public DataSet GetAgeingReportDataDynamic(SearchAgeing itmsearch, int rows)
            RptAgeingList lstAgeing = new RptAgeingList();

            String sql = "select * from rpt_ageing";

            if (rows > 0)
                sql = "select top " + rows + " * from rpt_ageing";

            string whsql     = "";
            string strconcat = "";

            if (itmsearch.div != null && itmsearch.div != "" && itmsearch.div != "select")
                whsql     = whsql + strconcat + " division like '%" + itmsearch.div + "%'";
                strconcat = " and ";

            if (itmsearch.rsm != null && itmsearch.rsm != "" && itmsearch.rsm != "select")
                whsql     = whsql + strconcat + " RSMHQ like '%" + itmsearch.rsm + "%'";
                strconcat = " and ";
            if (itmsearch.asm != null && itmsearch.asm != "" && itmsearch.asm != "select")
                whsql     = whsql + strconcat + " ASMHQ like '%" + itmsearch.asm + "%'";
                strconcat = " and ";
            if (itmsearch.msr != null && itmsearch.msr != "" && itmsearch.msr != "select")
                whsql     = whsql + strconcat + " MSRHQ like '%" + itmsearch.msr + "%'";
                strconcat = " and ";
            if (itmsearch.area != null && itmsearch.area != "" && itmsearch.area != "select")
                whsql     = whsql + strconcat + " Area like '%" + itmsearch.area + "%'";
                strconcat = " and ";
            if ( != null && != "" && != "select")
                whsql     = whsql + strconcat + " DoctorName like '%" + + "%'";
                strconcat = " and ";

            //date range not required
            //if (itmsearch.intFrom > 0 && itmsearch.intTo > 0)
            //    string months = "";
            //    string separator = "";
            //    int count = itmsearch.intFrom;
            //    while (count <= itmsearch.intTo)
            //    {
            //        months = months + separator + "'" + Common.monthlist.ElementAt(count) + "'";
            //        separator = ",";
            //        count++;
            //    }

            //    whsql = whsql + strconcat + " month in (" + months + ")";

            if (itmsearch.intFrom > 0)
                string months    = "";
                string separator = "";
                int    count     = itmsearch.intFrom;
                months = "'" + Common.monthlist.ElementAt(count) + "'";

                whsql = whsql + strconcat + " month = " + months;

            if (whsql != null && whsql != "")
                sql = sql + " where " + whsql;

            SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, Common.conn);
            //SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd);
            //DataTable dt = new DataTable();
            //return dt;

            //MendineMasterdummyDataSet dsCustomers = new MendineMasterdummyDataSet();
            DataSet dsCustomers = new DataSet();

            using (SqlDataAdapter sda = new SqlDataAdapter())
                sda.SelectCommand = cmd;
                //sda.Fill(dsCustomers, "rpt_ageing");


            //using (SqlDataReader rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader())
            //    while (rdr.Read())
            //    {
            //        RptAgeing itmaging = new RptAgeing();
            //        itmaging.ZsmHQ = Common.GetString(rdr["ZsmHQ"]);
            //        itmaging.Area = Common.GetString(rdr["Area"]);
            //        itmaging.AreaType = Common.GetString(rdr["AreaType"]);
            //        itmaging.DoctorName = Common.GetString(rdr["DoctorName"]);
            //        lstAgeing.Add(itmaging);
            //    }
        public DataSet GetDoctorVisitReportDataDynamic(SearchDoctorVisit itmsearch, int rows)
            RptAgeingList lstAgeing = new RptAgeingList();

            String sql = "select * from rpt_doctorvisit";

            if (rows > 0)
                sql = "select top " + rows + " * from rpt_doctorvisit";

            string whsql     = "";
            string strconcat = "";

            if (itmsearch.months != null && itmsearch.months != "")
                whsql     = whsql + strconcat + " month in (" + itmsearch.months + ")";
                strconcat = " and ";

            if (itmsearch.divs != null && itmsearch.divs != "" && itmsearch.divs != "select")
                whsql     = whsql + strconcat + " division in(" + itmsearch.divs + ")";
                strconcat = " and ";

            if (itmsearch.rsms != null && itmsearch.rsms != "" && itmsearch.rsms != "select")
                whsql     = whsql + strconcat + " RSMHQ in (" + itmsearch.rsms + ")";
                strconcat = " and ";

            if (itmsearch.dists != null && itmsearch.dists != "" && itmsearch.dists != "select")
                whsql     = whsql + strconcat + " Area in (" + itmsearch.dists + ")";
                strconcat = " and ";

            if (itmsearch.emps != null && itmsearch.emps != "" && itmsearch.emps != "select")
                whsql     = whsql + strconcat + " EmpName in (" + itmsearch.emps + ")";
                strconcat = " and ";

            if (itmsearch.desigs != null && itmsearch.desigs != "" && itmsearch.desigs != "select")
                whsql     = whsql + strconcat + " Designation in (" + itmsearch.desigs + ")";
                strconcat = " and ";

            if (itmsearch.asms != null && itmsearch.asms != "" && itmsearch.asms != "select")
                whsql     = whsql + strconcat + " AsmHQ in (" + itmsearch.asms + ")";
                strconcat = " and ";

            if (itmsearch.msrs != null && itmsearch.msrs != "" && itmsearch.msrs != "select")
                whsql     = whsql + strconcat + " MFSOHQ in (" + itmsearch.msrs + ")";
                strconcat = " and ";

            if (whsql != null && whsql != "")
                sql = sql + " where " + whsql;

            SqlCommand cmd         = new SqlCommand(sql, Common.conn);
            DataSet    dsCustomers = new DataSet();

            using (SqlDataAdapter sda = new SqlDataAdapter())
                sda.SelectCommand = cmd;
                //sda.Fill(dsCustomers, "rpt_ageing");
