule(entityTable, null, rule))