public RtlVar TempVar(Type t, bool declare = true) { string name = "$ghost__" + TempName(); RtlVar ret = new RtlVar(name, false, AppType(t)); if (declare) { allVars.Add(name, ret); } return(ret); }
public RtlVar AsVar(Expression exp) { exp = GetExp(exp); IdentifierExpr id = exp as IdentifierExpr; if (id != null) { //- We're assuming this is a local variable for the moment; otherwise we shouldn't call AppType string name = GhostVar(id.Name); RtlVar ret = new RtlVar(name, id.Var.IsGhost, AppType(id.Type)); return(ret); } else { return(null); } }
public virtual void AddResolvedGhostStatement(Statement stmt) { BlockStmt block = stmt as BlockStmt; IfStmt ifStmt = stmt as IfStmt; AssertStmt assertStmt = stmt as AssertStmt; AssignStmt assignStmt = stmt as AssignStmt; CallStmt callStmt = stmt as CallStmt; VarDecl varDecl = stmt as VarDecl; CalcStmt calcStmt = stmt as CalcStmt; ForallStmt forallStmt = stmt as ForallStmt; AssignSuchThatStmt existsStmt = stmt as AssignSuchThatStmt; if (block != null) { var oldRenamer = PushRename(); block.Body.ForEach(AddGhostStatement); PopRename(oldRenamer); } else if (varDecl != null) { AddGhostVarDecl(varDecl.Name, varDecl.Type, varDecl.IsGhost); } else if (minVerify) { return; } else if (assignStmt != null) { ExprRhs expRhs = assignStmt.Rhs as ExprRhs; if (expRhs != null) { FieldSelectExpr fieldSelect = assignStmt.Lhs as FieldSelectExpr; RtlVar destVar; if (fieldSelect != null) { destVar = new RtlVar(GhostVar(fieldSelect.FieldName), true, fieldSelect.Type); } else { destVar = AsVar(assignStmt.Lhs); Util.Assert(destVar != null); } stmts.Add(new RtlGhostMove(new RtlVar[] { destVar }, new RtlExp[] { GhostExpression(expRhs.Expr) })); } else { throw new Exception("not implemented: " + assignStmt.Rhs); } } else if (callStmt != null) { AddGhostCall(callStmt.Lhs.ConvertAll(AsVar), callStmt.Args, dafnySpec.Compile_Method(callStmt.Method, callStmt.TypeArgumentSubstitutions.ToDictionary(p => p.Key, p => AppType(p.Value))), DafnySpec.IsHeapMethod(callStmt.Method)); SymdiffLinearityPoint(); } else if (ifStmt != null) { stmts.Add(new RtlGhostStmtComputed(s => "if (" + s.args[0] + ") {", new RtlExp[] { GhostExpression(ifStmt.Guard) })); Indent(); AddGhostStatement(ifStmt.Thn); Unindent(); stmts.Add(new RtlGhostStmtComputed(s => "}", new RtlExp[0])); if (ifStmt.Els != null) { stmts.Add(new RtlGhostStmtComputed(s => "if (" + s.args[0] + ") {", new RtlExp[] { GhostExpression(new UnaryExpr(Bpl.Token.NoToken, UnaryExpr.Opcode.Not, ifStmt.Guard)) })); Indent(); AddGhostStatement(ifStmt.Els); Unindent(); stmts.Add(new RtlGhostStmtComputed(s => "}", new RtlExp[0])); } } else if (assertStmt != null) { stmts.Add(new RtlAssert(GhostExpression(assertStmt.Expr))); } else if (forallStmt != null) { var oldRenamer = PushRename(forallStmt.BoundVars.Select(v => v.Name)); RtlExp ens = new RtlLiteral("true"); foreach (var e in forallStmt.Ens) { ens = new RtlBinary("&&", ens, GhostExpression(e.E)); } RtlExp range = (forallStmt.Range == null) ? new RtlLiteral("true") : GhostExpression(forallStmt.Range); List <RtlExp> wellFormed = GetTypeWellFormed(forallStmt.BoundVars. Select(x => Tuple.Create(GhostVar(x.Name), x.IsGhost, x.Type)).ToList()); wellFormed.ForEach(e => range = new RtlBinary("&&", e, range)); ens = new RtlBinary("==>", range, ens); string vars = String.Join(", ", forallStmt.BoundVars.Select(x => GhostVar(x.Name) + ":" + TypeString(AppType(x.Type)))); stmts.Add(new RtlGhostStmtComputed(s => "forall " + vars + "::(" + s.args[0] + ")", new List <RtlExp> { ens })); stmts.Add(new RtlGhostStmtComputed(s => "{", new RtlExp[0])); Indent(); stmts.Add(PushForall()); stmts.Add(new RtlGhostStmtComputed(s => "if (" + s.args[0] + ")", new List <RtlExp> { range })); stmts.Add(new RtlGhostStmtComputed(s => "{", new RtlExp[0])); Indent(); AddGhostStatement(forallStmt.Body); foreach (var e in forallStmt.Ens) { stmts.Add(new RtlAssert(GhostExpression(e.E))); } PopForall(); Unindent(); stmts.Add(new RtlGhostStmtComputed(s => "}", new RtlExp[0])); Unindent(); stmts.Add(new RtlGhostStmtComputed(s => "}", new RtlExp[0])); PopRename(oldRenamer); } else if (existsStmt != null) { List <RtlStmt> assigns = new List <RtlStmt>(); List <RtlVar> tmps = new List <RtlVar>(); List <Tuple <string, bool, Type> > varTuples = new List <Tuple <string, bool, Type> >(); var oldRenamer = PushRename(); foreach (var lhs in existsStmt.Lhss) { IdentifierExpr idExp = lhs.Resolved as IdentifierExpr; RtlVar origVar = AsVar(lhs); AddRename(idExp.Name); RtlVar renameVar = AsVar(lhs); tmps.Add(renameVar); varTuples.Add(Tuple.Create(renameVar.ToString(), true, idExp.Type)); assigns.Add(new RtlGhostMove(new RtlVar[] { origVar }, new RtlExp[] { renameVar })); } string vars = String.Join(", ", tmps.Select(x => x.getName() + ":" + TypeString(AppType(x.type)))); stmts.Add(new RtlGhostStmtComputed(s => "exists " + vars + "::(" + s.args[0] + ");", new List <RtlExp> { GetTypeWellFormedExp(varTuples.ToList(), "&&", GhostExpression(existsStmt.Expr)) })); stmts.AddRange(assigns); PopRename(oldRenamer); } else if (calcStmt != null) { Util.Assert(calcStmt.Steps.Count == calcStmt.Hints.Count); CalcStmt.BinaryCalcOp binOp = calcStmt.Op as CalcStmt.BinaryCalcOp; bool isImply = binOp != null && binOp.Op == BinaryExpr.Opcode.Imp && calcStmt.Steps.Count > 0; if (isImply) { stmts.Add(new RtlGhostStmtComputed(s => "if (" + s.args[0] + ")", new RtlExp[] { GhostExpression(CalcStmt.Lhs(calcStmt.Steps[0])) })); stmts.Add(new RtlGhostStmtComputed(s => "{", new RtlExp[0])); Indent(); } var stepCount = calcStmt.Hints.Last().Body.Count == 0 ? calcStmt.Steps.Count - 1 : calcStmt.Steps.Count; for (int i = 0; i < stepCount; i++) { if (calcStmt.Hints[i] == null) { stmts.Add(new RtlAssert(GhostExpression(calcStmt.Steps[i]))); } else { stmts.Add(new RtlGhostStmtComputed(s => "forall::(" + s.args[0] + ")", new List <RtlExp> { GhostExpression(calcStmt.Steps[i]) })); stmts.Add(new RtlGhostStmtComputed(s => "{", new RtlExp[0])); Indent(); var dict = new Dictionary <string, RtlVar>(); stmts.Add(new RtlGhostStmtComputed(s => String.Concat(dict.Values.Select( x => "var " + x.x + ":" + TypeString(x.type) + ";")), new RtlExp[0])); forallVars.Add(dict); AddGhostStatement(calcStmt.Hints[i]); forallVars.RemoveAt(forallVars.Count - 1); Unindent(); stmts.Add(new RtlGhostStmtComputed(s => "}", new RtlExp[0])); } } if (isImply) { Unindent(); stmts.Add(new RtlGhostStmtComputed(s => "}", new RtlExp[0])); } } else { throw new Exception("not implemented in ghost methods: " + stmt); } }
public void MoveGhost(RtlVar destVar, RtlExp rhs) { stmts.Add(new RtlGhostMove(new RtlVar[] { destVar }, new RtlExp[] { rhs })); }
public virtual void AddResolvedGhostStatement(Statement stmt, Attributes attrs) { BlockStmt block = stmt as BlockStmt; IfStmt ifStmt = stmt as IfStmt; AssertStmt assertStmt = stmt as AssertStmt; AssignStmt assignStmt = stmt as AssignStmt; CallStmt callStmt = stmt as CallStmt; VarDeclStmt varDecl = stmt as VarDeclStmt; CalcStmt calcStmt = stmt as CalcStmt; ForallStmt forallStmt = stmt as ForallStmt; AssignSuchThatStmt existsStmt = stmt as AssignSuchThatStmt; if (block != null) { var oldRenamer = PushRename(); block.Body.ForEach(s => AddGhostStatement(s, attrs)); PopRename(oldRenamer); } else if (varDecl != null) { foreach (var varLocal in varDecl.Locals) { AddGhostVarDecl(varLocal.Name, varLocal.Type, varLocal.IsGhost); } if (varDecl.Update != null) { Util.Assert(varDecl.Update is UpdateStmt || varDecl.Update is AssignSuchThatStmt); AddGhostStatement((Statement)varDecl.Update, attrs); //Util.Assert(varDecl.Update.Lhss.Count() == 1); //var destVar = AsVar(varDecl.Update.Lhss[0]); //Util.Assert(destVar != null); //ExprRhs expRhs = ((UpdateStmt)varDecl.Update).Rhss[0] as ExprRhs; //if (expRhs != null) { // stmts.Add(new RtlGhostMove(new RtlVar[] { destVar }, // new RtlExp[] { GhostExpression(expRhs.Expr) })); //} else { // throw new Exception("not implemented: " + ((UpdateStmt)varDecl.Update).Rhss[0]); //} } } else if (minVerify) { return; } else if (assignStmt != null) { ExprRhs expRhs = assignStmt.Rhs as ExprRhs; if (expRhs != null) { MemberSelectExpr memberSelect = assignStmt.Lhs as MemberSelectExpr; RtlVar destVar; if (memberSelect != null && memberSelect.Member is Field) { // assume that this is a global variable; we don't support objects yet destVar = new RtlVar(GhostVar(memberSelect.MemberName), true, memberSelect.Type); } else { destVar = AsVar(assignStmt.Lhs); Util.Assert(destVar != null); } stmts.Add(new RtlGhostMove(new RtlVar[] { destVar }, new RtlExp[] { GhostExpression(expRhs.Expr) })); } else { throw new Exception("not implemented: " + assignStmt.Rhs); } } else if (callStmt != null) { var extraTypeargs = GetTypeArgs(attrs); var extraTypeargsDict = extraTypeargs.Select((t,index) => Tuple.Create(new TypeParameter(callStmt.Tok, "Fake" + index),t)).ToDictionary(tuple => tuple.Item1, tuple => tuple.Item2); var subst = callStmt.MethodSelect.TypeArgumentSubstitutions().Concat(extraTypeargsDict); AddGhostCall(callStmt.Lhs.ConvertAll(AsVar), callStmt.Args, dafnySpec.Compile_Method((Method)callStmt.MethodSelect.Member, subst.ToDictionary(p => p.Key, p => AppType(p.Value)), extraTypeargsDict.Keys.ToList()), DafnySpec.IsHeapMethod((Method)callStmt.MethodSelect.Member)); SymdiffLinearityPoint(); } else if (ifStmt != null) { stmts.Add(new RtlGhostStmtComputed(s => "if (" + s.args[0] + ") {", new RtlExp[] { GhostExpression(ifStmt.Guard) })); Indent(); AddGhostStatement(ifStmt.Thn, attrs); Unindent(); stmts.Add(new RtlGhostStmtComputed(s => "}", new RtlExp[0])); if (ifStmt.Els != null) { stmts.Add(new RtlGhostStmtComputed(s => "if (" + s.args[0] + ") {", new RtlExp[] { GhostExpression(new UnaryOpExpr(Bpl.Token.NoToken, UnaryOpExpr.Opcode.Not, ifStmt.Guard)) })); Indent(); AddGhostStatement(ifStmt.Els, attrs); Unindent(); stmts.Add(new RtlGhostStmtComputed(s => "}", new RtlExp[0])); } } else if (assertStmt != null) { stmts.Add(new RtlAssert(GhostExpression(assertStmt.Expr))); } else if (forallStmt != null) { var oldRenamer = PushRename(forallStmt.BoundVars.Select(v => v.Name)); RtlExp ens = new RtlLiteral("true"); foreach (var e in forallStmt.Ens) { ens = new RtlBinary("&&", ens, GhostExpression(e.E)); } RtlExp range = (forallStmt.Range == null) ? new RtlLiteral("true") : GhostExpression(forallStmt.Range); List<RtlExp> wellFormed = GetTypeWellFormed(forallStmt.BoundVars. Select(x => Tuple.Create(GhostVar(x.Name), x.IsGhost, x.Type)).ToList()); wellFormed.ForEach(e => range = new RtlBinary("&&", e, range)); ens = new RtlBinary("==>", range, ens); string vars = String.Join(", ", forallStmt.BoundVars.Select(x => GhostVar(x.Name) + ":" + TypeString(AppType(x.Type)))); stmts.Add(new RtlGhostStmtComputed(s => "forall " + vars + "::(" + s.args[0] + ")", new List<RtlExp> { ens })); stmts.Add(new RtlGhostStmtComputed(s => "{", new RtlExp[0])); Indent(); stmts.Add(PushForall()); stmts.Add(new RtlGhostStmtComputed(s => "if (" + s.args[0] + ")", new List<RtlExp> { range })); stmts.Add(new RtlGhostStmtComputed(s => "{", new RtlExp[0])); Indent(); AddGhostStatement(forallStmt.Body, attrs); foreach (var e in forallStmt.Ens) { stmts.Add(new RtlAssert(GhostExpression(e.E))); } PopForall(); Unindent(); stmts.Add(new RtlGhostStmtComputed(s => "}", new RtlExp[0])); Unindent(); stmts.Add(new RtlGhostStmtComputed(s => "}", new RtlExp[0])); PopRename(oldRenamer); } else if (existsStmt != null) { List<RtlStmt> assigns = new List<RtlStmt>(); List<RtlVar> tmps = new List<RtlVar>(); List<Tuple<string,bool,Type>> varTuples = new List<Tuple<string,bool,Type>>(); var oldRenamer = PushRename(); foreach (var lhs in existsStmt.Lhss) { IdentifierExpr idExp = lhs.Resolved as IdentifierExpr; RtlVar origVar = AsVar(lhs); AddRename(idExp.Name); RtlVar renameVar = AsVar(lhs); tmps.Add(renameVar); varTuples.Add(Tuple.Create(renameVar.ToString(), true, idExp.Type)); assigns.Add(new RtlGhostMove(new RtlVar[] { origVar }, new RtlExp[] { renameVar })); } string vars = String.Join(", ", tmps.Select(x => x.getName() + ":" + TypeString(AppType(x.type)))); stmts.Add(new RtlGhostStmtComputed(s => "exists " + vars + "::(" + s.args[0] + ");", new List<RtlExp> { GetTypeWellFormedExp(varTuples.ToList(), "&&", GhostExpression(existsStmt.Expr)) })); stmts.AddRange(assigns); PopRename(oldRenamer); } else if (calcStmt != null) { Util.Assert(calcStmt.Steps.Count == calcStmt.Hints.Count); CalcStmt.BinaryCalcOp binOp = calcStmt.Op as CalcStmt.BinaryCalcOp; bool isImply = binOp != null && binOp.Op == BinaryExpr.Opcode.Imp && calcStmt.Steps.Count > 0; if (isImply) { stmts.Add(new RtlGhostStmtComputed(s => "if (" + s.args[0] + ")", new RtlExp[] { GhostExpression(CalcStmt.Lhs(calcStmt.Steps[0])) })); stmts.Add(new RtlGhostStmtComputed(s => "{", new RtlExp[0])); Indent(); } var stepCount = calcStmt.Hints.Last().Body.Count == 0 ? calcStmt.Steps.Count - 1 : calcStmt.Steps.Count; for (int i = 0; i < stepCount; i++) { if (calcStmt.Hints[i] == null) { stmts.Add(new RtlAssert(GhostExpression(calcStmt.Steps[i]))); } else { stmts.Add(new RtlGhostStmtComputed(s => "forall::(" + s.args[0] + ")", new List<RtlExp> { GhostExpression(calcStmt.Steps[i]) })); stmts.Add(new RtlGhostStmtComputed(s => "{", new RtlExp[0])); Indent(); var dict = new Dictionary<string,RtlVar>(); stmts.Add(new RtlGhostStmtComputed(s => String.Concat(dict.Values.Select( x => "var " + x.x + ":" + TypeString(x.type) + ";")), new RtlExp[0])); forallVars.Add(dict); AddGhostStatement(calcStmt.Hints[i], attrs); forallVars.RemoveAt(forallVars.Count - 1); Unindent(); stmts.Add(new RtlGhostStmtComputed(s => "}", new RtlExp[0])); } } if (isImply) { Unindent(); stmts.Add(new RtlGhostStmtComputed(s => "}", new RtlExp[0])); } } else { throw new Exception("not implemented in ghost methods: " + stmt); } }
public RtlVar AsVar(Expression exp) { exp = GetExp(exp); IdentifierExpr id = exp as IdentifierExpr; if (id != null) { //- We're assuming this is a local variable for the moment; otherwise we shouldn't call AppType string name = GhostVar(id.Name); RtlVar ret = new RtlVar(name, id.Var.IsGhost, AppType(id.Type)); return ret; } else { return null; } }
public RtlVar TempVar(Type t, bool declare = true) { string name = "$ghost__" + TempName(); RtlVar ret = new RtlVar(name, false, AppType(t)); if (declare) { allVars.Add(name, ret); } return ret; }